DISNEY employs people like this

What the fuck is wrong with America?
As an eastern european, who had his country genocided by communists, I would fucking bash this faggots skull... In a Minecraft role-playing server of course.

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I'd gladly pay for his one-way ticket to North Korea.

>you can't hold these political beliefs
>free America

pick one


So you guys cold war for nothing? If an idea has been tried and it only brought foward suffering, pain, and death.... Why the fuck would you allow it?

Whats the problem? Almost all the anti-disney posters on Yea Forums are commies

I accidentaly a word

>we dont allow certain views
>free America

pick one and only one

Disney hires people who’ll literally lie about the DKR shootings & disrespect its victims just to make their shitty snowflake points. This isn’t a surprise at all.

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>not understanding what free speech is

I could easily kill you. Don't try your luck.

And Eric André, you know... Who posted his erect to instagram to all the world to see! Im so glad he got a role in Lion King.

explain it to me, then

Has communism ever worked out well for homosexuals? It's weird how communism always seems to go hand in hand with persecuting gays but still today's gays flock to communism. Stalin didn't like them, Mao didn't like them, Castro didn't like them

Come at me Billy boy

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wow a gay jew is a communist, truly shocking
it's even more shocking that the communist is a turbo rich faggot working for one of the world's biggest corporations.

Did he really dress up as the Joker? I don't remember that.

There is nothing wrong with being a communist.

>work for mutlibillion dollar corporation bordering on a monopoly
>call yourself a communist

Lmao, that guy is ironymaxxing

Fuck commies, I hope they burn, but fuck you too. Political opinions have no correlation to the work you get or your employers. The guy can be a Satanist and still serve a purpose at his job.

He was a hardcore schizo. He claimed that he was dressing up like the joker but dyed his hair orange and wore body armor.

Question: do you intentionally seek out things that upset you? Why?

>mfw based Che purged all the nogs and fags the moment he took power
You know, Commies can be pretty based at times.

>Stalin didn't like them, Mao didn't like them, Castro didn't like them
None of them invented communism.

Upper middle class liberals, only follow communism because it's vogue, they usually hate the proletariat.

but he's not in gov't so whatever
also working for one of the biggest corporations in history so he's a fucking hypocrite to boot

The Disney I remeber was about being family friendly and cartoons, and wholesome. Employing someone who is fighting for a totalitarian ideology? Fuck that, you gotta whack the weeds from your garden time to time.

As much as i hate ol walt, he wouldn't have allowed these "people" in his company

Go clean toilets filthy polack. Communists should have genocided your shithole of a country

that's what they always do, once they get power they go right back to nationalist

No but they implemented the most notorious communist regimes. Communism itself obviously isn't pro or anti homosexuality, but all major implementations of communism have been anti-homosexuality, for whatever reason.

They have absolute contempt for the actual working class, who don't generally support their fringe ideology..
The people they actually want to help are feckless burnouts with college debt such as themselves,

Nobody gave a fuck about communism you stupid baby. Russia was a main enemy at the time, and they happened to be communist. If they were anarchist, USA would spend time subverting anarchist ideas and bombing anarchist countries. If they were monarchist, USA would spend time subverting monarchist ideas and bombing monarchist countries - you get the idea. A war was about imperialism and world dominance, ideologies come second. Plus USA actively sponsored Yugoslavia and had Tito as a guest in a white house, nobody had a problem with them being communist.

>Listen to a really nice song on spotify
>Watch a cute girl cover it on youtube
>Links her twitter, check it out
>Saw her retweeting this

Motherfucker, you don't know how does it feel to stand in a mass graveyard caused by communism on the very soil of your nation. Then have stupid rich faggots like this elevated to such heights.

Well so it can't be due to communism itself.

>t. kurwa

Well they were in 20 century so of course they hated fags

Why not? These people all wanted to implement communism, is this is a common factor in the practical way they went about doing it.

A simple ‘yes’ would suffice

John Lennon meeting Karel Gott. Read up on it.

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Unironically thank god I'm not a buttblasted pole who lives in shithole and constantly bitches about muh communists and muh russkies

I find it funny that they themselves can't see that they are part of the bourgeoisie.

It's not okay to be a Nazi or a Communist. These two groups committed the worst atrocities in human history.

embarrassing post

Imagine simplifying that era in a way like this, fuck you brainlet.

Bourgies are private property owners. Most of communists are either poor or middle class

Is it ok to be a Turk?

You make things simple when you have to explain them to a retard

I don't seek it out, so "no." It finds me. Such is life.

Where does the middle class fit on the bourgeoisie/proletariat field?

>convincing yourself that this is true
Get out of your room sometime. Go for a jog.

Those weren't real communism, which literally can't exist because step 1 is abolishing the government except then you have no government to enforce steps 2 through gulag. Retards are drawn to it because it's an impossible ideology that can never fail because it can never be achieved. It would be like asking why religious people are drawn to the idea of heaven.

Sure but they always seem to go hand in hand. There may not be a straight up causal link but it's a very strong correlation.

Find me a quick rundown that isn't in Polish or whatever the fuck language this is I'm looking at

In communist countries the middle class wind up as poor as the proles in the end.

They're certainly not poor once they have control.
Well, the party bosses, that is.

China is all communist and I don't see you whining, you fucking whiney slavshit faggot.

he literally described the process that led him to that post, why do you insist on making yourself look like an idiot by continuing to respond? are you that mad you were wrong?

Fags have always been hated long before communism.

Or when your understanding of history is so lacking that your only arguments are ad hominems lmao. Cope harder faggot

He never even claimed he was dressing as Joker, some people made that up and the news ran with it. He has denied it since.

How many nazis un Hollywood?

Are you fucking retarded?

They are free to hold those beliefs, and they are free to be ridiculed for it.

Imagine being this assblasted for failing to understand event the basic, simplified version of history

Same amount as communist, we all know who really runs hollywood.

But Nazis kill those guys

Look up the term ‘petit-bourgeois’

Being upset is a choice. Especially when you have to go to your hugbox and ineffectually complain for an hour or two. It’s cheaper, and way more self-validating than therapy after all.

>free America
>these political beliefs

you pick one

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>Russia bad, dis waz da real hizdory!
Holy shit, pathetic... Is this the famous mutt education that im hearing about?

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I'm posting on Yea Forums talking to you.

But I understand what you're comment is a supposed to mean. And I also see it means you're a diamond dozen bootyblasted babby

It's simple, no? Gays are the acolytes of subversion, second only to the jews. They form what is generally known as useful idiot class. They perform their function (destabilizing the previous society) and are immediately discarded (those that don't get blackbagged tend to flee, to further subvert other nations). The notion of nationalism and borders are attacked so heavily, because the Jews want to establish Globalized Corporatism. In this case, they want Disney to shift from a big overarching company, to its own nation. Nations with their own massive propaganda machines, and fanatics willing to die for them. (Note: This is what is desired. The implementation is anything but sterling. The fact that sheer human incompetency is what is keeping us from outright global brand religion should frighten you)

Anyone who calls themselves communist is like calling themselves anarchists. They are merely useful idiots. We know from history that communism and anarchy are merely tools for destabilization. Communism and anarchy are never actual end goals, because they cannot be end goals. They are tools of transformation.

>turned an agrarian shithole into a world superpower
>btfod nazis and raped germany
>americans and assblasted poles still seething with anger
Yeah I'm thinking he's based

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Jesus Christ. Not just stupid, but also illiterate. Nobody said that Russia is bad, but that Russia was the USA's main enemy at that point in history.
I don't know why I bother, it's like talking to a toddler

>legit (not buzzword) patriarchal third world nations become Communist, the parties in said nations never once espouse anything like acceptance of homosex
it is a mystery

Like being upset to some stupid shit is unnatural? Like wanting to vent in the only place where you wont get banned by based boys for disagreeing with the left? Whats your problem dude, we can discuss anything we'd like. Atleast here we won't be banned by some based boys for disagreeing with the mainstream left.

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it's embarrassing

we're a free republic democracy
people like this exist solely to be beaten down an ridiculed

You hate China?