Name one(1) movie like this.
Name one(1) movie like this
Other urls found in this thread:
ben shapiro
Anything with Tom Cruise
Ant Man and the Wasp
hes the perfect height to suck on her milkers whats the problem here?
Sadly, mainstream media would NEVER have a woman being taller than a guy. Movies, TV, magazines, whatever.
How do I achieve a tall gf?
just be yourself
kek that has to be shooped
who are these ppl?
I've been fapping to amazons on pornhub and I'm ready. Put me in coach. I want to be tossed around around and bullied like the pathetic manlet I am.
I've had sex with a woman my height (6ft) and it is pretty damn good. When you hit it from the back you can see her very large ass and hold on to her thicc thighs
im 5'4 and i've banged a girl who was 5'11"
its pretty amazing being able to thrust into her while also sucking her tits comfortably.
That's your mistake, you're a beta manlet, which absolutely repulses women. Lanklet betas can get away with it but beta manlet are like rats to amazon women.
Truth is tall women are super insecure about their height (about as insecure as short men). They desire an alpha manlet to dominate them. See: tom cruise.
>I thought she was Sasha Grey at first glance
I watch too much porn
>it's a small man/tall woman movie
>it's always a comedy where they make fun of the small man
Japan are the only ones to do it right.
yet somehow he's the most succesful actor in the world
Lads I cant wait for the future
>mfw no tall gf
borderline cuck tier fetish. a girl near your height sure, but look at this couple that girl could beat the shit out of this dude. she'll get whatever she wants at all times
google Seth Green's wife
life imitates art
>2010 is too close to a basedboi
>future is aryan amazons fucking nebbishy jew manlets
>tfw I'm a nebbishy Jew manlet
based chosen person
>tfw I'm a nebbishy Jew manlet
>dwarfism is a bone affection
>dick has nothing to do with bones
in my book these guys are lucky and their genitalia looks good no matter how big they have it. lucky assholes.
Does anyone have a scientific explanation for this?
>tfw too tall to have a realistic chance at finding a tall gf
Surprisingly easy in my family. I've only ever dated girls 5'5"+ and I'm a turbo Hispanic Manlet at 5'2". My uncle, 5'3", married a 6' white woman and they have many tallish kids. Though, many cousins are cursed to be gingers.
Be smart, be strong, and be sincere.
plastic in food and water acts like estrogen hormones.
Birth control
>Measure female attraction during ovulation
>Females are attracted to more masculine features indicating high testosterone
>Measure female attraction when not ovulating
>Females are attracted to softer, for effeminate traits in men
>Birth control stops ovulation
>This leads women to be generally more attracted to low-test men
>They breed with these low-test men creating generation after generation of lower and lower test men
>be smart
>be strong
Library, here I come
Chop off your legs a little below the knees. Suddenly every girl will appear amazonian
Part of the phenomena I'm noticing irl is women getting bigger as well. Not just in the sense of fatter but also taller (slowly). The past 10 years has seen a massive increase in women with massive thighs and rear ends. It can't just be squats.
>tfw 5’7
>but gf is 6’2
She’s my giant beautiful jungle gym and I love her so much.
This post made by little spoon gang
Spider-Man Far From Home
Pls make tutorial.
How did you meet?
unironically BEEURSELF and take your time getting to know someone. Have you ever read The Little Prince? Don’t go hunting foxes user:
Both studied film at the same school. We really just loved making neat film shit in class together at first, started doing that for fun together outside of class, and it really just sort of grew from there. I never saw it coming.
>5ft 11
>white men are done for it
In the middle of reading it now and want to say thank you in case the thread archives.
same but i thought it was sasha grey and elijah wood, from that movie they did together
The whole book is fantastic no matter what your age, and it’s by a man healing from war so it states some pretty serious truths. Glad you’re enjoying it.
Chads are rarely good fathers. The constant paradox with them is that women want a strong, desirable men when they never stop and think why would a buff 10/10 chiseled chin 8pack Burt Reynolds settle for them. Chads will be defeated by their own chadness as their children won't have them as their role model, they will be raised by women they couldn't settle down for.
People for some reason want to start a family the most with people who have no interest in starting a family.
her body is shit
Jean is like 1.80m so that will make that actress almost 2 meters tall. wtf
OMG he came a long way
What is causing this?
How short is this guy? I'm guessing 5'1
Netflix has a movie coming out next month called Tall Girl.
It's about a very tall girl in high school.
Some are into dominating a smoller guy but it's seldom
Based Jordi
Efira is 1.75m tall and plays a normal-sized person. Jean is actually the manlet in the movie, they used practical effects to make him look 1.40m or something. Also don't ask me why but I've actually watched this movie.
That's very cool of her
Is the premise as hot as it sounds?
What milkers?
>5 11
nice mate
just be yourself user
Wouldn't it be easier to hire an actor that's actually that size rather than use cgi?
the movie only works, or would work since I haven't watched it, because the manlet happens to be played by Jean Dujardin a famous french actor. Nobody would give the movie a shot if it was played by an actual manlet
It's romantic but not very hot. Jean's character is actually a rich chad architect. Efira falls in love with him because he's great and a gentleman, but her family, friends and his ex all find it weird and funny. The moral is that you shouldn't judge people on their size. Worth it if you like the dynamic and you don't mind a middle-of-the-road French comedy.
What the other user said. Jean is an A-lister in France, he's the only reason people would watch this kind of movie.
I second that.
>tfw gf is only 5'5
wish she was taller desu
>rich architect
>Efira falls in love with him because he's great and a gentleman
I see it more of a "he is funny AND a gentleman AND smart AND rich and he still has to jump through hoops and fight her insecurities just to get a relationship"
>tfw 5'5 female (female)
>tfw no manlet bf to bully
wish i was taller
I just wanna chill out with a smart woman who's a foot taller than me and shares all of my interests. That'd be a fun life.
Tom Holland is clearly shorter than Zendaya in the new Spiderman. You do see it represented in media, but it's very rare
cool larp