>* kills a faggot in your path
Is Pennywise /our clown/?
* kills a faggot in your path
>gets btfo in other thread
>makes this
seems to be the case. how many FAGGOTs has the joker killed hhmmmmm?
Why the homophobia?
>saw this today with my dad
>he let out a loud "eww" when they kissed that everyone in the theater heard
>women in front of us turned around and gave him a dirty look
>Hey Gais!
>You like child pornography right?
>check out this movie based on Child Pornography
>it's ok, it's from (((hollywood)))
Based dad.
Fucking chad
According the the left, gays are the new blacks. Instead of Bowers calling mike a nigger they just call Richie a faggot. And the hate crimes are against gays not blacks.
Funny how they're equating race with buttsex
It's funny because blacks reportedly have higher instances of homosexuality.
>Is Pennywise /our clown/?
Also, this thread is shit. Never make another thread again.
user, you're the only person who made the connection
Literally any guy who isn't gay should be disgusted by it. That whore was just getting off on it and your based boomer dad ruined her orgasm.
KEK, this fucking board
holy based
How was pennywise manipulating the televisions in the first movie? It had to just be psychological delusions.
No one likes gay people deep down, they are going to find this out the more they push this shit.
Are people actually not bothered watching people kiss in media? At all. Even regular man on woman. It just makes me uncomfortable.
>makes funny pun in intense moment
What garbage. Normies ruin everything. The first was pure kino, knowing when and where to be funny. But this was like a comedy.
>that puking scene with the music
I almost left the theater
What faggot town do you live in? I just saw IT tonight and when they kissed several people in the audience groaned and a child even shouted "Eeew!" as others chuckled.
>The first was pure kino
It was.
Why couldn't they get a happy ending, bros?
Based Chad dad
Faggots should be executed
Even when they're the best characters in the fucking movie?
Dude next to me said: "Lmao faggots".
When I saw it a few days ago the whole theater went eww, wtf and similar expressions
But I'm in the balkans
Not today, Jews
Honestly, if anything this movie will convert some into allies
The gay aspect was incredibly well done
hey hate us what u want but at lest we don't kill people and form gangs and steal bikes
Pennywise should’ve made a joke about Adrian Mellon tasting fruity
Reminder that in the book the reason Pennywise killed the gay guy was because he was child-like in the mind. King was comparing gays to children.