What are some good retard kinos?
What are some good retard kinos?
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Bill starring Mickey Rooney
You're real life
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
is being fat considered a mental illness now
anythingstarring adam sandler
The Fanatic that came out this week. Worst retard performance since I Am Sam.
Mental is part of the body so a body illness is a mental illness and vice versa
Vase de Noces
Most people think Leonardo Dicaprio and think one of the last cool movie stars, I'll always remember him as Arnie Grape.
Not retarded, but has anxiety and pretty sums up my problem.
she wasn't just fat. she suffered from a rare mental illness that compels you to imitate peewee herman at all times
The TV show Parenthood had a reasonable portrayal of Aspergers syndrome, the lead writers son has it and based the character on him.
It was also the only time I've ever seen a realistic sibling dynamic with regards to disabled and non-disabled family members(my brother is low functioning autistic, can't talk but can use the toilet).
I didn't like how the parents acted but it was accurate to a ton of parents I've met over the years who bulldoze through everyone with the moral certainty of a crusader with a piece of the true cross in their pocket.
That guy is acting more autistic then retarded, if anything.
Charly with Cliff Robertson. It's a bit outdated for sure, but Robertson gives an amazing performance
You can watch the whole thing on youtube
my kind of thread
He is supposed to be retarded though
why was she so good at playing tards?
This movie and that fucking actress gave me PTSD. I hate movies like that.
She also plays a good retard / slow witted simpleton in Kalifornia
Me too.. I can't stand her or Giovanni Ribisi as I always think of them as tards.
Was it the success of Forrest Gump that brought about all these fucking movies?
Bill Sackter was born in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1913, the son of Sam and Mary Sackter, Russian Jewish immigrants who ran a grocery store. When Sackter was 7 years old, his father died from complications of the Spanish Flu. It was 1920, and Bill was having difficulty learning in school, and after taking a mandatory intelligence test, he was classified as "subnormal". The State of Minnesota determined that he would be a "burden on society" so he was placed in the Faribault State School for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic. Sackter never again saw his mother or two older sisters, Sarah and Alice, remaining there for the next 44 years. He was diagnosed as intellectually disabled, although diagnoses performed decades later would prove his intelligence was near normal. He was never taught to read or write or even how to use a telephone.
lol he wasn't even retarded after all
Such a fantastic movie.
I saw this on tv a whole bad would’ve been better if Kevin Bacon didn’t phone in his retard impression I mean damn I could do a better retard than that and I ain’t no fancy pants trained actor like mr Hollywood big shot from Footloose!
God bless Fart Inhaler.
this is your answer op
The main character is mentally retarded but the guys met are... Sort of. They have these quirks they don't classify somebody as a retard but they are odd people.
>My name is Ruthie and I like. . . GOTHIC
Lol why is she in that group of tards? Is being black considered a handicap or something that’s racist!
damn, young helen hunt was hot as fuck.
Most of them are just straight up nuts. I think the one Ratchet goads into killing himself would be mentally impaired though.
There one part in the movie that Randle finds out most of the people he's been spending time with could actually leave when ever they wanted but they decide to stay sort of shocked him. Like I feel the movie is trying to say "normies" see people with any kind of mental defect are the same in every way. They guys randle hangs with decide to stay becscue for a lack of a better word it's more comfy for them they arnt getting treated by the people out side the walls but are with their own group of people they "can relate too" (medical staff need not apply). Then Agian the movie is from 75 and 40 years have past and alot have changed but its nice to see a movie showing people in the middle not ALL OUT POTATO but not normal.
Who is the retard tranny in pic? The answer is both.
As much as people goof on the mental health system today it was so much worse decades ago. If you had a kid who was born with a mental illness and you weren't rich the most sensible option back then was to give them up to the state who would put them in the nuthouse.
Now imagine you've been living in what essentially is a prison and drugged during your most formative years. Do you really think you could function as a normal grown ass adult in the scary real world? It's the same reason many Convicts will find themselves back in prison after doing their time, because they become used to the order and routine and don't want to lose their friends.
>Werewolf is boys. Naked.
Melissa McCarthy’s career was just starting to get not bad and then she makes Tammy 2
The Rover and High Times. Each featuring Robert Pattinson as a retarded brother and taking care of his retard brother.
Pattinson wasn't retarded in The Rover, just Australian.
Temple Grandin, a movie about an autistic qt who studies cows and their mooing for her Master's Degree
The Black Balloon.
Australian film about a brother dealing with his autistic brother.
leo deserved the oscar
This film actually moved me as a kid
>the lead writers son has it and based the character on him.
"i gotta get SOMETHING outta this"
I heard The Retard Returns was supposed to be pretty good
Autists were retards back then.
That episode of X-Files where the retard gets possessed by his scientist brother's cryogenically frozen brain.
Few such cases, sad
The Retard Squad
I'd *like* to see Detective Downs but haven't.
Oasis (2002)
When he can’t get the kite to fly and says the kite must be retarded lmao