Just started to watch pic related for the first time in preparation for the movie the upcoming month, what am in for? Expectations for EL CAMINO?
Just started to watch pic related for the first time in preparation for the movie the upcoming month, what am in for...
A whole lot of nothing
slow paced kino, if the first few episodes don't grab you then stop watching, you've been filtered.
The best episode is Chicanery.
>Expectations for EL CAMINO?
can't wait to see what weasel or ferret or whatever his name is has been up to
Kim Wexler dies in season 4
hehe yeah
That show is boring as fuck. Nothing happens.
Don't fall for the bullshit. The series is a pleb filter. Plebs LOVE to say they like it as though it being slow makes it "deep". It's disgusting.
I think El Camino is going to suck dick considering it's centered around the absolute worst part of breaking bad that both comes out of nowhere and also ends before the audience is given any fucking time to take it all in
>Oh no Jesse is kept as a cuck prisoner
>Walt still gets more than double the Lions share of screentime
Watch this movie have a whole heaping 10-15 minutes of Aaron Paul and he's just some traumatized fag who barely says anything
>what am I in for?
>expectations for EL CAMINO?
more kino
I thought for sure that Saul would be shit but it's actually really good so I don't doubt Vince anymore.
Ignore the filtered, they'll say anything to make it seem that show didn't fly over their cinderblock brains. Memes don't reflect the quality of the series.
You're in for a shitty show. Season 1 is the only good one because it's the only season where something actually happens. The rest is just constant character backtracking and rehashing, no one learns anything, there's no comfy sleazeball lawyer antics. By the time they finally grow the balls to kill Chuck no one cares, neither the audience nor the characters.
It's a complete waste of a premise.
You're in for a shitty show. Season 1 is the only good one because it's the only season where something actually happens. The rest is just constant character backtracking and rehashing, no one learns anything, there's no comfy sleazeball lawyer antics. By the time they finally grow the balls to kill Chuck no one cares, neither the audience nor the characters.
It's a complete waste of a premise.
Better Call Saul is superior to Breaking Bad in every way. It has actual depth and doesn't rely on Reddit dialogue and meme explosions. It's the thinking man's show that is a focused character study. Breaking Bad was literally fedora teenage power fantasy made for intellectually challenged plebs.
Both of this. You expect you're going to get some real greasy shit going on because Saul Goodman's character in breaking bad, but way way way way too much of it is Jimmy being a good guy and being a victim of circumstance
it's nothing special and it mostly feels like a waste of time. the whole show is just an excuse to have cameos and tie ins to breaking bad. it really just has no purpose and adds nothing interesting to saul as a character, it's just such a lame backstory. he's just a scumbag with a heart of gold, wow how interesting
the people who jerk it off are just zoomers with no taste
good show. everyone in it is an asshole for their own reasons, which strikes me as pretty realistic. it does drag a bit at part and chuck was made a bit too unsympathetic i think, but still a good watch. marathoning it is for the best. week to week was pretty awful.
yea i guess this is true, this show is much better as a binge because it makes it feel less draggy. they should have just released the whole season at once rather than do the week to week thing because there is just nothing interesting to discuss about it.
An absolute snoozefest of a show. Trudged through the first season. Nothing happens. It isn't some big brain 2 deep 4 u like some of these retards are saying. It was a simple cash grab riding on the success of breaking bad.
Jimmy McGill is one of the best characters on television. All these plebs expect him to be this epic slimy lawyer who gets up to hijinks but they got btfo when vince created an actual character with depth. Creating a competitive sibling rivalry was a brilliant addition. The show was never about "THIS IS IT THIS IS THE MOMENT HE BECAME SAUL". Life doesn't work that way you don't just immediately change who you are in one day. I hope they take as much time as they want to complete this series. The worst parts are when Mike does something epic but the best parts are when Mike slowly calculates a plan.
A petty criminal with a fake law degree and an autistic brother who can't go outside. Bravo genius. So much depth!
>write character in show
>Write him very differently in another
This is a low wattage IQ capeshitter sounds like. Learn and be aware.
saul being different isn't really the problem, its mostly how it is being handled. more drama isn't a bad thing, it just doesn't work because the drama is just terribly done. even when vince tries to write saul in a more comical way it just doesn't come out right, its missing saul's wise ass personality, he just comes off as an unfunny douchebag rather than a funny wise ass. the whole thing just doesn't work
you probably watch bojack horseman too lmao fucking idiot zoomer
Yeah, idk, I finished season 2 but there's only so much dick teasing I could handle. Id probably have more patience for it if from the outset it was made very clear that this isn't a show about saul Goodman. We can argue and say "WELL ACTUALLY ONCE WE GET TO SEASON 7 ITS VERY CLEAR BLAH BLAH" but we're in so deep it's just not a fuckin show about saul goodman
Bottom line is that I wish Vince put the same amount of effort into a new show rather than a BrBa spinoff.
It is well written, well directed and well acted, but I feel that the BrBa setting is completely depleted so this is all just a pointless exercise.
its not well written and the actors all look bored out of their minds. it's well directed, that's pretty much it.
It's true. BCS is remarkable, and even more so when you consider this is Saul's story. That character has volumes of depth beyond le Heisenberg
Not a single episode, you piece of shit.
This. At most they should have made it an alternate universe. Jimmy's and Mike's fates being sealed is just a bummer.
It's very clear BCS is what BrBa should have been. A step away from the theatrics and big set pieces for a more grounded story about a man's finding his true potential outside the confines of social norms.
Couldn't get through the second season. The best bits were Mike's scenes and they felt like Breaking Bad fanfiction. Saul/Jimmy's storyline is boring and meandering.