Women can't direct good mo

>Women can't direct good mo...

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I thought diversity meant equal representation?

Fuck off. No way it this real.

worst year of capeshit incoming

Still got the stink of Ayer on it.

Funny how capeshit goes to shit when the women take charge.
Just like everything else in society.

>I thought apples meant oranges

The films haven't been made yet, you cannot prove that women can direct just by virtue of being hired by a notoriously nepotistic and shady industry

Diversity is code word for anti white men

Some people are more equal than others, and that's a good thing shitlord.

>Every MCU film ill have a female director
This is the equality feminists have been talking about

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Diversity means white women. Equality means less men, more women. Not even joking.

it's time for reparations now

Ah yes, forgot that you Americans will always take the opportunity to attack white people at the last of chances, no matter what.
You will not be satisfied until the entire planet is worshipping niggers like you already do.

>Scott Mendelson
How does he keep getting away with it bros

Are you in denial, it's always white women that are taking men's place, and they throw in a ngger or two and evryone talks about race. The biggest recipient of affirmative action are white women, not ethnic minorities. And they are so entitled and hypocritical, white women are fircly against affirmative action when asked because they believe it's for minorities despite being the ones who benefit from it. White women are cancer.

The Americanoid creature, due to being brainwashed by Israel, will always spin everything to attack white people at the least chance.
This is why America must die, you are a threat to western civilization.

>White women are cancer.
Fortunately, that will be the key to your demise, you are already racemixing, and when your decadent nation is one of mutts, you will die out, and the world will be at peace without the interference of anti-west American traitors.
We should have known it would come to this, your country's birth was the biggest betrayal towards the west in it's entire history, after all.

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You fucking n*zi

What are you?

America invented "western civilization." It's not a real thing.

>written by a man

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>why that matters
It doesn’t. It will also in fact make these movies worse. They should just hire talented directors who are fans of the source material instead of hiring for gender.

And that's a good thing

oh so finally capeshit will go away?

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They're all gonna be shit except for Black Widow.

>whole bunch of movies nobody gives two shits about
>capeshit fatigue kicking in
those women are set up to fail. even though directing marvel movies is the most formulaic shit, the movies will peter out halfway through the year.

European, from Switzerland.
Pretty tired of American subhumans attacking white people when the whitest countries are always the ones at the top.
You are the problem, Americans, you are a nation of rabid, violent savages, your problems are your own, and for some perverted reason, you try to convince the world that everyone is as much of a chimp as you.
We are not, you are simply a lesser people.

You didn't invent anything, you are the antithesis of it.

You aren't white you retard. Only anglos are.

It actually matters when they'll have to explain wh these movies suck and are losing money

>They should just hire talented directors
Fans of the source material will only create fanservice and samey, assembly line generic flicks with no identity whatsoever.

Catch up

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>Written and directed by women
>The writer said she doesn't like comic books
Yeahs it's gonna be great

>niggers of europe till a few hundred years ago

Right, the only white people are the ones from 3rd world warzones plagued with "multiculturalism" and who are entirely focused on dismantlying the west and attacking whites no matter what.
Americans are honorary blacks.

White isn't a real thing. Only non-white mutts care about their "white heritage" (which again means nothing since their ancestors were Irish and Italian.)

>>Women can't direct good mo...

Capeshit good. Id say this does very little to show women directors in a good light. These movies are just formulaic assembly line products that could be directed by any hack.

>niggers of the world for 300 years
>country literally created because you didn't want to pay taxes

Whatever you say, Jose Manuel Tyrone Wong.

Falcon/Winter Solider: Gonna be homoerotic
Wandavision: couples drama.
Black Widow: might be ok
Eternals: boring. Inhumans tier poop
Thor: campy garbage, homoeroticism
Loki: gonna be shit
What if: low budget shit
Ms Marvel: brown person comedy, garbage. Like Indian/Arab comedy
Shu Hulk: ???

They have one year of all female directors, after literally over a decade of all male directors MCU,

>One year of female directors


Is Scott Mendelson posting a meme?

The French Revolution was the biggest betrayal of Western Civilization, but I agree with the rest.

Imagine a capeshit directed by Sofia Coppola

This. Every other race is a thing. However, there exists one race that isn't a "thing" -- quite a peculiar case it is, really. Out of the multitudes of races, only one doesn't exist.


Capeshit will become even shittier than usual.

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You'll find that most asians IRL identify primarily with their ethnic background. Only Americanized european and their mutt descendents think that "white" means anything.

But user, asians don't exist.

In the end, this all comes down to
American-made bullshit.
Please, kill yourself, or better, go on a mass shooting and take down as many other burgerfats as you can with you.

Then black isn't a real thing too and Asian is even more meaningless.

Exactly. Thus why "asian pride" doesn't make sense outside of America (a shithole.)

>Black Widow: might be ok
What makes you think so. The poster showsno less than 6 female characters for only one male. Were the fuck does this take place, on Wonder Woman island? MArvel has been taken over by male hating lesbians. Only a fag will pay to watch this drivel

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Good, I want women to tank capeshit. I’m fine with MCU being the most popular thing, even though I’m personally sick of it, but they spread those fucking movies out in such a way where nothing else has room to breathe, so it’s now interfering with the shit that I do like.

I am fucking devastated that Scott Mendelson changed his article picture to a less rapey mugshot

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So, how much money is this gonna cost the Mouse, and how will they spin it?

>over a century of male directors
>we must now have a century of female directors for true equality
literally how some people think

>Only a fag will pay to watch this drivel

What the fuck are you talking about, there's no eye candy for us any more.

I like how Robert De Niro's son is used in anti race-mixing propaganda

>I thought diversity meant equal representation?
its a business
there will be some people "obligated" to go see the movies because they watch all of them anyway - doesnt matter what is put out.
this might draw some new attention to a plateauing audience


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I'm so fucking glad. Finally they will end up killing capeshit for once and all.

That thing in the top left is a swede.

No, they know the audience has collapsed already. They just wanna be able to blame dwindling audiences on sexism lol.

>Indian/Arab comedy
Sounds based

We invented the concept of whiteness. It's kind of pathetic that you are so attached to it.

Do you think they have the awareness to consider the reason they have this gig? I bet if asked, they'd call it recognition by an industry that's "ignored" their auteurial talent, and not because they have a gash between their legs.

I always wanted to see superheroes from a vaginal perspective, said literally no one.

>get rid of all your most popular actors
>only hire directors to please twitter checkmarks
>emphasize franchises people are less interested in, or characters your main audience and the Chinese secondary audience hate

I'm looking forward to the crash.

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>the concept of whiteness
The world will be better once you are gone.

It's not that they got rid of them, it's that Evans wanted out for years now, and RDJ was probably getting way too expensive.

The only flashback to Black Widow's youth that has been depicted in an MCU movie so far shows loads of women being trained as assassins by mostly female teachers

dios mio...

Yeah, remember when they hired a Razzie-winning director famous for making stupid shit, to helm an adaptation of an extremely wacky comic series that normies hadn't even heard of? What a disaster that was!

Thor Ragnarok was SJW bullshit.

So basically Red Sparrow but with less sex and more quips.

Aaaand that's how capeshit tanks. Thank god, it was about time.

You're delusional if you think that was anything but a lucky accident.

The Joker movie looks nothing like a comic book story and it won the prize at Venice

Based female directors.

Who cares, Joker is the final swan song to the world of capeshit. Knowing it once reached such heights allows you to ignore the plunge to continued mediocrity

So now that capeshit is dead, what will be the next hot thing?

>Female led action espionage film.
>Might be ok.
There has never been a good one of these. Even la femme nikita is mediocre as fuck compared to the average action movie and that was written and directed by one of the best action auteurs in his prime. By comparison the directors and writers of this are nobodies who haven't done anything good, let alone worked on a successful action film, so it's basically guaranteed to be Fiege directing by proxy in the milquetoast MCU style that doesn't suit the genre.
The absolute best this can be is bland filler that mildly entertains normies before being forgotten forever.

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A capeshit film just got 1st place at Venice. It's hardly dead.

Just write a dude and then change it for a girl.

>Asian is even more meaningless.
Yes? Unless you think indians and japs are the same

If a female action hero has casual sex I leave the theatre and demand a refund. Absolutely no exceptions.

This may open the door for Sony even more. Morbius can actually stand against these films and not be totally over shadowed

Sex scenes have no place in action movies.
Nobody wants sappy shit in the middle of a spy flick.

Wonder Woman at least has a fan of the source material working on it. The Eternals is looking to be a shit show

Capeshit isn't directed, it's packaged by committee. The movies directed by women will be exactly the same as the ones directed by men. Because they're all the same.

Even implied sex (like what is often depicted in Bond films ) would be unacceptable. That's why women led action and spy movies are always terrible.

Both franchises are dying, they know that they can't keep them alive on quality anymore so they're hoping they can get by with pandering to feminists.
It usually doesn't work.

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That's the thing, I wouldn't put any trace of romance in these movies.
The main character is saving the world, it's not precisely the best time to get laid.

Joker isn’t capeshit. Not every movie about a comic book character is capeshit, at least not this one

capeshit directors don't even do anything, it couldn't matter less

great, I can't wait to have this guy jewsplain to me why that matters

Is Le Good Thing Man real or satire?

LMAO everybody sneeding for capeshit and nepotistic "female" directors.

Plus who gives a fuck about hollywood-diversity-talk in capeshit? I mean fuck I'd understand if there was a black man cast for a czar, but isnt capeshit just generic fantasy?

Fuck desu leftist entertainment will be highly profitable for the next 10 years, until another trendy social gimmick shows up.


That's literally what they try to do and it never works, because 0.00001% of bankable female actresses are plausible as any of the spy movie archetypes (e.g. tough guy, suave charmer, CIA analyst) and absolutely none of them have the physical ability to do stunts or action.
Not to mention that Johansson has done a few action thrillers in her time and only Lucy wasn't an outright flop.

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>Every MCU and DC film
>Women can't direct good mo...

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It's not about nepotism. It's about ruining almost half a century of original scriptures.

It's all Jewish fables anyway. Can't burn fast enough.

I thought those were all used condoms on Harley for a second.

>Lucy wasn't an outright flop.

That's surprising.





Hawkeye was one of the few things I thought at very least stayed entertaining if not improved as the movies went along.

FINALLY GETS HIS OWN SHOW OR MOVIE...Nope, we're going to go with his teenage replacement.

Yup, that figures.

Ms. Marvel should be good.

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>He doesn't know

Tiny budget + coming out right at the peak of Johansson's fame as the ass of the avengers. That said, if it had been budgeted similarly to the average spy thriller it would have flopped hard and compared to the rest of the genre it under performed at the box office.
For reference, pic related earned more than Lucy and you probably forgot that it even exists.

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disney always makes really really good decisions with their intellectual properties haha

MCU movie directors are just cogs in the machine. If those movies are bad it will be quite the feat for the ladies directing.


>Black Widow: might be ok


I miss the user posting regularly the one in the top left

Thumbnail made me think it was a collection of used condoms.

>a pic of four ugly mixed kids

what about all the ugly "pure" whites, what is this pic supposed to prove?

Considering their IQ is proven to be lower than whites, them being ugly is just the cherry on top.
Then again, South America is proof enough that racemixing is a mistake.

Can't wait for femThor!

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>implying men won't ghost direct
LOL they think directors in marvel can do what they want

>Scott Mendelson

These comics are actually killing brick-and-mortar stores because they don't sell but owners are contractually obligated to stock them.

The Jew giveth, and 60 years later he taketh away.

Brittany is objectively attractive though.

we can fucking hope

wow what a powerful statement. this should really start a lot of conversations


Can't wait for this to go as well as that Dutch survivor shit.


Der ist schuld am krieg.

>For reference, pic related earned more than Lucy and you probably forgot that it even exists.

I actually had forgotten. Wasn't this supposed to be a relaunch of the series.

soft reboot but yeah


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>The Joker movie looks nothing like a comic book story and it won the prize at Venice
That's because DC doesn't have a 'house' style like the MCU does. Marvel goes out of it's way to create as much of a homogeneous filming style as possible. It looks more consistent, but it's incredibly bland and limiting.

I wonder if Marvel will blame the fans when this all falls apart at the box office?

>thinking TV directors count for shit

Along with brown washing and gender flipping every white male protagonist, I'd say yes.

THE END OF THE CAPESHIT ERA. finally. Now good movies will start to come out.

When this plan all goes down in flames, who will they blame? The directors, writers and actors can't be held accountable on account of vagina and diversity, so who will?

>villain has a nice ass
what did femcel writers mean by this?

>Marvel has been taken over by male hating lesbians.
Marvel Comics has been like this for years, but how did this happens so suddenly for the MCU? It's not like Kathleen Kennedy suddenly replaced Kevin Feige.

Um sweaty have sex

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It was never about equality

Female directors are good at small indie films about personal stories with low stakes. Females are not good at directing or writing anything else.

they meant "diversity" in the zionist sense where they are a traditionally persecuted minority so now they get what ever they want and if anyone says anything against them they are a bigot

feminism= female supremacy.

>dominate positions of power

The irony is palpable.

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Mainstream films basically direct themselves. The title 'director' has become semantics at this point, boardering on misnomer territory

You actually thought that? From the beggining it's been pretty obvious that the word 'equality' in the popular mind is just code name for 'me being in charge and you being below me'

White men duh

even asking this question means you are fucKING CANCELLED ITS 2019 YOU FUCKING BIGOT REEEEEEEEE

>Women can't direct good mo...
This will be a massive failure and the death of capeshit, and I am HAPPY they went with this virtue-signalling shit since these women are insane feminists.

The next phase was going to be the death of cape shit no matter what, since they have literally nothing in the line up worth watching. However I'm glad it's all women, if only because them catching all the dud concepts will hopefully mean that hollywood backs away from giving unqualified diversity hires directorship and writing roles on mainstream film and tv.

>this article was written by a white cuck

>reddit spacing
Go back you faggot

I'm going to boycott all of them.


fuck you faggot bitch

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>And that's a good thing

IQ of countries and races in the third world without schooling is lower. wow.

Do you weird incel pasty bois actually think before you take /pol/'s ((infographics)) up your asses? You're a bunch of useful idiots, who'll never learn from history.

christ I hate him so much

>damage control

At least it's not Snyder

Put a female... nail in the dcu coffin ohoho

Fuck off jew.

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>every capeshit movie will have a female director

I hope people will finally that these movies are actually not directed by these directors, but by the committee

It's hilarious when people think Ryan Coogler, Patty Jenkins, or Jon Watts direct these movies. These puppets literally only do this shit, because it puts their name up there, and they can actually film their own movies in the future.

Marvel movies have no artistic merit so that's a very bad look for women.

That’s actually quite the achievement