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I'm a chi in california and voted for trump

>fuck you to people who won't even watch it
How will bumbumblephtards ever recover?

Shut the fuck up.


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>rich white trump supporters

But all the rich college educated whites voted democrat last election? Poor midwest whites went for trump

Has Johnson ever written or directed a decent film? Looper and Last Jedi sucked.

>enjoy it in a crowd
>make sure you are pressured to go with the groups reaction

Coal Miners make like $60k/year btw.

Attached: trump income3243.png (602x690, 114K)

I personally want predominantly liberal, left-wing, progressive, whatever you want to call them areas to be flooded with African, Muslim and Mexican immigrants. That's obviously where they should be directed to first. They're the ones who want them here so badly that it almost makes them coom.

she's right you know

like everything else these people do, its about making themselves feel better, not actually accomplishing anything beyond that

Rian still pissed off nobody liked TLJ

Liberal areas tend to be more diverse (this is especially true if you exclude the south, which everyone should do since it is increasingly irrelevant save for a few states kept afloat by extremely generous government contracts.)

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>better educated voters lean democrat
>wealthier voters lean republican
makes you think

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>lower salary
>better educated

I read a study that said the exact opposite lol.

The names Tomris.

>This is the future

too bad governments are actually strategically moving migrants to small rural conservative areas now in order to enrich them :^)

Attached: villages.png (1710x694, 500K)

I'm from the northeast. Sounds fine. Let everyone in and send them all to California.

haha yeah those rich people who hate cheap labor

Send them to orange county I agree. The state needs less GOP involvement. Also Oregon should get more. Less boomers means less conservatives. The future is looking bright.

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Here's your (You)

Gonna harrass her now. Thnx

How can a whodunnit be super political?

>every bank in the world supported Hilary
Fucking rich republicans

>none if this is subtle
>Rian Johnson
Ya no fucking shit.

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You do realize that 2016 was 3 years ago right? A lot has changed (demographically speaking, Trump hasn't actually done shit lol.)

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Yup. Sounds good. :) Let them in.

The killer will be wearing a red cap

We are already here boomer. Just close your eyes and let it happen.

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>that black portion

A lot sure has changed...

What's the problem? I'm saying let them in.

>Pro immigration
its a murder-mystery how the FUCK is it pro immigration?

>has a better midterm election than Obama
>hasn't done anything
k keep me posted

I'm telling you that we are already here. Thanks.

Oh, okay. Cool. I think even more of you should come here.

By being bourgie propoganda

Brick was a 7 with neat language. well kinda, it's a copy of old detective films in high school, but the pacing was all over the place

>the poorer people are better educated
this fucking nigger

>Whites are the only group that's divided up instead of a unified group.
Really makes you think.

Why not move to a brown shithole if that's what you desire, parasite?

Lol. Racist study

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Brick was okay, but I think Looper is his best.

Just smile and nod and remember that whatever country that roastie cunt lives in is packed with nothing but darkie/muzzie immigrants she's going to get spitroasted, sliced and left to rot in a dumpster with all the rest of the trash.

Try having sex instead. It's not my fault you can't get a woman to reproduce with you.

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Based. What we really need to fight climate change is to import millions of consumers per year who are all going to have six kids a piece.

Well la-dee-dah mr. Park Avenue manicure!

What a dumb fucking name.

No, this isn't a question of breeding like rabbits you filthy animal. The question is letting in foreign pests in the first place. Go back down to your drug den country and shit out all of the worthless future gang members that you want.

do you a cookie or something you fucking bigot

>Another twitter screenshot
this shit needs to end

I'm a citizen. I have a job. I am not "going back." I am going to have at least 4 kids (my cousin already has three.) Deal with it.

White people from San Fransisco are some of the most racist bigoted people around - it's just they direct it towards other white people, and the poor.

Wipe out the left

Yes I agree soiboys are quite racist. Racism is soi incarnate.

Attached: san fran tech.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

Source for the article?

brb moving to Greenland so that I don't get burned to death by the sun. based scab laborers imported by capitalists.

white girls fuck dogs

Trump won every income bracket above 50k. Nothing you believe is true

black girls can't even get dogs

I highly doubt you know what you're talking about either frankly.

Is this the fucking rian johnson movie lmao

How is that picture not on the cover of Time mag?

aren't those migrants more conservative than the villagers? Though how poorly did this go? Those villagers would've been fucked regardless though

The migrants never stay because those shitty little towns have no jobs (thus why they have trouble keeping young natives there to begin with.)

*jumps on the haters*

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What about us Trump voters who aren't rich?

>implying migrants even take jobs to begin with

You're funny.



Are they ever going to accept that they lost the election?

Mods want Yea Forums to become /pol/. Just let it go and hide the thread.

>white people
>black people
>asian people
>all coming together to ignore the homeless

*sniff* its beautiful

can you guys just accept its both ways for trump? yes its true the rich voted for him, it's also true the majority of the poor voted for him. People in general just love trump.

I hope this bitch gets raped and murdered the next time she's alone in a parking lot.


>fuck you to rich white trump
>pro immigration

>aren't those migrants more conservative than the villagers?
Characterising people who believe in stoning women, gays and blasphemers as conservative is like comparing people................I don't even know what that is comparable to.

Any liberals in Islamic countries are usually chased away or locked up. Ie salman rushdie

is that rian johnson? jesus

its movie related and the politics are not extreme or pol they are general population which is why trump wins 2020 again

>go to Europe from Australia
>one of the cities I was excited for was Munich
>finally arrive in Munich in the middle of the city
>literally an ENTIRE BLOCK is Islamic, not a single fucking store has english written on it
>kebab stores, hookah bars as far as the eye can see
>my usually moderate friends are horrified and instantly become more redpilled
I will never go back to Germany ever again when places like Czechia and Poland exist. Holy fuck.

Muslim conservative values are not German conservative values.

white people are the new jews

get ready for the gas chambers crackers

>saviors of the Jews becomes the enemy of the Jews
It's almost like we shouldn't have saved them.

Whites didn't save the Jews. Slavs did.

>They’re going to hire Arabic-speaking guards and set up perimeter fences. The residents will be free to come and go as they please, but townsfolk will need an invitation to enter. It’s an isolating tactic, but a necessary one, he says. The asylum seekers, who will soon arrive from Syria, Albania, Sudan – 18 beleaguered countries in all – must be protected.


>must be protected.

From whom?

I want to see these numbers adjusted by age. This could just be older voters voting Republican, and the average 50-year-old earns more than a 20-year-old

Kind of creepy honestly. You'd have to be pretty desperate to agree to live in a concentration camp in germany.

>From whom?

Civil rights?
Women's rights
Gay rights?

That's fair.

Brick was weird and I still can't decide if I liked it or not.

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Don't let this distract you from the fact that the movie is utter shit.

Sounds like another racist rich Trump supporter hiding behind patriarchal conventions of what makes "GOOD" cinema, pfffff. This is more important than acting directing and plot, this is a message of love and acceptance.

>make shit movie
>add some politics so you can call everyone who doesn't like it racist
Haven't I seen this one before?

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Depends on what you define as "educated"

logically the people who make the most and are least in debt would be the educated ones right?

Imagine thinking you're better than people while having to pray some neo-liberal corporate shill will eliminate your debt from your useless degree lmao

What's going on in this pic? Is this the show where he looks like himself to us, but he's possessed the body of somebody else? Is he a Nazi here or is he a Star Trek character that somehow ended up in Nazi Germany?

>it's cheap propaganda, and that's a good thing

shitty time shenanigans in enterprise

You're so fucking retarded. Don't vote.

Kill yourself, commie. Without you pro-diversity lettistis, none of this would be happening.

>90 iq democrat leftist thinks he superior because of his gender studies degree
Hope you're not white.

>trump voter are rich elite billionaire elitists
>trump voters are dumb, poor, redneck trash

which is it?

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Trump voters are mostly boomers that would rather everyone get fucked than help the future of America (i.e. non-white families.)

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jesus, this man is soi incarnate

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agatha "ten little niggers christie is rolling in her grave.

lol seems based

I only kinda wanted to watch it for Ana anyways... but i'll wait for more reviewes

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>rich white Trump voters
trump voters are poor whites

>none of this is subtle

Is that meant to be praise?

Look at the size of that schnozz.

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Statistically republicans are the more educated political party, now.

Agatha Christie hated niggers though

this is what diversity looks like and it is so powerful

Someone please kidnap this whore and dump her ass in Juarez or the Congo.

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>stoning women, gays, blasphemers
Sounds pretty based where do I sign up?

Rich left wing libs live in gated communities where they know they won't ever have to see a minority unless they are mowing their lawn

>none of this is subtle
>that's a good thing
jesus christ

I really don't remember voting for this

Take that upper middle class voters who are anti immigration. Those characteristics are the exact opposite of Agatha Christie who would NOT be rolling over in her grave if she read this tweet.

Can you speak English, Paco?

imagine living in the tent

I can hear them sausage fingers typing the manifesto from here

How dare rich people vote based on the candidate that will benefit them the most!

OD in your trailer

Great now they're fucking with one of my favorite authors to push their bullshit.

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She hated women too and considered them inferior.

American citizen or not? He hates people without citizenship

Being super pro-immigration has got to be the most naive political stance ever.

"But it's niiiiiiice". Tell that to the countries who suffer the brain drain.

"But we need people to do the jobs nobody will do." People will do them once demand drops and employers start needing to pay more and offer more benefits to their employees.

"But it doesn't hurt you at all!". A single immigrant coming and going on welfare hurts the whole of society by taking away funds that could go somewhere else. And a lot of immigrants go on welfare, especially those resulting from family reunification. Elders and people who dont speak the language and are too old to learn (40+).

"Immigration is a right." Never was and never will be. Even in prehistory tribes didnt just let in people randomly, way too fucking dangerous. And it is not observed in any social animal species. Ever seen a foreign ant get free access to another anthill?

You are such a pleb. Read real literature, snob

Fuck you, I'm going to read kindle unlimited and like it!

>the future of america is non-Americans

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The absolute state of American readers, reading the literary equivalent of a big mac AH HAHHAHAHHAHA

We are Americans. Deal with it. It's not our fault that white boys think studying and posting racist shit online counts as having sex.

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>t. Communist

Why do you fucking braindead shitskins always think it's just white people that are racist
no one likes niggers, not even most niggers can handle being around other niggers given how often they fucking kill each other

>>better educated

>criticizes boomers aka largest group of whites and trump voters
Your glowing, rabbi

Hahaha Jesus Christ, there really is a type isn't there. I bet everyone in that picture mumbles and smells like slightly off milk.

This is a dishonest presentation. Rich lefties benefit from de facto apartheid and live in white or Jew only enclaves, like Rob Reiner, who lives in a walled neighborhood in Beverly Hills but wants your barrio buried in litter and used condoms.
>oh but there's section eight housing outside our wall
Yeah that's how Brazil works.

>wrapped in a crafty agatha christie package
>nothing about it is subtle
So it's even shittier than the best shit christie shat out on the shitter? Christie wasn't exactly a Hemingway or anything, but at least there was some nuance.

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>the "all american" Cowboy is merely a copy of the Mexican Vaquero
Really makes you think lol

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Like what you pretentious twat? I enjoy mysteries and Agatha Christies are the best.

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Education =/= Intelligence you retarded dipshit. Congrats on literally paying money to be indoctrinated by the system. How shocking the "educated" vote exactly as the system tells them to.
Oh, and btw how about you check the black and hispanic voting and compare it to their average IQ. 98% of blacks voted Obama in '2008 isn't racist but like 57% of Whites voting Trump is super KKK nazi racist because reasons

Reread your post and you were making a point against her so nm but posting anyways...

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>this thread
God I wish the commies had nuked america

kek, imagine my shock a (((study says))) *insert "leftist" dogma* when basic logic and reason is the exact opposite.
>Grew up in a nice vastly White suburb that was safe and the schools great
>Mother divorces dad
>Move to inner city jungle in poor majority black neighborhood, not safe, terrible schools, bullied for being White
>Omg wow this is so much better...WTF I love violence, drug dealers, welfare leeches, and the run down shithole that *magically*, for no reason at all, follows wherever they are

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Only dumb people fall for zoomed up graphs

It's going to be funny watching the US disintegrate once the Hispanics take over. Immigrants from the 3rd world have the worst self awareness.

Hispanic is a geographical term created in the 70s that's extremely broad and any race could be hispanic

There's a reason why the Hispanic question is before the race question in the census BECAUSE HISPANIC IS NOT A RACE

Brown people are brown due to NATIVE genes not "Hispania descent"

Why should an Argentinian of spanish descent be blamed for the actions of a mestizo?

Stupid fucking low iq kike shit

Hispanic is not a "Single population" you stupid fucking idiot

I am actually fucking butthurt

You need to fucking kneel and beg for forgiveness to the fucking ghost of Cortez you fucking cocksucking sack of shit

The iberian didn't conquer half the fucking world so some dumb slavic fucking pig could blame their shit for the inca cuck's shit fuck you fucking NIGGER




>flag is touching the ground

he should be shot

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I don't even care much either way about immigration anymore. If women want it so bad then they can enjoy the waves of third-worlders who give no fucks about western concepts like "Women's rights" becoming the majority in their countries.

Chris evans literally calls a black detective CIA KFC

WHAT THE FUCK did people expected...

Diverse groups in close proximity = Liberal Utopia
>lol, evolutionary biology ain't real, bro
>lol, common sense and countless historical examples don't matter, bro

Attached: Diversity & Proximity = War.png (549x2199, 120K)

lol, I'm *so* sorry for using a catch all, faggot
Okay, I am, kinda, you're right obviously and I'm well aware but tried to not use naughty no no words therefor subbed in another term


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Whites voted for him not huge swathes of poor folks. Those people voted for democrat if you look at the spic and nigger percentages. Spics who weren't illegal and were middle class or better voted for Trump. That stats have been posted almost every day since 2016.

>people who are provably successful at life vote Republican
>people who got a degree in Gender Studies and work at Starbucks vote Democrat

Which is a copy of the Argentinian "Gaucho"

The proletariat the left is arguing for is actually 80 million poor, conservative rednecks

That's odd.. I thought poor dumb white people voted for Trump.. They really never get the story straight.

You have no room to talk you pungent nigger.

You're really not though are you Paco. You're just an anti-White scrounger and a malcontent.

They're mentally ill, just like these remainers in Britain. They'll say literally anything.


>white people this white people that
I love these people. They do a better job at radicalizing whites than my brethrens up at Stormfront.

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Kys retard

>Is against "rich people".
>Lives in metropolitan cities filled with rich urbanites squeezing money out of an increasingly poor underclass of Democrat voters.
Fucking kek. The arrogance of this snobby rich cunt.

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It's hilarious how true this statement is.
>Soi guzzlers think that every member of a race has to vote a certain way, or they are a "traitor".
>They lower test scores for blacks and hispanics because they think they are too stupid to do the same test a white student did, and they call it "affirmative action".
>They only "appreciate" other cultures so they can look trendy in their rich little hipster enclaves and fit into the herd, when they would never go to the dirt poor countries or to a soup kitchen even if they were paid handsomely to help feed starving poor ethnic people.
I hate them sooo much...

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They become less racist because they are terrified of getting murdered if they say the wrong thing.

>demographically speaking, Trump hasn't actually done shit lol.
Yes, because a president needs to do something about the demographics of a country.
>Muh president won't fix all my problems and concerns
Why the fuck are Americans this retarded?

>I let memes and fake news I read on Yea Forums form my worldview

>greasy spic obsessively responding to everyone itt wants us to know he’s having sex
Lol sure thing guy

Go back there disgusting cumskin