Why do cop movies sometimes have the FBI say "This is no longer your jurisdiction"?

Why do cop movies sometimes have the FBI say "This is no longer your jurisdiction"?

Attached: confused helper.jpg (612x491, 50K)

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That's just the way she goes bud

When it crosses state lines it is FBI territory.

it makes the FBI look condescending, simultaneously reinforcing the cop MC as the underdog and the FBI as a minor antagonist

imagine being retarded

some crimes are federal crimes and the fbi takes over because they generally know more about those certain crimes than local districts. they dont want street cops fucking up their investigation. end of watch has a scene that portrays street cops interfering with federal law enforcement

>the FBI say

because cops hate when somebody takes over their case.

Because the cops have to actually live in the community. If the FBI bungles it, people blame the cops and they have to live with the fallout. If the FBI succeeds they get praise and the cops are there holding their dicks

>Because the cops have to actually live in the community.
kek, what time is this post from? the 60's? cops commute buddy

Yes, not a single cop in a single jurisdiction in the entire world lives in the jurisdiction they serve.

This thread is no longer going to be handled by OP, it's mine now.
Who's your waifu? For me, it's Emma Stone.

Massive straw man fallacy right here

u mad

No, faggot. For example Chicago cops HAVE to live in the city. There is no take home car bullshit like your hick fuck ass county.



I believe thats classified information user.

A few years ago a girl got brutally killed on a college school ground where I live. They found her body mangled with a tree branch up her ass and vagina, anyways, the local police fought in court to get the case because they never get any action. So after a few months, they somehow end up winning and they restart their investigation. Not too long after that, they dropped the case since all the trails were cold because of all the wasted time in court and asked the feds to pick it back up.

Cops are legitimately brain dead.

This is no longer your film.

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she probably deserved so it's just gods justice in action lol

I actually went to high school with her, she was the shy and quiet type, very few friends always reading mangas and shit, never got in anyone's way.

those are the biggest kinds of sluts. You should know better by now user

Try /r9k/, you'll have better success at filling your Eightchan void over there.

Dang user, that's kinda sad
And yeah, cops can be retarded sometimes

so...she deserved it?

>muh 8gag boobeyman
Utter STATE of 4channers.

Bla bla bla no one fucking cares
She was ssooooooo swweet
Shut the fuck up jesus

That's 4channelers for you. Now go be an incel somewhere else.

you're just kind of proving his point y'know
seriously, /r9k/ would be more your speed

Why are you giving credence to an obviously fake story?

>everyone i don't like is le /r9k/ 8gag incel boogeyman
Okay retard.

Attached: really.png (128x127, 28K)


if it doesn't inflate the poster's ego, there's no reason to treat a story as fiction
it's not like I have anything to lose or he anything to gain

Oh sorry, I thought you were just dim, I didn't realize you were retarded. Do whatever you want, retard.

Dilate twitter drama reddit downvote tranny

DCfag here. It’s all about agencies vying for glory so they can get the budgets.



They wanna make a federal case outta it

it's either that or you're just a zoomer desperate for (You)s
>we should just react to any irl story by calling them fake

>we should just react to any irl story by calling them fake
Well, just the ones that are obviously fake.

How am I desperate for (You)s? I'm just pointing out that 8gag lives in your head rent free.
And even if I was, you keep feeding me the (You)'s anyway, you're my little (You) printer.

I mean sure but a college girl probably being raped and then being murdered is perfectly plausible
>I mean, what are the odds someone would be cruel enough to shove branches up someone's genitals and stick them up a tree

You're arguing something completely different because you're retarded and you cannot follow the progression of posts. Scroll back up and try again.

>Well, just the ones that are obviously fake.
>point out it's not obviously fake
>"The argument was something else"
enlighten me

That's...pretty fucked up. You might not have known her well, but still, my condolences.

if shit like this can happen, someone getting murdered and left in a tree is pretty plausible by comparison

sometimes she goes, and sometimes she doesn't. that's just the way she goes.

>dude it's plausible that something like this could happen
>that means it did happen and that pathetic user isn't desperate for attention! He actually knew her!

He's a sad fuck looking for posts like this

Because your rookie partners bungling has the mayor breathing down your neck

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Federal crimes means FBI, but realistically, federal jurisdiction it's a very broad term and the FBI can squeeze themselves into anything they want.
This means they get to choose what to do with information, if they will arrest criminals and any assistance they want, often making political choices. They can also investigate local police work which might lead to legal problems for the cops.