What did Disney mean by this
What did Disney mean by this
You forgot the homos and fat women. And none of them have blue hair
I’m getting real sick of you poltards.
Who are you quoting?
even my boomer father thought something was wrong when I showed him a clip of Taylor Swift with her new gang of trannies and fat black gay people at the 2019 MTV VMAs.
This is what the leftist ideology is all about. Negroes get the most victim points. That is all diversity means.
back to r/the_dreidel with you, chud
tell me how is that image wrong :^)
Then go to reddit instead?
Why can't you stay in your containment board?
What movie is the top one supposed to represent?
If /pol/ hurts you so much consider using resetera or reddit instead. Yea Forums is not a safe space.
Shut the fuck up this shit is happening you can't avoid it they're excluding whites you bitch
Different boards for different topics. Don't spill your faggotry anywhere where it's not needed
But there are different prototypes of black people in Africa, check mate.
>sips piss
Gotta be some WW1 or WW2 film.
You spamming the same shit hurts no one, it just annoys people who want to talk about movies.
Then talk about it on a board about POLITICS you fucking dumbass
White heritage scares the mouse.
Wow using a homophobic slur? Go to /pol/ and stay there you fucking nazi.
Right which is why you belong on reddit.
>Shut the fuck up this shit is happening you can't avoid it they're excluding whites you bitch
This. I'm worried about the future here.
which one is the american?
Then go on reddit. I'm sure you can jerk off to marvel movies on one of their subreddits.
>you don't want to discuss jq on Yea Forums go back hurr
This. Yea Forums is a white nationalist board.
Star Trek.
Fuck Disney and their pro-pedophilia content
The very concept of "whiteness" erases identity as well, yet you don't see /pol/ crying about this either.
This is true. It's about films. People on here can tell you to discuss politics elsewhere but if you want to watch a film nowadays it will contain a political message of some sort.
>this post was written by a white person
Can someone explain to me why Whites hate themselves so much? It's pretty unbelievable.
Ancient Spartans were white and redpilled. If society were run like theirs the west would still be unstoppable.
Well said.
>Can someone explain to me why Whites hate themselves so much? It's pretty unbelievable.
Instead you jerk yourselves off on an unrelated board about movies?
hilarious cope, your ancestors were most likely some peasants who died of bacterial infections
I can't believe they made Luke black.
Only White leftists hate themselves. The only group to hate themselves. Their ideology tells them to do it because it feels good. Virtue-signalling feels good. These people probably feel like Jesus or something.
>white leftists
>white liberals
Two different groups outside of a certain non-white country.
This image triggers SJW because is true.
Not only white people come from different cultures, for the longest time they have been against each other.
Deal with it
not a word why do summerfags continually capitalize it like one
This. In fact italians aren't even white.
>Nooo don't capitalize!
I'm sorry you're such a touchy faggot.
Here in Europe "liberal" refers to being a follower of classic liberalism. In America it means center-left. I have seen it being used here in that context as well more and more now.
Sparta was never unstoppable.
It's not wrong but its a shit thread
>In America it means faggot
>Oh my god, an Ethiopian, a South African, a Cape Verdian, a Somalian, a Rwandan, a Malagasy, a Dominican, a Chadian, a Togolese, and a lot of people from the Americas, Asia, and Europe of African descent, this doesn't count as diversity because fuck niggers I need my meme image to make sense
American hegemony will do that to you. Fortunately American hegemony is ending and with it the notion that politics is about left vs right liberalism.
no you're not you lying sack of shit
When Gen Z graduates we will annihilate you anti-white scum.
Your brain is broken.
Cope. They're more left if anything
This. Italians are pretty much identical to brits (since both are white.)
Are all phoneposters this easily buttblasted?