I love these fuckers. Which are your favorite moments or movie?
For Me it is between Monkey Business or Animal Crackers
Does Yea Forums like the marx brothers?
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always heard of their movies but never got to watch them, should i start with duck soup?
Duck Soup
Duck Soup is pure kino
Duck Soup is really good and pretty relevant to authoritarionism of nowadays
OP is an upstart
I think that Animal Crackers is a great start, and go chronologically.
Night at the Opera, minus the musical stuff, is my favorite. Duck Soup is great for first timers. First I ever saw was A Night in Casablanca, which you might appreciate on a starter because it's their later work, and midteir compared to the best movies.
>I took some pictures of the native asian girls but they're not developed yet.
>yeah, the photos neither!
I'm a stooges guy
I think they're hit and miss. Duck soup is pure kino but some of their other films are just shit.
Laurel and Hardy on the other hand are pure kino 100% of the time, right up until the end.
was that an actual marx joke
The Marx bros first silent film they destroyed all copies of because of how terrible it was.
It's from Animal Crackers, I think.
you've also got some good plausible deniability in that "developed" could refer to the native girls' society rather than that they're underage.
man that's a good line.
might have to watch that again, I can't remember that absolute knee slapper
what are you a 100 year old grandma? retard.
Ironically, my actual 100 yr. old grandma didn't like them because she thought there was too much violence and dirty jokes.
problem is all the best bits have been copied 100s of times so you already know whats gonna happen (ex: the harpo/mirror sequence)
honestly never "got" Laurel and Hardy, people seem to love them though
You know you can't even say "it was a different time", for that type of joke.
They just gave no fucks.
The mirror bit originated from Max Linder too.
It's because their friendship is shown as very real in their films, you get the strong impression that neither of the pair could live without one another. They were the original buddy films, which I like. Feel free to call me a faggot.
I alsp like the contrast of the meek Laurel and vain Hardy. It's particularly funny when Oliver attempts to get the upper hand but it judt crashes in his face (he tries to trick Stan to pour milk on his watch but he just pours it in Ollie's face).
disgusting kikes
Duck Soup, A Night at the Opera, Horse Feathers, A Night in Casablanca, Monkey Business, and Animal Crackers are all must-watch.
They were just okay
No faggot I just have taste out of my current generation
No calls a Firefly an upstart!
Shouldn't you be in /pol/?
You are 100% right but I am still going to call you a faggot regardless
"He who pilfers my good name, steals trash."
Animal crackers. Ace of Spades...ace of spades
>tfw watching the later movies after Zeppo left
>they all look so tired and bored to be there
I sometimes put episodes of You Bet Your Life on when I'm studying. Watching Groucho work improvisationally is amazing at his age.
That L&H biopic with John C. Reilly was great and had me on the verge of tears a couple of times.
Zeppo added nothing to the group.
He was the critical straight man. He served as the intermediary between the Marx Brothers characters and the audience. I always thought his characters added a lot to the whole crew.
I don't know if I'm just a zoomer but I feel like Harpo's scenes have aged the worst.
He was supposed to be the "face", a prettyboy crooner to sell records and glamour shots.
So he was untouchable to be pranked on by the boys and couldn't do the gag schtick like the others because it waslow-brow comedy.
purely physical bits have the least complexity and longevity.
rapid inventive dialog contains rich detail which can be heard in new ways after repeated viewings.
I have all their movies on DVD, and honestly love them... except Duck Soup. From some reason, I've never liked it, though many claim it's one of their best.
Also, love A&C. I could watch their movies every week and never tire of them.
Though not a great movie, the scene with Marilyn and Groucho in Love Happy is iconic/kino af. Showcases in an instant why MM became one the most iconic female stars in history.
>A Night in Casablanca
I think it's one of their best. It's hysterical.