honest inquiry friends.... when did Yea Forums devolve into Yea Forums? we used to have something special here... now I feels its been lost.
why and when did the Yea Forums-bros move in on us?
honest inquiry friends.... when did Yea Forums devolve into Yea Forums? we used to have something special here... now I feels its been lost.
why and when did the Yea Forums-bros move in on us?
it's the /pol/cels. they've infected every board here forcing them to slowly degrade in any meaningful or relevant discussion
bullshit, open /b and see what happened there
rent free
The Lost era. Nor more flooded the board en masse, generals became the way of the day, leading to dozens of little fiefdoms not interacting with the rest of the board at large. Board culture and discussion died, memes followed in the vacuum. That’s all that remains.
Yea Forums is the only board that consistently makes me laugh. it's still creative. Yea Forums is le reddit after dark now. i havent bothered going there since 2012
>Points out that you're annoying faggots
>"Hurt durr you thinking I'm annoying faggot means I win"
Honestly I just come here to shitpost
bane ruined everything
>we used to have something special
Special like special needs you mean
Im sure this place was a fagfest before Yea Forumsros showed up
shut up nigger
Lots of women here, and impressionable soibois.
t. incel living in his mother's basement
4 more years
Dementia will get him first
It's not exactly just one event. Ever since Project Chanology we've had newfags coming en masse. It used to be that newfags still came, but they'd have to lurk to fit in, now because they come in droves, they don't have to fit in. Fappening made it worse, and everyone came to Yea Forums to get their porn, that's basically the final nail in the coffin for Yea Forums that cemented it as merely a porn board.
Bernie isn't the president though?
It'll happen to Bernie and the rest of the Boomers soon enough, don't you worry.
It was the election. The quality of this board declined SIGNIFICANTLY after 2016. Election tourists from Reddit and Facebook ruined this board.
Yeah leftypol really fucked everything up
>muh sacred image board
If you don't come here to shitpost and have fun you're doing it wrong.
I've been here like 5 years and it was pretty shit then. Same type of assholes just more bane posting. So whatever "special" thing that used to occupy Yea Forums, I never saw it. And whatever you've been missing was more than 5 years ago. You're probably not going to get it back.
When OG /news/ got turned into /pol/, every board has just plunged into shit
leftypol with their absolute lack of humour and banter + trannyraids + shitskinned hispanics and indians spamming sneed + racebaiting in every thread + newfags and their obsession with forced contrarianism + shills + waifufags (emilia and briefags are the worst) +meme culture being twisted from funny images and reacts to flat out insults such as have sex, cope, incel etc + the mental health idiots who respond with take your meds or schizo to any post.
pretty much alot of the humour and originality has been replaced with flat out insults, regurgitated spam like sneed and shitty politics.
That's mostly nu/pol/ though except for maybe the "schizo" and "take your meds" part. Also
>have sex
>insulting in anyway
It's literally just banter m8. Why so serious?
>its all /pol/ fault
>le have sex is just banter u mad
yeah im thinking youre in one of the catagories i listed
Why can't you accept that /pol/ is ruining Yea Forums and most of the shitty derailing posts are made by /pol/tards? Do you just switch your brain off when opening a thread and ignore the mean spirited posts trying to derail it? Posts obviously made by nu/pol/?
>when did Yea Forums devolve into Yea Forums
It devolved into reddit until recently, now they and /pol/ just spar in the threads, with some film discussion occasionally. It doesn't help that hollywood has become extremely polarised and divided either
kill yourself tranny
It happened when porn was banned off of Tumblr and the pedo purge happened on Twitter and Reddit. That was a few months after BR2049 came out and you could see the transition from luvposting to the horny and lonely faggotry in real time. The horny and lonely shit was all over reddit paypig subs as well and popped up across YouTube too. That's when a number of actual pedophiles started posting regularly in the webm threads almost every other day. Eventually we got the alita threads in which a mod helped one of these peds groom a minor to do God knows what at a meetup.
are polcels not human? how come all of them say the exact same things? it's not like retards saying sneed, they literally can only say the same canned responses.
nah if anything /pol/ makes the board better by keeping faggots like you away
LMFAO Yea Forums is tame now compared to how it was just back in 2016
Leave newfag