Its treason then

>its treason then
I don't get it. Who was Sheev implying was committing treason? The Jedi or himself?

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Depends on your point of view

The Jedi did commit treason against the duly elected chancellor of the republic. They had no authority to do so or as mace windu himself said execute sheev. Sheev did nothing wrong.

>Sheev: I am the Senate
>Mace: Not yet

>attacking the elected leader of the republic
>not treason

Attacking the chancellor of the republic is pretty treasonous

Sheev attacked first desu senpai

why didn't they wait for him to be out in the open before they tried to arrest him

There's nothing illegal in stating you control the votes in the senate. If it was just arrest every head of every party in the majority.

There's also nothing wrong with arresting Sheev to go to a Senate hearing

Because windu was attempting to make an illegal arrest. He has a right to defend himself the Jedi aren't police. They have no legal right to arrest him and windu himself said they were going to execute him without trial. The Jedi are traitors.

>barge into his office with lightsabers ignited
Yeah, nah, they violated the NAP so they got what’s coming to them

>He's to dangerous to let live
They were taking him to an execution not a hearing.

only after Sheeve attacked them and force lightninged Windu

Because the situation was that the jedi were about to falsely arrest the chancellor claiming to be working on the orders of the senate. Sheev saying that he "was the senate" was him stating that due to his popularity in the senate, it is highly improbable that such an order to arrest him was given by the graces of the senate. Windu then makes the mistake of saying "not yet", which confirmed that this was an act of vigilantism AND that they had lied about working on behalf of the senate. Sheev's statement about it being "treason" is correct, as not only have the jedi threatened the leader of the republic with arrest while their weapons were drawn, but also had lied about them acting on behalf of the senate.
The entire scene is to show how many steps ahead of the jedi Sheev was.

The decision to execute Sheev was heavily implied when Windu stated "not yet", implying that their was still time to 'stop' Palpatine

They were going to before that as well. Sheev did control the Senate so how were they going to vote him out? By illegally arresting the chancellor? No the plan was always to kill him. Windu was the jedis executioner

He really was a clever motherfucker.

Trips confirm

Or, you know being a Sith Lord he was probably manipulating influential people, if not most of the senate, behind the scenes
It’s not like Jedi mind tricks are a new thing

Sheev probably didn't even need the force. He was just that good of a manipulator. Either way the point is the Jedi did technically commit treason. The Senate never gave them authority to arrest sheev so it most definitely is treason. The jedis were traitors who had betrayed the very principles they swore to uphold. This is what freaks Anakin out so much. Sheev was right.

how can anyone consider someone lawfully elected evil

yes, i'm sure that the jedi could 100% convice the senate that the chancellor, the most well known figurehead in the galaxy, is actually an evil sith lord that has been under even the jedi's noses.

would have been better written if they did have evidence he was sith but no one in the senate wanted to acknowledge making a mistake giving sheev that much power


What the Jedi did was akin to attempt a bloody revolution, just like the Bolsheviks. From his point of view, Sheev was just defending the state.

Additionally, to make thinks absolutely clear: The republic has freedom of religion and thus is 100% legal to be a Sith Lord.

>we will never get a scene where Anakin has a mental breakdown as he tries to come to terms with the realization that the jedi order is just as fallible and corrupt as the senate
For a scene so important (being the culmination of Anakins downfall) it’s really sad that they went into hurrah action instead of playing it out a few minutes longer

Do not forget that it was a NIGGER who attempted to extrajudicially kill Sheev which shifted Anakin to the "dark" side.

Sheev attained power 100% according to the constitution.

did you forget the part where he admitted to one of their order that he was the one behind the war?

being in control of both sides of a war, crimes against peace etc.

Prove it in court. Good luck.

>moving goalposts
so now you admit he did something wrong, they just couldn't prove it

The thing is Palpatine was completely in the right here, he was legally elected and stayed in power for the duration of a galatic war. Any random citizen seeing this would immedialty think
>Oh the Jedi, who put themselves in charge of the millitary, are trying to kill our elected leader. Wait what???
There's a reason the Jedi purge was so well received

I never moved the goalposts. The arrest was illegal no Senate authority. If the Jedi think they have a case bring it to the Senate not execute the chancellor.

so you think they'd be ok with wasting their tax money on a phony war

You’ll have to remind me when he said that. All he did was imply to Anakin that he was a Sith Lord. That’s not a crime without proof. Of course he actually WAS a Sith Lord but you don’t got swords blazing into an office every time someone decides wearing a black cloak is chic do you? What do you think this is, planet America?

Involvement in all wars are engineered in most the part. Do you actually think the USA was non-belligerent in WW1 or WW2 for instance?

The Lusitania was carrying munitions and the USA had a clearly anti-German bias in 1939 and 1940 when it came to the Atlantic.

Sheev created the clone wars and played both sides you dipshit.

Jedi propaganda. There is absolutely no proof that Sheev did either of those allegations.


Exactly but legally he was still the rightfully elected chancellor and the jedis had no authority to arrest him. It was illegal thus meaning its treason just as sheev said. Dipshit.

No, but they don't know that, and the Jedi would have a hard time proving that happened, and it was clear they weren't going to try/actually investigate Palpatine anyway. Mace was going to kill him then and there, which realistically would have left the Jedi in charge of the republic as they already ran the military. Palpatine was an evil fuck but he was in the right here, the Jedi were about to commit treason on the word of a mentally unstable guy they barely trusted.

>Palpatine was an evil fuck

The "evil" dark side has killed much less people than the supposedly good and righteous Jedi.

Sheev did nothing wrong. He provided order to the galaxy.

If the rebels were capable of a prolonged peace, why do the First Order hold the upper hand in the sequels?

Because they are incapable of ruling. It's a symbiotic relationship. One can't exist without the other.

>If the rebels were capable of a prolonged peace, why do the First Order hold the upper hand in the sequels?
because disney wanted a reset to cash in on nostalgia

the whole conversation was recorded, remember the holotape that Obi-Wan and Yoda discover

True, which by the way why the fuck WAS that recorded anyway, but it was after the Purge, so kind of a moot point, still now that I think about it I'm kind of surprised Obi-Wan didn't release the tape out of petty vengeance

Don't capitalise words in the middle of the sentence reddit nigger