[Serious Thread] Who could actually play him in a biopic?

His life has been incredible, he’s really a one in a trillion type of person. I’ve never met someone like him, so how could you possibly have someone play him in a movie? Even the SNL impersonations are complete and total shit and miss the essence of why he’s so loved.

Who else would do something like this as president?

Is it possible to make a kino biopic or are people simply too biased to ever give it a fair and unbiased shot? His life has been pure kino but I think Hollywood would go with some comic book villain angle.

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Someone with Downs Syndrome

>Who else would do something like this as president?

use an incorrect chart to prop up his windbaggery about dorian? no one

Danny McBride

"40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan...And now it’s the tallest." —bragging about his building following the9/11 attackon the World Trade Center in an interview with WWOR/UPN 9 News in New York, Sept. 11, 2001

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It would be interesting to see a true biopic without comedy. People seem to think he's just an idiot who fell into insane levels of success but there's gotta be more to him than a simple charicature

Shmiel Liebowitz is a great actor and spitting image too.

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>Wahlberg as Kavanaugh
Christ that's perfect.

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Alec Baldwin did it really well on SNL.

The only ppl I know who hate this guy are overreactionaries

Idris Elba

I don't think you'll find anyone in hollywood that is as likeable or has as much charisma s him

Most actors would just SMALL HANDS YUUUGE parody portray him

>talentless kike whore to play beautiful, pure Huma
Get fucked, nigger

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chris farley

Yeah I love Trump too and I love Israel!!!

kek I forgot about this quote. It's really amazing how obfuscated everything about him is when every week he says something retarded.

say the line, shill.

>I've never met someone like him
Yeah becuase you haven't met him faggot

only other suggestion would to have Cuba Gooding as Carson since he already played him but you got to have Idris there somewhere

>as likeable or has as much charisma s him

Robert Redford could probably do a decent job if he put on some weight.

>The only ppl I know who hate this guy are overreactionaries
Do you think your anecdotes represent the vast and wide-reaching criticisms of the President or something?

Do I need to explain why having bankers write tax bills is bad?

Unironically idris elba.

>Mads as Putin
>Bank Manager as Pence
>Idris as Carson
Also add in pic related as Epstein

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>Mads as Putin

he can play himself in cuck porn parodies

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>that gormless monster face in high definition
absolute yikes.

>Gollum as the gorilla Obongo
I'm sold.

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>why he's so loved
Its because republicans are retarded bootlickers. Hard to capture that in a character.

What are you guys gonna spend your freedom dividend on?

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Owen Wilson with some good makeup and CGI

hes mocked now more then loved, hes a liar and a shit one, a bully

When Trump loses are we gonna get another civil war?

bravo Melanija, zajahi ga

No, but will lose North Korea as a friend.

If there was any realistic chance Trump could lose, they wouldn't even hold elections.

no, trump supporters aren't violent and tantrum throwing like the radical left

4 years later and they are still chimping out

Gene Hackman is retired unfortunately.

>no, trump supporters aren't violent and tantrum throwing like the radical left

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The left tried to attack gamers.

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idris elba

Ah yes, the evil nazis are everywhere, suppressing women and minorities. Thank god that Antifa is around to combat them!

>hanks as trump
Is this what the right actually believes?

That's just a factual statement.

Why are right wingers so desperate to seem non-violent, inoffensive and diverse (muh black unemployment, muh based legal mexican immigrants)?

>everyone who calls me retarded is also Jewish
woah, epic. Convenient too.

Could also be interpreted as sad and retrospective.

gaga is italian

they're actors retard

>no, trump supporters aren't violent and tantrum throwing

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What makes non-violent right-wingers seem desperate about it in your opinion?


who's AOC?

Damn those leftists and their shameless attempts to connect video games with mass shootings.

>no, trump supporters aren't violent and tantrum throwing like the radical left

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>1 less white person
ah bloo hoo

A tranny mexican would be best

A dumb spic

>Deep state psyop

I mean, the last handful of shooters have all cited Trump's rhetoric as some sort of "last straw" to take action against "muh invasion" so...

>having Hollywood liberals make your conservative horror show seem like anything other than pure villainy and malfeasance
The audacity of you /pol/cel dicklets. The only chart that would make sense for you fags would be to place James Woods in all of those roles. Enjoy your subpar biopic- not unlike your below average politicians.

Based tinfoil hat schizo

Because it happens every political thread.
>N-no, we're not violent, we just want debate

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>>Deep state psyop

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you are usually the desperate type if you are a serious and bootyblasted right-winger in the first place, as you across the board have lower IQs', are prone to less impulse control and aren't as educated. ;)

Put down the thesaurus champ, this isn't r/chapotrannyhouse

you know over a dozen people were injured there, right? He hit an entire street worth of people.

idk Jake Bousey as young Trump and someone like Tom Selleck as older Trump
why so many seething euros on today?

Danny DeVito
>his Frank Reynolds character isn’t tthat far off


>anyone even knows what chapohouse is
do you attend /pol/nigger meetings or something? Where you discuss the same three or four insults you get paid to say? It's really baffling that you think anyone here is even on Discord. Or whatever outlet your "enemy" is on.

take your medication

/pol/ can't even handle old muslim men.

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blacks are usually democrats

>my political opponents aren't actually people
yes, the facts over feelings crowd...

fucking seething at an anonymous shitposting board

isn't it funny how by your own rules, Mr. Cletus from Alabama is just as retarded as a black man from NY? And just as prone to lack of impulse control and crime?


>u seething if you call me stupid
No, I'm just calling you a retard. I'm not "seething". Zoomer.

Come back to reality

Ah yes, now the memes come out

if you are crying about chapohouse, you are in fact a zoomer.
>da chapo da tranny
these are recent memes, they usually are posted by actual children. Which you are.

The El Paso shooter was eco fascist who wanted to decrease the population by killing people so that UBI and Universal Healthcare would work.
Dayton shooter was a faggot incel ANTIFA supporter
Neck yourself nigger

oh woah then whoever did it should totally go to jail

>is a leftist
>plays vidya gaems
What in the actual fuck. I'm not even supposed to exist! How am I even here right now?!

El Paso shooter literally had an entire manifesto about protectionism and fighting the "invasion" and the you literally made up alternative facts about the Dayton shooter.

Shill harder, faggot. Your lies are easily debunked for anyone with a pulse.

I think you need to actually read his manifesto, idiot.

He did? He's in prison for over a lifetime.

Why is is so easy to makes leftypol trannies seethe? All you have to do is post a picture of trump and they go into a rage.

The standard /pol/ response
>a-actually that white supremacist trump supporter was really a registered democrat berniebro
kek, like clockwork :)

El Paso terrorist was a 100% /pol/tard. The dayton guy killed a bunch of niggers and was a hardcore incel.

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Jeb! 2020

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trump fundamentally broke them

they are not the same, they've been waiting 4 years now for the world to end and putin to invade their household

I think Benedict Wong may have to lose weight

Again, I don't know if you're getting paid or something, but he LITERALLY wrote down parts of Trump's speech on a migrant invasion.

You think you'd relish in the fact that these violent shooters are quoting your God Emperor? Doesn't that make you proud? I also think it's funny how you dropped your argument about the Dayton shooter, since you know he wasn't an ANTIFA sympathizer, you just said that to lie like a complete faggot.

Ahem, I’d like to interrupt this thread with an important announcement

Trannies are disgusting

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Gamers are truly the most oppressed people in the world

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they already did porn parodies with him

of course it has to be interracial...of course.

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Kevin Spacey

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It's gotta be animated so they can get Psychicpebbles to voice him. He's the only person who actually does a good impersonation of him.

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There are no trannies even here...

Either canadians or people lost on their way to Yea Forums

that didn't disprove him

>imagine having this saved
>imagine posting this when you are losing arguments

Yes so that UBI and UH could work you utter retard.
>Alternative Facts
He was a self described leftist who "retweeted posts that supportered the ANTIFA movement and opposed ICE agents and police officers"
Again neck yourself nigger

>He was a self described leftist who "retweeted posts that supportered the ANTIFA movement and opposed ICE agents and police officers"
Except he wasn't, this is literally all made up shit. Why don't you btfo me and prove that? Protip: Alex Jones getting red in the face and crying about it, doesn't count.

You're out of your depth.

They already made a Trump movie

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The El Paso terrorist drove 9 hours from his wealthy suburb to kill mexicans (and no other ethnicity.) It was planned and executed with his ideology in mind. The dayton guy was a leftist but he killed niggers and women. Not much of a motivation there.

>imagine actively getting into arguments on Yea Forums and getting mad at shitposts
also not whoever you were having a shitfest with so whatever you respond with I'll just ignore

So Trump did 9/11 so he could brag about his building being the tallest?

I'm not the one crying about imagined trannies, user.


Not that guy but you type like a massive fag

I accept your concession.

There isn't more to him though. He's a raging malignant narcissist moron who achieved about the same net worth as Paris Hilton despite having more resources and time. He's literally only POTUS because some powerful people wanted to destabilize the free world and Dems sucked Hillary's dick. He probably didn't even want the job. Just the applause. There's no deeper layer to a narcissist besides a black hole of crippling insecurity. I guess the film could be about that if you want Oscar bait.

OP here, please guys, stay on topic. Enough of the seethe/incel crap, just stay on topic fellas. Thanks

>His life has been incredible, he’s really a one in a trillion type of person. I’ve never met someone like him, so how could you possibly have someone play him in a movie?

Oh god could you suck his dick any harder ? The faggot still hasnt given us the wall but he finds the time to suck jew and arab dick all the while trying to inact red flag gun laws. Fuck him.

Darrell Hammond.

It is not our friend.

When did the El Paso shooter ever literally mention universal healthcare?

I wasn’t only referring to his presidency in my post, he’s been a public figure for decades and has been really popular in multiple spheres. You think just because he might not ever build the wall his life is any less interesting?

>he’s been a public figure for decades
lol he was on WWE and has a Roast.

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Why are you so desperate to diminish his popularity? I don’t care whether or not his politics are something you agree with, how can you deny his popularity? He was a household name for decades.

>tRump biopic

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Lmao BTFO:d hahahaha

he's a household name because he's been the subject of mockery since before your zoomer ass was born, user. I'm really not sure why his supporters only have the brain capacity to remember him from 2016 onward.

Good luck to any screenwriter trying to boil down his presidency into a movie or miniseries.

There’s like a new controversy every week and then it’s forgotten about to make room for the next one.

no point in trying user

>he's a household name because he's been the subject of mockery

Even if that’s true how does that diminish his cultural relevance? That’s making my point.

Do you even remember the Birther Movement?

It's not like he was some sort of paragon of cultural relevance, he was a meme almost 20 years ago. He was "that goofy billionaire to mock" in the 80s. Then he got really famous for his birther shit.

here we go

what? He was literally the mainstream face of the birther movement, the biggest proponent of "muh birth certificate" and the most well-known celebrity pushing it. Why do you zoomers have no memory past a tik tok video? Trump was a colossal goofnigger.

>Achieving ambitions social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed
Beans would be dependent and many other ethnicities as well.

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I like how your /pol/faggot brain literally pretends to ignore his "we need to remove millions of illegals, by force if necessary" when talking about UBI, since this isn't actually a defense of UBI, but the things in which he feels is a detriment to any such idea.

Can you even read? He's not "a leftist".

So want to make The Wrestler but with Donald Trump? Or maybe Interview with a Vampire? Except the vampire spouts nonsense for 20 seconds and then wanders off so we watch the ghostwriter struggle to finish The Art of the Deal with bullshit and it's really about him?

Protip: it's possible to be a racist, homicidal maniac and leftist at the same time.

I'm getting Jason Segel vibes

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>>Achieving ambitions social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed
that's literally not saying "I support UBI".

The birther stuff might’ve helped him launch into politics (I don’t actually know), maybe not though because I think he ran for president in 2000 or something. But the birther stuff is even recent compared to his public life, what about the TV shows, the casinos and hotels and global brand he had?

What happened?

He's not even remotely left though? Are you just pretending to be retarded? He's not defending UBI...

His "global brand" is literally a money laundering scheme that isn't worth as much as he pretends it is.


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He wanted to secure UBI and UH for americans?

Except he didn't, you're just extrapolating that from his vague statement. You're doing these gymnastics because you're apparently asshurt to neverending shit that these shooters are right-wing.

He literally is. In his mind, he knows it's going to happen but in order for it to succeed, people have to die but go off you utter niggers.

Zach Hadel should voice him.

Idris Elba as Kushner :^)

>extrapolating from his vague statement
>n-n-no, that's not at all what he meant, he was a nazi, trust me!
Nah man, he's a lefty. Sorry, pal.

That's not what he's even saying you disingenuous fucking faggot.

Just admit you're wrong, it will save you the embarrassment. You're really reaching with this.

Ye, i know thats two different posters. Thats why i laught at the top one who got btfo:d while referring to btfo:ing post.

The dude who played Chuck on better call Saul would be a good Trump

He's not you stupid /pol/cel, nowhere in his pages long manifesto does he defend "left" leaning ideologies, you are married to this single sentence, which doesn't even fucking defend UBI, because it's the only instance you have to extrapolate a different narrative from, that's what your handlers keep coaching you to use.

Read the rest of it, retard. Learn how you're being had.

Populist protectionist socialism is his jam. He made the deficit and debt go up. He tries to pick winners and losers and manipulate markets and control means of production unilaterally. That's textbook socialism in the literal sense. You can be racist nationalist and socialist. It's called NatSoc. And there's a reason NeoCons aren't ok with that. Charlie Chaplin made a movie about the rise of that sort of thing.

>You can be racist nationalist and socialist. It's called NatSoc.
You're an actual, real life...retarded person.

>Why aren't I 50 points ahead?

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>the "Nazis are socialists" meme
Hi, Dinesh. Are you still getting paid by the Koch Brother(s) to spin that?

I'm not american, but I love the way he turned the left completely insane. that's some next level 5D trolling there.

>nowhere in his pages long manifesto does he defend "left" leaning ideologies
He's a eco fascist. Read the goddamn manifesto you fucking brainlet

The Chuck guy is retired now, formerly not retired.

Can you define the left-right political spectrum for us?

>he's a liberal boogeyman because he's an eco fascist
What even is your bizarrely held position anymore? How is that even "left" to begin with? Fucking christ, am I just getting baited? The majority of his manifesto is literally sucking off Trump and his rhetoric. Have you even read it?

First off, Nazis weren't socialists. But you probably knew that or are being paid to pretend to think that.

What is socialism to you?

>Read the goddamn manifesto you fucking brainlet
It's all protectionist, nationalist, conservative ramblings blaming minorities from his ills and is shockingly written after a Trump rally.

Really rattles my brain balls, faggot.

the means of production being owned exclusively by the working class or "muh working State", which was literally NOT Nazi Germany if you ever read a fucking book in your entire life.

You dodged the question. I'll ask again: What properties make political viewpoints appear on different parts of the scale?

Tarrant was an eco fascist, not the el paso terrorist.

>Is it possible to make a kino biopic or are people simply too biased to ever give it a fair and unbiased shot?
I believe this is impossible, at least currently. Just look at several people in this thread, they're so upset and moved just by the topic. Also it goes the other way, I think if it were made by people who loved him it'd be too much praise. Let's be honest, a Hollywood biopic of Trump would be too dramatic and either fall too much into a hate movie or a praise movie.
I'm not sure if anyone now would be able to see that Trump isn't really a bad guy, he's done both good and bad things, like I said it'd be years before we'd see an unbiased approach.

>What properties make political viewpoints appear on different parts of the scale?
I don't speak retard, what does this even mean? There are objective qualifiers to left/right ideology. That's not an opinion based discussion.

You guys didn't actually read or understand my post. How Trumpian. Being a disabled lesbian black tranny is probably hard. But being a rational moderate might just be slightly harder around here. Nevermind.

Nazis weren't socialist in practice or policy so why do you keep holding on to that dead meme?

Shit, are you a professional dodgeball player? How retarded do you have to be to not understand the question: DEFINE THE LEFT-RIGHT POLITICAL SCALE. Or in other words: WHAT MAKES A PARTY LEFT VERSUS RIGHT?

Do you see conservatives bitching about life styles and how it's destroying the environment? Fuck no. You know who has been for awhile though? Leftists. Speaking of which, fascists are leftists. Now fuck off chump

do you want me to define a complex relationship of ides in three sentences or less now?

Both were user

>Do you see conservatives bitching about life styles and how it's destroying the environment?
Yes? Conservatives police behavior constantly.
>fascists are leftists
nope, Fascismo is right-wing. I know this hip new "fascists are left" meme is exciting for you, but it's ahistorical and backed by fucking nothing.

You're stupid, mate. The far-left can lean in totalitarianism, but fascimo is strictly right wing.

Use however many sentences you want. It doesn't have to be perfect, I just want to understand how you think it works.

>Speaking of which, fascists are leftists
They aren't. Do you not have the ability to look up what words mean?

Not him, and Hitler's definition of socialism explicitly contrasted that of Marx. But Strasserism and beefsteak nazis did exist.

This is a photoshop. Trump 100% has control over Mellania and all of the women he has dated.

>Conservatives police behaviour constantly
user, not sure how to put this, but conservatives are literally the ones advocating for free speech and individual responsibilities, whereas democrats want thoughtcrime laws

Now they really don't? That's literally leftists ALL THE FUCKING TIME

...and they were either killed or forcibly put back into the fold by Hitler.

I'll ask you too: define the left-right political spectrum for me and we'll start to get to the bottom of who's the fascist.


>but conservatives are literally the ones advocating for free speech and individual responsibilities
The President literally wants to ban violent video games, impose red flag laws in every state and has wanted to make it harder to criticize the government. You people are mentally fucking warped if you think conservatives have a track record of being pro freeze peach when literally every time they get triggered, they've targeted the free press and the First Amendment.

we're still waiting for the internment camps and for trannies and gays to be rounded up like the left promised us after he won

Just google it holy shit

You should play him

this just boils down to "the people I don't like are da real fascists", right? You don't have any intellectual honesty to the definition of the word, so why would you care? Fascism is a right-wing ideology, that's a fact. You don't like that, so you're going to do the song and dance of "DA REAL FASCISTS ARE MUH POLITICAL OPPONENTS", and I'm not interested in that.

Yeah, I don't agree with the video game thing, but it will probably never get off the table.
Oh, and read this regarding Obama's press policies: theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/30/barack-obama-press-freedom-strong-media-stop-donald-trump

Daniel-Day Lewis but he retired just so they couldn't get him to do it.

The Right is nationalistic, protectionist, closed-bordered, smaller grouped, potentially"smaller governance".

So you're afraid of winning over me with arguments? I literally want to understand how you people think when it comes to fascism, because something tells me you're brainwashed into believing the orange man bad nazi incel shit.

I'm not going to indulge some blog post written about his FISA warrants thing almost a decade ago.

Because it's literally in the title. "Nationalist Socialist German Worker's Party." And because they did indeed control markets and means of production "for the people" by means of a single party and leader. Literally textbook socialism. It's not my fault if you're suffering from cognitive dissonance fapping to Ronald Reagan free markets while wearing your Wehrmacht Stahlhelm.

>The President literally wants to ban violent video games, impose red flag laws in every state and has wanted to make it harder to criticize the government.
Citation needed.

>freeze peach
Is Yea Forums as scary as your non-binary twitter friends told you it is?

>The President literally wants to ban violent videos
When did he say that?
>Impose red flag laws
To appease the batshit gun grabbers (which is retarded)
>Make it harder to criticise the government
Making up shit about him and trying to stop those who are doing it isn't a bad thing you dumb faggot

So that would make the left globalist, open-border, large group, and potentially large government?
Follow-up question: Define fascism for me?

>Yeah, I don't agree with the video game thing, but it will probably never get off the table.
This, it won't, it's just hot air. Just like R's won't ever repeal Roe v Wade and D's won't ever take/ban guns.

>So you're afraid of winning over me with arguments?
If you cared even remotely about facts, you wouldn't be married to American Conservatism, since its a dead fucking ship going nowhere and doesn't change by design.
>you people
Not everyone is your meme boogeyman.
>because something tells me you're brainwashed into believing the orange man bad nazi incel shit.
I have literally never called Trump a Nazi in this thread, that's you trying to build a strawman. I think that white nationalists and by extension, Naziboos, find common ground in protectionist candidates...so by default, that would be Trump, deserved or not.

>it's in the title, therefore it's real
Absolute fucking wew at how stupid you are. I'm done.

I'm a libertarian, buddy. But conservatism is the closest I get to in common political parties. Also, I'm not american.
I didn't mean that you actually called Trump a nazi, more the overarching meme that white men are bad, PoC are literally Jesus, "believe women", MeToo, all that shit. It's like a sect.

Mussolini was the editorial Italy's most popular socialist magazine before he declared for nationalism. Fascism is traditionalist, but in no way conservative or right wing as expressed in modern political parlance.

You're correct that equating fascism with modern leftism is dishonest. But saying its antithetical to the right wing is correct.

Except it wasn't the German workers who ceased the means of production, it was an oligarch of German aristocrats in the Nazi Party who ran the economy.

Why is our educational system this shit?

>Fascism is traditionalist, but in no way conservative or right wing as expressed in modern political parlance.
But that's literally wrong though?

i just want to die

>I didn't mean that you actually called Trump a nazi, more the overarching meme that white men are bad, PoC are literally Jesus, "believe women", MeToo, all that shit. It's like a sect.
Which is (in layman's terms) what we call a "strawman" in the biz.

Trump literally had an entire speech after the El Paso shooting and declared that we need better vetting for video games and how we should taddle on our neighbors for wrongthink.

Why are you so afraid of debating the concepts of fascism and instead falling back on memewords?

I'm not afraid? You literally don't even know what fascism is, you think it's not even right-wing...

Unironically Tim Heidecker

He never said to outright ban video games you stupid bitch


That's not what I said? He did in fact, blame violent video games as a root cause for school shootings in his speech. The "fix" would be tighter government regulations for video games, which he mentions.

Look, if you like licking boots and sucking his cock, fine. Just admit to it.

No, I don't, which is why I want us to have a common understanding of what we're debating instead of falling back to nonsense words.
Here's the thing: I was taught that the left-right political spectrum was more or less like this: Left=more state intervention, Right=less state intervention. This would mean that "far right" gets us to libertarianism. However, this doesn't seem to be the case nowadays where fascism is touted as far right, and Left=all that is good and just in our world. That is why I want you to define your view of the definitions for me first, so we can start by having a common understanding of the core concepts.

here are the typical /pol/nigger talking points:
>Nazis were magically socialists
>the El Paso shooter wasn't right-wing
>bro, is fascism even right-wing at all?

Thanks to Jewrnalists who told me how to interpret the interview without providing a video.

>Implying actual socialism ever leads to anything but oligarchy/autocracy and eventually a bunch of commies suck Stalin's dick.

You guys are great at gymnastics. Bottom line Nazis weren't economic conservatives and neither is Trump. Not then and not by current standards. Cope if you can.

>that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
This would demand a strong government, no? Less government=less state intervention, and thus less opportunities for suppression of the people? Also giving the people of the state more individidual responsibilities and freedoms at the same time?

>Here's the thing: I was taught that the left-right political spectrum was more or less like this: Left=more state intervention, Right=less state intervention
which is a gross simplification.
>This would mean that "far right" gets us to libertarianism.
kek, no...
>However, this doesn't seem to be the case nowadays where fascism is touted as far right
Because it historically is, how do you not understand what the word means? Do you have no access to dictionaries?

Nazis were not economic socialists either, Hitler only had his party called "National Socialists" in order to attract German worker unions that he either killed all the leaders of, or brainwashed.

You're dumb, mate.

>Trump wants to ban video games
>Trump wants to regulate video games
Which is it nigger? Also kids under the age of 17 shouldn't be playing M rated games to begin with.

>which is a gross simplification.
Well, why make it hard?
>kek, no...
>Because it historically is, how do you not understand what the word means? Do you have no access to dictionaries?
I believe the definition has changed over the years. You can look at the Wikipedia article history for the left-right political spectrum and see for yourself.

>I believe the definition has changed over the years
It hasn't. zoomers like you keep trying to alt-fact the word fascist because you don't like its association with right-wing groups in history.

libtards HATE IT when you break the law and obstruct justice. Society BTFO

You can respond to my post regarding the definition of fascism in that case: I literally want to understand how you think when you believe fascism is "on the far right".


You tell me, Trump changes his opinions on video games like the wind.

I literally want you to explain to me, who told you that fascism fell on the Left of any political spectrum at all? That's just a popular meme that conservatives make because they want to disassociate their ideology from it.

Do you understand that no historian in almost 80 years now, thinks that fascism is "left wing"?

>I literally want you to explain to me, who told you that fascism fell on the Left of any political spectrum at all?
I was taught this in school back in the 90s. Also, based on my understanding of the left/right political spectrum, it comes as no surprise that fascism can only exist in states with large governments.

>if they say dumb shit, that's okay. They won't do anything about it!

seriously i just want to die

Nazis were a "large" government, they were NOT in fact left-wing. I think you have a fundamental problem with these terms. Fascism is not and has never been understood as a left-leaning ideology. You're confusing communism with fascimo

>I was taught this in school back in the 90s
your homeschooling was wrong.

So he didn't manipulate markets and means of production like Putin? He just let the private sector run free? Cool. Thanks for the damage control retcon. At some point you'll feel an itch in your brain when you hear regressive leftist commies do the same thing to distance from Nazis. Don't scratch your hair away when that happens, mate.

jesus that is just awful, really terrible

There was no "private sector" in Nazi Germany, it was a group of a handful of German capitalists who dictated the entire market. That's not socialism, that's economic oligarchy.

oh death abide with me

What then defines the left and right of the political spectrum?

I guess your own personal feefees then since no argument I make is getting through to you autism filled brain?

jake busey

And it came as a result of socialism. Just as Soviet fell into the hands of oligarchs in spite of being founded on communism. Also China.

alright well when it happens you can say I told you so

No, I'm dead serious. You're basically arguing that left=big government with healthcare (I suppose, since you haven't dared define it yet) and other socialist programs, and right=big government, but this time it's the evil kind so it's fascist. It doesn't make any sense.

>And it came as a result of socialism
no...except it didn't. Why are you acting so fucking stupid about this for? Stalin's Russia for example, was an economically communist and State-run economy. The Nazi war machine was different, it was a group of German capitalists who held monopolies on production and ran the German economy into the fucking ground.

These words DO mean different things, user.

they must both be the exact same thing then because one of them is something you flirt with, and it can't be bad...right? That's the whole point of your fit.

The German economy was booming as fuck until they decided to start a war with every other nation on the continent. Also, it wasn't run by capitalists, it was an oligarchy under the control of the state.

>The German economy was booming as fuck
kek it wasn't, it was a sham. Just like Hitler's job initiatives.

An oligarchy required to be in the party and follow dear leader's whims. So it's practical socialism. You're really grasping at straws. Is it that important to you to paint Nazis as economic conservatives? What's the pay off?

My point is that fascism belongs on the left because of the way the government and state is produced and run using huge state interventions and less individual freedoms. But once again, that's according to what I've learned. If you have any other definition of the left/right scale, please go ahead.

That's literally not economic socialism. It's like you read a blog post on PragerU's website that "socialism is just like fascism" and you think that's true, or that words don't matter or that history doesn't matter.

I hate people like you, you're a fucking pop-history faggot.

Why don't you enlighten us then?

>My point is that fascism belongs on the left
Well, no historian on the planet agrees with you zoomer. So go the fuck to sleep and stop saying retarded shit.

what if I told you that state interventions and less individual freedoms is a product of the Right?

No, read a fucking book you stupid /pol/nigger.

Ah! So individual freedoms and responsibilities are products of left-leaning parties, then? Now we're getting somewhere! This would mean that libertarianism is far left, no?

>Ah! So individual freedoms and responsibilities are products of left-leaning parties, then?
Yes? Liberalism isn't right-leaning, user. The entire West is built on Liberalism, not conservatism.

>reeeee mommy the man doesn't agree with my brainwashing
You need to work on your argumentation skills.

Ok friend. I'm gonna post about movies now. But it might be worth your time to consider why you're so mad. Or how far off you've been in your assumptions of my perspective. If we met IRL we'd probably agree on a lot.

Yeah they hate it so much they openly do it daily while the FBI covers for them.

Would this then also mean that the further we go left, the less state interventions we have? And vice versa if we move to the right?

>people who say things I don't like, are trying to brainwash me
based schizoid.

I'm mad because I respect history and know that these words have actual definitions, which you don't actually care about. The only reason you're even arguing, is to build distance between (what you believe) with what is historically considered shit ideologies.

I'm not saying you're trying to brainwash me. I'm all open for intellectual discussions, but since you're unwilling to do just that, I have a feeling your brain has turned to fart gas from all the conditioning you've experienced.

I want you to start with the fact that fascism is right-wing, that's a fact. That's not feefees, that's not brainwashing, that's not a psyop...that's true. On the political spectrum, it is not on the fucking Left. Also Nazis, are not socialists. Socialism is a shit ideology, but the Nazis ARE NOT that.

imagine living in a world where politics all works on a 1-dimensional spectrum

Sure, I can agree that fascism is right-wing, but we need to have a common understanding of the scale in that case. Saying that we have big government on the left, and big fascist governments on the right makes no fucking sense. And it's not what I've been taught either. So there's been some sort of shift in the past 20 or so years on this definition.

John Voight

Yes, that would be what we call an oversimplification.

It's because we've condensed it into a one-dimensional scale? We can work in fucking 5d for all I care, but in that case we need to define the fucking scales for that coordinate system as well.

So enlighten me then since I truly am too stupid to understand your glorious and righteous ideas.

what does it honestly matter? You're fucked in the head to believe in "everything I don't like, is (A)" so it doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter how I outline the fundamental market differences between economic fascism and economic communism, which FUNCTION differently.

go to bed Donald

Hey, I believe in some socialist programs, for example universal healthcare. I also believe that a nation requires borders and a military in order to maintain its independence over sovereign nations. I am, however, in most cases, leaning libertarian, and despise fascism just as much as you. What I'm trying to get at is a common understanding of this shit.
Now, I've basically proposed that the left-right scale be used based on large/small governments, where we have high taxes and socialist programs on the left, and a more laissez-faire viewpoint on the right. Are you now proposing that the scale is defined on an economic foundation instead?

I misused the word "sovereign" because I'm not a native english speaker, please disregard that.

your mom

That's super cool you know what I believe. Almost supernatural. What's your favorite Trumpian movie? I'm gonna do a deep pull. Hang on.

>tard born into wealth and has a stable life pumping out a bunch of kids to random whores and is suddenly president
Doesn’t seem that interesting desu
>inb4 redditor (You)’s

Trump's base would eat this up. It's basically peak Messiah strong man leader. It's "save me Superman" except God works through a president. A president who becomes dictator and enforces order by controlling everything. He attacks bootleggers with thanks and takes control of the alcohol industry. He creates world peace by threatening every other nation with a death ray. It's amazing. Whether you agree or disagree with the concepts there's something to be had. Trump's movie should be like this.

Attached: MV5BOTQ3NTg2OWUtYmU5Yi00NDUyLWEyYTktZDEzOTY1MzU4N2IyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDI2NDg0NQ@@._V1_.jpg (1407x2044, 1.28M)

*With tanks. Not thanks. But trust me it's awesome. Gabriel Over the White House. Check it out.

It's kino until Kate Winslet playing a whore, shes too good for that cmon

Fuck drunphfh

Gary Busey

Attached: 181113-gary-busey-overdose-cs-1206p_b7eb1d28fd3a66b5af14e6f5967ed857.fit-760w.jpg (760x536, 70K)

>orange man good
Laughing out loud

I'd cast as Prime Minister Boris "Can't borrow Trump's hairspray" Johnson. But good choice either way.

Kino observation and agreed. He'd make a better Boris than a Donald.

t. Overworked Trump apologist.

Attached: Donald Trump is oblivious.jpg (1920x1151, 580K)

Imagine thinking this is legitimate criticism and not nitpicking. Loony left!

I bet you are jewish

Wasn't he midway through talking about how security in his buildings would have to be updated and evacuation plans reorganised now that they were the tallest building in the city?

70 Pine Street became the tallest after WTC fell.

>Making up shit about him and trying to stop those who are doing it isn't a bad thing you dumb faggot
Except for the literally thousands of lies he's said, with multiple websites tracking all those false statements and rebuking them with sources(oh wait those websites are fake news amirite)....and yet Drumpf keeps whining about MUH FAKE MEDIA and you faggots literally buy it . Drumpf made a career out of slander and lies and the second he gets his fee fee hurts WHAAAA MUH FREEZE PEACH IS LIKE, SO OVERRATED, FOLKS

I still can't believe a bunch of self described "non beta" faggots worship the biggest crybaby in the planet

>To appease the batshit gun grabbers (which is retarded)
Obama was the fucking 2A God compared to Drumpf

Go cry on reddit instead, you'll find your audience there.

>whaaaa h-he called him Drumpf!
Drumpf made a career out of bullying people, slander and outright lies
The second he realizes he can't sure more than half of USA

Biggest cuck in the planet, seconded by you faggots defending him

>>outright lies
you mean like russian collusion

I'm not defending him. But I am making you look like a fool since you apparently can't criticize him properly without resorting to memespeak and probably making fun of his hair or small hands (I know that you in particular didn't do it, but it seems like a common theme with Trump haters).
I mean, really? How about debating his actual policies instead of what the fucking media tells you to say and think?

Oh, by the way, ditch the reddit spacing. It makes it even more obvious you're hailing from there, coupled with the r/news and r/politics propaganda.

You mean the report that concluded that while Trump wasn't outright colluding with the Russians, he did commit crimes and impeachable offenses? that one? an investigation which btw was launched due to Drumpf's own incompetence and stupidity?

but hey he didn't collude with the Russians (that Mueller could prove), so that one "lie" surely makes up for the literally thousands of lies and false statements Drumpf has spewed amirite?

>>so that one "lie"
amazing all that bs to then try and make an excuse for doing the same thing you accuse others of, amazing I would call you a hypocrite but I'm not like that

How about "innocent until proven guilty"? If Mueller can't prove guilt, then the motherfucker's innocent. That's how the justice system works. And seriously, the investigation was kickstarted by Hillary et al. as damage control after the election. Remember how before the election every media outlet spouted that there was no way it could be hacked, and then it overturned in just one day when Hillary said so?

>How about debating his actual policies
he wants to limit free speech because it hurts his fee fees. nothing more and nothing less.you want to pretend there is a noble cause about going after MUH FAKE NEWS MEDIA other than hurt fee fees..if that were the case, he'd be calling Fox News and the rest of right wing fake "news" out too, but he doesn't because they suck his cock. Not to mention the fact that the guy can't stop lying.

But please do to ahead and keep deluding yourself thinking that there is an honest bone in the body of Dolan Drumpf

Mueller's investigation was not to conclude innocence or guilt, you idiot, and Mueller himself said Trump committed a bunch of crimes and the reason he wasn't being charged was because even if he could, he was the President and traditionally a sitting President isn't charged?

>>he wants to limit free speech
ironic considering the left is the champion of banning "hate speech", I would think you guys would be for that sort of stuff

Wait wait. You seriously think that Trump is the one who wants to restrict free speech? Have you looked at the democratic party and the fucking legion of trannies who demand to be called by their pronouns?

>>Mueller himself said Trump committed a bunch of crimes
If you read the report or listened to his Congressional testimony you would know that was demonstrably false.

Ever heard of impeachment? No president is above the law.

Impressionists say that you can't impersonate someone well if you don't like them. If you do it turns into an unfunny parody, like the Ford, Bush, and Trumbo parodies on snl.
Since all of Hollywood hates him not sure if there will be a good bio movie ever

Attached: AOC 5.jpg (576x702, 65K)

>Do I need to explain why having bankers write tax bills is bad?

You’re welcome to try