so this guy is definitely a pedophile right?
So this guy is definitely a pedophile right?
Not as much Steven Spielberg or Tom Hanks
Who tf is that Whoville-ass lookin mofo? He looks like a damn Dr. Seuss character
he is a manlet which is a trait you have to have to be a pedophile
Stephen King is unbelievably ugly.
No, literal pedophile.
What the hell do you think user?
He's fucking 6'4 what are you talking about?
Call me when he hits a respectable height
that's in the manlet range
Those guys are fucking Luciferians.
Literally the only people who care about the distinction are pedophiles.
He was raised Methodist and now criticizes organized religion but still believes in God.
Pedophile is a bit harsh, but the child orgy in IT was a bit much.
To be fair, he was massively coked up, drunk, on downers and who the fuck else knows when he was writing IT.
only pedophiles know that word
Aside from It there really isn't anything weird sexual stuff involving minors in his other works so I doubt it
Yeah, I read there was one book, either Cujo or Christie that he flat out doesn't remember writing, and completely forgot about it until he saw a trailer for the adaptation on TV.
There's a 99.99% chance he fucked kids during his notorious coke binges.
What's wrong with his face? No really what the fuck is wrong with his face? He looks like someone who had a bunch of failed plastic surgeries
Yeah but, how much of a fucking nutcase of an editor do you have to be to decided not to cut out a child orgy in a book? Pretty sure his editor must have been a pedo too.
so does that make you a pedophile now?
he's a liberal so
He's a reptilian.
Or just unprincipled. They knew that whatever King wrote would be a best seller.
He looks like a planet of the apes character but if you made the apes look more human than ape, like 25% ape.
He was better looking when he was younger
That's the New Englader's face.
looks like a Planet Of The Apes extra
I picture the editor going TL;DR its king we'll publish whatever
>supposed to be a horror writer
>none of his books are scary
>all of his books go off in different unrelated directions and always have terrible endings
>has had multiple film adaptions yet only Misery was any good
I've heard this guy only got popular because he was one of the few authors that had their books commercialized on TV. Would explain the boomer fanbase.
It came out in 1986. After Carrie, after The Shining, after he tried being Bachman for a while to see if he had just become too big to fail. There was no way they weren't publishing anything he wrote.
i watch so much of King's shit and his best is the non-horror. The Shining (it's not a horror), Running Man, Green Mile
Was a different time. For example in the 70 it was common to see pictures of Rock Stars in Rolling Stones with so-called "baby groupies" who were like 10-13. Many rock stars at the time wrote songs about having sex with them as well and even mentioned their young age. It was seen like how rock stars used cocaine. The whole view only changed after the satanic panic in the 80s.
How is The Shining "not a horror"
Well, yeah. The desperate roundabout way he inserted a bunch of underage boys running train on an underage girl in IT is pretty solid evidence.
The motivation is literally this:
'When coming up from the sewers after the first battle with IT, the kids suddenly start to lose their way and can't find the correct path out. Beverly suddenly realises that the magic is leaving them, and in order to keep the magic, she needs to fuck each and every one of them'
Yes, this is exactly how he explains it in the book, just HOW MUCH can you possibly want an underage orgy in order to justify it with such shitty writing...
an abusive husband/father isn't scary
Scary is subjective. There are supernatural elements. In the book, the hotel is "haunted", but by the...I guess, psychic energy of what happened (Halloran describes it as "toast crumbs") rather than actual spirits. Father runs amok. Psychic kid in peril. It's horror.
This is exactly what happened. If you read any of King’s books you’ll find random grammatical and continuity errors because they literally just green light whatever’s he sends in, partly because they know it’s a guaranteed bestseller and partly because theyre terrifies of pissing him off and losing their big fish.
At that time King was at the peak of his popularity, and sold insane numbers. An editor who pissed him off would be fired on the spot, so unless it was a spelling mistake, they would keep their mouth shut.
didn't he wipe his ass with poison ivy as a kid
reddit is that way
this opens my eyes, I suspected some of his works were channeled was especially it as it contained occult subtext and I doubt he would naturally be familiar with these concepts. He was simply a medium
what is this number
you haven't lived til you've seen The Langoliers
True, which explains why he actually put his underage orgy fantasy to print.
That said, back when he was coked up he at least wrote interesting stuff, his best work is from that era, when he sobered up you got longwinded shit and an obsession about how the last drop of piss always end up in your pants...
Are you really advocating for censorship because you don’t like it? If you don’t like it, don’t read it and don’t buy it. He wrote a fictional orgy about fictional kids and here you are 30 years later still bitching about those poor defenseless not-real children.