Are movies like Joker going to become more common in the near future?
Are movies like Joker going to become more common in the near future?
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oy gevalt it's like another abortion ban
gamers unironically need to rise up.
Cursed year
You mean actual good movies?
No, I doubt it. Studios like Jizzney will continue to crank out utter shit.
Someday you will regret your words. Be very careful about how you proceed from now on. We have had enough.
Unironically this but without the threatening undertones.
Incels needs to all literally just HAVE SEX
what happened in 2008?
Can't wait for the lonely male uprising in minecraft. Villagers fear them the most
White women here I only fuck Asian men
that was the housing crisis
Thought this was a stock graph at first. How can I invest in male virginity? Pornhub stock is private, maybe cleenex?
I blame sex education curriculums. Stop forcing sex down the throats of kids. Shit is weird.
Holy shit, there's no way 27% of dudes in there 20s are virgins (also odd that they don't count sex before you turned 18).
its not virgins, its guys who haven't had sex since they turned 18. that number is increasing, so they aren't virgins, but there are more and more guys that just can't get sex.
(its due to tinder and social media)
Seething brainlet
The internet is killing our ability and will to socialize with people in person
ya definitely not the sexual revolution and tinder, it's just sex class
>ability and will to socialize with people in person
>seething brainlet
lol the irony
It literally is. If sex became less of a major focus on children’s minds, they’d be a lot less awkward about it. Sex education honestly make sex seem weird and alien. It’s also an avenue for pedophiles to gain access to children
sex ed makes up a tiny portion of children's exposure to sex. Most of the exposure comes from the internet now. Seeing hardcore gangbangs and blacked as a 10 year old probably fucks you up.
>The internet is killing our ability and will to socialize with people in person
the internet was a thing in the 80s and 90s and it did not cause problems like that. all these problems started with social media. everyone is treating each other the exact same way they treat each other on facebook, it's all casual. the people who use social media have completely fried their ability to socialize because they have been bombarded day in day out with dopamine hits that come from using facebook. they fucked themselves.
I really mean "social media" when I say internet, because that's all people use it for. Even reddit and Yea Forums are basically forms of social media, and reddit is almost as widely used as the normiest of shit like Instagram. The internet was a nerd thing in the 90s, even midway into the 2000s, and only a small fraction of the population was on it a lot back then . People weren't on smartphones all the time. I'm not even a "TECHNOLOGY BAAAD" retard, but it's obvious that literally everyone having a smartphone by 2012 or 2013 is the cause. People can't socialize if they don't practice, and they practice less when they talk to people in real life less.
>the internet was a thing in the 80s
no, not really
im sure zuckerberg loves what is happening. people are so addicted to facebook and instagram that that would rather interact with people on there than irl.
>Many incels quote a rule of thumb that 20% of men have 80% of the sex. Is this true? It turns out, the answer is no. And of course, it isn’t!
>Measuring the number of partners instead of sexual frequency, the top 20% most promiscuous men account for about 60% of male sexual partnerings, and the trend is, again, quite stable over time.
>see? It's only 60% not 80%. Incels have nothing to be mad about.
No its not you weird fuck. Lack of proper sex ed is what leads to teen pregnancy and abortions
Was it really that dramatically different in 2008? That was only 11 years ago...
The shift
So sexual education makes the dudes not being able to have sex?
>tfw I've had sex so I'll never be able to properly enjoy the joker like my based and redpilled incel bros will
The best kino of the decade is ruined for me because i cant identify with it.
Incels are too stupid to just have sex. What we really need to promote pedophilia to cut the incel problem at the start. There cant be any incels if adults fucked their asses when they were 6 years old. Look how the greeks made that work and there was no school shootings at that time
Years of stats show that people who know about sex young don't get into so quick. Yeah there's cultural pressures as well [inb4 webm of toddlers twerking] but otherwise sex ed is a good idea. Hearing teenaged girls on the train say that 'only a little bit of jizz comes out, not enough to get you pregnit' makes you understand how necessary education is.
>people who know about sex young don't get into so quick.
kek it seems they don't even get to it
>take away jobs from men and give them to women
>introduce online dating/hookup apps
>make porn and vidya easily accessible and socially acceptable
No wonder these poor bastards aren't having sex, this is the worst generation for emotionally sensitive.
I unironically hope so.
I'll take forced art house capeshit over annual Disney Marvel capeshit any day of the week.
Why not? It's literally the case in Japan for both men and women, so why wouldn't it start happening in other first world nations?
Online dating and women ignoring everyone but the highest tier males.
thanks hypergamy
>that rise and fall until 2008
Seriously what the fuck happened
Social media, how is this not common knowledge.
Social media and the rise of online dating
Economic downturn meant a lot of men were making less money thereby making them less desirable.
online dating is a meme
Also the fact that a lot more young men still live with their parents now. A lot of women do as well but it's only seen as a massive negative for men.
Its odd to me that calling someone a 'virgin' is an insult. Imagine looking down on someone who has self control and standards for women and themselves. But I guess that's just the world we live in today. I wish every day I was a virgin, unironically
Why are roasties doing this. Why the fuck can they just clam up and stop everyone getting a fair crack. This is war.
When people use virgin as an insult they're not saying that you CHOSE to be a virgin but that you're unable to get laid. They're basically calling you involuntarily celibate, which is why incel is replacing virgin as an insult.
chads are broke and still fuck
>the year of the major economic crisis
>wondering what went wrong
It's easy to see how it all spiraled out of control from there. Not just for white males but for every other group out there too, really.
>Imagine looking down on someone who has self control and standards for women and themselves
Yeah, but how many are actually in that category?
media fell in love with obama. literally fell in love, in the romantic sense. they decided that their job was to shift public opinion, not inform or entertain.
It’s the ultimate insult. To be a virgin to to not belong, no one wants you, you are worthless.
Legalize prostitution and be done with incels. Problem solved.
Economy crashed.
You dumb shit.
I only ever got a handjob, and I paid for that. Do I technically still count as a virgin?
Economic crisis (the reason Obama got elected btw.)
>its not virgins
>Young male virginity on the rise
I get that some of those men may have had sex before 18 but probably not that many of them.
Yes, but it will be far to late for you to have sex. It's over for anyone over 20.
>Are movies like Joker going to become more common in the near future?
Of course.
For the US, 18.4 is the average age that men lose their virginity, so I'd say the vast majority of those guy are still virgins.
Yeah, let's just let kids who are going to experiment anyway get pregnant because learning about the body makes you feel uncomfortable. But binging on gore and violent video games is perfectly normal, because... It just is.
>social media exploded in popularity, ruining the internet
>smartphones exploded in popularity, ruining social media
>bankers bailed out wall street and snuffed the Occupy movement
It's good to know Yea Forums can still produce posts like this. Wildly offensive and pretty fucking funny at the same time.
Sex with a prostitute doesn’t count.
If you can't compete against a woman in the workplace you deserve to starve to death. That's just capitalism.
Cute Robots, artificial wombs, genetic engineering.
According to whom?
haven't had sex in about 5 months, bros. i'm actually dying over here. any kinos to get me through this dry spell?
Common sense. Saying you're not a virgin because you had sex with a prostitute is like saying you're a millionaire because you have over one million monopoly dollars.
fpbp sadly, normalfags are a tumor.
the cursed year is 2014, the internet has been corrupted with political battles ever since.
There was once a time when people didn't argue politics on the internet. Nowadays it's equivalent to breathing, people think it's human nature. But it never used to be this way I swear.
>Listens to Cumtown once
>decides to use Nick Mullen's personality and humor as his own
You're insufferable.
>this is war
I unironicaly think there actually will be war if this escalates
this user is correct. you're about to be attacked tho because youre ruining the C O P E of some literal unfuckable retards. they like to think they're not incels because they payed some nasty whore to play with their peepees.
>its due to tinder
Yeah bro, a fucking phone app is the reason that you're a virgin. That makes perfect sense.
Incels want love not sex, you brainlet
If women didn't have access to chads they would be forced to fuck me.
>the internet was a thing in the 80s and 90s
no, not to any meaningful extent
Yes, Chad can fuck women no matter what because he's naturally attractive. Non-Chads, on the other hand, have to provide economic benefit to get a lay.
Which in turn makes men beg the question: "why are we doing this, anyway? working sucks, all these hours I spend working provide me just a few minutes inside a moist hole? that's dumb!". And that's why the graph will rise more and more in the future.
Hopefully women will think this is beneficial for them, when simple economics dictate that it is not: they'll have not only to share Chad around to have sex themselves, but they'll have to degrade more and more to satisfy Chad's increasingly pickiness and depravity. Many laughs will be had if you have patience and just enjoy the show.
>30% incels
no but redditors will have to stop bullying japan's low birth rate since it will be hypocrisy
It's funny how TV is constantly becoming more "sex-positive" and encouraging of sex, while the legal system is continuously getting harsher and harsher on 16 year olds who screw each other. Gee, I wonder if the surveillance state and steep punishments have anything to do with waning sex lives.
Bro, I wouldn't fuck 90% of the trashy females that pop on Tinder even if they paid me for the duty. I'd rather keep my wizard powers than shove my dick on those things.
a lot...
in economic crises, women actually go for "nice guys" more because they need stability and money
half the posts on the cumtown subreddit are just stolen tv memes.
Ironic how those who claim "incels" to be so hateful and spiteful, are hateful and spiteful enough themselves to make a collage deeming the faces within as such.
not if they're making more money than them
Yeah bro! It's like how people say the Nazis are hateful yet people hate Nazis for wanting to commit genocide!
Libtards BTFO by logic and facts!
That's how the 'female' brain works, user. Instead of tackling the problem they shun it and ridicule it.
I don't hate nazis though.
It's not about fucking but some kind of social medal to wave around. Just another goal in the rat race. Sex itself isn't really that much of a deal, especially without love.
Nazis were mentaly ill trannies and faggots.
We can tell. Maybe that has something to do with why women don't want you?
Nah, it must be because your ears are 1cm too long.
No one is making you wear glasses or forcing you to have a lame buzz cut.
fleshlight stocks
i was born as a direct result of the internet in the 90s so you are wrong
Liberalism is unsustainable.
I hope one day, historians (probably Chinese) will give an honest account of this cultural suicide.
>Incels are too stupid to just have sex.
This is the truth. The low IQ population (below 85 or so) has a huge percentage of virgins, it makes sense then that these people are from this poulation group due to their inability to form coherent arguments and lack of understanding when it comes to the real world.
what a bunch of interlinked cells
Exactly bro, put a high IQ balding Indian manlet on Tinder and women would be all over him. Meanwhile 6'4 white gigachad with a 80 iq wouldn't be able to get any pussy.
>No one is making you wear glasses
What are they supposed to do? I understand the poor fashion and hair but that isn't people's fault.
Yes it is. It's always a choice to put on any item of clothing, glasses included.
>b-but then I can't see!
Don't care. That's your own fault for being genetically inferior, you still don't have to wear glasses. You're choosing to make yourself look like an incel.
Like clockwork. A prime example of their lack of understanding of the real world.
is incel just a shortening of interlinked within cells?
Okay boomer. You gonna tell me that all I have to do to get a job is walk in and give the boss a firm handshake next?
Things don't work like they did back in your day anymore.
It's either glasses or literally not being able to walk or function.
I give you they can get surgery or contacts but not everyone has the money for that.
Also if your argument is genetics there is nothing to discuss, enjoy getting shot by a lonely faggot.
>doubling down on being an out of touch low IQ loser
It was literally a different planet. The dimensional shift in 2012 created the Berenstein effect and the current nightmare world.
If you can't afford to improve yourself then you can't complain about not getting any women. Your role as a man is to do everything you can to make yourself be as good as an option as possible in the hope that a woman, whose role is choose which men to fuck/enter a relationship with, will pick you one day.
Yeah, it's not fair, but it's how it is. You were born a man, not a woman, so if you want to get laid then you're gonna have to put in a lot of effort.
Holy shit! Now everything makes sense.
Exactly, back in our day we just got a well-paying job straight out of high school and bought our own house a year later! Why can't these lazy millennials do the same?
Sexual collapse and caveman tier transgenderism are precursors to the unified gender.
>not to any meaningful extent
Haha. Hi, little guy.
You're so out of touch with the real world that you sound exactly like every other low IQ virgin on here. Your responses are so predictable it's not even funny.
I suggest you go back.
>almost two weeks without sex
Losing my mind here, bros.
they will but no one will care
same thing happened to rome
I haven't had a suck and fuck since Sneed came to town.
So? it always had been like that.
You can go to the 1950 and women will give you the same answer. men are not attractive on average
Men are not attractive on average, it is not necessary for a man to be handsome since he has other tools to reproduce (have sex) such as security, intelligence, sympathy and personality...
While a woman does need to be beautiful since it is her only tool for reproduction.
>Men are waaaay more superficial than women, in the times of evolution men only raped the pretty ones.
The state
Sperm banks
Fags and Orbiters
There is nothing a husband can provide in 2019 that a woman can't get somewhere else. It's over.
numbers inflated by white men
once white men start dying out (already happening) the virginity epidemic will collapse
Explain the chart in the OP then, boom boom. Did the amount of low IQ young men more than triple in the last ten years for no reason?
Slow down there, hoss.
Actual surveys on incel websites have shown this to not be the case though. In fact a lot of incels hold the opinion that it's impossible for white men to be "true incels" because of society's white-supremacist beauty standards.
The only reason that white men are being associated with incels is because liberals would start to feel sorry for them if they thought that they were any other group. It's a lot easier for them to feel sorry for a bunch of black men claiming that society is racist and that's why they're alone than a bunch of "privileged white men" complaining.
>"white' men
No. These specifically refer to self indentified Incels. There is a pretty huge difference between adult male virgins in general and those who specifically identify themselves as part of the Incel subculture.
>Share of men under 30 who report zero female sex partners
>who report zero female sex partners
>female sex partners
faggots confirmed on the rise
>A prime example of their lack of understanding of the real world.
Tinder still represents real world trends, just in an extremely exaggerated fashion.
Proportionally, most incels are Asians
Proportionally, most people in general are Asians.
>realise my five closets friends are all single
If the male-female ratio is 1:1 what are all the girls doing? Also just sitting at home or taking turns fucking the same few chads?
it's an american meme.
My entire spic engineering department is full of beta incels
>There is nothing a husband can provide in 2019 that a woman can't get somewhere else. It's over.
Its over for you user because you haven't even tried. This generation is so used to having everything easy that they no longer experience the taste of defeat and have lost the passion to keep trying.
The fault is not the jews or the feminists or the democrats or the illuminatis, you are the fault dude!!!!
This generation is so used to having everything easy that they do not tolerate when a girl rejects them, then they become incels... it is as if you had corrupted an NPC script.
It has always been this way, men were rejected some or many times before having sex and when you finally brought a pretty girl to ur bed, self-esteem increased to 100% and feels like everything was worth it.
but now with instant pleasure like pornography, video games, drugs, people have become accustomed to having pleasure as quickly as possible and nobody has noticed this...
Man today is a slave to what he himself created.
21 year old here, all of my friends and I are all virgins. We entered the dating market right as women's standards were rising and things like Tinder were taking off and never had a chance.
>tfw lost my virginity on my mid 20s
Shit sucks, I will never experience a crazy college life.
I think a lot of women are also single. People have high standards, and almost nobody meets them. Millions of fatties, psychos, addicts, idiots, etc. Why stoop to that level just for pussy/dick?
To be fair engineering students are all virgins, all around the world
>never leave home
>don't have an online dating profile
How do you expect to get a gf when even your own family barely knows you exist?
I go to college and women are all visibly bored when I talk with them
finna fuck this robot
You know what's really weird? Most girls I know have partners but most guys don't.
>Social media + smartphone epidemic
>Obama pretending he wasn't Bush 2.0
You need jesus, user.
To be fair most people today are boring.
>boston dynamic finally makes the perfect human frame
>someone makes a functional AI that can adapt and learn
>put the AI in the frame
>frame can be customized to look like your waifu or husbando
>everyone in the modern world gets a robot partner
>new people are grown in artificial wombs when the old one dies to keep population balance
You were born too early to be efficiently milked by your waifu.
The GTX 9800 and the Intel core series were released
>Be desperate for pussy for a while
>Try hard to charm women
>Doesn't work
>Stopped giving a fuck, and talked to women like I talk to anons here
>Gave zero fucks about what they thought about me
>Basically turned into Pajeet 2.0 not asking, but telling women to give me bobs and vagene
>Get laid less than a week later
It really is true that nothing dries a womans pussy up like desperation, and they're extremely good at spotting it.
Post face, you're probably just ugly
no shit
You never know, there's some very handsome anons on Yea Forums
>Source: General Social Survey
If I can’t sed the methodology it’s shit. There’s no way 27% of young adults are virgins holy shit. Maybe like 2% and that’s pushing it. What stupid clickbate.
>The only reason that white men are being associated with incels is because liberals would start to feel sorry for them if they thought that they were any other group.
Spot on
>Maybe like 2% and that’s pushing it
I fell in love with Meghan but lost the bottle to do anything about it. I also developed cancer.
>Maybe like 2% and that’s pushing it
>Maybe like 2% and that’s pushing it.
>Its over for you user because you haven't even tried.
Oh, I wish this was true
Who's megan?
You're not tricking me into posting my face
I'm a good damn spic faggot, I'm ugly by default
Meghan, retard
we only at the GTX 2080 fool
Ok, you're ugly by default. Forget that I asked for a face pic.
What about megan?
most spics are chads and based/proud cucks
Yes and windows 98 is actually 88 versions above windows 10. That is how this works.
yeah but its not out yet
Who's megan?
Megan who?
>tfw I got called a battyboy yesterday
I don't understand why
>ungefickt und karohemd, das ist der maschinenbaustudent
wish i could translate this and keep the rythm
more like incel core series
twitter is literally a mental issue
Tinder got released. People say "hurr economic crisis", but that eventually bounced back, which doesnt explain why sexlessness only saw a steady increase.
iirc white people are underrepresented in incel stats
obama, recession, social media
Tinder ruined women.
Porn ruined men.
>Porn ruined men.
This guy gets it.
>since they turned 18
fake news
I just want someone to love me. I don't even want sex.
No, you idiot.
1. This didn't start in 2014. You're too young to acknowledge politics historically.
2. It's become worse as platforms merge together. It used to be the case that websites and forums were more doverse people with particular views used those platforms but now everything is combining.
Brainlet spotted. Did you ever work in a male female environment?
All this women with 2 uni degree come to me for help when they cant make a powerpoint work.
School is extremely female oriented. You are basically forced to comply with a series of tasks. Creativity is killled. I remember being very intersted on writing. I would write pages and pages every day then high school happened.
>3 forced topics, 1 political, 1hystorical and the other was about journal articles
Literally killed my will to write.
School is extremely harmful. It was made for educating but now its actually become to indoctrinate. I didnt finish high school and yet i can speak italian english and german. Have more actual knowledge than non phd laureates and know how to use computers unlike females who know every feature of facebook and instagram but get acared when they get a bluescreen and don't know what happened
>women are the ones who constantly talk about how independent they are and how they don’t need men
>it’s a “virginity crisis” when men are independent and don’t need women
So, how do you find a girlfriend? I must admit I haven't even tried to actively search for one. Where do you find one?
what makes you think it isnt true
do you think guys are just going to tell you that they're virgins
unless you've seen the guy put his penis in a vagina, assume he's a virgin
Me too, user
You could say that about any virtue. I remember my coworkers making fun of me for not stealing from workplace or refusing to deceive the manager.
Just be yourself, man. Worked for me.
>the internet was a thing in the 80s and 90s
Love is a meme. Do you honestly believe chads and roasties experience love?
Yes you sad waste of shit
Contacts. Lasik. I'm myopic myself and I don't get people wearing glasses. Why would you make your disability noticeable?
It's full of middle-aged women and middle-aged men.
>The internet is killing our ability and will to socialize with people in person
no it's not
feminism is the problem, but internet is the reason feminism has gotten so bad
>they can get surgery or contacts but not everyone has the money for that.
If you can't afford to spend 5$ a month on contacts lack of sex is the least of your problems.
>muh economy
The issue comes down to dating apps allowing attractive men to monopolize the women in any given area. That, coupled with a decrease in monogamy, leads to a large percentage of men not having sex.
What dating apps do you recommend?
The Dark Knight and Iron Man were released, superhero movies became extremely popular, and adult men turned into manchildren more interested in saving money for toys and video games instead of buying a house
Dating apps are for losers. Go to Wallapop and search bride dresses. It will show you women profiles who have divorced recently in your area. From there, filter by clothing sizes.
I love you, user. You can be at peace now
You haven been around them for long and not close enough. The mutual manipulation and codependency they engage in can't be mistaken for love.
I'm not even virgin but movies and video games are significantly more interesting than women. Historically men were always more interested in literally anything but women. It's only in modern times men's world started to revolve around vagina.
Social media turned the internet into the place where normal people socialize with their real names.
Before that it was dominated by nerds who socialized in message boards without using their real names
Also Obama, the economic crisis, and political polarization over new left stuff, generally about gender
Khalergi plan Phase IV
>hi there, I'm chad
>Bryan Bullock
This is true, but at least in the 50s you only had to compete with other males in the vicinity. With the emergence of online dating, you're pretty much competing with every attractive male in a 100 mile radius.
You do yourself no favours by ignoring the messaging distrubition. It's too easy to reply to the OK Cupid shit and make you look like a dumbass otherwise.
>it's all your fault user, if you really put some passion and keep trying one day you'll have your degenerate girlfriend. Just like me!
Economic crisis
Social media
This but unironically
>5 months
get the fuck out
>All these softboy, defeatist losers ITT that obsess over their irrelevant shortcomings, blow them up to the point of body dismorphia and cry about nothing instead of actually going outside, become real people and eventually and inevitably getting laid.
Your lives are comedy to me and your suffering entertainment.
Incels are pathetic.
none, you're not going to meet anyone worthwhile that way. Try talking to people in real life.
>just be yourself, bro
i get pussy on the regular but i can also admit that we're moving towards harem culture and this new paradigm only benefits guys like me
Based pure MGTOW movement
Are you upset about male virginity because even with all those desperate virgins around you still can’t find anyone to fuck you? Serious question.
What did he write that's so wrong tho? He's saying you have no right to bitch and self-pity if you don't try. You're only proving his point about entitlement if this simple message makes you sperg out so much.
You're required to have good photos for dating profiles. You doing stuff, with people, etc. A indoor dingy selfie will not suffice, even if you have a good face.
What kind of sad life do you lead if doing things outdoors with people is impossible for you?
Jesus Christ what is wrong with modern men?
I hope you don't plan on actually dating spoiled goods.
If you just get your dick wet that way, godspeed you brilliant little bastard!
I predict some kind of American ISIS within 15 years, as this issue is only going to accelerate.
Harems cannot work without constant tribal warfare keeping the number of young men down. You think mass shootings are bad now, wait until it's not just retards and subhumans who are angry and have no stake in society.
This graph is the perfect example for everything what's wrong with young males.
All they see is an obstacle, something that validates them not even trying.
What they don't see is the sharp downturn in messages for VERY hot women and the opportunity in that.
9/10s and 10/10s are the greatest women around, they are way more often than not decent people, and most importantly:
Most guys, including "Chad" are too pussy to approach them, so if you got the balls to do that, you are halfway there with them and the competition is surprisngly small.
Also they tend to be over looks rather young, as they never had to chase "Chad" and get their priorities straight fast.