
>Ya know, back when I was in the academy, we would follow every toast with a song!
What song does he sing /trek/?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>doont dooont doont DEEENT DEENT DEENT

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>really want to jack off to Kira
Images for this feel?

So people make light of Sisqo making peace through force in a highly "difficult" realm of the "federation" A FUCKING PROBLEM NOW?

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don't lewd my major

Just making sure because I'm not certain of it myself, but has the road been long?

Opening scene of "Remember Me".
Isn't TNG just the most kino thing you've ever seen?

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Attached: 20190907-210420.jpg (1440x1080, 153K)

They really got a lot of mileage out of the films in terms of re-using footage, didn't they?

Attached: Intendant_kira_and_ezri_mirror_kiss.jpg (692x530, 77K)

Why are women always thinking about fucking each other?

Sit down, my friend. We have much to talk about.

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*opens mouth*

It's just footage from Search for Spock with the Ent-D pasted on

Seriously, ever girl I've ever talked with has had a lesbian phase at one time or another. When women aren't trying to kill each other they're trying to fuck each other. It's ridiculous.

That doesn't make it any less sexier, guys.
So much for nofap.

I want to eat that Bajoran booty.

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thread theme

Watching Genesis right now and when Crusher and Barclay are talking about intravascular pressure and Riker is on the bed getting porcupine quills pulled out of his back in the background he keeps looking straight into the camera

Attached: Enterprise D space dock.webm (960x720, 2.46M)

>nobody posted it


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For the love of Douwd...

Also used in the Bynar episode. Sadly this really fucks up the scale, because the starbases seen in TNG, despite looking identical to the one on the movies, would have to be *massively* larger (to really insane proportions) for the E-D to fit through the space doors. The more "reasonable" approach would just be to enlarge the space doors, because the interior volume would still probably be large enough, but then you wouldn't be able to reuse the old footage and/or models.

They re-used a bunch of shit really, in all the Trek Shows. ToS famously used sets from the Andy Griffith show, and I'm pretty sure a bunch of ToS away missions to certain planets were either because they already had the set from some other show, only occasionally making original sets. (for the same reason you see a bunch of shit repeating, specially indoors tend to look the same)

Also pic related. The Museum from Voyagers Season 4 Episode 23: Living Witness ends up in re-used in resurrection.

Which reminds me, did the doctor from that storyline ever actually make it to earth?

Attached: Holo museum.jpg (1288x1100, 232K)

Give me your best unpopular Star Trek opinions. Mine is that Voyager has the highest "peak" when an episode is really good.

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>Barclay's protomorphosis syndrome..
>Is it dangerous, doctor?

Also, anyone have some Riker / Nurse Ogawa deepfakes? Getting horny thinking about that one.

How do you spot these things?
Or are you a real Trexpert?
A lot of fake Trexperts out there, you might be the real...ahem... Bones McCoy.

Attached: BonesCordrazine.gif (498x376, 510K)

I prefer these orgasm inducing slow panning shots over planets to pewpewpew fights from DS9.
Just my two cents.

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I like how Barclay is the only member of the crew whom Spot doesn't attack and how he's somehow a cat whisperer.

Canon is overrated in the fandom and cannot be made workable in a strict reading – there are way too many things we've seen on screen during the many decades of Trek that flatly contradict each other or at least don't jive. Do a rewatch of TOS, especially early TOS, and the examples are countless. Lack of canon adherence being the reason why rebooted Trek sucks is a red herring: it sucks because it's not authentic to the spirit, ideas and style of Trek, not because of autistic canon contradictions.

I like when the tight costumes show off the girls' butts

I'm having a kinda shit day.

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Fuck, forgot pic related.

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Beam up, motherfucker.
We're going to Risa.

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Never Be Rude to an Arab.

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The word is 'jibe', cadet.

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Gimme them Cardie cakes.

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I'm autistic about this shit. Usually my mind goes: "hey, I know this set/actor/whatever!" Which tend makes me go to the wiki where usually someone has confirmed that indeed, the guy who played O'briens handler in "Honor among Thieves" is the same guy who plays the warden in Orange is the new Black which also has Captain Janeway as the cook. Or that Liquidator Brunt, Weyoun and the Andorian commando commander in Enterprise are all the same, incredibly distinctive dude.

Want some fat Riker OC?

>I'm autistic about this shit. Usually my mind goes: "hey, I know this set/actor/whatever!" Which tend makes me go to the wiki where usually someone has confirmed that indeed, the guy who played O'briens handler in "Honor among Thieves" is the same guy who plays the warden in Orange is the new Black which also has Captain Janeway as the cook. Or that Liquidator Brunt, Weyoun and the Andorian commando commander in Enterprise are all the same, incredibly distinctive dude.

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Not fat. Just bulking.

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Post scenes where Vee got cockblocked by the writers.

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Selar a cute

Too late, I already blocked it in as fat Riker.

>mfw Crusher mentions Selar
It reset my entire cognitive function and now I can't care about Worf crawling around the ship spitting acid everywhere I'm just wondering what kind of monster Selar turned into

Those late-season mentions of Selar were criminal.

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Transporter Chief O’Brien reporting for duty sir

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>reporter, 'Berry
>24th, no cure for fat?
>24th, none care

Attached: 1530930897108.jpg (490x374, 29K)

>deh FACK you jibrin bout ehn?!
>I told ye in de fackin MUFFLER you cheap cardy scum ye

Attached: IRA_Colonel_O'Brien.jpg (233x269, 17K)


>Be me, generally cant stand techno music
>tfw this somehow manages to capture the comfy nostalgia feels of tng for me and i have no idea how

I just adore it so much

Attached: 1544777178313.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

Great choice but

Are you intoxicated again Chief?

Not sure if that counts as techno, but yeah, I discovered that song during the middle of my "reconquer my childhood" TNG rewatch last year and it really accentuated the experience.

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>during the middle of my "reconquer my childhood" TNG rewatch last year
yikes cringe holy smokes

You get my point, to me music composed of beats that are clearly a drumkit and general synths get dropped in the umbrella of techno. I imagine its the equivalent of me trying to point out the difference between something being cool jazz or be-bop to someone outside of the jazz scene.


It's okay if you don't know genres, Mr. Boomer.
It is very comfy.

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I embraced the cringe years ago, you can't harm me.

I love how his Data somehow scratches into the realm of looking relatively uncanny valley and artificial far moreso than actual Data

I don't know what that other faggot is talking about. It's techno. Also, it's shit.

Why did Data start smoking that pipe after Lal decided it wanted to be a girl?

Classic symbol of fatherhood. Hes playing his roll as Pops

You don't listen to jazz stop pretending

there is a limit, a nifty word called verisimilitude that I can take when it comes to canon adherence, believability, and suspending my disbelief. STD doesn't even pretend to attempt to fulfill any of it.


You know an appreciation for a musical genre is not some incredible feat that necessitates bluffing about user.

I'M ACTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1567481640628.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Glove Slap by the B-52s


Based and duelpilled



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Tell that to all the tryhards pretending that they're great connoisseurs of classical music.

Isn't that the song that was featured in Season 11 Episode 5 of The Simpsons titled E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)?

came here to post this song.

Attached: Untitled.png (1600x816, 1.24M)

Best boys

But what if theyre great connoisseurs of classical music? People can become interested and invested in things fren, thats ok. Why you out here trying to tear hypothetical people down?

Is Remember Me the only episode where Picard addresses number one as 'Mr. Riker'?

>But what if theyre great connoisseurs of classical music
They aren't

Damnit, forgot pic.

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Honestly, this wouldn't bother me so much, if from the start she wasn't introduced as "essentially Vulcan" Like, She did the Vulcan "if somebody ask for a timer say it down to the millisecond and keep going unless someone interrupts you", they all say how she grew up on Vulcan and is thus emotionless but in the first episode she already has outbursts, continously keeps having outbursts and still everyone in-universe acts like she's some kind of robot, despite constantly displaying emotions left and right.

And I totally get it, they want to do the "Dude, if the emotionally cold character shows emotion, that's gonna be like, really impactful man" But you need to fucking earn that first. ToS took AGES before Spock warmed up slightly to his crewmates. You can't open your show on "no emotion" and end it with crying and then act like you make coherent sense.

drawing to this and watching trek right now and it's pretty rad

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More like pseudo-cringe with a side of Brentism.

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How do you figure? Theres a great plethora of classical music, both throughout history and in more modern times. And within that theres a ton of rules on theory, writing, and the playing thereof. Theres untold amounts of composers and a great amount of fascinating nuance between their styles, tendencies, and preferences. What if people get so interested in this style of music that they spend a great amount of their free time learning all of these nuances and commonalities? Why is that such an unrealistic feat to you? People get super fascinated into all kinds of things in life, its by no means some bizarre eldritch feat of daring. Its just folks liking shit

Ye. Nobody likes Classical music. Only TV and movie characters like classical music because weirdly, in the future for SOME reason people only enjoy copyright free music that you don't need to license to use.

I like that episode of TNG where Worf travels to parallel universes and at one one point he’s like “I just came from a world with a Dr. Ogawa.” and Dr. Crusher’s all like “Dr. Ogawa?!” Beverley wasn’t having any of that! She’s all like “My kind’s all ready getting replaced by blacks - I’ll be damn if a Asian’s replacing me!”

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Was there ever an episode where the problem of the week caused universal translators to malfunction and Kira was unable to understand the Starfleet characters, or did I make up this episode in my head?

>talk specifically about posers
Then I'm not talking about them, genius.

Remember that time they just randomly interviewed her for a weather segment without knowing who she was?

>there is a limit, a nifty word called verisimilitude
You learned that word from Tuvok, s3e09 - "Fair Trade" halfway through the episode during a conversation between he and Neelix concerning whether his old buddy was telling a truth or not.

good catch user

Most hilarious line delivery by Riker on thje whole show.

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>Tell that to all the tryhards pretending that they're great connoisseurs of classical music.

Your post was moreso implying that people who claim to like classical are just bluffing for the image aspects. As if enjoying classical music was in and of itself unlikely. This was after an offhanded comment about jazz was responded to with "you dont like jazz", as if enjoying jazz was in and of itself unlikely. But now youve pivoted to claiming you were talking about something else entirely

TUVOK: I must question him, and I would appreciate your accompanying me.
NEELIX: Me? What could I do?
TUVOK: You may be able to help me evaluate the verisimilitude of his answers.
NEELIX: I see.



>Your post was moreso implying that people who claim to like classical are just bluffing for the image aspects.
No. My post was moreso
>Tell that to all the tryhards pretending that they're great connoisseurs of classical music.

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I don't listen to classical but this type of claim always weirds me out. Do people pretend to like things that they actively participate in? Do you?

Do you think the people who made "Better call Saul" would make a good trek show? They seem to really be able to take a show slow. Enjoy some details. Come up with weird little twists and turns and misdirection that I think would work really great in a Trek Episode. They also know how to make a show that can have some action, without making it a pure action show.

A lot of internet white supremacists pretend to be great lovers of classical music because it's the "whitest" music in existence.

"If Wishes Were Horses"

How do you know theyre pretending?

Okay, but I'm asking if anyone personally does it or if they're just assuming.

honestly fuck all the posers who just found something they like on youtube and didn't research the entire history of music and sound so they can appreciate it
fuck those guys

STD was fucked from the start when Bryan Fuller, even with his batshit ideas that weren't Star Trek, "left" at the literal last second and fifty "executive producers" had to come in and try to salvage the first season.

Lmao sound like a bunch of fucking posers. Literal faggits

I like how mad you are about the concept of a poser as if they don't exist

why do they even have ears

It's absolutely homosexual.

There is a world between misidentifying one thing and being politely told about it and saying "fuck you" to someone for not knowing everything.

You can't call someone a poser. Just because they only play facebook games and call themselves a game doesn't mean their a poser. How do you know theyre pretending?

tbqh the person who goes around assuming people are only enjoying something for the most fake and superficial reasons instead of the much more likely possibility that they only enjoying it casually or to a certain extent is FAR more annoying and unpleasant then someone trying to get bizarre social points for pretending to like something that their heart isnt really into

Are you autistic?

everyone who says they like voyager is a trek poser

Thank you.

The mistake youre making is that they even watched it at all

Triggered, poser?

Anyone remember the pre-STD optimism and the announcement of Bryan Fuller as the Executive Producer?
Oh, to be naive again.

Attached: bryan-fuller-star-trek-discovery.jpg (610x456, 58K)

I LOVE Discovery, but TOS and TNG is problematic. Btw I'm a Trekkie!!!

You have such a hard on for the show and yet claim not to like it, claim it's forgettable trash.
For someone who acts like they can't stand it, you spend an awful lot of time posting about it.

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There's a difference between exageration and outright fabrication. When it comes to personal preference, fabrication is much more severe and unlikely, and becomes less likely the wider you cast the net (saying "no one likes Jazz music" is broader than saying "people who play Facebook games don't generally enjoy games as a whole")

DS9 fans = Stationfags
VOY fans = Voyaposers

>no one likes x
Who even said this

You're WELSHome.
Respond if you get this joke.

Attached: 1ifwisheswerehorses231.jpg (689x530, 97K)

yes I was so fucking thrilled to have a Star Trek TV show again

little did I know

I enjoyed Voyager. Lots of issues, but overall enjoyable.

typical voyaposer response

>watching enterprise
>they kill off Porthos
>turn off show
>close browser

I don't like this anymore

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It's just an example.

How many times can you have the same conversation and be satisfied with the same outcome?
I thought that was a definition of insanity but what do I know.

Attached: Voyager_Writing_Staff_Evolves.jpg (640x480, 60K)

Dab on Voyaposers

I didn't think it was enjoyable and therefore neither did you

>some sorta fold in space

Attached: SPLOOGE.png (720x543, 405K)

0/10 cry more voyaposer

You didn't watch ENT, poser

An real, actual schizophrenic and not just someone who posted a WikiLeaks e-mail.

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Look at the content of your last 5 posts and admit to yourself that you're nothing but a fucking shitposting retard adding nothing and actively detracting from the quality of these threads

> starts to sing some obscure song
> no one joins in because no one knows it
> he kind of fades out after the first verse
> leaves 10 forward embarrassed
> officers look at each other and snicker a little
> he goes back to his quarters and yells at himself in the mirror for fucking up the social situation

I think this post counts as "extremely low quality".

It's just a reference to some dumb shit in the thread.

> he kind of fades out after the first verse
See, that's where he messed up. You have to commit.

>There's coffee in that nebula.

Attached: Janeway Pepe.png (700x674, 178K)

this is what butthurt voyaposers actually believe


>trek thread

Ya but then he risks falling into one of those other awkward situations. Like the dumb ass on the road trip who starts the "99 bottles of beer on the wall song", when everyone just wants it over by the time they reach 60.

Singing in a social setting is always a tricky business.

Attached: PorthosUnderGlass.jpg (5136x3126, 1.57M)

I love how confident and even smug Janeway can be at certain moments. She even rivals Kirk now that I think about it.

Attached: janeway12.gif (360x270, 700K)

Watch the episode "Counterpoint" (S5E10) to see peak smug Janeway


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I like the episodes where the main characters show a side you didn't know they had.

Probably the best example of this would be DS9's episode "In The Pale Moonlight", which I consider to be one of the best they did.

Ok I just looked up Portho's entry on Memory Alpha and apparently he does survive, so I guess I reacted a bit prematurely when they showed a grave and Doc Phlox was talking about slices of cheese.

It's because my own dog had to be put down just a week ago. Shit's raw.

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good dogs go to heaven, as long as your dog wasn't pitbull, it's alright.

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Aussie shepherd. She was a good girl and had a good, long life.

She's biting kids in heaven now, user.


Yes, recycled footage from Search for Spock truly is kino

What's wrong with his fingers, did they have to smash his hand with a mallet for some sort of initiation?

hi vf- i like u more

>I just looked up Portho's entry on Memory Alpha
Fuck that mongrel

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you stand accused

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Too many lesbians in Star Trek.

wrong. We can't be friends anymore.

HEY, GUYS *swallows*

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Voyager is a missed opportunity but still has its enjoyable moments.

On the other hand, all of your opinions are trash.

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eat my taint hair

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id still fuck the shit out of old KIra

Friendly reminder that Data is a computer, nothing more. No divine spark, no empathy, no consciousness. Just wires and microchips, nuts and bolts.

Has anyone done chad kirk vs virgin pike

>What song does he sing /trek/?


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I'd love to work security at conventions.


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come here
it's time we fucked

I'd love to work conventions at security

hands and knees, buddy

getting paid to rough up autists who try to touch girls.

all yours if you think you can handle the ride

>Win some of MYYYY, Mr. Stein's logical money.

I'll handle you all the way to the hospital.

better be able to pay the bill you're racking up

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gays go

hi, user! wanna come to the afterparty?

Attached: 1533676465876.jpg (650x974, 242K)

>I'm sorry but you don't have a TOS-appropriate tricorder on your person. Fuck off.

>teal TOS uniform
begone thot

ive seen better

hello, handsome. are you knowledgeable about star trek?

Attached: 72f1001c983ca62a61bf027e7e04e70c--star-trek-cosplay-cool-cosplay.jpg (612x612, 107K)

>You disgust me. You would dare enter my presence in your JJ-Trek abomination uniforms? Get out of my fucking sight right now. Bashirfaggot, get the car. We're leaving.


ive seen worse

Attached: 1564169482562.jpg (692x530, 83K)

>but Kevin I'm still supposed to meet my xanax hookup in event hall C!


Attached: 1565128526568.jpg (1365x2048, 182K)

seen better

Attached: 470195-1507169958915-Star-Trek-The-Next-Generation_LaVar_Burton_Geordi_Screen-Test_2.jpg (470x346, 10K)

Play nice, user.

>SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH. Do you EVER fucking SHUT UP? I'm sick of listening to your masculine whinny, you fucking drug-addled whore. Get the fucking car!
>and if you're a good "girl", I'll let you play with my cock on the way home to San Fransisco, Seattle, LA, or whatever other abominable shithole we live in.

Attached: dialate.png (575x627, 543K)


nice ass

A xanax addiction is no joke, sadly. I doubt my friend will survive his, the damned idiot.

would completely and unironically slam repeatedly

>drive me to Seattle so I can watch you peg ValleyForge again

fred is supposed light hearted up beat

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Relax dude. It's just whimsical frogs.

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I was just kidding. Though you undoubtedly have autism, frogposter, your brand isn't nearly as bad as others here.

I don't hate you. You're alright.

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How tight you reckon her pussy is?

Was it his intention to look like a used and beat up hooker?


Bleah, so forced. Intendant Kira coming on to Major Kira was part of my sexual awakening though.

neovaginas aren't the greatest

Jesus, he does look like Odo.

Better to jackhammer its putrid asshole then.

>Torres is like the hoop-earring Klingon spicy Latina
I'm going to have to start watching this podcast

Attached: kirk.jpg (880x660, 156K)

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after we begin to love our tripfags.

Attached: IggyDubs.jpg (320x320, 16K)

>hoop earring klingon

Attached: torres.jpg (705x530, 85K)


>the trolling of Garrett Wang

fucking dead

>tfw photoshopped her swimsuit off and have a set of BF nudes
feels good man

>long after we begin to love our tripfags.
This isn't fostering Unity.

lol, i can hear you seethe from Norway


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They're for me.

I need her plasma

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A zoomer goblin pops out steals his cup and rips through some Reinzi


What was the point of this character?

How to they all understand each other in the whole galaxy? I’ve only watched a season of original trek and TNG, so I dont know everything; i guess they have a translator on them all the time?

I'll sell them to you if you really want them.

It's called a universal translator. It's bullshit, just tv magic for the convenience of telling stories. Don't think too much about it.

tree fiddy

it is thoroughly explained on the show.

Don't post those you fucking piece of absolute garbage. Enough already.

>Enough already.
/trek/ likes continuity.

Attached: ss.jpg (478x478, 75K)

Well, what IS the explanation?

post them

no. not for your consumption

Just watch the show, friend.

post them

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Not for free. $20 / picture through PayPal with an email exchange.

VF grips the comforter as BF begins. He catches his enormous collection of incorrectly painted minatures out of the corner of his eye. 'It doesn't matter the characters are in their First Contact uniforms, you were right to paint them in their show-accurate colors,' he thinks to himself before the pressure of the giant black dildo diverts his attention. The pressure is immense, the muscles of his rectum putting up a valiant resistance before surrendering. BF grunts in effort, she had taken VF at his word when he assured her he'd been practicing. VF groans in an odd delight. Thankfully it doesn't hurt, just feels oddly overfull. A wet *SCHLUPP SCHLUPP* sound can be heard as BF finds her rhythm. She begins to finger her clit, her total domination of the pale fleshy weakling bringing her intense arousal.

In unison now, BF pushes in while VF pushes out. His gaping maw feels like it will rend apart, yet he relishes that discomfort almost as much as the friction of the comforter against his penis, now fully erect but the size of a normal man flaccid. BF's fingers are now drumming against her pelvic bone as she hits his prostate. A shuddering orgasm wracks his pasty body as ill-gotten seed soils the quilt his mother made. He is utterly ashamed. His humiliation achieved BF allows herself to orgasm before dutifully removing the dildo. She doesn't bother to clean it as she stows it in her Gundam themed backpack. "Same time next week?" BF asks as she finishes dressing. VF nods pitifully as wracking sobs replace the shudders of orgasm. BF shows herself out, a wry grin under neon hair

For me it's Darmok

Somebody wrote this.

deeplore culture

Bashirfaggot is the only one who could have written those.


Attached: SexiestWomen.png (1423x1904, 1.65M)

I don't think so, user. You should take ownership of your work. It's not bad. Not bad at all.

What's the contact email?

He's plump

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Forgot the first part:
VF willingly bends over, his pale, naked ass quivering, asshole puckered in anticipation. He cringes slightly at the cold kiss of petroleum jelly as BF liberally applies it, the tip of her finger poking his chocolate starfish. His infantile penis becomes painfully stiff as he hears the squeak of leather on leather. BF takes her time adjusting the enormous black strap-on, savoring the nervous fidgeting before her. She's going to enjoy this, every second.

Some of these I agree with, others I don't.

I don't get it.

lurk moar

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time for a break. see you guys

I didn't write it

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That episode was comfy as hell.

Also, Trek should do more modern day time travel episodes. That one from Enterprise was great. Reminded me a lot of X-Files.

>charts again
go outside, meet a girl

I only mumble to girls.

I didnt like the DS9 one that much.

Star Trek IV, Time's Arrow, Past Tense and Future's End are basically all the same story.

>likes any of chartfags content

VF gasped
BF grit xer teeth as sweat made xer makeup run

I'm talking about the episode, not the chart.

Can someone update this and make VF a girl?

You're giving him attention.

meg neg threg

How about you do your own fucking homework, bud?

VF willingly bends over, her pale, naked ass quivering, asshole puckered in anticipation. She cringes slightly at the cold kiss of petroleum jelly as BF liberally applies it, the tip of her finger poking her chocolate starfish. Her tight asian twat becomes slick as she hears the squeak of leather on leather. BF takes her time adjusting the enormous black strap-on, savoring the nervous fidgeting before her. She's going to enjoy this, every second.

You said I liked his content and I don't and never said I did.

VF grips the comforter as BF begins. She catches her enormous collection of incorrectly painted minatures out of the corner of her eye. 'It doesn't matter the characters are in their First Contact uniforms, you were right to paint them in their show-accurate colors,' she thinks to herself before the pressure of the giant black dildo diverts her attention. The pressure is immense, the muscles of her rectum putting up a valiant resistance before surrendering. BF grunts in effort, she had taken VF at her word when she assured her she'd been practicing. VF groans in an odd delight. Thankfully it doesn't hurt, just feels oddly overfull. A wet *SCHLUPP SCHLUPP* sound can be heard as BF finds her rhythm. She begins to finger her clit, her total domination of the pale fleshy weakling bringing her intense arousal.

Username: Valleyf1993
PW: Alwaysgiraffe35%

it's enough

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In unison now, BF pushes in while VF pushes out. Her gaping maw feels like it will rend apart, yet she relishes that discomfort almost as much as the friction of the comforter against her cunt, now soaking and fit to squirt. BF's fingers are now drumming against her pelvic bone as she hits VF's prostate. A shuddering orgasm wracks her pasty body as a spray of piss soils the quilt her mother made. VF is utterly ashamed. VF's humiliation achieved BF allows herself to orgasm before dutifully removing the dildo. She doesn't bother to clean it as she stows it in her Gundam themed backpack. "Same time next week?" BF asks as she finishes dressing. VF nods pitifully as wracking sobs replace the shudders of orgasm. BF shows herself out, a wry grin under neon hair.

>VF willingly bends over, her pale, naked ass quivering, asshole puckered in anticipation.

>Her tight asian twat becomes slick
boner why

What's this?


Wow, that got deleted quickly. I wonder what it was. I missed it entirely.

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based GAGH poster

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>Username: Valleyf1993
>PW: Alwaysgiraffe35%

Could it be?

Yeah, but what the fuck does that even mean?

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How do we get VF to post pictures of herself?

I wanna see her(his) boipussi

Me too. Whole asshole with ball sack

I bet she(he) has one of those cute hairless ones

super random question: is it possible to be extremely concerned with anti-tripfriend posting without being a tripfriend in disguise?

Of course it is. But somebody is probably going to call you VF or NTT for saying anything about it. Maybe even MKULTRA for old time's sake.

VF said she wasn't trans because she was afraid of her genitals being ugly so its reasonable to assume she keeps things tidy

I'm actually going to just adopt a trip soon due to the scurrilous accusations and confusion tripfriend-defense seems to attract here. nice outcome, boys

H ha ha ha ha.
I fucking love this.
The transporter thing has always been so inconsistent, it is clear they never actully have to use the transporter room

Maybe that's what they want. I don't even know. This thread has massive schizophrenia.

looking forward to it after the original

*tap tap tap tap*

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Can someone beam off the ship by their own command at any time?

Fuck this is good shit

mak thred

>Page 1
Wait till page 10 AFTER the bump limit

Officers certainly can.

It's a running meme. A bad one.

Set course for Flavor Town. Warp 9.

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Engage maximum GAGH

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based and GAGH-pilled

Another shitty thread ruined by tripfags.

Not sure if that's true in this case, though it often is

>tfw you'll never have a klingon woman eat GAGH off your chest

If you dont like it, go.

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where? the other trek thread?


You could make your own thread or fuck off to leddit, or some other Trek forum (but those people will have names as well which might scare you)

Nah, as annoying as BF is, at least they have good taste. VF's opinions are shallow trash.

At least VF is on topic most of the time.

I'm pretty sure VF is a fucking janitor though which is an ascendant level of cringe


cute 6w6

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