ITT: Post good movies that give you a "peak behind the curtain" aka that tell a story about how things actually work in...

ITT: Post good movies that give you a "peak behind the curtain" aka that tell a story about how things actually work in the real world and not just the usual drivel spouted by 24 hour news. Not necessarily documentaries just good narrative films that feature the shit that happens "offscreen" if you will

Pic related is absolutely incredible to me and I feel like If the guy who made it wasn't married to a woman who is a direct descendant of Rockefeller he probably wouldn't have had the privilege of making it. Great interview by him here

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Brexit with the Sherlock Holmes guy

I thought that was just your standard establishment propaganda though? Or does it have a message beyond "The system is good Brexit was le evil russians"?


have you seen the Wire? it's so realistic, based black males are right and the system is rigged and structurally racist

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This movie is so fucking good.

This film also taught me they were altering footage to fit their agenda back in 2004. I couldn't help but think it when that faggot fredo cuomo on CNN showed footage of the Mexican shooter a few weeks ago

Attached: mind control.jpg (1000x1431, 194K)

Watch Zeitgeist.

The director of Zeitgeist has distanced himself from the trilogy cuz he made it when he was a retard who didn't know shit and he said as much. There are way better 9/11 conspiracy documentaries as well

You realize you can be a right winger and be critical of oil geopolitics right?

This movie is a good double feature with Syriana