What made so many people fall for the smear campaign against Jay Leno?

What made so many people fall for the smear campaign against Jay Leno?

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Jay Leno raped and killed a girl in 1990

Wasn't hard. He was a garbage host who was shitty to all of his guests.

Who hasn't? I don't see that as any good reason to ruin a man's career.

Team Coco fags are so annoying I think I’m Team Chino now

Bill Hicks nostalgia

There is a smear campaign against Jay Leno?

Sounds based

There were only two good late night hosts: Johnny Carson and Craig Ferguson. All the rest are shit.

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That's slander user.

This, can I get a spoon-feeding please?

Craig Ferguson sucked ass
>le skeleton robot cohost xD

>Craig Ferguson sucked ass

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Jay Leno literally did nothing wrong. All he did was take jobs that were offered to him. Letterman got pissy because NBC didn't want his alternative comedy taking over Johnny Carson's show.

>le skeleton robot cohost xD

is it though? when satanic cults make the rules they break the rules buddy and just look at that beady eyed bastard gosh darn was he in cahoots with Polanski or Epstien i wouldnt be hecked surprised what this demon might do or have done

Fucking hell did they extend summer vacation? Kill yourself.

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Kek did I wake up in an achewood strip?

Leno still on NBC. Conan running a shitty abbreviated show on a second string basic cable network.

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Pffff... if you haven't done this by 30, you're not living much of a life.


You're a fool.

zoomers are louder than boomers

A good way to acknowledge if someone's IQ is low is if they say Jay Leno was at fault for any of this

He did leave in five years. Then Conan's ratings were terrible and NBC wanted to get rid of them and asked Leno back.

He didn't leave. He started a talkshow right before the Tonight Show to kill Conan's lead-in. Conan's ratings were no worse than Jays when he first took over the Tonight Show but Jay didn't have to contend with fucking Carson sticking around and doing a talkshow right before him.

He did that talk show because he was still bringing in good ratings and NBC wasn't ready to let him go. Have gave up the Tonight Show, what was he supposed to do?

He was supposed to leave like Carson did. You have to be a mental midget not to see what Leno was doing by sticking around.

He loves British and Italian cars. Because of this he's a good lad imo.

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He left his show, but NBC gave him another job offer, so he took it. Then when what they had wasn't working out, they asked Conan to move the show back a little bit in its timeslot. He sperged out and quit, so NBC asked Leno to host the show again and he did. All he ever did was take the jobs that were offered to him.

He just cares about his cars now.


Letterman, Conan, and Cavett were all based

>so he took it

They didn't force him. He knew exactly what he was doing by creating a talk show lead-in to another talk show followed by another talk show.

>Then when what they had wasn't working out

Can't imagine why. Who doesn't want to watch a 3 hour block of talkshows.

I never liked Leno when he had The Tonight Show, and I still think he was in the wrong to take the 10 PM timeslot show in front of Conan, but Lay Leno's Garage is pretty kino and he seems like a genuinely all right guy.

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Team Coco fags latched onto Conan because they remembered how good he was when they were young in the 90s. When Conan switched to TBS nobody watched it and ratings have dwindled to the point the budget has been slashed and he's reduced to a half hour cheap show with a side podcast.

I use to get super baked as a kid then watch Leno with my dad. I thought he was funny af but soon realized I was just super high. Still enjoy the memories though

I wasn't crazy about Letterman either, but I did like prime Conan and what I'd seen of Cavett was pretty good come to think of it.

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The Internet didn't really exist as it exists today so misinformation was really powerful, if Conan and Jay Tweeted we would have gotten leaks and discovered that Conan was getting too big of an ego.

I was watching his old stuff back from 1999 and I didn't notice it then but he has a HUGE Harvard smugface disease. Just that entire smarmy sarcastic Bawston attitude comes out before he polished his game. I bet it never left, he always was an elitist prick who hid behind self-mockery. Jay Leno is just a blue collar italian Boomer at heart who smoked a lot of crack in the 80s to start his career and then got clean and cruised at NBC. He didn't expect Conan to be so cutthroat and such an assmunch. So Leno wanted to fuck him up, its the Italian in Leno, you gotta show respect to your elders or they give you a horses head in your bed.

>He knew exactly what he was doing by creating a talk show lead-in to another talk show followed by another talk show.
Yes, he was getting paid to do what he loved.

>Who doesn't want to watch a 3 hour block of talkshows.
The point is that people wanted to watch Leno, not Conan. Conan is still on TV, and still no one watches him.

coolest car of all time imo

>I wasn't crazy about Letterman either
his NBC is the most overrated comedy show after Friends, but he's still a kino provocateur. Watch his interviews with Norm, Rickles, or Trump and say I'm wrong.

Conan going to ABC and Leno going to FOX would've been perfect for NBC. Starting over their late night department from scratch.

I ain't even saying you're wrong. I just wasn't a huge fan.

You really are a dullard. If Leno had ANY integrity he would have said "I'm not leaving the Tonight Show, I'm number 1 in the ratings." Instead he did the weasle move of pretending to hand over the reins only to then instantly start undermining Conan.

>bu bu but Leno was just doing what was asked of him. Leno is a good boy who does what he's told.

>It'll never be a great day for America ever again.

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They offered him a show. Why would he say no?

>The point is that people wanted to watch Leno
They obviously didn't otherwise his show wouldn't have fucking bombed

>tv and film in general go to shit as soon as he leaves
The son of a bitch really was the entertainment industry's voice of reason. I sincerely believe that.

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You think they didn't offer Carson a show? Can you guess why he would say no?

>Conan was getting too big of an ego
Yeah, who doesn't want to do HALF a show because someone else doesn't want to leave their spot? Fuck Conan, right?

Conan: Wrote Monorail song
Leno: Did chip commercial to buy cars

They didn't. He was forced out basically. And he warned Jay that they'd do the same thing to him eventually. When they offered him another show, he took it.

It's true.

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How did the ratings compare from when Conan took over to when Fallon took over? That should really make it clear if Conan had the chops or not.

In any case I enjoy Conan's content quite a bit but I think he's just better suited for a later slot.

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i miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.
never even knew what i had until it was gone

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>That thing was too big to be called a chin.
Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of flesh

He literally has a disease. He could get it fixed, but he wouldn't be able to open his mouth for a long time and it's not worth it.

This is the correct interpretation of the situation.

>I never liked Leno when he had The Tonight Show
True. Leno had the weakest monologues by far and his band leader Kevin Eubanks was a boring sidekick. Every day was the exact same shit, boring monologue, Leno turns to Eubanks and crowd "ehh did you hear about this ehhh, did you hear about this?" Then comes the competent but boring celebrity interview. Leno was so bland his main demographic was the elderly.

> I still think he was in the wrong to take the 10 PM timeslot show in front of Conan
Leno and NBC executives did a lot of wrong to a lot of people, but the real crime was against The Tonight Show. NBC and Leno basically undermined and dismantled their legendary Tonight Show when it was fighting the new trends in people turning to internet for "television" and the airwaves being cleared of analog signals and requiring people to have digital receivers. This level of stupidity knows no bounds.

>Lay Leno's Garage is pretty kino
Say what you want about Leno, but the fact of the matter is that he's doing what I'd do if i had that kind of money.

>he seems like a genuinely all right guy.
Yup. Just a bland guy, inoffensive, no real striking personality traits (just a chin to separate him from the crowd), does cool shit with motorcycles. just all right.

shit copy pasta.

Fight me you punk ass bitch

Send location.

Letterman is better

Letterman sucked. He was never funny, and he’s honestly the reason “We need to be political and sniff our farts on live TV” became a staple of late night hosts. I hate Fallon, but him giving Fallon shit for not shitting on his guests because muh politics was all you needed to know.

not that user, but I'd fite you over that topic. Craig was just an old drunkard who would creep on his women guests. He was ok, but closer to unwatchable.

I loved how he didn’t let cue cards and a need to seem energetic ruin his charisma. He was just himself, and he was cool as fuck.

>imagine defending Fallon on 4chin.
You can slurp up Fallon's vienna sausage dick somewhere else faggot.

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Just put in your mom’s address.

They did.

>Literaly day “I hate Fallon”
Well, at least I know you can’t read.

And you keep on defending him. disgusting. Anything involving Fallon just needs this phrase "Fallon is trash and annoying as fuck"

Holy shit 4chin doesn't get spam filtered anymore! Gookmoot falling down on the job.

Did he fuck your mother?
Fallon is shit, but shitting on him for not having a soapbox is faggy as fuck.

You're at the graveyard?

There you go again. More veiled compliments. I saw right through you from the start.

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Tonight it’s the Marriot, and I brought the pedals.

Bait, gotcha


you're thinking of bob saget

I think a lot of that stemmed from the way he lived when he was younger. Guy survived drunken drug fueled madness at the bottom of the barrel in fucking Glasgow, and managed to crawl out of it and into show business.
It gave him this wisdom and sense of perspective that made him really likable really quickly. I remember when Britney Spears had her nervous breakdown and shaved her head, and he was the only comedian who didn't shit all over her.
He even got interviewed for not shitting all over her and had to explain that there wasn't much comedy in kicking somebody when they were clearly down.

You can’t even use that right. Fuck are you dumb.

Conan was never good. He's talkshow persona is basically just Will Ferrell-tier but he doesn't have the charisma Will has to be endearing.

>measures intelligence in terms of 4chin memes
no u

>execs told him not to make fun of Obama
>said no
>gets fired

>That should really make it clear if Conan had the chops or not.
How retarded do you have to be to not realize that Jay had a one hour show before Conan that ruined the lead-in to his show AND the local news that preceded TTS?