Name a single more iconic & famous celebrity, pro tip: It's impossible
Name a single more iconic & famous celebrity, pro tip: It's impossible
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Queen Elizabeth
It probably is, honestly
I don't know a thing about that bitch, but I know Thriller.
I mean, it's not really opinion, you're right. Only contenders would be Elvis or The Beatles, and I think Michael beats them both.
Elvis. Checkmate.
Yeah. Like Elvis and The Beatles are probably close or equal even in America, but around the world MJ was bigger than both of them I'd say.
Lady D
>Name a single more iconic & famous celebrity
I feel like I'm in the movie 23. Every year meme magic gets stronger, and the synchronicities increase.
pop culture is really shit
When did /ourguy/ peak lookwise?
I'm not an admirer of Mr Jackson's but you're damn straight I'd sooner he was regarded as meeting the criteria than some member of the Kardashian family.
Pretty sure the swastika is more famous.
>thinking a black man can even come close to a few lines drawn by white men
I mean the only person who stands in his way historically is Jesus at this point, and people don't even know if he was real
pop culture is pretty shit generally speaking but MJ was genuinely supper talented and deserved all the fame and recognition. Not only of the greatest vocalists of all time but also THE greatest dancer of all time.
>name a more famous celebrity
>the swastika
based retard
Somewhere between Off the Wall and Thriller
>MJ was genuinely supper talented and deserved all the fame and recognition
proof positive all you've got to is beat your kid often enough and hard enough
This, the fact that the kikes spent 40 years trying to ruin his legacy & failed every single time proves that he was an amazing person & deserved all of his fame. Not even Hitler faced such hatred from the American media
trump, unironically
i would agree with MJ 10 years ago, sure
but you gotta think GLOBALLY what every city and village on the planet has seen or heard, and most of those people are younger than 20
Michael Jackson was so fucking famous that even Trump was in awe of him whenever they met
>the kikes spent 40 years trying to ruin his legacy
I like John Wayne, but it's not even close
Probably just ripped mike nose off
>Name a single more iconic & famous celebrity
What are your Top 5 MJ songs?
The media was much more consolidated in the 80s and 90s so celebrities then were much more famous then celebrities now as people only had a few options for entertainment / media. The internet has created so many different niches and sub communities that mainstream culture is super fragmented now compared to how it was back then.
Zoomers don't even know what E.T. is anymore, Thriller is the official theme of Haloween & kids everywhere still attempt to do the moonwalk
Absolutely Bad tour era
1. Baby Be Mine
2. Billie Jean
3. They Don't Really Care About Us
4. Beat It
5. Smooth Criminal
(Special mention to Rock My World I feel like that's an underrated MJ track)
> Music: Thriller Era
> Looks: Bad Era
> Dancing: History Era
> Concerts: Bad Era
> Singing: Dangerous Era
This is undeniable
so easy. Trump!
MJ was super androgynous in his prime. He even had a better girl voice than 99% of traps today it's kinda weird
I Want You Back
Off The Wall
Billie Jean
>those dead eyes
Trump could walk outside in public without bodyguards before he became president so that immedietely disqualifies him, Michael Jackson couldn't leave his house & was so famous that even doing something as simple as going to the grocery store made him cry because it was one of his dreams in life
1. Man in the Mirror
2. Stranger in Moscow
3. Human Nature
4. Liberian Girl
5. Remember the Time
I think that's a wax figure.
According to google he's the 3rd most famous person (real or fictional) of all time, with Santa Claus & Barbie respectively in the top 2
MJ actually had pretty expressive eyes
Wouldn't Jesus be first?
> Literally the most attractive person of all time
> Arguably the most famous person in history
> Somehow died a virgin
How the fuck does this even happen?
No, apparently Britney Spears & Michael Jackson have the lead on him. Since the statistics only count 2004-2019
I love him.
idk some carpenter from italy or some shit
haha fucking hecka funny my friend-o!!
> America has something perfect that everyone loves
> They ruin it
Why does this always happen?
I can't listen to this without thinking of my dead dog and tearing up.
I'm sure most people that were born after the 90s don't even know that he used to be black when he was younger
Dude, he had kids.
He had to get someone else to impregnate his wife to get them, they aren't biologically his
His kids defitinely don't look like him. They aren't even mullatoes. And Paris is hot af
His dad reportedly chemically castrated him growing up so that's probably why
Sneedsa, it's your birthday
Chuck bless you this day
You gave me the gift of a little feedster
And I'm proud of you today
Sneedsa, it's your birthday
Happy birthday, Sneedsa
Sneedsa, it's your birthday
Happy birthday, Sneedsa
I wish you feed and seed will
I wish you fuck and suck
(I wish you better than your Gucci Loafers)
And your first gummi from a bear
Sneedsa, it's your birthday
Happy birthday, Sneedsa
Sneedsa, it's your birthday
Happy birthday, Sneedsa (yeah!)
the best love song of all time/
Didn't even know who he was growing up, the most popular kids in my elementary school were doing moonwalks during lunchtime & watching MJ music videos on rainy days when our teachers wouldn't let outside and forced us to use the computers as our only entertainment
>They aren't even mullatoes
People somehow ignore this when doing side by side face comparisons trying to argue they're definitely, definitely his.
Would most definitely get it.
Based guineachad
I honestly didn't know how big of a deal he was until some user laid it out in a post. I knew he was popular but did not expect how much. I was a very young kid in the 90s, heard his songs but somehow never got it.
I can't imagine the amount of delusion needed to believe this.
Paris is seriously goddess tier.
she considers herself black, yet only dates white boys. how is she supposed to pass black when her kids are going to be white as fuck?
Explain this then.
Maybe Trump and Obama now, but in 10 years it'll swing right back to MJ.
More importantly, how is she supposed to pass black when she's possibly the whitest person in America?
right here
his smile ... utsukushii desu
I think with Trump, a lot of people forget that this happens with literally every US president. More so with the ones who had social media and the internet during their presidency.
I come from a small Island in the Pacific and back in 2008, I remember well how suddenly everyone was talking about Obama and absolutely loved him for some reason. There really was was a rockstar vibe even though we had no stake in it.
With Trump, he is obviously well known but people are ambivalent. There are some jokes about him but no where near the hatred he gets in the US. But also no celebration like with Obama.
Its just a personal anecdote from my small country, maybe it was because of propaganda or whatever but there was this weird joy and celebration here about Obama winning for some reason. I was just starting high school and really had no interest in politics. Maybe there was something more but idk and Trump doesn't really compare.
What did she mean by this?
Magical negro effect, social media hadn't figured out that outrage drives traffic.
Since the other responses were basically stupid, I'll give you the actual answer as to why Obama was celebrated and Trump isn't. Trump's America first; it's been his mantra since he was a candidate. Where Obama represented togetherness and cooperation, Trump represents indulgence, complete self-interest, and one-sided competition. It's hard to throw your support behind someone who literally tells everyone else to go fuck themselves.
Michael and princess di were the most famous people on the planet at the time
>They aren't even mullatoes
They arent white either
20 years would be fairly accurate
you must be joking
Trump's twitter followers are so low in count that he cried about it to admin. No one likes this fuck outside of the US.
>Obama represented togetherness and cooperation
He doubled down on what bush was already doing then got a Nobel peace prize for being a nigger
dame elaine looks like THAT?!?
Its nothing to do with liking him, trump was already as famous as obama before he became president
Most overrated piece of shit of all time. I'm so happy he's dead.
Bruce Lee. Michael Jordan. Messi
>got a peace prize for being a nigger
>for being a nigger
It's that sort of sentiment that made his ascendance that much more unlikely and a supreme accomplishment.
I never cared for MJ. I remember the other kids had ring binders and scrap books with pictures they cut out of newspapers and magazines of him, but I just didn't get it. I've never liked his music or his dancing or whatever.
Trump WAS more famous than Obama, yes.
I think with Trump we're going to have to start distinguishing famous from infamous.
Only acceptable answer
I know he was a way worse president than the left gives him credit for but he truly was popular.
Yeah, Trump does come across as pretty abrasive and confrontational. I won't lie, he is somewhat popular among the more anti Muslim people in my country but he's mostly known as an angry, shouty guy. The Obama love was just something else.
I think you're in denial if you diasgree that Obama was and to some extent still is one of the nost famous in the world. Trump does have more reach now because smartphones and social media have reached even more corners of the third world but he doesn't have the charisma Obama had and the way he made people like him for absolutely no reason.
Maybe it would be more pc to say he got it for not being bush, regardless he did nothing to earn it.
absolutely patricican taste
Obama is famous, obviously being a president but his fame wasnt a patch on mj's. And he's less famous now than he was.
beat me to it, but I'd put her at a close #2
>way worse president than the left gives him credit for
Nah, Obama being a terrible president or "way worse" is a meme created by his haters. There is no greater example of this than Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act. Every republican who ran against Obama campaigned to repeal the ACA. Most of them got elected even Trump. Finally, when they have all the powers IN THE WORLD to repeal it, their own constituencies wouldn't let them because those republican constituencies finally faced the fact that Obama created something that benefited them; it was no longer just a talking point and these people finally faced having to understand exactly what they would be losing ... and they chose to keep Obamacare.
Conservatives are masters at spin, propaganda, and lies. Don't believe any of their bullshit.
President of the United States of America
You are retarded. He was fucking slow during the history tour even though he didn't sing.
Peak dancing was victory tour.
So who's her biological dad really?
>regardless he did nothing earn it
He wasn't a fearmongering republican pile of shit that brought about the deaths of thousands for literally no reason. That's a start.
Why or how Princess Diana? I really don't understand how she had a global touch with the people? I was very young when she died, like maybe 3, so I don't really remember her at all. But I do like reading or hearing about her and how much she was liked & loved, and perhaps had the biggest impact on the most number of people in terms of reaction to a particular person's death.
>he made people like him for absolutely no reason.
he was pushed in most media as the xan do no wrong savior of the world first black president, anyone who said anything against him was labeled a racist, he milked it as much as he could while driving race relations back 3 decades, tgen he pretended he was the one who caught bin laden, long after everyone stopped giving a fuck. are you old enough to remember the people paid to cheer outside the front of the white house?
He did more drone strikes and bombing than bush ever did and he hadn't been in office long enough to do anything at all. He wss literally given a prize for being a nigger
*Casts a spell on this thread*
macaulay culkin
>He wss literally given a prize for being a nigger
Please keep saying that exactly in those words and maybe the irony will hit you sooner or later.
>typical conservative, racist dribble
Obama improved race relations to the point where his detractors, i.e. real racists, needed to mount a full fledged rhetorical counter, much of which is the tripe you've stated. The thing about racism is that it's so insidious that a mere casual observer will only be influenced and affected by it. Anyone who's ever experienced racism knows Obama is no racist, nor did he do anything to degrade race relations. However, those who don't really understand racism perpetuate narratives like yours.
She revitalised the british monarchy, she was tge most photographed woman to ever exist. Globally adored for being young and beautiful and for her charitable work. She was constantly on the covers of all womens magazines. When things went bad in her marriage the world took her side over the royal family and when they took her out she was cemented in history as the "people's princess". Kate and meghan combined can't compare.
keep giving him a free pass simply for being black
There's nothing simple about being black thanks to people just like you.
Michael Jordan
Thanks for your answer, fren.
Kate is well liked but yeah, nothing to the level as it seems Princess Di was.
Meghan is irrelevant she can piss off & no one will care.
In the 90s we were taught it's what's on the inside that counts, not skin color, that all went out tbe window when obama came along, suddenly skin color was all that mattered, which led to the rest of identity politics, thanks obama, now he's shilling his shit on netflix.
HOLY HELL, she does look like him now that you mention it.
Yes, but he represented togetherness and cooperation. Unfortunately, a huge number of American voters care more about the symbolism than the policy. To be fair, presidents betray their promises so often that not caring about policy promises is actually fairly rational.
I don't know how you manage to remember the 90s at only 9 yrs of age, but I'm impressed. For those who voted for Obama, white, black, whatever, they supported him despite his color, not in preference of it. Whereas with Trump, this clown could say and do anything as long as he maintains being white and hunting down illegals. As much as I hate privilege arguments, Trump is the embodiment of privilege.
Obama wasn't responsible for that, though, it just happened to happen during his presidency. Obama almost never spoke in racial terms.
Trump literally said he could kill someone on 5th avenue, and people would still support him. That's what privilege with inherent bias looks like. Trump even acknowledges his own privilege regarding his popularity. Obama could've never gotten away with saying something like that.
>he represented togetherness and cooperation
Until he was voted in
>blah blah blah trump
we're talking about obama
No, he still represented it afterward. What he actually did is a different story.
>until he was voted in
What planet is this? Obama attempted to maintain civility and cooperation in our politics even at the dismay of some liberals who thought he should've been more forceful especially in denouncing all the lies and distortions generated from right wing news outlets .. most of which led to the election of Trump who is nothing but a divisive figure. You can easily see the difference just from casually glancing through Obama's and Trump's twitter feeds.
Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and the Beatles are all more iconic than this freak pedophile. They have all stood the test of time and become permanently ingrained into pop culture. Michael Jackson won't be remembered as well in 30-50 years.
>Meghan is irrelevant she can piss off & no one will care.
This. Fuck Meghan.
>zoomers actually believe this
Not even close to prime Michael. Maybe in America, but certainly not in the rest of the world.
Literally who
He took some of Bob Fosses dance routines as did many others including Beyonce.
He represents America first. Why the fuck should a US president be concerned with trying to benefit non-americans? What a retarded cunt comment.
Michele Obama
Hahaha no
Not the other guy but I do remember he got the peace prize right when he got into office. He really didn't do anything yet to merit winning except becoming President. It was kind of weird and I was legit hoping he would tell them to wait until the end of his presidency to give it to him if they feel he really earned it.
White Americans lapped that shit up. They were literally crying with joy when Obama was elected.
Your point being he was given a prize for being a nigger?
I wouldn’t use those words. But yes.
Unwarranted racism aside, he didn't do anything to deserve it true but your racist attitude makes people feel he earned it because it makes people like you seethe/cringe.
Frank Sinatra you fucking niggers
>Name a single more ICONIC & famous celebrity
Late to the thread, but I can't let someone be wrong on this here internet
No one cares about this old hag
wtf when did he die?
> Marilyn Monroe chest X-rays sell for $45,000
Some people do.
What did Obama do to you, guy? Touch you? Cause hating blacks usually stems from somewhere physical. Most people hate on a person-by-person basis. I dislike the taiwanese cause I worked with asshole taiwanese, for example.
They're bound to deny 9-11 ever happened, some of these tards believe in a flat earth for fuck's sake.
BAD era
concerts during the dangerous era were the SHIT
Normal people don't (and didn't) act like that. People always exaggerate when it comes to shit like this. Would white tards have rioted if Trump wasn't elected? Probably not. Were there droves of people who believed Obama was a muslim fascist who was gonna cull the white race? Probably not. Most people are just normal. I'm blue collar and practically the only people who react like this are broke idiots who don't understand how laws are made.
Why should the rich give to the poor? Besides being the charitable thing to do, it's better to spend $5 a month to feed Jamal than to have Jamal cost you when he steals your shit. Apply this, together with geopolitics, and you have the US' foreign policy when it comes to giving aid.
Trump maybe.
I wasn't "racist" before being told im human garbage for simply existing for the last decade.
I hate Viet cunts because all the ones i worked with were dishonest thieving scum
> Doctors Without Borders - Nobel Peace Prize (1999)
> Obama - Nobel Peace Prize (2009)
> October 6, 2015. US/NATO planes bombed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan. Killing 22 people.
Obama is the only Nobel peace prize recipient to bomb another Nobel peace prize recipient.
Ive already had them say smallpox didnt exist
The Beatles were bigger in the USSR
who the fuck is this nord
I don't hate obama really, yeah i called him a nigger because thats what he is. I do hate that his presidency was presented as the end of racism but it ultimately made everything ten times worse and the hypocrisy of him doing twice as much bombing as bush but because he's black he can't be criticized. Its fuck up that you cant call a black person out on their shit without being called a racist. I dont care what color yoy are im still going to call you out.
Take it to /pol/, retards.
Its funny how your ilk never shows up in the tranny or aidskike threads that are spammed daily
1. Rock With You
2. Wanna Be Startin Somethin'
3. Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
4. Strange in Moscow
5. They Don't Care About Us
e-celebs dont count
#1 human nature
if only she didn't make herself look like this
not the most famous but surely the most BASED
>bed sharing with little boys.
>isolating children from family - 2 dads killed themselves
>physical affection - holding hands with little boys like they're on a date, talking to them on the phone everyday
>lavish gifts - usually to pay off the parents
>a clear pattern of age and type preference - always boys, never girls. no fatties. no poor boys. usually white boys with wavy hair.
>a dozen eye witnesses
>the penis description
>7 accusers (and counting)
>multiple settlements - $ 20M to Jordan Chandler.
>child erotica in neverland - "The Boy"
>polaroids of naked boys
>semen-stained mattress
>Literally the most attractive person of all time
Im sorry?
Only Jesus and Hitler are more well known
Trump was probably Americas most famous billionaire apparently even before his show. In the year 2000 Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both had 90% name recognition within the American public, Trump got 98%. Trump was more famous than Tom Cruise during/after he did his show. During the election Trump became more famous than Star Wars in America according to some poll. Not that many people know Trump outside of America before he was running for president, people only knew his name and maybe his hair.
I don't even think Trump will be forgotten like Obama and Dubya were in the future.
Obama is so celebrated because the media is left-wing just like him and they love his policies and views because those are the same as theirs. Same with Greta too. Also because he is Black and charismatic.
Obama changed the left and his party forever probably. In 2008 the Democratic party was a center part. They were against illegal-immigration, pro-gun in some cases even, pro-tax-cuts, against gay marriage, abortion should be legal but rare and so on. This change also happened to the media which is left-wing since the 1960s and has been increasingly so. This SJW stuff is rooted in Obama-ism, his ideology.
I miss having movie stars like Arnold.
It's funny, people in America tended to love him back in the day, at least as I can recall. I guess 50% or so of people still do, but he was a well-liked character in the 90s.
He used to be well liked. According to the Gallup polling data. He usually ranged between 50-60%. He used to get more than 70% with Blacks and Hispanics. He was a cultural Black icon back in the day, Kanye even mentioned this.