What's the consensus on this dude?
What's the consensus on this dude?
i liked his early funny ones
I just watched The Sleeper (1973) and didn't really care for it. Is it representative?
Maybe if you'd watched it 20 years ago along with the other 300 million people who never did then Mike Myers wouldn't have been able to steal it and call the thing Austin Powers.
Victim of a cultural revolution, generally funny
I'm fairly sure it's not the first story to have someone wake up in the future
Jewish Degenerate
Anyone else think it’s incredibly spooky that his movie isn’t getting a domestic release
This isn’t the America I ever wanted to live in. This is not my country
incredibly charming 'low brow' style in his films, using stuff like vignettes, narration, silly jokes and slapstick humor often paired with near bergman tier character drama, fantastic performances and casts and real insight into human relationships.
an absolute top tier auteur completely lacking in pretensions and he never lost sight of the fact that films primarily are there to entertain people.
Is there good art made by non degenerates
yes of course, all really great art is made by puritanical conservatives
I see what you mean
fucking narcisist, elitist, douchebag
his latest movies are always comfy
it's almost comical how pc hollywood decided to ostracize him now
Annie Hall is kino and he's the fall guy for all of the other Hollywood pedos and their crimes. trips confirm
Overrated child molester
which movie? is there a new one?
what happened with the elle fanning-selena gomez one?
Mia Farrow made it up
1) The DA office investigated for a year and concluded the child had either been coached or made it up
2) Mia and Woodys oldest adopted kid at the time claimed and still maintains to this day that Mia made it up and brainwashed the kids AND that she was abusive
3) An ex-girlfriend of Woodys has claimed that Mia contacted her trying to get her to claim she was underage when she dated him
4) A nanny has claimed that she was fired for not supporting Mias version of events
5) The basic chronology and logic of Woody sneaking into the house with nobody noticing after they have broken up and taking a kid into the attic with nobody noticing is simply too implausible to believe
6) Mia now admits that her biological son with Woody, Ronan Farrow, may in fact be the son of her ex-Husband Frank Sinatra whom she was having an affair with - in fact it began before Woodys affair with Soon-Yi - and when you look at Ronan there really is no doubt as to his parentage. This would mean that Mia committed fraud in their alimony settlement.
There are real abuses that go on in Hollywood, the stuff about Woody Allen and Corey Feldmans grandstanding muddy the waters and make it easier for abusers to get away thanks to the doubt and confusion spread
Another hollywood pedophile being let of the hook due to nepotism. It's not even a meme at this point.
>/tv incels defending this kike cunt because they don't like to be called pedos
Gaudy as fuck. Also Michelangelo was a flaming faggot whose greatest work was a sexy boy
Jesus I just wanted to know what you guys thought of his films, I didn't even know he was accused of anything
Talented, but a little self-indulgent. Kind of a creepy pervert, but there's not enough evidence to say he molested Dylan. Made some of the greatest films of all time, and a lot of boring ones too.
Sleeper is okay. Love and Death is his real masterpiece from that era. Also his standup albums are gold.
what are the best Woody kinos, bros? i've only seen his obvious choices, I want to check out a lesser known movie of his that is still just as great as his popular shit.
Rainy Day in New York was just released in Europe. No domestic release, already one actor disavowing the director
Love and Death.
I like basically everything he has ever made, as I identify with his loser pessimistic way to see life. He also fucked his daughter, which is pretty based. He's a tight dude in my book.
do you mean he's a pedo for banging loads of young ~16 year old girls and being a real creep and making lots of films explicitly saying it and justifying it, or do you really think he molested a 7 year old?
because i think the former is just based as fuck and the latter is clear lie.
love and death sucks. it's way too joke dense and too many don't land and the drama doesn't work at all and all the hat tip references are just cringey.
why didn't Woody just marry Diane Keaton? he wouldn't be in this situation today if he married the right woman
These are great:
>Café Society
>To Rome with Love
>Midnight in Paris
>Everyone Says I Love You
Anyway, I haven't seen the Emma Stone ones
>Irrational Man
>Magic in the Moonlight
Are they any good?
torrent when?
Their oldest adopted kid was 14 years old at the time, he claims Mia was in a rage screaming at the kids about "what Woody did to me" and "how could he do this to me"
But here's the kicker folks: Mia Farrows brother is a convicted child molester.
Has anyone ever looked into the possibility he could be the culprit?
Has anyone ever considered that in the fraught and emotionally charged nature of the Farrow household with Mia screaming at the kids about what Woody has done to her and how could he do this to her that an abused toddler might come to blame Woody instead of her Uncle?
Is it so unreasonable to consider that a woman who has tried to get two people to lie might not in her fits of rage and anger at Woody and desire to protect her brother might also try to get a toddler to change her story about her abused her?
I found it funny that Ellen Page who has no issue working Bryan Singer says she regrets working with Allen
Like come on bitch wtf?
Magic in the Moonlight is weak
i had no idea Irrational Man existed
anyway, everything from the last 20 years is usually comfy af. his 70s-80s shit, i can't stand him
He's had sex
[spoilers]well, probably[/spoilers]
irrational man is one of his silly murder mystery films i don't like any of them, they just seem tonally wierd and fake.
It's kinda fun though.
And memequim phoenix plays this supposed 'genius' but he's really just a pseud and his character is pretty silly really.
Blue Jasmine and Vicky Christina Barcelona are his other recent ones i loved.
Play it Again Sam is a great simple funny one
Interiors which he made before Annie Hall is a really underrated bergmany one.
Hannah and her Sisters and Husbands and Wives are my other two favourite dramas.
Purple Rose of Cairo is a bit silly but has Diane Keatons best preformance ever and my favourite ending of a film ever.
I agree Cafe Society is great.
Will a 23 year old guy like his older or newer works the most? Where should I start?
Annie Hall is his masterpiece, and nothing else comes close in my opinion. But you should start with that.
>Café Society
i want to check this out but i can't stand kstew. literally plays the same frigid bitch in everything i've seen her in, but I really enjoy most of his newer stuff so i'll probably check it out tonight.
yeah reading this really made it clear to me that he didn't do it.
The really sad part is that I think Mia is so insane and has indoctrinated Dylan so bad and ruined her life doing so, that I think they both probably believe it actually happened and it will never be resolved. Wasn't the uncle in prison then? I don't think he had contact with them atleast. That would have come out. But yeah, he's definately a factor.
alright so far so good
what about these:
Scoop (2006)
Anything Else (2003)
watch / pass?
I used to think this, but I really like her now.
She's fantastic in 'Certain Women' and 'Personal Shopper' too.
What did sam hyde do
>Cafe Society
it's about in the golden age of Hollywood in the `30
>kristen stewart
and in anything else where she stars alongside Jesse Eisenberg:
>American Ultra
haven't seen em.
You know even the 'bad' Woody Allen films, and there are a lot of them, or the ones i don't like much for personal taste reasons, i still always enjoy watching them.
Because he's such an auteur, his films are so much just a product of himself, that if you like them you'll basically always have a good time watching one, no matter how far he misses the mark by.
his latest ones (café, and wonderwheel) look fucking gorgeous, since he's using a new director of photography. i'd start with those
He's the rich man's Kevin Smith. I've enjoyed his films. Even though they're mostly the same. Or maybe because of that.
One wonders if all that made Ronan more or less interested in finding the truth like a proper journalist or just appeasing crazy women.
yeah you might be onto something
wonderwheel is silly failure of a film and the lighting is just obnoxious after a point but goddamn kate winslet is so absurdly good.
based & frogpilled
but this one is simply wrong in this thread about the majestic Woody Allen:
>hates jews
I like his films. Something about the way his movies end has always impressed me. Its got a specific beat, and the music it ends on is just great. Rarely do movies make me hit a high the moment its over.
fuck I didn't know about all the adopted kids that have committed suicide/become self destructive
Mia really is toxic
The Jews really have a way of telling stories.
it's a fucking crazy story lol
desu Blue Jasmine is a great entry level Woody Allen movie.
yeah me too
just so goddamn poignant
I think part of it with Woody is he knows he's going to make dozens of films so he's not trying to say everything or have an ending, he's just doing his thing for 90 minutes and he's quite happy to let the film continue in the audience's imagination and he can just pick up again later on another project.
Whereas the vast majority of filmmakers would be lucky to make a picture every 5 or 10 years and consider each film as all that matters and something that needs to be complete and like they'll be lucky to make another.
Same reason woody films are just 90 minutes and he's clearly so efficient at shooting them and most others drag
Orson Welles was right
His early films are pleb shellacking
Doesn’t he release a film a year?
What you need to know is he does not make films for everyone, which is why he is so enjoyable, when you make films for everyone you make films for no one. Instead of making Hollywood founded blockbusters which are required to Appeal to every major demographic, he makes films for adults
Yes and no to what, exactly?
it's probably writter/director, have you never seen a wikipedia page in your life dude
It unironically is
Then why bother including it in the cap? I figured it was something relevant
his movies suck but his kidfucking is kino
essential viewing for any Woody Allen thread
Based enough to realize women are sexual objects. Which is more than I can say for all the /pol/turds who probably made this about him being a jew because they grew up poor with trash parents. Seriously, kill yourselves, white trash and poor people. Nothing is ever going to get better.
What did he mean by this?
Why it's never about spielberg? Hm?
don't spoonfeed, faggot
In case anyone was wondering this is from Annie Hall.
Why is it not about the chlid molester in your trailer park? Hmm? Don't like the statistics? Doesn't mesh with your mental illness? Who touched you? It's pretty apparent that half of /pol/ got molested.
Look at how many kids that were in his movies turned out fuckedup later in life
You can't even afford/operate and adult computer. You're pretty fucked up. Glass houses. What were your parents like? They didn't even teach you the importance of ending your sentences like a white person.
>hasn't grown out of his reaction image folder
>is a newfag
>can't use his own words like a big boy
Do you pee your pants too?
Polanski's still got it Woody is a washed up hack.
retard niggerfaggot spotted lmao
Thanks for proving it, adolescents.
the best part about is that people knew about this since 92, but only now are like
>umm I shouldn't have worked with him
but most people that say that worked with him after 1992. it's fucking hilarious.
If Sam is smart, he would stab big guy first the the fat one.
a man of taste, in other words, based
the fuck are you on, nigger
café society is very forgettable, I only remember there was some cucking involved. not really bad, but not even good, literally a filler movie to keep the one movie per year meme quota alive
midnight in paris is ok, but the rome one is one of the cringiest shitfest I've ever watched, it's an embarassment
its kind of like how Natalie Portman (among other various celebs) signed that petition to get Polanski back in the US and have the charges dropped, but now that shes all about #metoo and shit, she literally back peddled hard as fuck and said something like;
>well i didn't actually know what I was signing and i didn't know that Roman did anything weird ok so ummm....
she probably didn't really give a shit about what polanski did, she only signed that to get social points in their environment. I mean the fucker just released a new movie this year, it's obvious that literally no one actually gives a shit about it
Some of his movies are really good and some are kinda trash. He also made me more aware about how common cheating is in relationships.
Kike pedophile
>Orson Welles.: I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.
>Henry Jaglom: I’ve never understood why. Have you met him?
>O.W.: Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.
>H.J.: He’s not arrogant; he’s shy.
>O.W.: He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
you're right bro
i mixed it up with the Paris one and then deleted the >Whatever Works line instead of that shitty Rome movie
they were both in Casino Royale but I don't know if they had any scenes together
Orson is 100% spot-on.
How would Welles analyse himself I wonder?
"It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest." sounds pretty damn selfpilled to me
>woody allen is arrogant and shy
>woody allen is self hating
>woody allens films are therapy
wow no shit Orson, it's almost like woody allen says that explicitely in all of his films
the greatest american director.
lol nope
Woody is all "Ugu I'm so shy...oy vey...hihihi..." in his movies and normie retards eat it up
I’ve heard that woody is actually the opposite of his on screen personas, that it’s all an act and he’s actually very smooth and confident. I could see it.
well yes but there are generally characters around his character laughing at him or pitying him for it
Well yeah, what did you expect from a guy who fucks his daughter?
it's like you're confusing authorial intent from him as a filmmaker with a literal reading of what the characters he plays does.
Have you seen Annie Hall? Take the scene where he's acting all smug about the pretentious guy behind him. You realise he's also acting like a shithead, and it's intended that way in the film, and that's shown by Diane Keaton's characters reaction, right?
you just hate him because you have bad taste in film, it has nothing to do with your supposed 'puritanical moral standards' what a joke to pretend to have those and to post here.
well yes obviously. look at a list of actresses he's directed. It's ridiculous, largely in films about sex and romance. He's obviously not going to spill his spaghetti, ever, on account of any women.
And Mia Farrow and Diane Keaton aren't waifs either, they're both taller than him and stronk women types.
>in every movie he is in, he plays the same shitty role, aka shy jew who is also loved by everyone
>"duuuur he's only acting!"
That’s cool haha. I don’t really like the idea of Jews but when they’re alpha their as alpha as can be, like Norman mailer and Harvey keitel. I like the idea of dudes meeting woody at a party and thinking he’s gonna be all nebbish and then he’s slick as fuck and steal the girl off their arm.
>having lots of money and fame means he is a chad irl
>who is also loved by everyone
i see you didn't read my post
He's a kike, but he's consistently put out kino throughout his entire career
Sorry, I can't read retard. I am right, though.
no, spending 50 years telling the most lusted after women on the planet what to do, and it's acting out your erotic fantasies, makes him a chad irl
earning millions and being famous for it is secondary.
the list of actresses he's directed is frankly ridiculous.
>women are stupid and easily influenced
Wow what a chad
you don't think that shooting scarlett johansen and penelope cruz in their prime kissing each other is a chad move?
and more or less doing that or the equivelant, for 50 years?
you don't think dumping your wife and marrying her asian daughter is a chad move?
you don't think getting cucked by -frank sinatra- is a chad move?
you don't think that shooting scarlett johansen and penelope cruz in their prime kissing each other is a chad move?
and more or less doing that or the equivelant, for 50 years?
Damn, it's.... it's....almost like they are getting paid for it........wow...
>you don't think dumping your wife and marrying her asian daughter is a chad move?
More of a jewish move, desu
>Damn, it's.... it's....almost like they are getting paid for it........wow...
relatively speaking lol, they're not
his films generally have very modest ~10 mil budgets
the a listers who do them would be taking a check well below their usual fee, because they want to be in a kino and work with him.
HES being paid to do it
She was never his daughter, they never lived together, and he never raised her
i like the fact that they're still together
i wonder if that would be the case had he gotten less shit for it and the dylan thing hadn't happened.
if the heat had of been off i wonder if he'd be with elle fanning or selena gomez now or something lol
or maybe soo lee is just really cool and having a plain round face and looking kinda chinky and being 40 doesn't really matter when you're in your 90s like woody is i wonder if his dick even still works bros
Did the fat man just say he hates Chaplin? The actor beloved by everyone?
welles was a bitter incel who couldn't even get money to make his films
lol keep telling yourself that, woodyfag
Nice trips
More like Wellington with extra butter pls, amirite
>>To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
way more embarrassing than making commercials shilling wine and hosting a daytime talkshow lmao