Childhood faps

Childhood faps

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The face was gross tho

I used to record Demi Moore's Striptease scene on my VCR and jack off to it. God, she was so hot and still is. I'd give my life to sleep with her.

Attached: 1547261377125.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)


red shoe diaries

Why is Deathstroke so OP and why do I like it so much

Also USA UP! All Night

damn, lee curtis looks like THAT?


shannon tweed too

Attached: image.jpg (585x612, 103K)


fucking rhonda shear

Attached: 979ef0a5431b19b0eee9894b8a5fcc26.jpg (640x960, 49K)

I wanted to put my cock in her big ol' mouth soooooo bad in the 90s.

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Not entirely relevant to the thread but my Dad used to show movies he liked when he was younger to my brother and I and he'd always stand up in front of the TV and fast forward it during sex scenes. I specifically remember him doing it with the shower scene in Starship Troopers and the sex scene in the second Matrix movie. Anyone else have an experience like this?


she needs that body back

When me and my father was watching Cold mountain he fast forwarded the sex scene. The first sex scene i watched in his presence was from spartacus blood and sand when I was 13
He also got a visible boner when Eva Green got fucked in 300 rise of an empire

Can someone please post the pasta

Oh that's way weirder than my thing

Attached: _o1_1281 - Copy.jpg (1279x545, 147K)

Why were you looking at his crotch?

Fucking perfection. Shame how things turned out


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Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Attached: P7hKogj - Copy.jpg (1920x819, 166K)

One of the more JUST female walls

damn jamie lee curtis looks like that!

Attached: 1567820546040.png (1280x960, 73K)

This is one of the most beautiful copypastas I have ever read

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Attached: sc hd.webm (800x846, 2.83M)

when all he really wants to do is fuck another middle age Mexican maid in his dressing room*

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Lucas knew what he was doing.

first erection

I got a girl friend like that later on and fucked it up

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She's hotter now that she's been bondburgered.

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>narrow hips of a hermaphrodite
i guess the stories really are true.

Opened the thread to make sure this was posted.

Carry on then.

newgroundbois know

>a girl friend like that

...a squirrel?

Attached: beautiful_girls_in_an_ugly_place_by_recruiterforjabba_dde1z36 - Copy.jpg (507x318, 75K)

Attached: RancorPit.jpg (1600x1110, 193K)

THIS THIS THIS. I need more, but it's just not there

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Attached: Star_Wars_Episode_VI_Part_1_0033.jpg (988x1464, 324K)

My first fap wasn't even to the sex scenes, it was when Carmella was trying to seduce the catholic priest

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we need to go lewder

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this poster has excellent taste

Attached: lacey.webm (626x516, 419K)

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Take it from me, a vore fetish is something you don't want to awaken. There's so little art of it (most of it furfag) so you'll spend all your money on commissions to get fap material.

>so little art of it
>literally everywhere

This shit woke something in me and I ended up marrying a bassist. Its my kids I really feel sorry for...

Is she at least hot?

Literally no ass

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jennifer titty

Attached: Tilly-14.webm (1920x1080, 1.98M)

Attached: 1535323754742.webm (480x360, 2.69M)

Someone post the Jordan Peterson vocaroo

honestly, if she lost the weight she'd look the same. i think she still looks good now desu

Mulder pls.

Attached: gillian anderson-3.webm (720x720, 2.32M)

> The 1"x1" black and white picture of this in the back of Electronic Gaming Monthly


Attached: JET - Diane Youdale 1995 Gladiators.jpg (980x1470, 264K)

Jimmy from Treasure Planet (no I'm not joking)

My dad covered my eyes during the pan up shots of arnie naked in terminator. Still don't know if you actually see his cock or not to this day.

wowee she really plumped up

Attached: MV5BMDczN2UwY2QtNzg0NC00NjI1LWIzM2QtOTRkNDBiZTg3MmNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODYwOTMxMA@@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x999, 108K)

Attached: labyrinth-jennifer connelly.webm (1160x544, 882K)

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Hell yes.


Attached: tractenburg.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Up All Night was amazing.

post the rest.

>not Rocketeer

don't have a webm, but pretty much all of Species


He was brought back to life by Trigon, and given some of his power to ready Raven and the world for his arrival

Bondburgered finally makes sense, was it a prophecy?

The Queen's Nose.

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The rule 34 is severely lacking

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>he didn't look at the 1x1 pic in the back of field and stream

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The forgotten 90s Kelly.

Attached: Jennie Garth 1427208671067.jpg (376x700, 20K)

Attached: Carrie Anne Moss nude - Red Planet.webm (1366x570, 2.84M)

It still baffles me to this day that I once came to this.

Attached: ripley.jpg (500x375, 35K)

Me on the right

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The appeal of Tarzan's lithe, muscular, interestingly-drawn body was an early indication of my bisexuality.

Every thread my answer is the same.

Among others, of course. But she got a lot of my jerking time.

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Attached: Jennie Garth 69968b48458cece9d3d3281e1c787d04.jpg (1400x2784, 449K)

not my Kelly

Attached: axresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Fucking perfection

So much good incest comic porn of her

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I know. That's why I called her the forgotten 90s Kelly.

Attached: Bundy117m.jpg (1181x956, 103K)

also hurley

Attached: Heather Graham-1.webm (1036x580, 2.79M)

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>Childhood faps
Nigga, I still wank to that scene.

Attached: 765EB011-1348-445F-8B1D-64AA36F15A69.png (720x405, 93K)

pretty impeccable taste so far itt

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You already know fags

Attached: 1567637446913.webm (520x680, 2.69M)

Grab a tool and start banging!

Attached: 1541017677505.webm (762x596, 984K)

It's not even about the vore aspect for me, it's more the character, the actress's face, the costume, the general atmosphere of the scene and the fear of imminent death

Attached: shameful boner.jpg (324x586, 36K)

actress/age at the time?

have fun


>117 posts and no Hannah Dundee
Zoomers, all of you. And what's worse. Normie zoomers at that.

Attached: Hannah Dundee.jpg (513x760, 82K)

Attached: naff-total-n-07.jpg (1150x679, 97K)

Attached: Karate Kid - deleted scene.webm (624x396, 2.32M)

Winona Ryder, 18 (I think)

You just know

guess it's still nofap for me

Before anybody says anything, I was age appropriate at the time so fuck you I'm not trying to promote pedo shit.

Attached: parent-trap_lindsay-lohan.jpg (530x250, 30K)

Skip to 6:20 for the money shot.

Attached: galaxy of terror.jpg (2011x2961, 2.17M)

>that tummy

>not Career Opportunities.

>Its my kids I really feel sorry for...

That's a bad shot. This, on the other hand...

Attached: tSRyDfg.jpg (1280x1178, 249K)

knew what it was from the poster alone, based Corman

Attached: MWC.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

This was the birth of a lot of fetishes.

Attached: 1558946967252.webm (404x404, 2.68M)

with that ass, once is too much

>in motion

Attached: tumblr_n8u7c7XYBr1s2wio8o3_500.gif (500x546, 1.91M)

Attached: Ten Commandments.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)


i thought laurie strode was ugly when i was a kid

You too huh


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Attached: JC.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

I saw this on bluray, holy shit I have no idea how they got away this this in the 1950s
it's one thing to watch it on a grainy TV, but to see in high quality all the outfits are extremely lewd

>when the bush is so big it puffs out the underwear

Attached: atomic erection.jpg (916x963, 531K)

Did she get raped by an Ayy?

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Attached: LinMinmay.jpg (1110x948, 69K)

Nice dubs.

Attached: 1434055164699.webm (600x338, 2.7M)

the most kino aesthetic known to man


Doing God's work

Attached: arnie commando-2.webm (640x346, 2.39M)


That's meme magic, my man

cynthia rothrock. just kick me into oblivion

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Fucking weird movie. Can't stand it.

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it was the Pornhub before Pornhub

Attached: Underage Molestation.webm (544x304, 2.93M)

Attached: hey_dude.png (640x360, 240K)

Big tittied tree gilf in Last Unicorn scored me the first erection and subsequent fap that I can remember.

Attached: anigif_enhanced-3128-1397492560-6.gif (400x212, 981K)

Wasn't she on the Flintstones?

Attached: brosnan coffee.webm (728x728, 1.22M)

gifs? It's 2019, man. Get with the times.

Attached: The Last Unicorn - Tree Scene.webm (936x720, 2.88M)


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based disney robin hood user. god I hope you're not a furry.

Attached: disney robin hood-3.gif (500x433, 901K)

Attached: Nala.webm (1920x1080, 587K)

you gonna insult China O'Brien like that???

Attached: Cynthia-Rothrock-Top.jpg (950x534, 77K)

The difference between you and me is that I have accepted what I am.

Attached: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder.webm (960x536, 2.86M)

Go die fag.

This film's depiction of Marian is directly responsible for furrydom.

I'll save this webm and look the other way.

Attached: robin hood disney.webm (1808x1080, 2.69M)

her nude scene in macross

Attached: 1277726554.jpg (1840x1351, 102K)

Attached: Marrying Marian.webm (960x536, 2.93M)

Oh I sayyy...


Attached: disney peter pan.webm (720x540, 2.81M)

What the fuck

What? Post more Marian you say?

Attached: Dancing Marian.webm (960x536, 2.95M)

Seriously, post the fucking rest this instant

Attached: disney robin hood-7.webm (600x358, 2.96M)

What a fag.

Attached: 0ED225EB-ADA0-4CA1-A230-B03149F2470A.jpg (295x295, 64K)

Attached: Elvira.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

I fucking would, me and her together would lose our flabby flabs together fucking like rabbits.

The Guidance Counselor from Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss. A lot of times. Still fap to her to this day.

Attached: Prom Night 3 - The Last Kiss - Miss Richards.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

Attached: Muzzled Nick.webm (700x290, 2.25M)


Attached: linnea.gif (400x220, 1.6M)

Attached: Prom Night 3 The Last Kiss - 2.webm (640x480, 2.97M)

Such a shame she was killed in the movie.

Attached: Prom Night 3 - The Last Kiss Miss Richards - 3.webm (640x480, 2.9M)

It still absolutely baffles me that we lost a golden opportunity to see her fantastic ass in full glory during her Matrix years.

i spilled gallons to Hilda

Sexiest woman that ever lived.

Attached: Minerva Tease.webm (710x540, 1.67M)

Ayo user be fucking squirrels n shit.

Attached: Scene-from-the-Accused.jpg (625x363, 60K)

She was a bimbo. Bettie Page is the thinking mans tart!!!FACT!!!

Attached: betty_page_photos-30.jpg (800x599, 104K)

>The Guidance Counselor from Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss. A lot of times. Still fap to her to this day.

Wendy Lyon from Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 WHICH STILL ISN'T ON FUCKING BLURAY!!!FACT!!!

>be dunston
>check in

I was actually going to ask one of you to post this.

Attached: image.jpg (1201x918, 253K)

is that girl mommy corpo from The Boys?

Attached: Knockers.webm (768x416, 2.97M)

She was cute, and I'm upset that it isn't on Blu-Ray too. The others aren't out on it either, I hate whatever company owns the distribution rights.

B A S E D fact poster

Attached: 0B359035-868E-4F3F-A2B5-358129C1D7C5.jpg (1920x1080, 417K)

A true loss

Deborah Harry. Had this poster, it was almost lifesize

Attached: Poster.jpg (360x550, 54K)

It's not fucking fair that she never did a nude scene

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OOPS. forgot pic!!!FACT!!!

Attached: prom-night-2-wendy-lynn1-e1365063909423.jpg (259x252, 9K)

I don't know who that is or why it was posted, but I'll allow it.

Beat me to it

Attached: 292802_full.jpg (793x1000, 50K)

>That hair
I wonder what her bush looks like

Attached: 1562522226644.png (420x420, 309K)



I blame this shit for my bondage fetish

Attached: Some minor adjustments.webm (640x360, 1.41M)

Literally the hottest outfit in film history, prove me wrong

Attached: arnie terminator.webm (922x500, 2.99M)

still would

She used to be my everything. Than she got old and married that arrogant Jewish guy that everyone says is a horrible person in real life.

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Attached: a1e02865cc85ecab7010c384ea0cc13a.jpg (585x800, 138K)

Please God tell me what this is from

I could very easily see her doing SPH CEI clips.

Hell yes

Attached: 19E0D10B-09C4-4540-8263-F2102B158F6A.jpg (740x1108, 65K)

In a perfect world maybe.

Bases nipley

>all these furfags
what is wrong with you subhumans

This, and all the wonderful softcore starlets she introduced me to. My dick will never be able to repay her.

Attached: rhondatoxie.jpg (608x449, 242K)

go back to tumblr

Phoebe Cates

We're all a little furry for Maid Marian.

Attached: maid marian.gif (350x266, 445K)

Career Opportunities

no, not in the least bit. Quit trying to normalize your shit fetish, it's gay and gross.

I just don't know.

Attached: tangled-3.webm (1920x1080, 732K)

I thought you were dead, David.

Attached: AbsoluteUnfoldedIrrawaddydolphin.webm (450x450, 159K)

Thank you so much I thought it would be a meme but it was real. Gonna bust a nut because of you bro

My first fap was to comics, this character to be exact:

Career Opportunities, an early '90s movie with lots of comfy nostalgic Target store imagery

Son of a fucking bitch

Attached: Pierce_Brosnan_Berlinale_2014.jpg (952x1389, 193K)


Attached: 1549017597341.jpg (316x303, 28K)

Attached: amyjo_27_1.jpg (1114x1600, 474K)

She's still an 8/10 in fat mode.
Her prime was The Circuit.

Dear God, yes

Attached: Debbie Harry 01.png (500x674, 548K)

Even her voice makes me hard:

Attached: waifu.jpg (600x900, 77K)

Please answer Im calling

Attached: pierce phone.jpg (1600x1200, 218K)

Attached: tangled-67.gif (226x262, 483K)

For me, its....

Attached: Sybil.jpg (800x1053, 218K)

Who are you supposed to ever want anything other than oral sex with that mouth if you were in a relationship with her?


Attached: B61DC566-3A4F-48E1-BC2E-B08251948BD0.jpg (688x1024, 117K)

4channel has always been a furry website.

Attached: Let me be good to you.webm (720x404, 2.96M)

*How, wtf. I blame it on her mouth.

Attached: 0d4e51d3a5a1c0974c09b0d9b76fef43.png (200x435, 75K)

Marry, fuck.

Based real nigga.

Amy schumer?

Look Lisa Ajax up, you might like her.

Attached: 96E42849-43F7-4CED-B0E1-C93EAB3D8044.png (200x312, 98K)

Attached: 001.jpg (860x1266, 409K)

Why has nobody posted this yet?

>inb4 zoomer

Attached: ahsoka_660.jpg (660x990, 57K)

i fapped to scene where she was put to sleep with neck injection a lot when i was kid

They knew exactly what they were doing.

Memorized that name out of the credits first time.
There was a promotional music video of some sort and I swear there was different footage of her dancing which I haven't seen since.

Oh, that's nice.

Tame video by today's standards, but tell that to my six year old self:

Life in Baltimore

Those old Sinbad movies are fucking kino. Every one of them has a total babe in it.

Based boomer

Attached: 33471-rfmg.jpg (664x910, 82K)

Attached: Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger.webm (800x433, 2.9M)

I had my sexual awakening to this movie

Attached: EB8B0E81-4FA0-4401-8E0D-175018B7CBCC.jpg (780x1170, 158K)

Same here bro. that and the Madonna Vogue video

nope youre just a fag

You see it in the movie too.

Based. To hell with furfags


Attached: 1557124267952.png (1044x869, 185K)

How did they get away this

>not the bikini Pokemon card

Forgot about this

>being a trap and a furry before it was main stream

Attached: 1567427758431.png (226x202, 52K)

They got divorced so there is hope user.

I knew I couldn't be the only one. Also why I still have a soft spot for Bettie Page cuts.

Attached: Angelina-Jolie-Naked.jpg (879x1017, 152K)

Why is this one like better than most of the stuff posted in the thread

Her Skinamax stuff brings back memories.

Heather's pre-wall stuff was better.

Attached: Heather-Graham-young-hot-and-sexy-License-to-Drive-1988-hd1080p-4.jpg (1920x1040, 680K)


What's sad is you faggots use "the wall" unironically. Thank god you'll never pass on your genes.

Attached: aunt fanny.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

IMO she still hasn't hit the wall, she still looks good, and she's almost 50. The only part of her that has declined that you really see.. is her neck, that shows her age. but her face is still pretty and she's still got banging tits.


Attached: 1564547903683.png (689x873, 196K)

Sorry sweety, the wall is real and you hit it when you turned 30, if not sooner.

Attached: alexis-bledel-tca-awards-at-the-tca-summer-press-tour-in-la-08-05-2017-1.jpg (1280x1844, 365K)

That's his daughter isn't it


The movie that turned Jodie into a lesbian. She would later do the same to KStew.

jesus christ. She was like an angel crossed with a babydoll when she was a teen. The wall is so cruel.

new thread

Not counting Bryce Dallas Howard and Linda Cardellini.

oh god no

And Salma Hayek, Christina Hendricks, Marisa Tomei, Halle Berry, Susan Sarandon...

I bought this movie on Zune because of this scene in the trailer and masturbated ferociously while my parents were at work

>youngest of two daughters of Lana, a bank manager, and Michael Trachtenberg, a fiber-optics engineer.[3] Her Jewish parents are immigrants from Germany and Russia. Trachtenberg had a religious upbringing,[4][dead link] and her grandparents reside in Israel




fuck my life bros

Thought this would have popped up earlier desu. good taste

>You mad white boi?

The Stardust Crusaders live action is looking good

Someone better fucking post that blonde tall cop from "Police academy"

I do not like this, no sir, no