I wish there was a movie that was like Four Lions but with the alt right instead
I wish there was a movie that was like Four Lions but with the alt right instead
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So what, a whole movie about a lone pasty white kid in his room sharing memes until the day he decides to shoot up a Starbucks and dies? Yeah sounds entertaining as fuck.
No. Four of them
Shooting up one Starbucks would be boring enough
You mean like four friends who meet up in person? Well then why the fuck would they do a mass shooting then if they all have actual friends?
Presumably the same reason the suicide bombers do in four lions. They’re insecure little goofs
The Dirties
would they meet up and have sex?
Likely not
>2 hours of pasty white dudes doing community work and then having resentful sex with each other?
who the hell would watch that?
I noticed how the movie went out of its way to show how great a life the guys had.
The main character has a loving wife and kid, good friends, a great job with financial stability and he can get days off whenever.
He literally has the ideal middle class life with no real worries or pressures.
I think it is all a secret message to potential real jihadists to take a look at their surroundings and evaluate their position in life.
Maybe there was a hope that it would convince them to appreciate what they have and not commit atrocities.
Don't sully this kino with your gay ass modern politics
I guess you are right.
I'm not muslim so maybe i'm looking at it from an unintentional perspective.
I just couldn't stop myself from wanting a life like the MCs
That's the point - most murderous extremists of all stripes have a pretty great life by any reasonable human standard. They don't commit/support atrocities because they are suffering victims; they do it because they decided that being a total piece of shit feels good and makes them feel important.
Yeah, pretty much. IIRC wasn't the most extreme cell member a Western convert, that even the other cell members thought was batty?
Yeah it was a white brit who was the most extreme of them all and the one who ended up ruining their plans
>live in the middle of a shithole desert
>constantly getting bombed by russians or americans or whoever the fuck decides they want to mess with us today
>your own children dying to famine and shrapnel
nah you know what my life is pretty good
Rubber Dinghy Rapids
>According to Christopher Morris, Barry, the Jihadist group leader, was based on a former BNP member who in an attempt to out-knowledge the Asian youths he regularly assaulted, studied the Qur'an and as a result "accidentally converted himself" and became a Muslim.
>a great job with financial stability
Yeah it tried to convey the message that "real" Muslims like his brother are against it and actually jihadis are disillusioned, westernised, non-practicing Muslims who get radicalised by propoganda.
When in reality the people that get radicalised are young single men who then become increasingly religious as their radicalisation progresses whilst "real" Muslims are actually closer in terms of morals and ethics to the jihadis than they are to Western civilization.
his brother, a 'real' muslim, was a total dickhead though
Why? Him being a strict Muslim and locking his wife in a cupboard was a jab at Islam and hardly the character being a dick. He wasn't blowing himself up and murdering innocent people, in fact he was actively trying to help his brother.
Left wing trash.
aren't you saying that the film was disingenuously blaming westernised muslims and excusing 'real' muslims?
well it's actually making fun of real muslims, or atleast as you say, their practices and beliefs. It's not giving them a pass.
and the whole 'real muslim' idea is pretty problematic. Have you seen Ramy? A24 tv comedy series about a young muslim guy in new jersey. the showrunner is jerrod carmichael, It's really good. He talks about the whole 'real muslim' thing in his show.
So when was the last time it happened? I mean if the underlying psychology is so similar, you'd think there would be more group attacks by alt-righters. Or hell, attacks in general. And no, getting in a car accident because some fat bint wanted to block the street is not "terrorism" before you say it.
normies think that those potato faced square glasses big lips goobers who shot up the garlic festival etc. were right wing
>And no, getting in a car accident because some fat bint wanted to block the street is not "terrorism" before you say it.
bro come on lol don't be delusional
If he wanted to commit mass killings with his car why did he wait until he was under attack? Why did he crash into other cars? Why didn't he continue?
yeah i can't say for sure he had a concrete plan to drive there and kill people
but killing a bunch of leftists when they spread their degenerate filth is intended to inspire fear in them and change the culture. it is literally terrorism. and he definately decided to do it when he did it. that or he was mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions, but that's a fucking copout.
his life was never under threat, it's not 'self defense'. and if you take a weapon to a protest and kill people with it there's definately some pre-mediation involved, some allowances for 'what if'.
he's DEFINATELY not just some good boy who dindu nuffin
>killing a bunch
Lying kike
>his life was never under threat
Apart from people pointing guns at him?
Is a wookie a bear?
>people pointing guns at him?
lol what? really?