Memes aside, what's our honest opinion on Kathleen Kennedy?

Memes aside, what's our honest opinion on Kathleen Kennedy?

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total femcel

she should stare directly at the arc of the covenant

Sucked off every producer in the 80s. Finally became president of Lucasfilm but has no actual creativity since she got her job from blowing old men so she repeats the same plots over and over again

By destroying Star Wars, she has done more for American Culture than Ayn Rand, George Washington, and Ronald Reagan combined.

She's a jackass.

Ill be honest Id fuck her.

Continues the cursed Kennedy name

Be honest, you're lonely and horny and would fuck most women.

she ruined E.T. and star wars

She's treating cinema like it's a corporate job.

If you worked for some faceless conglomerate that sells petroleum then you need to pander to different stakeholders so the government doesn't regular and tax your ass.

But fucking Star Wars? Dude, tell a good story. That's all you need to do. Don't worry about being a role model. Worry about being entertaining.

Otherwise, she's fine.

How could you tell?

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She comes to you, slaps her Johnson on the table and says "I'll make you a star if you just give Rian here a little suck"
What do you do?

>she ruined E.T.

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What does she even do?

Shes been apart of some pretty good stuff in her earlier days. But now she really shld retire.p

She is to Star Wars what Kevin Feige is to Marvel, only that she's terribly incompetent at her job and probably sucked and fucked her way into power.

>american "culture"

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She ruined star wars. Maybe she helped make JP good tho (the first one)

Easily. Everybody that works at Hollywood had to give some head at one time or another. It shows commitment

>She ruined star wars
I never knew she was involved with the prequels.

Seems like your basic corporate suit to me. I kinda resent her for giving Abrams a second chance at Star Wars as Force Awakens was easily the worst of the new movies but otherwise she's done a decent job with the franchise and I appreciate that she decided to go ahead with Johnson's trilogy, even after Last Jedi has gotten some shit from autistic Star Wars fans. It's a shame they decided to cancel the sidestory movies after Solo was too commercially unsuccessful.

Overall I guess she's... decent. I'm sure you could find someone better to handle the series and she hasn't managed to turn it into the absolute cultural juggernaut that is the MCU but at least that means they aren't forcing the MCUs weird conservative subtext I to Star Wars. They have tones down some of its more progressive themes but at least they're still there.

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