What are the most blackpilled movies of all time?

What are the most blackpilled movies of all time?
>inb4 "hurrr don't be blackpilled!"
Literally just post movies or don't bother replying

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Hurrrr don't be blackpilled

>I can't prove the science wrong but don't do it it makes me sad to know all of my advantages or disadvantages are predetermined

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I'm gonna go ahead and drop this. I know its not directly related to the OP, but all the same.

Know how women seem shitty because you keep seeing these horrible stories?
How many women are there? 3.5-4 billion? What percentage of the population is borderline retarded (as in sub 80 IQ)? (roughly 10%~). What percentage of women have antisocial disorders? (roughly 1%~)
So there are about 35,000,000 women with antisocial disorders, and 350,000,000 idiotic women, most of which can post about, or have their shitty personalities posted about them online.
That may seem alot, but assuming those populations are unique and combined that still leaves over 3,115,000,000 women who are normal people.
How many of these awful stories have you read? 20? 60? 100+? Do you think that sample size, cherrypicked from whatever wretched places they can be found, are representative of more than 3 BILLION women? Would you condemn nearly half the population due to a sample size of roughly 0.0000028571%?
Get off the internet, don't frequent these places filled with bitter, ignorant, and bigoted people who will change their tune in 10 years time.
Talk to women, some may be shitty, and some will view you below their league, but there are many who would date, and even love you.
Don't fall into the many mental traps here, it will leave you foul and angry with no release, stunting your happiness until some other force hopefully rights you.

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>Get off the internet
follow your own advice first

>personality profiles are as visceral and immediate as appearance
>relying on what is essentially impulse based self reported data to make sweeping judgements on women

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Arrival featured the alien spacecraft in the form of a black pill. Does this count?

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>science isn't real cuz it hurts my feelings

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Like guys don't do the same with women you fucking incel. There are plenty of ugly women out there for you losers.

>needing advantages in life to succeed
If you don’t got looks, you can always gets smarts and money or integrity. Quit crying

all that research shows is that in that moment, the women would choose the more attractive picture over the personality descriptions
That is NOT necessarily and indicator of lifetime partner choices. One could extrapolate that somewhat reasonably, but it would be no more than a guess because "personality profiles", as accurate as they could be, are not the same as actually experiencing that "personality profile" over a short or long term.

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Women have an orgasm even if they are being raped if the guy is above a certain base level of attractiveness shut up

what is that supposed to indicate? Don't men have orgasms when raped?

>you can be fat, bald, poor, and pathetic but if you have a good personality women will fuck you constantly
Uh huh

the blackpill is the ultimate bluepill.
>i-i-i'm not gonna cope anymore!
hardest cope

>if any man has ever had an orgasm while being raped it is the same thing as 75 percent of women having an orgasm while being raped


>avoids the first part of the post

>NOT necessarily and indicator of lifetime partner choices
So the unattractive guys with good personalities are the men who women settle down with, after the women have screwed around and had crazy, no strings attached sexual experimentation with many attractive guys, and after the unattractive guys spent many years alone, lucky to get even a single date with at best a half-interested woman who basically just wanted a free meal.
Wow, what a privilege.

So if I look like this I can still make a woman cum so long as i am a nice guy? Thanks man

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>waahh womyn don't like ugly men
that's a redpill at best, and a light one. the term blackpill has become the "excuses not to risk talking to women"pill.

lmao I was just saying what you said not to say

post an ounce of non anecdotal proof that your statement is correct
obviously humans look for attractive partners because its an indicator of good genes, but there are indeed many fetishes out their.
The more ugly someone is the less potential partners they can have, but extreme cases (such as what appears to be sever burning and or genetic defect) are not representative of 99% of people.
Why not post a picture of yourself (with whatever censorship), I'll give you an honest to God critique and appearance rating. (though I am male, so I'm not sure how valuable it would be)

Science doesn't lie go back

Kek shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot

that speed dating episode in House was pretty blackpilled

There is unironically nothing wrong with women fucking attractive men

We don't need your 5'5 300lb ass contaminating the gene pool

I was just replying to the comment about long term relationships, which means that attractiveness matters for flings.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it just that people shouldn't pretend anything else matters. I'm glad you're honest at least

This. It's normal for all humans to want healthy, genetically fit partners, and that doesn't include ugly manlet autists. That's nature and there is nothing wrong with it.

>takes what is valid data in specific circumstances
>extrapolates it to other scenarios that go beyond the specific circumstances of the original experiment
literally anti vaxxer tier
That fella is by no means attractive, but its rather sweeping to say he couldn't give any woman an orgasm. He is no monster, but some women are turned on by literal monster rape. If hot wheels from 4+Yea Forums can get a gf so can that burn victim.

that guy could get a gf before an incel could

I'm not happy about it but if being a virgin forever ends up preventing women from contaminating the gene pool with my putrid genes and thus ends up meaning another loser doesn't have to suffer as I have it's fine and even good I just want people to stop pretending it isn't that way

>h-he has fucked more than you
Probably true but it was all pity fucking. If you unironically think a woman came from fucking that you're stupid as shit

Worthless fucking cuck that you are, failure isn't a fucking genetic trait.

You can't really get people to stop because it goes against the average person's lived experience. Quite frankly, a lot of people (depending on where you are even the majority) are ugly and they still manage to find partners and bring more hideous people into the world. If you're deformed or uglier than average than perhaps that might not apply to you, but of course normal people will bring up deformed freaks who also end up married. The issue for black pilled incels is a combination of bad looks and personality disorders, the latter can't really be ignored.

But to answer the OP question: The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Let him absolve himself of any responsibility for his failures in his own head. That way he'll keep getting worse until he sees no option but to kill himself and we won't have as many threads like this.

Lol imagine thinking a woman would prefer to fuck a burn victim to Jason Statham or someone cuz he had a better personality fucking lmao

I am op but I agree with this but that begs the question why even TRY to talk me out of it lol unless you are also a failure who needs to cope

we're up front about it though, that's the point. men and women are basically the same but for some reason it's okay for women to lie, be fake, come off as a "better person" than they actually are and everybody is in on it.
women are pieces of shit too but for some reason it's not okay to call them out, they might not fuck you by holding them to any sort of standards.

These "blackpill" delusions of yours will bring you no happiness. Their initial logic is weak, and their yield is only self imposed suffering.
You'll never be the 10/10 chad you want to be, and because of that you'll probably never date and marry that 10/10 woman you want, but that doesn't mean the world is bleak and devoid of potential intimacy for you. Dwell on these thoughts and perhaps see a therapist/anyone good with data and talk with them about your feelings. Most of the world doesn't believe your talking points, perhaps because its convenient for them to do so, but perhaps it is also because they aren't true.
You really have two choices here: continue to believe in lookism and the "blackpill" and continue to suffer in an unending negative feedback loop until hopefully some external force rights you, or genuinely attempt to critically analyze, alone or with therapeutic help, these "blackpill" talking points. Perhaps you will merely reaffirm your beliefs, but at least then you'll be able to better articulate them, that is if you wish to spread misery.
If the former admin of wizardchan can make it, so can you.


I've been where you are, heres my final try
>You really have two choices here: continue to believe in lookism and the "blackpill" and continue to suffer in an unending negative feedback loop until hopefully some external force rights you, or genuinely attempt to critically analyze, alone or with therapeutic help, these "blackpill" talking points. Perhaps you will merely reaffirm your beliefs, but at least then you'll be able to better articulate them, that is if you wish to spread misery.

I wouldn't want to date an ugly girl, so why should a girl have to date me?

How are you going to get a date with the 50% of those women who live in Africa or China without the internet?


I watched that the other day, great episode and very true to life


>but there are many who would date, and even love you.

Not as is dude, dangerous advice. You want less incel mass shooters? Stop filling their heads with delusions of "just beeeing yourself". Deception is 100% key to getting a gf, that's how I got mine, fake it till you make it.

Reminder that love is real and >muh chemicals are simply the necessary physical expression of the spiritual.

Oslo, August 31st
The Seventh Continent
Leaving Las Vegas

>people like attractive people rather than uggos
wow great use of government funds the school used for this shocking research

>necessary physical expression

Oh, dear.

Nah, here's the problem bro.

You get with a ugly girl when you're a ugly guy, and she settles for you, and that's fine. Because while you may not excite her, or really have a interesting personality, at least you're thoughtful and see her as more than a pump and dump. But what's going to happen if some dude who she finds attractive AND reciprocates feelings to her comes along? Why would she stay? Pity? Sentimentality? It's unlikely. Being settled for is one of the most dangerous decisions you can ever make.

No but see the research doesn't matter because a woman will fuck someone who looks like modern day artie Lange over someone who looks like Jake Gyllenhaal because one of them has a m or interesting personality physical appearance literally means nothing

Looks like we have another materialist, folks.

no one ever said that, this is a delusion you made up in your head because you're an autistic incel and your only experience with relationships are disney cartoons and your single mother telling you to just be yourself. you're a worthless retard and everyone is ashamed of you.

True to some extent but faggots on this board and incels in general overestimate how important looks are.

I know a guy who's horribly disfigured with a 6/10 gf. I don't even mean a guy who was handsome who got half his face burned off or some shit, this kids was born disfigured and then also got into an accident on top of that which fucked his face up more. He's a genuine 1/10, his head looks like a paper mache version of someones head that got wacked by a pole a couple of times.

Unlike the whiny bitch boys on Yea Forums, he developed hobbies and interest and wasn't bitter about life. Guy's a successful biochemist with a girlfriend cause he isn't sitting on Yea Forums making excuses.

"Whatever" 1999

Is this bait? I can't tell anymore

>it literally doesn't matter if you have six chins women will fuck you even if you have no money as long as you make them laugh haha bro just b urself ;)

thats not hat i said at all, i said the complete opposite but you're a worthless retard who everyone is ashamed of and whose mother regrets giving birth to so im not surprised you can't read

>if you agree with the scientifically agreed upon average you are the autist my anecdotal evidence is actually the trurh despite being the exception to the rule
Mhm ;)

I am just responding to every reply that doesn't agree with my premises as retarded so just so you know I don't take people who disagree with empirical evidence seriously

the scientific average is that 99.7% of all men over the age of 25 have had sex at least once.


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unless it proves that jews are actually the master race

It certainly made "blackpilled" incels happy.

Thanks dude it makes me feel a lot better to know I am even more pathetic than i thoughr youu definitely envouraged me to not kill myself anymore

no one you know in real life would care if you kill yourself, why would i

I thought the blackpill used to refer to a pessimistic outlook in general, but in the last couple years it seems exclusively applied to the female question.

>tfw you were the scientifically proven ugly one

So you only responded to let me know I'm even more hopeless than I thought

I know what makes women cum: quoting statistics and infographics about how they don't want to fuck ugly people. Gets em everytime.

Yes u got me I obviously think wallowing in being an incel is how to make a woman cum

OP is a gigantic fag. I dont even care that its true its just pathetic that you took the time to research this. Just fuck a fat chick, you'll feel better

I start quoting black crime statistics anytime my girl looks a little bored

Why the fuck would anyone consider a relationship with someone they aren't physically attracted to? Doesn't any relationship have to start there?

You're still a whiny bitch boy, no where does that statistic say you're completely doomed to never getting laid. You might be unattractive as sin but it really doesn't matter, you could still get laid if you socialized and weren't insufferable to be around.

I'm sure most of the incels on this board don't even look bad(i.e Elliot Rodgers), I know so many people from MMO's and web forums who've I've seen IRL photos of and they all look fine but they're so hung up on inane bullshit.

I love the irony of people on this board, we're all supposed to be conservatives but instead of actually owning up to shit and believing in personal responsibility you whine like the niggers you boogeyman.

>I don't care about truth
At least u admit it