Todd Phillips on why he made The Joker

Todd Phillips on why he made The Joker.
Because we live in a society. Holy shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>He signs, sucking on a vape
holy based

absolute madman

Attached: Todd Phillips Golden Lion.jpg (978x633, 137K)

>hits vape
>we live in a society

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Cringe and yikes.

Todd Phillips? I was at a party with that guy!

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This entire thing feels so surreal, it's like a fever dream. Is this even happening right now? A movie about the Joker winning major awards? And it's going to be a huge blockbuster even while making journalists seethe for its social commentary? In 2019?

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his lwlies makes sense now
Yea Forums and /pol/ were right
this movie is another movie to stop the questioning of the JQ

A broken clock’s still right twice a day, user

>We live in a society
It just keeps getting better.

Attached: NEVER EVER.gif (680x366, 1.67M)

Except Trump is a shattered, orange shit covered cuckoo clock

>this man only has a career because he befriended GG Allin


>The whole reason I ever got into comedies is because of the subversive and irreverent nature of them.

This is exactly sentiments I've had about hollywood and comedy for years now. And it's exactly why comedy is shit, why comedians are hacks, and why no grown adult should care about comics and comedy focused films. It's literally the Jews of the film world.

So brave

When was the last time you (the person reading this) felt actually happy?

Gangweed has already transcended the third dimension. We have only to pass the fourth before we can rise up & defeat Chad from within his realm of the fifth

the moon is full and meme magic is back in full effect

When OG won TI9.

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The first time I watched Nirvanna The Band The Show

bros I think the schizo might be right about this movie
>Report: The more and more films depicts heroic, iconic figures, the less and less you will be able separate yourself from these figures. Hollywood is a de-individuation laser: no one can do anything today without being compared to some figure in pop culture. You are constantly being referenced back to your historical-fantasmic background, and the more populated that background becomes, the less resources available to those still stuck on stage. In other words, historical novelty is a zero-sum game. When will you ever overthrow your masters because of a film? Certainly, there are those who commit acts of violence inspired by these figures, but these are momentary, inarticulate bursts of confused energy than they are a genuine Opening into the New. As such, just like this new and emergent cyberpunk/lo-fi culture is in the business of "normalizing" the ambiance of atomization, loneliness, and melancholy that it is making you wallow in, so is the new Joker film a weapon of pacification: Hollywood, by depicting people's frustrations with the system so compellingly through Phoenix's Joker, they actually end up harnessing that energy and allow it to be expended harmlessly, in a way that does not threaten the system. By simulating resistance, they nip it in the bud. All we are trying to get you to realize is: isn't it convenient that as soon as people can sense the rage and frustration boiling under society's surface, a new film or media property comes out that "takes the words right out of your mouth"?
>he sighs, sucking on a vape.
100% right

>cultural zeitgeist shifts
>new media is created that reflects the new geist
that really lives in my society user

What is the source of this quote, google has nothing

>TRIGGERED by the word "subversive"
this is your brain on /pol/

>*hits vape*
>we live in a society

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Does he explain why like 90% of the cast is black except Phoenix and DeNiro?

because the movie is set in America

Literally gangweed.

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Rise up.

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Them winning last year was truly a kino story.

Gotham is 70s New York City and Chicago.


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>the memes are real


Yeah but I'm not wrong, faggot.

This is nothing new, this is how capitalism operates with all of these movies. Mark Fisher cited WALL-E as a good example. It was one of the first movies in the millennium age to criticize our 24/7 access to technology and dependence on materialism but it exists solely to vent those frustrations. It does the work for us, let Hollywood get angry once in a while while we continue to consume. Hollywood doesn't offer any solutions. It just sets limits as to what you can criticize about society. I'm sure the Joker movie will be decent, but I'm wary of what it's actually trying to communicate.

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Plus you don’t get to actually see the rest of the more important cast, like Arthur’s coworkers, the detectives & the sex-workers from the script

Almost as if media reflects reality. And selling people's miserys is just profitable with no inherent maliciousness intended beyond selling catharsis to identifiable social groups.

Isn't it sad that obese Americans created the "we live in a society" meme to mock anyone who dares criticize a society made up of autistic, blue haired manchildren who spend their 30s watching superhero movies?

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>sporting goods
How morose

Your post read like an AI wrote it. Try again.

Wasn’t The Hangover responsible for the downfall of comedy in the first place?

imagine taking yourself and everything so seriously that you say things like "no grown adult should care about comics and comedy". lol such a nerd

plus everything in hollywood is jew owned and operated, you fucking idiot. every hollywood film is the 'Jew of the film world'.

How? It's perfectly legible

>His super chill attitude towards shagging was revealed by the best friend of a woman who had bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner.
>The source, who sounds like she's not bitter at all, said: "Leonardo DiCaprio is selfish, lazy and downright rude."
>She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signalled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.
>"The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change," the source continued.
>"But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his "date" was left wondering what was in this for her."

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>Sporting Goods
>Shopping for coolers to protect their food

He's right but at the same time, no.
While movies and pop culture still play a huge part in subduing the populace, social media itself is an even bigger issue in this regard.

Like why even go out and protest when you can just bitch about it on twitter or Yea Forums??

Is he wrong?

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wtf I love superhero movies and videogames now

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that and The Love Guru and the rise of woke bullshit

Which is why we would all be better off if Hollywood burned to the ground overnight.

Try taking things seriously for once you degenerate piece of trash

Maybe if you're ESL.

Reminder that DiCaprio has never dated a woman over 25 years old.

Laughing at this faggy post probably

>listening to MGMT


>Try taking things seriously for once you degenerate piece of trash
i have, now you try not taking absolutely everything seriously for once. get off the computer

have sex


What is incoherent about his post?

I can't remember.

>hahah we live in le society xD
>haha imagine thinking about society, that's so cringe
>dude nothing matters, just watch pickle rick

This is not real, this is an illusion...

Two composite topics presented as one whole idea.


How is that AI?

Do you not understand how AIs work, AI?

It's not really common knowledge outside schizo circles

Can someone make a gif of this?

/x/ thread (seriously)


When I thought she liked me.


Last week, shooting the shit with my work colleagues.

but if he didn't want to make comedies then how come the joker said his life was a comedy

>Todd Phillips
dude is /ourguy/ unironically.

This is the opening line for a cult recruitment pitch. What message are you selling?


This definitively proves beyond a shadow of doubt that femdom truly is the chad fetish, maledom the beta male cope.

I feel happy right now, i have something to long for. I am waiting to watch Joker kino and it brings joy to my life. Been a while since I wanted to watch a movie.

Wait what?

Today when i cummed in my gf's pussy

This hurt

>I'm sure the Joker movie will be decent, but I'm wary of what it's actually trying to communicate.


Lol Mark Fisher was a nigger lover

>Implying gamers rise up wasn't just DC marketing from the getgo

On easter when I saw my friend I've known ten years. I've since kind of burned that bridge out of spite for myself.

Let's be honest superheros are the American mythos. Joker is our god and this is his cult.

Won a game of Apex yesterday
before that, years-deep gulf of sadness

No, it would be pretty based if that were true. Unfortunately, we already know it was always a Reddit/ResetEra meme

this is true
when you're in a dictatorial, repressed environment, you are much more compelled to act upon that repression, because power is unidirectional and centralized - which is why the totalitarian regimes aren't stable
in a democracy however there's no central power, and you are allowed to vent your frustrations, which makes you less likely to take up action to change things
the current consumerist system repackages your anger and revolt and sells it to you as a commodity - it makes you both heard and feeling like you're somehow making a change, and you feel better because of it

>the joker is literally me

Cringe, why are you posting this on a Bolivian applebees lovers and toothpick collectors imageboard? Go to therapy?

Im happy all the time, just never content with things

>hollywood doesnt offer any solutions
>looking to hollywood for answers

>sucks vape


The joker character already won an oscar, this movie is clearly riding that wave
It was conceived by producers with the sole purpose of winning awards, they're not even hiding that they don't give a shit about the source material or DC fans anymore

i was thinking they may try to co-opt the film as somehow anti-trump.but the sjws cannot be seen on the side of the white male
checkmate npcs-go watch capt. toefungusflatass again...

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>He sighs, sucking on a vape

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What is it supposed to be communicating?

today blasting down a steep hill on my bicycle

Literally 5 seconds ago after reading this thread.

Today when Noah Bummuncher didn't win anything
fuck that hack, fuck his mom thats on the criterion board that adds all his movies when he asks and fuck gerwig

Has anyone here read the script? I have an important question to ask.

Yes but you have to remember it's all controlled op. It's not like the film's gonna show him reading up on Gareth Porter or Ryan Dawson's reporting and realizing the world is run by pedophile blackmail rings managed by the Mossad and the CIA and losing his mind because thousands of whores that killed their own kids in their wombs destroyed property and vandalized great monuments because Kavanaugh wasn't taken down by blatant lies cooked up by a woman whose entire family and friends circle are literal feds whereas not a single protest took place after Epstein got suicided in his jail cell.
It'll be about some unfocused rage that'll become the topic of "muh white male dangers" for months to follow. This film will just join the palette of all the things they'll cite whenever they pull off another shooting to cover up any signs and evidence of it being a false flag.

Still fun to see whore critics seethe though. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I like Joaquin too, so I hope he wins awards instead of some worthless nigger.

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No user, he doesn't say the N word.

Absolutely based.

Todd Phillips joins Zack Snyder and Sam Raimi as Yea Forumss approved capekinomakers

Tl;Dr it's letting the steam out of the pressure cooker so that nothing actually happens

Zack Snyder has never been approved here even before the reddit invasion which you came with

>Leonardo DiCaprio is selfish, lazy and downright rude
This will always be why this motherfucker will forever be the most based actor alive.

November 8, 2016

So you're admitting that his presidency has been shit since then?

Ask away

I don't give a shit about American politics or even the president. I don't even vote. It was just fun seeing everyone implode while calling everyone racist. In fact I should rephrase this to November 9, 2016.

Nevermind, it was about the whole mouth scars thing but that’s just up in the air right now.

dilate somewhere else. Chadvill, Batfleck and Snydergod are the holy trinity of manhood

(hits vape) yeah...I'm thinking he's based

imagine thinking the right supports trump in 2019

>while his "date" was left wondering what was in this for her."
Women really can't understand when they're not that important, do they.

Probably before puberty, so more than a decade ago

Attached: 9F5EC092-8994-4B56-9022-CCE55C456295.jpg (1497x1497, 528K)

16 years ago when i was 6 years old

>Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signalled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.
>"The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change," the source continued.
>"But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his "date" was left wondering what was in this for her."

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I can’t wait for all the “Todd Philips was always trash!” twitter posts sharing the tranny disgust jokes from hangover 2 so that normie can be reminded it wasn’t that long ago they laughed at this and recognize how far gone things have gotten. The director of Joker might inadvertently wake people up to clown world.

When sans was confirmed for Smash.

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Normies have no memories but for implanted ones

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I'm happy right now actually.

Art imitates life, entertainment exploits life. Nothing new except marketing has fully saturated the internet now.


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*sucks vape* Think about it logically.....

i'm happy all the time cause I allow myself to have standards

Because confessing on the chans is just as effective and less expensive than joining the cult of psychology. How about you go back to your cocksucking enthusiast subreddit?


I'm not even sure. Are adults supposed to feel happiness?

Imagine being a mutt and caring about this shit

This movie will 100% end up having a mass shooting.. No one is talking about it, but it's definitely something people need to be concerned about.

Checked. This is the first movie where the possibility of a sperg shooting is part of the draw, the new Smell-o-Vision, and Todd Phillips is wholly aware and probably wants it to happen. He's a nihilist. It's honestly a good get that he made a true modern grindhouse movie on WB's dime that will make the cineplex grimy again. Nolan's last two at Bats had the whole tacticool aesthetic to summon a shooter, Phillips is courting it. I'm not a fan but he's an accelerator. And most NY critics want it to happen too. Gives them a massage of relevance. If you still pay for Hwood movies, you're an idiot, the higher stakes make for better Yea Forums.

without a doubt. It feels like its taylor made for something like that to happen. Going to wait to torrent this shit for sure.


yesterday when i was playing dnd and sucking cock for wooden coins