>strongest martial artist of all time
>dies to a fucking aspirin
Strongest martial artist of all time
>strongest martial artist of all time
the question is who knew about his one weak point
what branch of martial arts teaches you how to beat aspirin aggression?
I knew asians cant fight
name a better unarmed warrior than Bruce fucking Lee
Replace Brad Pitt’s head with Aspirin pill
there's that one guy who was in the navy seals that was extensively trained in unarmed combat
he replied to me once after I called him a fag
he wasn't happy
aspiwin pirru nooooooooo
asprin is a wonder molecule with benefits ranging from decreasing cardiovascular events to inflammation burden. unless you're bruce lee then it just fuckin' kills you.
me after a couple bourbons. i'll fuck you up
so wait did he actually fight bruce lee? or was that just his imagination of what would happen if he got the job?
Literally any fighter who has held a title in Pride, UFC and the many other professional combat organizations since the late 80s. Also, unironically Joe Rogan. At least there is proof of him competing and beating people, more importantly there are videos of him destroying heavy bags while Bruce only has a couple of grainy shots of him tapping a barely filled bag.
Brad Pitt
it was a flashback cunt
he couldn't really get the job because kurt russell's wife was involved and hates him
the flashback was just showing why she hates him
i'd call you a brainlet but i'm probably replying to bait
>when your entire martial arts philosophy is literally pic related
joe rogan
I'm not reading several pages of cope. Fact is that Chuck has proof of being a real fighter and Bruce has next to nothing. In fact most of it could easily not even be him in the footage because arr rook same. Also Chuck didn't need to spout bullshit pseudo philosophy about being like a cup of water.
>He’s won the moral battle against people like Chuck Norris, who despite the appearance of philanthropy, are actually peddling exceptionalism, nationalism, exclusionism and martial fakery to the masses.
Imagine actually buying into this chink morality garbage.
What's going on in this thread?
The character of Cliff was somewhat based off/inspired by real stuntman Gene LeBell, who infamously "beat up" Bruce Lee.
>According to LeBell, Lee was a working stiff on the set of The Green Hornet but was kicking the shit out of the stuntmen. They couldn’t convince him that he could go easy and it would still look great on film. The show’s stunt coordinator, Bennie Dobbins, needed a ringer to deal with Lee, so he called in Judo Gene.
>LeBell says when he got to the set, Dobbins told him to put Lee “in a headlock or something.”
>So LeBell went up and grabbed Lee. “He started making all those noises that he became famous for,” LeBell said, “but he didn’t try to counter me, so I think he was more surprised than anything else.”
>Then LeBell lifted Lee onto his back in what’s called a fireman’s carry and ran around the set with him.
>“Put me down or I’ll kill you!” Lee screamed.
>“I can’t put you down or you’ll kill me,” LeBell said, holding Lee there as long as he dared before putting him down, saying, “Hey, Bruce, don’t kill me. Just kidding, champ.”
>Back on his feet again, Lee didn’t kill LeBell. Instead, Lee recognized that the lack of grappling was a deficiency in the Jeet Kune Do style of martial arts he was developing. So Lee trained with LeBell for a little over a year with LeBell showing Lee armbars, leg locks and takedowns, and Lee schooling LeBell in kung fu kicks.
Not sure why you value rule based tournament "fights" so much considering they're more like a chess match than a drath match. A ton of people who probably know what they're talking about say he was great. Mike Tyson says so. Inside Karate Magazine wrote an article weighing the evidence and said so, and quoting people like Mike Stone (“strongest pound for pound, much stronger than I am") and Joe Lewis (“fastest and most intelligent. Greatest martial artist of all time.) on Lee's excellence
Sounds like a friendly encounter and they were both respectful
That guy was me
And what the fucking fuck did you just fucking say about me motherfucker??
it was oxycodone
Literally any man over a 100 kilos would destroy him. Nevermind a wrestler or an mma fighter.
>what are weightclasses
>noooo this 40 kilo gymnast could take anyone! It's all about speed and skill!!
>Literally any fighter who has held a title
Literally only stupid people say this.
Fighting in a ring with rules is not like a real fight.
Not him but
>"bruce lee was a great fighter!"
>okay what fights did he win
>"well none but i don't see what the point is"
If someone is a great fighter, it means they have a lot of fights under their belt that they've won. This might be street fights or boxing matches or bar room fights or martial arts competitions or whatever. Bruce Lee doesn't have any actual fights to his name, and thus can't be called a fighter, let alone a great fighter. He just did movies and was an actor, and an actor who didn't do all his own stunts and relied heavily on camera work and "movie magic" to make what stunts he did do look more impressive than they really were.
I like Bruce Lee, his movies were cool, but we really ought to stop lying about the guy and pretending he was something he wasn't.
Yep, just like in the movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
no sweat glands
He died to a gunshot after someone loaded a real bullet casing into a gun and not a blank during a movie filming
The most complete fighter to ever live was Russian.
>big = win
you can't train your blood vessels.
He was. But not the faggot movie star actor you posted
That was his son
Buradu Pitu
It would be burado pitto, retard
>being this autistic
There's literally videos of him fighting and people have seen him fight people. Most of his fights were real and not cringey sports like your "fighters" do
>A ton of people who probably know what they're talking about say he was great.
This is the most brainlet argument. Everyone is scared to call out the bullshit because of the rabid double digit IQ fanbase who use hearsay as a basis for spreading their chink worship gospel.
Show me these videos.
>One of the things that made him [Lee] unique was his ability to move from kicking range to punching range to trapping range to grappling range. At that time, most martial artists really shined in one particular range. If you kicked, you didn’t punch or grapple much. If you punched, you didn’t kick or grapple much. And if you grappled, you didn’t have the same skill level in striking. Sifu Bruce was way ahead of his time in how he was training himself and his students to be adept at bridging the gap between ranges.”- Dan Inosanto
Man, the harder these faggots rage against Bruce, the more facts turn up that completely bend them the fuck over.
Joe Rogan is the same height as Bruce Lee.
What point were you trying to make here?.. have you ever seen this "fight"? I'm gonna asume you haven't otherwise you wouldn't have posted it
Yes retard, big = win in almost all occations. Anyone who has gone any matches in martialarts will tell you that. And if they don't, they're trying to sell you some tai chi bullshit you will never have any use of
He was praised by other great fighters, retard. Any professional wouldn't hesitate to call out the posers on how own field
Here's the undeniable proof. Nunchucks are gay and Bruce Lee is a fag. End of story
Bruce was too pussy to even compete, he knew he would get called out on his bullshit real quick.
Close, Bruce was even shorter. At a max of 5'5" if you are not a complete retard who buys into hollywood stats. I bet you believe RDJ is also 5'9" LOL
Vince Vaughn is the only real deal in height. Everyone else is jockey material
Except martial arts was full of fakes and phonies back in the day who got praised by others (some of whom were fakes and phonies, and others who weren't but didn't want to cause shit or just wanted to continue hyping martial arts because it benefited them). I'm not saying this proves Bruce Lee was a fake, but the notion that people said good things about him doesn't prove he was real, either.
Chael Sonnen (superior fighter) called out all of the chinklet dick riders. Funny how if someone posts their stats on any fitness as 5'6" 130, they would get laughed at and mocked but for some reason Bruce is exempt because he looked good on camera.
This, Steven Seagal is another
Yeah, I just think it's funny that that user tried to slam me and call me short by comparing me to someone who was either the same height as Bruce Lee or even shorter, all because I pointed out the fact that Bruce Lee has no fights to his name and is thus not a fighter. You could call Bruce Lee a martial artist, because he did do martial arts, but a fighter? No.
Kimbo Slice is more legit than Bruce Lee. Literal bumfights for burgers have more credibility because at least you can watch them.
bruce lee himself said he wouldnt want to fight tyson becuase he'd crush hit rittre yerrow skurr
competing is pussy
Hey, did you lose those "literally videos of him fighting" that you claimed "literally" existed? Because you never responded to with the videos.
There's only one video of a real match Bruce Lee fought in. It was some sort of early MMA style fight.
Google it retard
Oh yeah, the one where he's wearing a helmet and body armor. What an epic battle that was!
>There's no proof he's ever fought!
*posts fight video*
>H-heh that doesn't count
Thats not how it works you fucking mongoloid. You said there is proof. The onus is on you to link to it.
Link the fight video. It doesn't matter what I think because I'm biased, you should let other anons see this great battle and make their own conclusions.
Nobody posted a video.
It's literally the first result on Google. and already found it. Why are you so retarded?
Post the video and let anons draw their own conclusions.
>name a better unarmed warrior than Bruce fucking Lee
So post the video.
Butterbean > Bruce Lee.
angry small white boy penis syndrome
Sorry that you're forced to view the reality on the only hero to ever come out of your dog eating shithole. Now post the video. You won't because you know how fucking stupid it is to try and use it as evidence.
nice imgur filename, my fellow redditor
>If someone is a great fighter, it means they have a lot of fights under their belt that they've won.
At this point, let's just accept the fact that he realizes he was wrong, but instead of just admitting it or leaving the thread altogether without a word, he's refusing to give up and only showing how truly dumb he is. Honestly, this type of faggot behavior is so common here, and I don't know why. When I get something wrong on this site, I just admit it and move on. It's not a big deal.
If they're so great why are they dead?
Sergeant I.B. Profin
Not me, if I fuck up I close the browser and run away from the computer and cringe at my stupidity.
Same, user.
my dick
The Chinese are the greatest fighters in history.
It's because Aspiring is white.
speaking of tiny yellow men fighting superior races
It was a blank, a blank can still kill someone. There werent suppose to be anny ammo into the gun, a stupid error.
Shia Labuff
fucking based pitt
*Chinese agents
That's actually pretty based. What the fuck Tarantino that would have been a great moment. FUCKING HACK
>Literally any fighter who has held a title in Pride, UFC and the many other professional combat organizations since the late 80s.
So they would need special rules to keep everyone alive?
Who did he beat? What evidence is there?
I honestly think he'd get fucking embarrased if he were somehow alive today and still young enough to fight in the UFC
He wasn't a professional fighter, but he was a great martial artist. There's a lot of people who are skilled martial arts practitioners or teachers that don't compete. People are judging him the wrong way.
If I was in an actual,no holds barred, to the death fight, I'd bring a fucking gun and kill you.
Ret me guessu, Bluce Ree could reap out of the burrets way
Jokes on you, Bruce Lee used to carry a gun on him and was a good shot apparently.
>There's a lot of people who are skilled martial arts practitioners or teachers that don't compete
Yeah, they're called choreographers.
No, they're called instructors, coaches, or teachers. Or practitioners that don't compete. You can still spar at be good at martial arts without competing.
Not that guy but Bruce Lee recognized the implausibility of taking down a man with a gun with his fists. He'd probably bring a gun too.
So tell me what 130pounds of angry asian is going to do to kill a 200pound+ trained fighter with his bare hands.
No seriously, I'm curious. Flying kick to the throat? Five-fingered palm of death?