”Try Fat Burger from now on you can get a double cheese with fries for $2.95, faggot!”

>”Try Fat Burger from now on you can get a double cheese with fries for $2.95, faggot!”

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i like the tuna here

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No thanks, I like the Tuna here.

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everybody was always so sweaty in that movie, is california really that hot? seems awful

why he rejected his offer? the tuna there seems awful...he was really doing it all just because of Mia? really? shes not even that hot tho...

It is odd to think about that over nine films and 18 years they went from gambling 1,500 Hondas and stealing DVD players to fighting submarines and black mutants.

tuna was code for Mias pusy

Hot and sunny and urban smog and ethnic smells. Houston is worse due to humidity and Phoenix is 133F on a good day.

White people shouldn't bother living south of Oklahoma.

That is a real god deal

He had the hots for Mia and he wanted to get close to Dom because of his undercover work

>black mutants
you could just say blacks

Referring to Idris Elba's character in the last movie, who had superpowers.

But sure, niggers

tfw you realise that tuna was code for her smelly hole and 'without crust' was code for 'no hanging roast beef flaps'

Any other franchise that escalated like Fast & Furious?

you could just say niggers

Was food really that cheap in 2001?



Fast food was. Dollar menus existed.

They should make a movie set before The Fast and The Furious (2001) or between the earlier movies but with the craziness of the current movies.

Best scene

When it comes to such an increase in scale, I can only think of anime.

LoTR has a bigger set of battles each film, but that was a pre existing set narrative.

But why?

what would have happened if he wanted crust?

He'd be given a coupon for Arby's

It’s a goddamn steal is what it is. Sandwich AND fries for 3 bucks? Fucking sweet.

Saints Row which went from cool gang story to we blew up the entire world live in space and Satan kidnapped one of us and we ended up taking over and ruling hell.
And they did it in about half the span.

Such a tryhard franchise

can't wait until this meme gets wordfiltered.

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Don’t be such a fag, you butthurt homo. Faggot has been a staple insult for 15 fuckin years here, and every derivative term for someone coin here has fag at the end of it.

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