>freeze frame
>record scratch
Yup. That's me
Freeze frame
Other urls found in this thread:
did he died
Is this gore?
Looks mexican so yes
mm tastes like lasagna xddd
it's kino
Spic getting his nuts devoured by a pit
Pitbulls eating a man penis
mexican cartel pitbull eating off this dudes dick, he dead
Is there sound to this video btw?
Mexicans are not human.
Build the god damn wall
looks like that shit feels so good
Im not kidding
Spread this as much as possible in order to force whites to learn what will happen if you let in enough of these people
Yea he's all like:
Like sexually?
>but when a tranny does it it's good
Yes. Baba OReilly by The Who starts playing after the aforementioned record scratch.
Ive seen a scandinavian girl get her head cut off. Ive even seen a guy get cut in half by an elevator. But damned if I watch a guy getting his nuts eaten by a pitty. Link?
>having pleasure in torturing a man
Just end his life if you're gonna do it already. Drug cartels should be gassed
I’ve seen the webm but why was the doggy eating his benis
Now post it on reddit, youtube, twitter, and facebook faggot. I dare you to redpill the masses about the border-hopping threat.
because the dog gay lmfao
Terrorists just want to spread suffering.
how new are you?
>border hopping
Just fucking nuke mexico and all non white countries
Even if the injuries stopped after the video was over, the amount of dog saliva and dirt on his open wound and ripped skin would’ve created a deadly infection he would have no chance of recovering from
I stand like this on my driveway at 5:30 pm every day to assert myself as the neighborhood alpha and the toughest guy around. So far, it seems to be working as nobody has dared to challenge me to a fight.
2009, why?
hang around Yea Forums and some nigger will end up posting it again eventually
It's fucking gross. Why do you people fill your mind with this garbage? What is there to gain beyond satisfying some truly morbid curiosity?
It is no wonder cops kills themselves, the shit they see on the job. Like this but real and frequently.
we can learn SO much from their culture, also
here's what basically happened to that guy if you haven't seen the video
the gazelle(replace with human)
komodo dragon(replace with pitbull)
You really don't wanna fucking hear the sounds, he doesn't even yell normal, it's fucking disturbing
Well..I suppose there are worse ways to die...
“Aiaiai, no me gusta!”
Just fucking bomb them. nothing of value will be lost
Glad I live in the US and not some shithole country
This. fucked up
And adopt pits
Repeat after me "Build the Wall"
Any specific story? Is it a case of gang captures member of rival gang?
like what?
i think he was drugged or they'd already beaten him retarded, because he seems awfully chill, though the amount of pain must make the brain stem go super haywire anyways
oh but i do
post it fag
umm no sweetie, bridges not walls
i only watched half a second of it and it's one of the worse things i've ever seen. these people are fucking animals. the US should declare war on the cartels. they're a bigger threat than isis was
>Why do you people fill your mind with this garbage?
To satisfy some morbid curio-
>What is there to gain beyond satisfying some truly morbid curiosity?
Oh... Uh... Dang, got me there!
God I wish that were me
every country outside of the usa is a shithole
Sister Suzie
Why doesn't he just get the dogs head in between his legs and snap it's neck?
Feel like if you were ever involved with any of these cartels you'd walk around with a cyanide pill ready to pop
because getting pinned down by mexiniggers while a pitnigger devours your scrote=surgical procedure.
i agree the fempeen should be preserved though.
>gets shot
what do you think he did to get that specific execution
I wonder if they're drugged or go into shock, I've seen other cartel/execution videos where the people seem strangely calm.
>that pitbull is probably going to lick its owner later
Legalize drugs then theres no need for a cartel
he's being held by another guy
Dude c'mon watch to the end. You need to see the dog rip this huuuge piece off his crotch. It's like when you pull some skin off your finger and it keeps getting longer and longer
I'm pretty sure they got guns if you try to run you just get shot.
That's because they are tortured so many times before.
There's guys holding him down and one stepping on his leg, also they have another dog ready to bite at his face.
What he should have done was kill himself before they dragged him off to wherever this is happening.
He's drugged so he doesn't pass out from the immense amount of pain.
Probably looked funny at a Narco's mistress, it's not about an eye for an eye, it's about getting creative and switching things up.
Sounds better than being eaten by a fucking dog. You can't just lay there like a bitch
Based truth poster
have you seen that one with the guy with no face and eyes grasping as his own face
How'd they train the dog to focus on eating a penis tho
Kinos for that feel?
Its owner is probably a woman
>gets migrant-raped
So what did the guy do?
Based black man
The US created and maintains the cartels dumbass. Read a book.
Does the cartel do this shit to random innocent civilians or do you have to have REALLY pissed them off to get this treatment
Have you never seen a dog? They go right for the crotch every time. They also know it's a soft spot.
Is it possible to get PTSD from just seeing the most ogrish shit on the internet between age 10-24? I wasn’t phased at all by this but just hate dogs and Mexicans even more.
fuck you
This one is pretty kino.
The guy lit himself on fire. He keeps shouting "I blasphemed against God!"
They ask him "what did you say against God?"
He answers "I said that God doesn't exist!"
Really makes one think.
>Using missing hands to reach for a cut off face while funkytown plays in the background and spics laugh at you.
Mexico is a special kind of hell.
What can I do to ensure this never happens to me?