Joker [2019] by Todd Phillips



Attached: joker.jpg (674x1000, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks YIFY



faker than my sister's tits

Sir, may I ask for your sister's hand in marriage?

faker than me getting laid

Here's a tip OP - next time don't use an actual scene release group like geckos, as we can just look them up on PreDBs like

Make up a fake nonscene group, for extra authenticity give them a European or Chinese name.

Can't believe he actually said the n-word

the "bluray" is a dead giveaway. sage

You honestly wouldn't want her. Single mother because her father is a scumbag, and my sister is no prize either. She got really fat over the last 2 years but at least has a good job. Plus she's a slob and leaves clothes and makeup all over the place, doesn't know how to cook beyond maybe 4 dishes tops, and is pretty unpleasant and annoying to be around. My niece deserves so much better ;_;

Is that the real full movie or will it have chink subtitles?

would you empathize with her?

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>I don't want to be exposed to things that really do happen to good people and make them into monsters

solipsistic rambling




(((Rachel Miller)))

>Sir, may I ask for your niece's hand in marriage?
Or at least some of her bikini pics.

based geckos beating theatres again!

I can even fathom how people live like this

fuck you man don't do this. support Jokerâ„¢ watch it at your local cinema

at least try next time, nigger

>having to look it up to check
go back

>go back

I have reddit open in a different tab. Your comment doesn't really make any sense, I mean websites aren't physical locations you have to commute to.

"i don't want to understand what i hate"


Does she realise the joker is and has been the bad guy for a while now

Saying something made you cringe is incredibly gay, you might as well tell a troll he's made you cry. Looks like you yourself might fit in on reddit.

>She got really fat
You had my attention. Now you have my interest.

Boy, she's gonna feel really stupid for this post when it comes out that the Joker is actually a huge faggot.

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Why the homophobia?

nah, it's okay. I can say faggot cause i'm a faggot.

4channel censors the word faggot if you aren't gay.
It does the same thing for the words nigger and furries.

A: 4
Great quality, but someone shoots up the theater half way through.
Thanks YIFY!

The "one bad day" thing is shown to be wrong in the same book that it started. It just shows that the Joker is pathetic and weak for breaking down. But lady doean't know this.

I'm not a furry, I downloaded that skyrim horse mod by accident.

im sorry user, i only torrent movies from verified users with colored skull and crossbone icons.

im stupid. what am i supposed to do with this?

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Any spoilers for the movie?

Why would you not want to see this film on the big screen?

the joker is le good who had one shitty day that turned him into le bad guy

guys please my retard brain doesnt understand

Imagine facing reality lol

Hi, newfag. OP is just trolling newfriends like you by implying a BluRay release is now available on the scene. OP made the release name up and you got baited. There are no Joker releases available, not even CAMs, much less BluRay, which usually comes out way later after the shit quality versions come first.

You are not getting the BluRay anytime too soon.

You're welcome for my precious time and explanation, which you should be actually paying for.
Now go suck on a canebrake of cocks.

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It's not the same without someone coming into my home theatre and shooting me.

thanks but i still dont understand tho
is it a link for a torrent?
ive seen threads like this before but i never understand what im supposed to do

Attached: hmPcUDL-_400x400.jpg (400x400, 26K)

turbo autismo

In the warez/piracy scene, releases have official unique names. They have tags like WEB-DL, or BluRay, to specify from which type of source they came from. They have resolution tags like 2160p, 1080p, to indicate what quality they have.

Once a release gets put on a top site (private ftp), it leaks from there and goes down the pyramid, to Usenet, private torrent trackers and finally it hits shit sources like open public trackers and blog download portals.

Decent sources for an average person would be a private torrent tracker (website) which is invite-only to register, or Usenet, which is usually requires payment for access to both the service and a good search engine.

If OP's release was real, you would copy that name (without the .mkv at the end), which would supposedly be the official name of that release by the GECKOS scene group, and search for it on torrent trackers (like the public and the private, public torrent search engines (like or on an Usenet indexing search engine (like

Read more, newfag.

Attached: slide_8.jpg (960x720, 71K)

is that actor Jewish irl according to Wikipedia?

thanks dad

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it's a torrent you can search for in your private torrent site or some shit
I dunno I never understood and people just bully you

Interesting. What about places like primewire?

More links:

Also, download HexChat, join the server and join the #ZW-CHAT and #ZOMBIE-WAREZ channels, where you can chat, make requests and download from bots, which are loaded with content. This is a good example of an IRC source of warez, and is somewhat underground like Usenet. There are other warez servers and channels on the IRC protocol. Google it.

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Fuck this hackerman larp shit, I'm happy with 1337x.

Fuck off. Im boycotting this movie

Trying too hard. Embarassing & cringe.


>It just shows that the Joker is pathetic and weak for breaking down.
No it doesn't. It shows that it wasn't just a single day of a shitty life that drove him to become the Joker. That last shitty day was just the final straw.

>tfw it real

Wow I haven't tried to say ******, ******, or ***** on this site before is it really censored for me?

youre a fucking idiot im amazed you even figured out how to turn your pc on

>evil people are inherently evil