Holy... I want this.
Holy... I want this
imagine actually being a woman
Cringe Twitter thread
>Tell woman to stop being so sad
>They become terrorists
What is wrong with women? Why are they so dangerous?
But women are always acting hysterical
there's been several awful female jokers
>She blackmails cheaters
Why does the Joker blackmail all women?
>I'm an ideas guy, but I'm a woke ideas guy so that makes it OK.
that would ruin the moral ambiguity, or well not even ambiguity, it would ruin the fact that the Joker is not meant to be a hero despite being the protagonist.
You could have a Joker woman but not with this memery about smashing the patriarchy.
Women are creatively bankrupt. What do they even use their brains for?
Twist ending: she realises the patriarchy isn't real
I hope somebody replied that to her.
someone stole my idea
>Don't tell me to smile
Shut the fuck up, Geraldine.
This isn't any different to the male power fantasy Joker currently is
This is nothing like the character though so that should just be an entirely different character
If she'd kept it to the first tweet, that's a solid concept. When she goes on to springboard off it to straightfaced rail against political injustice it drains everything away.
Uh, isn't the Joker supposed to be, y'know, a villain?
God, I want her to step on my balls
If shit like this doesn't prove that women are happier staying home and caring for the children, I dont know what will.
Women want so desperately to be relevant.
>Women cant come up with original ideas so they steal the ideas of men
Why are all of women's ideas just gender swapped versions of a man's ideas?
Islam is looking better every day.
comic book writers have already done a much better job at a female Joker
We already have this, look up flashpoint joker
Women aren't human.
first part was classic antihero kino. second part is when it turns into political feminist garbage.
women can't do anything right
>terrorist villain become a hero to women
>wanting to get fungus on your nuts
>women don't cheat 100x more than men
Good joke
Sad animated Flashpoint movie wasn't well handled
I'd like to put my balls inside of her to be quite fair
how to attract the closest hot 6ft+ dude
I have never in my life seen or even heard of a stranger telling a woman to just smile.
Does this really happen in america?
never watched it
They actually don't. Statistics tell us they think and fantasize about it a lot more than men. But men actually go through with cheating more often than women.
holy shit I want this
imagine batman hatefucking his joker ex-wife after catching her
I would have assumed it was a European thing or something if it wasn't said by these types of people (who are American). I've never heard of this ever happening in America, ever. I've heard of people saying it to men though
I'm confused, I thought Joker was a movie about a villain. Is the girl in OP's pic trying to say that such a character would be considered a villain?
I've been told to smile fairly often, but I'm a guy and it's done exclusively by 60+ year old women.
You can but the comic is way way better
They also used it for change all their character into their New 52 styles for the animated movies, basing it in the "muh time travel changes things from the past" thing
I've been told by women to smile. It's a boogeyman that women think only happens to them.
It's supposed to be a movie not a documentary
"Smile" is for women what "Did you have a job and a girlfriend or not yet?" for the rest of us.
Lets make a thread for every twitter check mark.
imagine being such a fragile psycho you go insane because people tell you to cheer up
women don't realize that without the "patriarchy" everything would fall apart.
Gee whiz, I wonder why nobody wants to produce movies made by women, nobody watches them and they don't win any awards.
No one would watch that, especially not Women, they don't like to see themselves as the villain
It's a feminist meme.
Twitter is probably on of the only websites filled with more deranged idiots than Yea Forums
women are so fucking cringe
Imagine being this pathetic and delusional. Women are one Global SHTF event from being rape fodder and food.
>that psycopathic, women abusing murderer should have been a woman
why women vote again?
>for what purpose
Because it won an award.
Literally the only reason. Zero fucks given about the character, the context, whatever. Man has something, woman complains that she doesn't have it but could have had it if men hadn't been holding her back because she had a vagina.
>only men cheat
>only men can be sexist
>muh wage gap
not that i disagree necessarily, but to be fair the tweet was from May this year well before any awards were won
women are the mental issue
I actually thought /pol/ overreacted towards movies before this
non bruce timm universe are generally derivative garbage
I’m a guy and i get told to smile often. Am I experiencing the female struggle?
yeah you're an effeminate faggot
Just make another character. "The Smiler." Do it as a horror movie or thriller or something.
When I was a teen (male) I actually had several girls (female) say that to me, but they were receptionists or stuff like that. It was a bit annoying, I guess.
I'm a very social guy, and am frequently out and about... I have never, not once, in 30 years of my life, heard a guy tell a girl to smile. So where the fuck is this all coming from?
the best part is 9 times out of 10 it's a black guy or minority saying it
it's like that viral youtube catcall video. she wanted to show how women are treated for wearing a skirt in public and almost all of the catcallers were black men
>be joker (female)
>get angry about women earning less
>break into financial records of companies
>learn women simply don't work as much
we live in a society
I hear this a lot, and I'm not even a woman. It's very irritating.
She genuinely doesn't. I read the thread and she seemed to think men really looked up to the joker as a hero so the solution was to create a character women could look up to. She stubbornly refused to see that her oc was bad because it wasn't a villain and that any criticism sue faced was just white men being misogynistic
sounds like you need to
Ummmm excuse me what do you mean shitlord.
It's the pure chiselledness of Channing Tatum's jaw that makes my water pipes and power lines work.
And it's so convenient that all my trash just disappears into thin air every week.
Is almost like she's not aware that the Joker is a villain...
I've only seen manspreading twice in my life, and both times the bus wasn't close to full, while I've seen women put bags in the chair next to them multiple times when the bus was packed. Is it just something that happens in big cities?
What turns a man into the Joker?
>suffering, hardship, loneliness, childhood abuse, trauma
What turns a woman into the Joker?
>being told to smile more
doesn't a joker with a political agenda run completely against most adaptations of a chaotic villain?
>female joker is told to smile
>achieves position of power and votes to pass clownworld agenda
It could work actually
It's a media trope, not a real thing. But reality is less than television
The time and day to divorce her husband, claim all his possessions and wait for his eventual suicide
i imagine it's a lot like being a child
ive been told to smile and im a guy
it mostly comes from the uneducated working class
you know, the people that dont have to hear this shit about equality
Why do these bitches pretend they have real problems?
>A quarter of a million people think that boring idea is funny and needed.
Life was a mistake.
I'm a guy and my granny and mom always tell me to smile and be more cheerful around people.
I'm not offended by this because I'm not a crazy woman.
That video caused a lot of controversy because it was edited in a biased manner where she made it seem like every single harraser was black or latino with zero whites or asian harassing her.
ok...but why not catwoman?
>The Joker is the hero in her story
Seek help
>she threatens the god damn patriarchy
I can only suspend so much disbelief
If white male, yes. If women, no.
Fuck off geraldine
the smile thing is the stupidest feminazi talking point
smiling literally makes you happier
it's like saying cheer up or something
When you read a woman talking about something the genre is always fiction.