would you give up your hobby and wizardry powers for a 45+ year old divorced single mother?
Would you give up your hobby and wizardry powers for a 45+ year old divorced single mother?
Other urls found in this thread:
>wizardry powers
Depends on what I can do with them
Maybe if she's healthy and not fat.
should have went for her daughter
maybe for her daughter
>Forty Year Old Virgin
>has multiple experiences with women
>many of them interested in him, he kissed several
>he just never sealed the deal
>is exposed as a virgin
>on his first night out, he makes out with a hot blonde
Wizard? More like the forty year old normalfag!
Those actually are investment level toys. They're like money in the bank you get to enjoy. Why was he pressured to sell them?
those look like classic horror figures they're probably worth a decent bit
took up collecting figurines last year
>tfw this thread made me realise I'm turning into that guy
literally 30 working retail too.
wtf. I mean at least I had a gf before in my early 20s and had sex once when I was 17 and came in her mouth right
if you're still working an entry level job past the age of 23 its over.
I'm a relatively normal looking 25 year old guy working retail as well. I've never even held hands with a girl. And my room has a large Lego collection in it. Mostly vintage castle, pirate, western and space from the 90s. It reminds me of my childhood and makes me happy. All the same, I can't imagine showing it to a girl. Although I don't worry about it, nothing on the horizon and I'm okay with being alone.
>Mostly vintage castle, pirate, western and space from the 90s
I guess so. Ive come to terms with it.
I did have a proper career in my early 20s but quit when I was 24 because of depression, was a neet for a few years but now working retail.
desu I feel better mentally seeing that I did things like have a gf, career and traveled, go out on weekends because I felt like it was what you are supposed to do. feels like I got out of the rat race
He wanted to start his own business
Collecting useless nick-nacs is not a hobby.
Or is it
Those toys probably went up 5-6x since the time the movie came out
maybe before i started browsing Yea Forums
fuck you guys
I wouldn't have even played poker with those guys in the first place.
once you've spent more time playing with those things as an adult than as a child, hopefully you'll realize how stupid it is.
Hey you made this thread on /toy/ too
>tfw this thread made me realise I'm turning into that guy
Who fucking cares? As long as you're happy with your life, be yourself. There's people out there who are married with kids and they're fucking miserable. If you're not miserable, then you're ahead of at least half of the people out there. Fuck it.
No, I love my action figures, I think it's a really rewarding hobby. I mostly collect 1/6 except for when I want a particular character that doesn't have a good 1/6 or it's become too expensive secondhand
I love you user for typing "should have" I hate how Eminem wiggerized the english language
Most women dont care.
more like if a woman wants to make fun of you to cover her own pathetic self esteem, she will find literally any excuse or make up something, so you might as well do whatever you want.
They might care if all you collect is scantily clad anime figures.
I would have fucked the lady who's titties kept falling out
>room full of videogames
>not just modern games, but old games, arcade cabinets, arcade PCBs, prototype videogames
>absolute virgin
I will be a 40 year old virgin.
I got my first tech job at 26 and now make $150k a year at 32.
Anyway, I'm not a virgin, but my room is totally stacked with anime figs and paintings (I only buy original works). Life is pretty good, but it'd be nice to have someone to cuddle with every so often.
I would sniff her used panties and cum in her lotions.
>not ugly (have been told)
>doing a Master's degree at a prestigious University
>not poor, have vehicle ect ect
held a girls hand once like 6 years ago when I was drunk. Still a kv.
>ywn have a Jane Lynch milf offer to be fuck buddies
Feels bad bros
literally chad-lite
>sold all my toys and collectibles this February
>an entire room full and 14 Detolfs gone
feels good bros
This pill is the truth. No guy who looks like Carell would literally go 40 years without getting laid. He's 40 fucking years old and look at that gut!
I know because I'm an omega, I cruise through life and even though I don't make a huge effort to look good or try talking to bitches I still manage to get laid by accident every 3-4 years.
>implying you wouldn't
get fucked, you lying fags
>$150k a year
>can't find someone to "cuddle with"
Jesus dude you can literally pay a woman to do that shit with you. And no joke either, you can afford the GFE for days. I have to make do with whores on $20k per annum.
Bro you are definitely ugly
You don't play with Legos you fag. You arrange them.
If a woman is that judgemental that she'll make fun of you for having passions then she's a cunt and not worth your time
gibe bobs plaes
>gets laid
>'I'm an omega'
So you actually get women who approach you? If so, you aren't ugly.
Based humblebragging chad
I collect foreign coins
Pretty based hobby
>MFW my GF has more scantily clad anime figures then I do.
I'm a wizard (if you don't count kisses and a handjob) and I didn't get any fucking powers. I'd shag her rotten.
Yeah I'm actually good looking, which is the only reason I ever got laid because my personality is total dogshit. All my relationships are measured in months except this one woman, a single mom, who managed to put up with my shit for 2 years. I think I gave her mental issues.
I'm horribly selfish so I would do it again; I wish I was a better person. All I want from ladies is their sexuality anyway.
>A woman stole my seed but I'm still a wizard
No sweaty, you're a squib now
Ah ha! I left out that the handjob was only half completed because she was hurting me. I didn't coom.
Fucking normalfags
>didn't coom
it doesn't matter, a woman touched your penis with illicit intent, you are tainted.
Go to therapy, user. There is hope for you. Even if you're content with your life now, it can be much better.
>single mother
See, that's why I am a virgin at almost 27. All I see around me is dudes with single mothers, ugly af chicks, etc. Feel like it's not worth it.
Not that user, but I've been in therapy for more than 3 years now. Hasn't helped.
God dammit. Now I'll never know if people actually get wizardly powers. FUCK
I'm on my way to 30 I've decided I would rather just live alone and follow my own interests rather than waste time and money on some roastie. Women are the niggers of gender.
This is how murderers are made. Have sex, for public safety.
>I'm on my way to 30 I've decided I would rather just live alone and follow my own interests rather than waste time and money on some roastie. Women are the niggers of gender.
Yeah but what about the whole no romantic sex thing
I'm 30 and never held hands either. Reasonably fit, at least average looking (not ugly anyways), and am an engineer, so I make decent money. I just never socialize. I go out with co-wokers for beers once a week and that it about it. Apparently girls don't just come knock on your door and beg for your cock. I wouldn't want the hassle anyways honestly.
I already did at 28 but I haven't had a relationship in years and don't think I'll ever want one. Hell, I don't even want any friends they're too much work and expect shit from me when all I really want to do is just be left alone.
Here is what you do.
>go to bar with coworkers
>look around at other bar patrons
>make eye contact with woman
>if she smiles back you approach
try it
Yeah user, go give some whore free entertainment while making yourself entirely vulnerable to extremely brutal rejection. Great idea.
>has multiple experiences with women
>many of them interested in him, he kissed several
>he just never sealed the deal
>is exposed as a virgin
haha imagine that
ED is a hell of a thing
Well with that sort of attitude...
>this many normalfags in this thread
I feel disgusted at all of you. I bet most of you even had sex at least once and kept an erection until you cummed!
>t. 22 year old
>look around at other bar patrons
>make eye contact with woman
Where the fuck do you cunts that recommend this live? In NYC or London or some other city with a million plus people? The only people in bars here are middle-aged men that look like Norf FC memes
Yeah there's not a lot of single ladies at bars. That does tend to be a problem. If you are chad you can cold approach a group of ladies but that's a tough crowd. Any sign of meekness is blood in the water.
just get a nice insecure timid femcel bro. I got a mommy gf who's full of insecurities about her dead end career and who's never dated before because she's afraid of dating. She's still shy about being naked with the lights on and wouldn't let me eat her out for several months.
just for fun and affection tho don't get tied down with a woman like that so yeah we'll still probably die alone
Well, what’s the alternative? Sit at home posting on Yea Forums and waiting for women to throw themselves at you? There’s always gonna be risk involved with finding a gf, as long as you actually put effort into it.
...you'd never get laid. Yeah, imagine that.
>tfw had sex but still feel like a virgin
The few times I have had sex I was drunk and it happened by accident
>just get a nice insecure timid femcel bro
I appreciate the thought, but I really have no interest in that. I am not really complaining about my situation as it is 100% within my control.
33yo here and disturbed that so many of you haven't even made it to first base before. You kids need to realign your goddamn lives and experience life as you were meant to. Imagine dying a virgin when you have money/fitness etc.
I'm 28, never had sex and never had a gf. Sure I'm fat now, but I used to be attractive during my young years and you can be sure that being attractive isn't enough if you have a beta personality.
Meanwhile I know several guys who always were fatties and dated several women (actually most are married today).
Don't even bother losing weight "to get women", because it's pointless. If you want to lose weight, do it for yourself. Or if you hate life like me, just keep being fat and hopefully our miserable existences will end sooner.
If you have a loser mind, there's no helping you.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Being a cowardly man is difficult.
What difference does it make when you die?
I just hate that I'am the one who has to bend over every fucking step of the way just to get close to pussy let alone get it. I hate pretending like I give the remotest shit about them. It's humiliating.
How do people even get fat.
I'm a lazy bastard and I'm a skeleton. Just don't eat fatty.
btw I'm not blaming women at all (although I would be lying if I said I don't have some contempt for women in general). I 100% understand and even agree with them not wanting to date me, now or back then.
idk I cold approached her at a concert and we made out and exchanged numbers, things kept going after that. I guess look for older women not wearing wedding rings. Doesn't even have to be that old. Late 20s are already starting to get desperate and if they've had a couple of bad relationships they'll do anything to keep you, but I guess they're not really femcels then.
Maybe labeling people without knowing them is more damaging
Romantic sex is a meme. Unless you are childhood sweethearts who have never been with someone else, it isn't real. Marriage and dating are business contracts, and contracts that fuck men over at that. 99% of humans will never actually expearience true love from a non-family member.
head back to social media, tourist
People will remember you as a virginal faggot who couldn't score. Heck, with that attitude, why are you even still breathing? Embarrassing but that's the norm with this generation of "men"
It's weird, I agree with both of these yet I fetishise humilation anyway.
>made out with me after I approached her at a concert
pick one
Who gives a shit how people remember me?
>Romantic sex is a meme.
No that's having sex with your girlfriend. Or your spouse. It's sex with someone you just like hanging out with (otherwise why are you in a relationship?) It's different from fucking a whore or some random because you like each other on a level that isn't just fucking. Kills me because I would just bang prostitutes forever except they're just not the same. And they for real will not kiss, which is a total buzzkill.
>I'm a lazy bastard and I'm a skeleton. Just don't eat fatty.
Because you're probably a dumb zoomer with a high metabolism. Keep eating like shit, drinking heavily and being a lazy cunt into your '30s, you'll look like Ham Margera in no time
Been dabbing on you unfuckable subhumans since 2010 and I'm not leaving anytime soon. I promise you.
Unless you reproduce or achieve something great no one will remember your or care how often you got your dick wet.
How is that mutually exclusive? Femcels will hop on you.
>as you were meant to
Ah yes, after only 33 years alive Michael finally found the one universal truth that all life forms should strive for.
Don't ever express your opinion again.
I don't think you know what that word means.
Kys then. It's not like anything brings you joy anyway
have sex
Plenty of things bring me joy.
>99% of humans will never actually expearience true love from a non-family member.
this is why more people need to take the incest pill
>this level of defeatism
Yeah I wouldn't wanna pass such genes down myself. I see your point
You sound mad. I'm almost 34 and I've been a buck forty since I was about 16 years old. Just wake up and don't eat for like 6 hours. I'll have a coffee and literally nothing else unless I have to do physical labor.
I don't believe you and you don't need to reply again. Kek
How is that defeatism? He's barely even being negative.
um.. based
That's good. You'd probably enjoy sex too. It's pretty fun. It's not as good as whatever you got going on but it's worth trying out. You only get this one life to try everything.
I’m 28 and have lost all interest to pursue women. I used to be a cum brain who would approach women in public. Now i have no friends and no energy to hit the weights. Society is all fucked up and women’s shit is just no longer worth dealing with.
Because granny wanted to land an entrepreneur, no matter if the market would even allow for another electronic store when there's already a mall where the virgin was (just) a manager iirc
I'm 19 and a virgin, I feel I'm trapped in a desert with an ocean above me, just out of reach. How do you guys make it to 30 without anything ever happening?
femcels aren't really sexually celibate. Just autistic spinsters. Like I said she's never been in a relationship and doesn't seem like she had much sex either. Anyway you asked. True sexually celibate women are deformed and never leave the house.
You're good m8, just own up to it and don't be ashamed
My wife now, had a wtf moment when she first came over to my place when we were dating and I had a bunch of blatantly lewd figs
None of the ones with like their bare tits out or spreading their pussy, just vidya and anime characters that wear revealing shit and/or have big fat titties
I just said "yeah, I collect those. Is that a problem?" not spilling spaghetti or being a dick, just making a statement.
She thought for a few seconds and said yeah that's cool. Fast forward to today, we're married and with a kid.
If you spaghetti and make it weird then it will always be weird, just own it and be confident like she's the weird one for questioning it and you'll be good.
Confidence is always key
They internalize everything they read and see here. A lot of these guys were raised on Yea Forums. Think about for a moment
Yeah I'm probably going to get a hooker right before my 27th birthday.
Much, much easier than you think.
Just be yourself, that's what all incels here did :^)
>True sexually celibate women are deformed and never leave the house.
Yeah, that is what a femcel is. You introduced yourself and made out. Your girl is just a whore who might hide it better than others.
>Yeah I'm probably going to get a hooker right before my 27th birthday.
I recommend you not to go bottom-shelf on the hooahs. It's not the best time. Look for the GFE.
>that's the norm with this generation of "men"
and that's a good thing, let it all end. why do you want to go to mars so badly lmao
>kat dennings is supposed to be a virgin in this movie
suspension of disbelief blown
>collect all my wheat pennies, war nickles, buffalo nickles, silver coins in my change
>gf finds them
>mixes them in with my regular change
>”hey I cleaned out your cabinet, now it’s nice”
I poured out all my change on the ground and sorted through it in front her to get my collection back and I dont give a fuck. That stupid collection is literally the only thing I liked about working retail.
I told my boss to go fuck himself since he wouldnt give me a raise and now I make more than him. Stole a ton of shit before I left too. Feels good man.
My hobbies are the only things keeping me sane and recently I've started making money with them. Why would I give that up for a hole?
>Being so beta you have to "bargain" with roasts
The absolute state of men in 2019
Women these days are a liability. I collect figs, vidya, old books, take language and udacity courses online, exercise. What can some roasty possibly offer me?
hey you jerk, fuck you!
m8 it's about free time
not bargaining
a heir
I don't bargain with them because I want nothing to do with them.
This really. I work 40 hours a week. Unless she's coming over I don't have a huge desire to go to her shitty place. Her place is automatically inferior to my place, because it's not my place.
>Didn't lose my virginity until 22
>Fugged her in my bedroom
>Still lived/live with my parents
>Showed her my Lord of the Rings action figures on my desk before fugging
Women don't care, dude. She looked like a young Phoebe from Friends too.
>be me
>collect toenail clippings since i was 13
>gf discovers them while looking for a charger or something in my drawer and gets irrationally angry at me
>didn't fully get why she was so mad over it but told her if it bothered her that much that I will put them somewhere else or leave them at my parents place.
>wasn't good enough and literally wanted so see me dispose of them
>I get triggered that she is overeacting and she makes me choose between her and the toe nails
>I chose the toenails
who was in the wrong guys? was my compromise reasonable?
been single since and still think about this decision. I now top up my jar at my parents whenever I go over to make sure my collection at home is kept to a minimum lol
lol she didn't give a shit about your action figures she wanted that dick
I'm a 35 year old virgin and this movie is looking more and more like a documentary of my life by the minute.
I spend most of my time dreaming of death.
which retail joint did you work and how/what did you steal?
they just don't understand that some people do weird things and don't know why, and it's best to live and let live.
That's my point. If they like you, your hobbies are tertiary.
>collect toenail clippings since i was 13
You should get into pinball. It's patrician
Just own it, show your passion for it. And if you can bare it, hide any weirder ones. But chicks dig the passion man, if you're scared to show them, it's the equivalent of a boner killer.
But listen, you're probably really shy too so just don't be afraid to escalate. If you're actually a normal-looking person all the hard work has been done for you. If you want to hold someone's hand, go for it. If you want to put your hand on their shoulder, do it. If they don't like it they'll let you know. If you're going out with an SJW chick you can try asking them but my experience is that they don't like being asked for little stuff either. But try things, and understand failing is part of moving forward. Godspeed.
So if I tell her I have a 6 tb porn collection of various borderline misogynistic categories cause I collect that with a straight face then she will suck my dick in return? I dobt believe anyone is that gullible.
>had cancer in my pelvis when I was young
>radiation therapy fried my genitals
>incapable of having sex
>also crippled and disfigured me, so its not like anyone would even want to bang in the first place
>spent my whole life alone and ostracized apart from when I was bullied for being crippled
>has left me with an absolute shit personality and no social skills
My life is like the antithesis of what it means to be human and it sucks.
Sorry user. You could get with an asexual though. Or just have really good friends. Your life has value.
When you put it like that.....no. Amazing how time can change the opinion of a movie
>I chose the toenails
I don't know. I saw my dad doing it one day and thought it was the funniest thing ever when he opened up the toilet flush cover and pulled out his jar to put his nails it.
I did it ever since but never put it anywhere goofy like in the toilet flush chamber.
I am genuinely sorry, user. May God bless you in the next life.
>Unironically using misogynistic
Yeah you're def not a pink haired, onions eating faggot
Nothing you do will get you laid, stop trying to blend into their groups pretending to support their cause in hopes of getting laid
Everybody knows and you look weak
But to answer your question, yes
Women don't know what they think and if you act confidently they'll fall in line
I've dated so many "liberal, socialist women" who end up conservative and supportive capitalism
They're like children and if you speak with confidence and stand your ground they'll follow, they don't stand for anything, only pretend to
Weird, but harmless I guess. Thanks for explaining.
I was meant to rip apart ethiopian slaves in the gladiator pits but ended up in the wrong timeline
shoulda? or should've?
>Your life has value.
imagine actually believing this
he still fucked up the grammar, though, dumbass that he is
Should have GONE
I am 27 years old, and I don't see myself having sex in the future.
Imagine internalizing the programming and getting prone boned by Zionists. That's you. That's right, you're worthless, goyim!
You're on the spectrum aren't you, friend?
>zionist programmed you to think cripples are worthless
wtf, you faggots said they were behind the increase of minorities in films
chose one
yup boys, we're in the presence of a king
this is peak autism
Made me laugh. Nice job, user.
Choosing decades old toenails over the potential mother of your child is pretty alpha bro. You're on the right track.
You don’t know what a hobby is. Something to occupy your time when you are not working That brings you enjoyment. Shopping is a hobby. Masturbating is a hobby. Killing people can be a hobby. Shitposting on Yea Forums is a hobby.
the tits have overtaken the host
are only other people like him the ones buying in that case
start hanging around high schools
it's "etc" not "ect"
that's why girls won't fuck you. They're way into grammar.
>my room
You still have a lot of growing up to do.
do you collect the bicentennial quarters? I have almost $100 in them and I don't know if it's worth it
a chance to change everything about yourself for her benefit
I thought it was gross when goldmember collected his dead skin flakes in a little tin but now I do it
What do you do for a living?
I have similar “stats” and in a very similar position. Autism is extremely harmful for romantic advances, even very mild autism.
Nobody offering stupid ultimatums is worth any amount of compromise
any tips to sway them on abortion topic because I need help. Honestly I don't give a shit but she gets on this haughty pedestal about women's rights
maybe you're a shitty psychic
24 khhv reporting in
He should of typed “should of”
Colloquial language is language grammar nazi
any one of those reasons make her an instant no
definitely not, no
>I'm okay with being alone.
no you aren’t. What are you scared of? Just talk to women and open yourself up, guarantee you there is a woman out there exactly for you but you’ll never find her if you are too scared to show your real self to women.
>would you give up your hobby and wizardry powers for a 45+ year old divorced single mother?
so just take down the anime posters and paintings and you'll no longer have to worry about girls thinking you are a spaz.
27 v reporting in.
just bang a fat chick and get it over with, they you'll build up confidence to bang some solid 4s-5s
should of is just a homophonic confusion of the verbal contraction that is slurring together should and have, it is as colloquial as ur
3-4 years god. Just get a escort.
remind me, why is it such a big deal tHt he dates a single mother?
fuck me, forget her age since he is also old.
Never thought of it, good idea.
You only have to deal with it until you get in their pants, then you stop dealing with it and move on to the next one. This move in itself makes them want you. This is how you win, you keep moving to the next one and the previous ones wonder what they did wrong to get cast aside.
virgin chad
unironically try no fap it will help
>Based humblebragging chad
I'm a 32 year old virgin who collects amiibo and plays mostly Animal Crossing and Pokemon in my spare time while watching anime and let's plays in the background for the noise of it. I work as a chef at Carl's Jr. How fucked am I?
Today I changed my registration sticker on my license plate. I unscrewed my plate and frame, took them inside to clean them, used a razor to remove the old sticker, cleaned the old sticker gunk off with isopropanol, then used tweezers to carefully align the new sticker so it was square with the frame. I also took the opportunity to clean both sides of my windows.
My wife was annoyed at me for taking so long, even though we had nothing planned. Women just don't appreciate a good autism session...
I'm curious, does having a job feel better than being neet?
>"Yeah, I'm an omega, only get laid every three years IF I'M LUCKY heh, how could you tell?"
fucked from the start user
only 10 more years for me. How close are you guys?
not all of us care about sex that much, better to wait till you are married. If you are so bothered about it why not cry quietly?
To an extent, but it kinda just depends on your conscience, because having my own money instead of asking my parents for money is a nice feeling. Also, I make more working full time there than I ever would asking for an allowance, so it's nice having my own little apartment to store my display cases. It's in a shit part of town, but minimum wage doesn't get you much.
Hey fuck you, and the horse you rode in on. You got it? I'll enjoy what I want to enjoy.
Considered it once until I realized a) she was spinning other plates and b) she had a tattoo
Honestly it’s not that big of a deal and actually it is better for you to wait till marriage to have sex, because people who have sex before marriage are less likely to stay married.
Don’t worry about it and steer clear of people who give you a lot of grief about it (they are usually perverts)
You made the right choice
your wrong
You are only a wizard if you never jacked off and have a large untapped mana pool, we live in the age of fake wizards, someone post the graph.
All these man children. I have never met an adult who collected action figures that wasn’t a complete mental child
>still didn't get my bachelor's degree
>attending college full-time
>look young so I blend in
>can't decide between staying in school and finishing my biology degree, becoming a police officer, joining the Navy, or applying for a merchant marine school
>no job
>/fit/ but no social life
>go to school 8 hours a day, come home and play video games
>still live with my parents
>had sex at 17 but literally one time
It's not looking good bros
got a false rape accusation once (thankfully i had prove that i wasnt even in the fucking country) at the time and nearly everyone i knew including some family member took a stranger side over mine
7 years later i am still alone and for sex exclusively fuck hookers (dirt cheap over in euroland even with hot ones) because i cant get over it
This. Also, nocturnal emissions deplete your mana pool so try not to ever sleep.
Do whatever makes yourself happy, user. Dont worry about the "social norms".
Stop masturbating
I hate having to explain this everytime. Cum is not mana. When you orgasm you lose both cum and chi, but cum is not chi and vis versa. This is why nocturnal emissions are fine, but jacking off is not, if you want to be a wizard. and stuff like “eating your cum” does not work, you already lost the mana, which is not in the cum.
>tfw turning 29 this month
I can practically taste those wizard powers now.
Anyone just kind of uninterested in sex? I've tried several times and I just get kinda grossed out when I have to do the actual sex part. Making out is nice and all, but having a gf is such a time sink
A woman who will settle with a 40-year-old virgin AND shares the same interests is akin to finding a unicorn.
If you want to settle down, you're going to need to compromise. I'm closing in on 40 (currently 36) and thinking about this is truly miserable. My interests have given me nice brief injections of dopamine but have ultimately flattened out my personality.
If I could go back, I would swap it all for a life that was a lot more social.
When you pay a women to do those things you instantly regret it and realize its all simulated. Its alot better when the affection is genuine.
You can't force yourself to be something you're not into. I gave up video games and nerd shit when I was 17 to adopt a more "cool" personality. About a decade passed and I eventually went back to my old hobbies. There was never anything inherently wrong with what I like or enjoy, you just can't let it completely define you as your entire existence.
You can be into just about anything and no one will bat an eye as long as you don't preach about it and it's not completely creepy.
I offered a girl 5k to do that. Still said no, not even money can get some people love.
37 years old here
I mostly date overweight single mothers because My career is a dumpster fire. Trust me the number one thing is having money
/power post college age.
Thank you user, you glorious fucker.
Enjoy being level 3 forever, retardedfag. Nonsleep is the key to true wizardry.
Youre still so fucking young man. Just enjoy the things that makes you happy and the woman will come. They can sense when you are a sad and angry cunt. But when you are actively enjoying life they get attracted to that.
>You can't force yourself to be something you're not into
this. I posted it before, tried to do the normie stuff, active social life, socially acceptable college related job, gf, travel etc but it just lead to me being depressed cos it felt like I was taking my life and living a lie and got so exhausting.
I'm guessing it's how fags in the closet feel
eventually quit everything with the plans of ending it all but for whatever reason didn't and I'm glad I didnt .
just gave into my nature and now just work a minimum wage job which is consists a fair amount of Labor (being paid to exercise), close to home (more time to sleep in and get home earlier so more me time) and I'm all about that gardening life and go to church on Sundays to get out a bit and visit my siblings and their families on the way home which to me is enough for my social interactions
weird thing is that some co workers find it weird I don't go out more when desu this is what works for me
This. And they'll be covered in tattoos and have lots of STIs for you to enjoy. Just enjoy life and STIs and tattoos will come to you
Nobody noticed this hivemind?
for what purpose
>im ok with being alone
No, you are lying, you are aware that you choose to be alone, and not ok with it. The proof is in the fact that you made a post detailing your feelings of missing out on love and sexuality. The thing about negativity, is that it is easy to control and predictable, thus why people choose to deny life, rather than embrace it. However, do not feel as if you ever have lost anything, becuase you cannot lose what you never had. Dude, you dont want your greatest moments of love to be when you were young, becuase those people end up miserable as adults. And you dont want lots of lovers, because it develops a habit of loss with love, and dwindles the quality of love. You just dont see your own path in the right light.you have made all the right choices, to the best of your knowledge. I mean, your not an illiterate, and im sure there is a deeper, self-preservation logic to your choices.you are 100% capable of obtaining what you want, obviously since you get the objects you desire, you just have to put that logic to other things now. Throw your toys away, don't sell them. Burn them. Do not worship false idols... Lol...
>Just wake up and don't eat for like 6 hours. I'll have a coffee and literally nothing else
You are going to die before you reach 50 senpai.
Im not gonna lie its not easy thing to do especially if you have issues. But its better to do it while youre young. Cause the older you get the harder it is to break that mindset.
Hilarious. No wonder you ended up on 4chin.
After my mom's death my dad eventually remarried his first girlfriend after dealing with the shit parade of life. I'd like to do that too except that life is so much more ruinous now than it was in the 60s and I don't want my first girlfriend anymore because I know what she's been up to.
>it's your lonely Saturday night Yea Forums thread
Neat. Anyone else here /volcel/ and not that concerned about needing sex all the time?
he will bang the daughter eventually as said in a recent interview of Judd Apatow
32, got burnt out on failing to get a gf so I just focus on my game modding and shit. I pay my bills and look after my family the best I can, just got to find something constructive to do and you won't need a thot to have a fun life.
Mother fucker... No one is truly a volcel. That mgtow shit is cringe. Its just rage quitting so you dont get an L.
>used to laugh at the notion of this movie
>7 years unitl i become one
Your language... why do you feel the need to invoke curses in order to deny a simple truth? Some are voluntarily celibate. It isn't mythological, it's just fact. Why does it offend you?
I’ve had enough sex and even managed to convince one for anal
it’s not worth it
She must have high standards to reject 5 fucking grand. Most sluts would open their legs for a tenth of that.
>was hugged by my dreamgirl
>made out with a girl
>paid several prostitutes to have sex
>even tried to have sex with a trap, even though he was more the sissy crossdresser type
no matter what or with whom ,erverything feels wrong. touching, smelling, talking to females, EVERYTHING
it's like you eat something, expecting it to taste sweet, but its a weird mix of bitter and salty, sometimes no taste at all.
when my oneitis yelled my name and ran towards me to hug me really tight, everything went just black, there was nothing, no feeling, no touch, no thought, just nothingness. I felt dead
You were genuinely in the right.
I'm not offended, just highly expressing my disbelief in volcels, as a whole. Its a cop out, like being gay or lesbien. Volcels might be on the LGBTQ shit soon, get off that train. There are lots of cool chicks that will accept all sorts of men, because of the fact that they are simply men.its as equally easy to have girls who are friends as it is to not. Both are choices of equal weight. I guess i just dont like the idea of men choosing to not procreate, especially when its the more enlightened and sensitive ones. Perhaps there is a dastardly conspiracy to keep certain people from procreating.
Bro, there are people with none of that who have healthy sex lives, which means it's your personality. I found out I was the same, apparently I'm quite stand offish and distant (people think I'm shy or hate them for some reason even though neither are true), but fun to be with after I've warmed up to someone. So I started smiling more and the results were pretty astonishing just by itself, and if you're open and passionate about things it helps to voice it rather than worry they might not be interested.
>adopt a more "cool" personality
Went throught exactly the same thing when I was 16 but I had friends pushing me into it, yeah I got laid but honestly I wasn't really happy until I said fuck it and went back to playing vidya in my free time
>tfw have had sex with multiple partners
>always look back on them shamefully
Honestly the best sex of my life and I can't help but look back on those parts of my life without negativity.
>I started smiling more
Not him but at this point I can't even being myself to do it. It looks fake as shit
that isnt true. go work in an oil field or some shit. thinking like that is for faggots.
>Perhaps there is a dastardly conspiracy to keep certain people from procreating.
Although it sounded extremely far-fetched when I first heard things like this, I'm beginning to believe that there's some truth to the idea. However, I don't think it's necessarily a 'plan' actively implemented by some shadow government or something, but social engineering by political forces who want to reduce certain subsets of the population in a calm, natural way.
I'd rather have my dick eaten by a pitbull
it's called N.H.K.
I don't even have a hobby. Everything I do in life is just to pass time. I have no aspirations, dreams or anything of that sort.
You should see a therapist, even if it’s for a couple sessions.
Ive had several relationships and never met any of them in a bar. Do NOT try to meet girls at bars. Do NOT use tinder and shit like that. there are normal girls that you can meet via internet, but id stay away from dating sites. Youre better off walking right up to a girl you see at the grocery store, and just flat out asking her on a date than a fucking bar.
I have one but only because I like its patina. For whatever reason it looks almost like brass. Value wise theyre basically worthless, but hey having 100 bucks worth of bicentennial quarters is kind of cool. Fill up a big glass jar and sell it for 500 bucks in 2076.
I keep wheat pennies and anything silver, including war nickles (1942-45). Ive also come across a few Buffalo nickels from some extra crusty old customers, if you can believe that. keep certain coins just because I like the patina. I dont even try and explain why to my gf, I just collect what I want.
pathetic. no matter who you are, you could do better
Don't listen to those retarded assholes telling you to get rid of the Lego.
What's the point? Talking about it has never helped.
I don't care what your beliefs are. I don't like women anymore, and I'm not gay. I have opportunities presented to me on a daily basis and I deny them. I don't want to participate. Disbelieve all you want, this is factual.
Most women I look at smile at me, I'm just too chicken shit to approach because I have no idea what to say. I'm convinced that I have the least amount of "game" out of anyone on the planet earth.
>fatso telling skinny people that they are the unhealthy ones
Always find this fascinating.
You made the right choice. Now all that's left is to start murdering women or become a sailor.
> Youre better off walking right up to a girl you see at the grocery store, and just flat out asking her on a date than a fucking bar.
I dunno man. Sounds like you'd just be fucking with them as they try to get shit done.
Better off doesn't mean it's a good idea either.
you made the right choice
hope this is true
Bars are dead, but tinder is fine. Choose wisely on tinder. And don’t use selfies.
>grocery store
You are delusional. Unless you are literal chad thundercock this is a non starter.
If you really don’t want to do tinder you have to join social hobbie meetups
Damn user
You're alright you know that
That's just fucking gross. And no, , supporting your degenerative view of human sexuality isn't "alright" just because you're too numbed to know any better. For fuck's sake
>and wouldn't let me eat her out for several months
you have it backwards. how many women have you dated from tinder that you tried talking to first? They have hundreds of dudes all texting them all the time on tinder.
at a store or even a bar, even today you are better off than just a message on her iphone in a sea of chads shes lusting after. at least in person you are making her put down the fucking phone for 5 seconds and can seem confidant. Ive actually picked up a couple of women in bars, still a bad idea overall, but above tinder. Im not a chad at all, but ive gotten dates from walking up to women in random places and talking to them. How often have you personally tried this, or are you just assuming its a bad idea?
Quints of truth. Every time I've been to a therapist it's all been a bunch of talking about my feelings and worries, and trying to shovel that Cognitive Behavioral nonsense down my throat. Just think positively and drown out any negative self talk! It doesn't matter if it's true or if your circumstances are actually pretty shit, just bullshit yourself into thinking better and things will be better!
No girl has ever been interested in me and no girl ever will.
I am 29 but feel like 79, it's ok though because I'm gonna deepthroat a shotgun in a year or so.
Do it tonight
>All these dudes thinking women will change them, when it's actually extremely easy to mould them into another you.
Treat em' mean keep em' kean
Guys, I was just larping. Don't give up. There's a girl out there for you. Just get out there and interact. It's not as hard as you think it might be. You'll find someone.
I'm a virgin at almost 36 years but I never understood collecting figures or toys.
Or you can just eat some buffalo wings
I get into those moods frequently, sometimes my smile just drops without me thinking about it and I swear the other party thinks I've just gotten back from a war. I don't even think I've been through anything traumatic but oversaturation in media depicting the worst of humanity has probably taken its toll.
Probably would have helped if I'd just gone camping, gone to more parties and hit music festivals like everyone else instead, they just seem so happy and aloof.
Point is people can see it on your face like a book when you're hollow
>not ugly
user, I...
Well that's the only potential plus to an older women that has already had kids. If she's fit/slim/attractive after that then she probably wont fall apart like so many other younger women that get fat/lazy/lose interest in sex after they have children (where this happens during your relationship and it all blows up in your face).
>Get into a relationship
>now i want to buy a $2000 sex doll
When I finally get out of my parents' house I'm gonna buy so many lewd anime figures
Save up for a awesome sex doll and you will be happier. You can coosplay it also.
You can even save up a bit more and they sex doll companies can custom make it
I'm just gonna hotglue my figurines. Also, normies tend to be more accepting of them. Sex dolls are a waste of money and are creepy.
as a dude who was you less than a year ago, if you're still trying to figure out if school is for you at fucking 29 get out. once i admitted defeat with that piece of my life things started making sense and working out very quickly. if you want it, make it happen. but i wish i would have genuinely dropped out a decade ago.
Its not a waste of money. And only girls use the word creepy Unironically, bro.
>becoming a normalfag
working out, going to therapy, and pursuing your hobbies is good but forcing yourself to fit in with a braindead lifestyle of netflix originals and snapchat is retarded
Anyone else fairly sure you’re going to die a virgin? I’m 24 and everythingless, I have no friends so I have no clue how to even meet women. I also literally don’t even know what people my age like to do, when I was in college I didn’t make one friend or even speak to people.
What do people even talk about anymore? Where do you meet them (college obviously but I already blew that one)? How do you even kiss or have sex?
>girlfriend ASMR
fuck dude i hope thats a joke. thats the saddest coping mechanism on youtube for single people
We are gonna die pure, bro.
In what world is ur anything but lazy shorthand for your? I would hardly say it's accepted as a colloquialism
Stay you so i dont have to worry about more competition.
some people just aren't meant for socialization. like i see how other people do it but i find it so ffucking ttaxing that i can't be assed to make the effort.
Have sex and stop disappointing your parents
I get a headache when I have to talk to other people, when my parents talk to me and I have to speak back my head starts to hurt. I really don’t understand how people enjoy socializing but their head probably doesn’t start aching when they talk.
Wait, there are actual virgins on this board over the age of 18?
Unironically, HAVE SEX
i went into the same coffee shop every day for like a month and eventually one of the qts who worked there started talking to me. went on two dates and we weren't really good for each other but it worked once so it'll have to work on other women, right?
If you make that much than just call an escort service or find an 18 -21 yo to date
Many people never get room to be in seclusion and also many people are in situations where if they dont work then they will be starving and have no home so they are always out having to be in the world just to get by.
Youre spoiled living your secluded life judging those who are forced to be on the outside.
Did she start talking to you? Are you good looking? I had a routine in college where I saw the same people daily and none of them ever spoke to me.
Incels, listen up.
Just get Tinder. Go on a date with lots of booze. Get pissed before you meet her if you have to, it will esse the nerves.
Don’t be autistic. Just ask questions about her / people like talking about themselves.
Make her laugh.
Have sex.
I got Tinder but never got matches
I have never gotten a match on tinder.
People have lots of things on their mind. You have to talk to them or your going to be just another npc to their “always have to do something” life. Being seen by the same people doesnt make you less of an npc, expressing yourself to others is what makes people see as more than just an autonomous walking drone
She was 35 and not quite as divorced as she was letting on.
It was worth it but undeniably i was a better person before. Much more interesting. Maybe more likeable but not happy. Loneliness and a sense of universal rejection is crushing.
>finding anyone on tinder
Tell me more
>40 year old incel
>doesnt end in mass shooting with white nationalist MAGA manifesto
fake and gay
>the virgin chad vs the chad virgin
>employ 3 other guys in my carpentry business
>mortgage free 4 bedroom house with separate garage
>own 2 vans and 2 cars
>4 chan is the only place I socialise
I've pretty much accepted I will be alone forever.
yeah, she just asked what i did one day and thought it was interesting, then found the courage to ask for her number maybe a week later. id make quips every now and then, make her laugh, dumb customer stuff. i basically saw her every day for 4 weeks, maybe that helped. i don't think im good looking, overweight and average i guess. i can make people laugh, so maybe she liked that
Shit, I'll come live with you man.
i wouldnt listen to that guy. i was also you. literally got my degree at 30. yes we all shouldve dropped out in our early 20's or not gone to college straight out of hs, but now that i have my degree the job options are so much greater. especially today, its becoming more rare for employers to find people with degrees. it doesnt mean shit, but it does mean "hey i have no idea who this guy is im interviewing, but at least i know hes capable of the min requirements a college degree requires."
I don't want casual sex. I want a gf who I could love.
Dyel ate.
you probly also look/dress like shit like most on Yea Forums who complain about "women only like chads with money." workout and dress better. if u have a job and own place, the rest is ez.
Why the fuck would I simp over some pussy if I could just work on my career, make >100k a year and get myself a fresh out of the factory, weedloving woman and keep my dignity? Besides sex, what does a girl have to offer? Unless shes ok with not working and doing the housekeeping, men need to realize that they are the prize.
Being with another person is hard fucking work and it will give you a headache most days. If you cant even get healthy feel healthy look healthy than women know it would be 100x more work to make a relationship with you enjoyable
Casual sex is what tends to lead to relationships and love.
Rejection is part of life and gives you an armored mind, that's why you are such a pussy and insecury to talk to girls.
>relationships are hard work
I fucking hate this mentality. Relationships should be easy and a joy
thats the word im sure you cling to
I just started doing it cos I saw my dad did it lol
All my relationships have been easy 99 percent of the time. You are just mentally ill and create fights
that's nasty as hell
Top kek at your lies, bit if thats how you want to larp. Have fun tonight , user
I'm always thinking, that maybe other people I know might be using tinder as well and them seeing my profile would be embarrassing as all hell.
Also I don't even know how to sell myself to others. I'm honestly boring, all my hobbies I do half-hearted. Vidya? There are people who have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of say Pokémon or some shit. /tg/? There's people far more creative and technically skilled than me. Most people are enthusiastic about their hobbies, I just do stuff sometimes.
I would bore myself to death
that actually sound like the type of life I want.
add gardening in there bro. give it a try even just something in a pot