Are any of his specials as good as sticks & stones? i just started watching equanimity...

are any of his specials as good as sticks & stones? i just started watching equanimity, I'm only in the first 15 minutes but I've barely laughed so far. With sticks and stones I was laughing from the beginning

Attached: Dave-Chappelle-Sticks-and-Stones-Netflix-thumb-700xauto-215716.png (700x395, 216K)

zoomzoom zoom! zoom zoomer zoom! fuck you.

>being this assblasted by a simple question
seethe harder boomer

Watch his old stuff. Kino.

Hahaha a comedian agrees with my politics hahahaha he's just like me hahahaha comedy is about reaffirming my previously held beliefs not being funny regardless of whether I agree with it or not hahahahaha epic

The one with the OJ jokes was solid.

why is standup comedy such trash these days? I remember killing them softly being actually good, but I turned off sticks & stones about a quarter of the way through. This desire to be topical and talk about cringe twitter politics shit I can't stand

The first Netflix special was pretty good. The one with the
>He saves, but he also rapes
joke being built up

Bill Burr has a special coming out on Tuesday to watch out for, and any of the Tom Segura ones on Netflix are also decent enough to give a shot.

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killing them softly is probably his best one

age of spin

i didn't agree with a lot of what he said in sticks and stones, in fact i found some of his arguments retarded, but they were still hilarious. Stop projecting
thanks. I used to avoid comedians, i associated them too much with mouthbreathing redditors, but after watching sticks and stones I'm open to all suggestions
is it on some streaming service or should i pirate it?

its probably all on youtube


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It totally isn't viral marketing that we have had chapelle threads non-stop since his new special came out despite having barely any since his last special and they all hinge on "dude he said edgy shit and most comedians don't anymore woah wow so brave!" and this definitely didn't happen with Joe Rogan either

I am so sick of shills

Shit taste. Equanimity is not only better, it’s redpilled as fuck against the Hollywood system.

>I used to avoid comedians, i associated them too much with mouthbreathing redditors
The level of retardation people can display still manages to surprise. What a slave you are, that you limit your behavior based on what those you look down on do.

hey at least this dude still calls himself ian

i don't care about politics from a standup comedian if the delivery isn't funny. I'm still just 15 minutes in tho, you might be right
i admit it was quite immature of me to dismiss a whole genre based on that. But I'm trying to change now

What the fuck is even going on? I always bought into all of the progressive shit that I was indoctrinated into. How and when did I become so disconnected with the left? For example, Tucker Carlson is based and trannies are unhinged.

John Romero is not looking good these days

reality vs clown world.
once you see the red noses, you can't go back.

>tfw you have the same name as this guy

Sticks and Stones absolutelly kills it compared to his other two specials. I'd recommend skipping both those and going straight to Killin' Em Softly and For What it's Worth. These two are literally Dave's GOATs in comedy.

internet autists don't represent the left nor the right. You can be progressive without supporting twitter trannies. Don't let yourself get indoctrinated by the other end of the spectrum either

God I hate trannie faggots

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>literally a tranny shill
wew lad

absolutely brutal

or was just fuckin funny and points out how ridiculous and unpopular people like you are