Holy shit what was that fat guy twist at the ending
Drop The Dog (2009)
That girl is fucking hot
Absolute kino, almost kubrickesque
Imagine her face if you groped her tits and kicked her in the cunt
I don't get it. What Julie have to do with the fat guy?
kek, she looks like that dragon girl from the sitting chairs show
is her dog, roxy, the one in that movie?
Looks like it
She's too short, our children would be all manlets
The actress that portrays Julie has a future in cinema t b h
No way she's small, look how shes towering this chad
She cute
Short film of our generation truly
Last Christmas trailer 2 when
Do you not have 6ft 4 genetics which would balance it out
There isnt many pics
she cute
I want to give her at least 5 sproglets
Its really not fucking fair
>Clarke's response to a recent AskMen survey that named her Most Desirable Woman of 2014? "I'm sure it was some member of my family clicking a thousand times," jokes Clarke. "Maybe one of those men could ask me out on a date."
>“I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has like a dad bod,” Clarke added. “I don’t need no six-pack. Like, I ain’t kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I’ve been with has been too perfect.” That's definitely true, but we aren't complaining.
>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>But somehow a solution will be found. "Yes, I want babies," she says. "I don't know about marriage. That's probably quite a painfully millennial thing to say. But I do want to find a human that you'd want to create a family with." In England, in the country, not dissimilar to the Oxfordshire countryside where she grew up.
>"I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream," she says. "We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
>When I’m 90, I’ll have a million stories to tell my grandkids. It’ll be lovely
Can you imagine arriving home and seeing this? Daddy's home!
I will marry her and give her children
I want a fucking Emilia wife
Hopefully never. They already revealed the plot in the first trailer
Imagine keeping up with her on all those red carpets, awards, interviews, protecting her from the paparazzis.
All the traveling, stress and nerves you'd have to deal with and comforting her for every award she doesn't get, pumping her up for every interview and talk show appearance, helping her unwind after a long day. Practically together 24/7.
Not even mentioning holding her hands and telling everything will be ok when she has those aneurysms ptsd attacks at 2am. That would be horrible right haha
Bad hahaha. Nobody here deserve this suffering
I'd be happy if the trailer was mostly Kate singing
Is that even the hapa?
Doesn't seems like it
Blonde Milly seems more maternal
gn bros, keep the thread up till tomorrow
This look is peak Emilia
Am I just in love or is she the funniest female ever