Why is this still a thing
Literally me
Back in my day, BLACKED was soooo epic funny
I miss BLACKED posting, it generated so many tears from self-hating mutts
Maybe loud nigra will see a resurgence, the actual footage has whole new meaning these days
for me its chloe toy
why do i want to lick a girls butthole, when i know what its purpose is? whats wrong with me? and i know for a fact its not porns fault, ive always had this urge, way before i even looked at porn
Good taste. Her weird fetish stuff is great.
Finger your ass and get a good whiff of your finger. You’ll be cured.
everytime when I look at this worl...
I know how I got it, my sister farted in my face when I was a kid.
since that day I'm obsessed with womans assholes
wtf i'm more horny now
What the hell is this?
>he doesn't know
lmao imagine being this out of the loop
i had a gf once, and begged her to lay her braps on me. after weeks of begging she finally blew one across my face. suffice to say it was disgusting, i couldnt even look at her. i broke up with her 3 days later and asked her ot move out. you guys meme'd me out of my relationship
>coomer cope
enjoy hell in this life and the next coomer cumbrain
For me, it's Miss Alice (someone post a webm for me)
you don't know either you liar
>he genuinely doesn't know
Check "that" board on cripplechan if it's back up. If you don't know which you aren't a true Yea Forumstard.
should I coom tonight? I whacked it for a good 4 hours last night before passing out from exhaustion.
infinity is still very dead. And i only ever used it for loli boards anyway
Cute, CUTE!
Based. I usually edge for five hours before giving in.
My dick hurts.
doesnt look young enough so i dont care, hardcore cp is normally shit anyway
Imagine her riding your cock and she has an intense orgasm and squirts all over your cock and balls, shivering. How hard would you flood her womb in that moment?
my record is 16 hours edging
>16 hours
Literally how?