Just started this up, what am I in for?

Just started this up, what am I in for?

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A movie about amending the constitution and a few cameos by Lincoln.
Classic Spielberg family oriented trash.

it was pretty good, don’t know how accurate it was but definitely enjoyable.

2.5 hours of vote counting

An accurate depiction of how much northerners hated blacks.

White people are bad the movie.

It's a near all white movie where white people are the heroes

White people were on both sides.

mental derangement

You think the white girls who watched this cared? All they see is white men being evil and so they go run off to be with blacks while abandoning white men.



have sex

based retard

A pretty good depiction of Lincoln as a deeply flawed man. A few fantasy unrealistic moments designed to make dumb white women go "wow so powerful"

Some DDLberham Lincoln kino.

I hate Licoln so I loved the movie. It really showed how much he had to game the system in order to force his agenda on the country.

Spoiler alert: he gets assassinated

Childhood is liking Honest Abe because he freed the slaves
Adulthood is liking Lincoln the Tyrant for being a shrewd political operator that strengthened the executive office and federal government.

Union propaganda

Mumble Mumble Mumble haha the niggers mumble mumble mumble mumble

he's right though, but to be fair all women are retards


Stay salty Cletus.

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>free the niggers
>kill the Indians

What did Lincoln mean by this?

DDL hamming it up

We needed the niggers to help us kill indians.

>Just started this up, what am I in for?

Another amazing lesson in acting put on by the greatest actor in the history of cinema.

Top tier bantz.

Attached: tommy lee jones lincoln.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

Agreed, I didn't even realize pic related was James Spader until the credits.

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Those scenes were the best parts of the film

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>ywn be this dapper

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Should have just menaced to release the Fulcrum if they did not vote in favor of the law.

Lewis's worst film.

> How the people love my husband. They flock to see him by their thousands on public days. They will never love you the way they love him.
>How difficult it must be for you to know that, and yet how important to remember it.
I really liked Sally Field in it too.

Attached: sally-field-as-mary-todd-lincoln.jpg (634x387, 34K)

>tfw he's going to tell another story

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any other kinos about the war of nothern aggression?

No, that would be Nine

Thought it was Oscar-b8 first time I saw it in theaters (and it was), but the dialogue (especially supporting characters) has aged like a great wine imo. I watched it at least 6 more times when it was on Netflix the house of reps and shady lobbyists are just too fucking kino and its prob Day-Lewis's best overall performance

sorry sweaty inbreds generally don't make good movies

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A decent Spielberg movie. Not the height of his game, but very sold.
Also, Daniel Day Lewis a generational talent and is as great as you’d expect playing Lincoln.
Supporting actors are great. Script is tight and not the dialogue is not annoying like a lot of Sorkin’s work.
Overall, kino movie.

Cold Mountain is the odyssey during the civil war.
Gone with the Wind

>not liking comfy ass sorkin dialogue through the shining hallways

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You are in for a movie that makes /tvpol/ seeth apparently

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