What the fuck was his problem?
John Carpenter's the Thing
Other urls found in this thread:
He angery
It just seems like he's being a bit excessively dickish.
Poor doggos.
Looks like a case of horrible practical effects.
Mike Ploog is a pretty cool guy
Why is this movie being shilled everywhere these days? Stranger Things is obsessed with it and it was thrown into IT Chapter 2 now
reminder that the thing was a box office bomb and derailed carpenter's career
I don't care.
>crash into cold-ass planet
>some hairy aliens try to burn you alive
>build a ship to gtfo home to your family
>get blown up before you can leave
Thing did nothing wrong
Yet now it's up there with Alien as the best sci-fi horror film.
>it was thrown into IT Chapter 2 now
in the nove there's a lot of stuff with the universal monsters and 50ies horror stuff used to scare the kids. makes sense they'd update that to 80ies horror alongside the time period. if anything, It should have shown up as Freddy Krueger and Zelda from Pet Semetery as well.
Plenty of good movies are box office bombs.
that looks great though
you a zoomie and think marvel cgi is the pinnacle of effects?
Its almost like the general public us to stupid to function. " The Thing " is one of the best horror movies ever made. Fuck everyone.
They actually talk about it in the novel but as adults. I forget the exact context but Mike is trying to make some analogy about how the original isn't necessarily the best.
Dont listen to
Its a jewish conspiracy
Never seen either of those things, but people tend to reference good movies they like. That's like asking why the godfather or casablanca were "shilled" so much.
Its to bad that box office success is what most people judge a movie on when there are a plethora of great films that have bad openings.
>breath clearly visible
Doesn't this debunk the theory about who's infected in the ending?
critics are literally always wrong and anyone who takes them seriously are brainless faggots
childs breath can be seen in the ending scene. it's a incorrect theory.
>t. capeshitter
Yeah dude, let's just green screen everything and add cgi in post.
you two are embarrassing
When did Norris and Blair and chambers get assimilated
Based and thingpilled.
>fucking with americans' dogs
Legitimately would have an easier time asking if you could have some human women for a experiments/food.
Pretty nice digits. Also, I think it's a better ending if neither of them are the thing, like the cherry on top of paranoia.
God I hate this opening shot. Ruins the mystery right off the bat.
There's still a mystery in that what the fuck happened on that alien spacecraft and where did the Thing come from, was it a created virus or a natural one.
I still haven't seen it bros
>Everyone who doesn't like what I like is dumb.
shut the hell up
Right, like why have the shot where they find the ship later, it's reveals it a little prematurely.
What in the FUCK are you waiting for? Go and do it today.
Eh...I wonder...is the victim always aware of the taking over ?
>a blood stained and torn underpants was found
...w-what did they mean by this...
one of the best horror movies in existence. watch it.
So SEE it
i'm watching The Wire rn, i don't have time
What a noob lmao.
If you live in a cold snowy climate wait till its the middle of winter during a snow storm, turn the thermostat down and watch it alone at night in a dark room with a comfy blanket and some hot cocoa.
I don't blame Thing, Earth fucking sucks.
Looks oddly sexual.
Only because E.T. came out like 2 weeks before and portrayed aliens as benevolent
borrowed my dads dvd and im gonna cook up a steak have a few beers and finally watch it tonight. hopefully this thread will be still alive later
One of the reasons The Thing is so scary is because it's very credible assuming that alien life is very advanced. It makes perfect sense that just one creature like this could wipe out all of human life if these few men do not stop it right here and now, what with the Thing's level of biological parasitic mastery.
Anyone play the game? It's honestly pretty good.
well yeah, but then i also get the chance to watch it for the first time, sometime in the future. Feels pretty good desu. I saw the Shining for the first time last year or something and it was kino
I'll watch it at home too user
What system?
There was no alien, it was all paranoia from weed and being cooped up for so long
>movie opens with what appears to be a spacecraft landing on earth
>the Thing's level of biological parasitic mastery
Definitely this. Its how we know Childs is a thing at the end. He simply could not not have been assimilated.
I played it on PC. Not sure what other ports there are. It's basically a survival horror with some action elements and squad commands, but for the time it came out, I think they did a good job.
PC PS2 for sure and maybe xBox.
He never got to play chess on the chesstron 3000
Definitely going to head down to the geek shop and see if I can get the ps2 version.
I played it and really wanted to like it. The story was changed way too much and it being a run of the mill shooter instead of a survival horror killed it for me. 5/10
wonder what was the thing's original form? does it have one, or is it more like a virus
He wants there to be interesting charachters but also wants everyone to act like perfectoy logical robots. Also some charachters do act sensibly, Blair for instance realized they were all fucked and made sure the thing couldn't leave. Also the drunk is the hero.
Reminder that the game depicted in the film is not internally consistent. Even 2001 and Blade Runner use internally consistent (real, historical) chess games in their narratives.
I've got the PS2 version in a box somewhere. It's not a very good game.
Do it. But don't expect it to be much like the movie. It picks up after 1982 and changes the story considerably.
I hate to admit it but if I had to choose between playing the game or watching the thing 2011 I would watch the movie instead. The game is just to far removed from the story. Fucking Carpenter approving of the game shows him as the sell out he became in his old age.
This is based and redpilled
Alright, evyrone calm down. Just show me your digits, nice and easy, if you get singles, you can be trusted.
I KNOW I'm human!
I'd love an adaptation of the thing from its perspective where its portrayed as an 80s action hero surviving on a strange planet
These guys look cool, I wish I had their job.
10/10 I kek'd hard.
Lets see my digits, shall we?
That's the thing man, I'm not the Thing, man.
Me neither.
Top kek
And Ghosts of Mars killed his career. What's your point?
didn't understand the film's star is paranoia and the way people act where they can't trust each other. the characters are there to facilitate this which is why we don't get a in depth characterization so there is mystery to all characters. "is he doing this because he's the thing or because he's scared" is the question who should be asking at almost every point. kind of hard to do if we understand why every character would or wouldn't do something.
apparently that chess game was known for cheating
Make time nigger.
Everything is cool here maccready, I’m just going to go back to my room for a bit
don't its fecking scary
flame on
no problem bro
This. Alien, The Thing, and The Fly are 2scary4me.
Soccer moms be like "don't worry he doesn't bite"
>life uh... finds a way
>Faceberg meme for illiterate teens
Kill yourself immediately
Ez Pz mac
you sound dumb as FUCK :)
Aaaaand saved.
Stupid factoid that I found interesting: This movie was one of the few low-budget films that had a chance to make re-shoots, which was a rarity for it's time. There was a break in production and John Carpenter was able to see a rough cut of the film. As a result, a sizeable chunk of the film was reworked when production resumed, resulting in the movie that you see today. A lot of stuff that was going to be included in the film was either axed or reduced, amongst these the "blackout" sequence along with the sequence of deaths at the outpost.
Hold it right there!
Only watch it by yourself, in the small hours of the morning in total darkness. Secluded with no one in the house.
No phone. No contact.
And watch it as soon as you meet that criteria.
It’s going to be one of your favourite movies of al time.
Please fucking untie me!
I watched it with my mom when I was 20
I remember she said it was fucking depressing lol
Who said you are in charge?
>"blackout" sequence
> the sequence of deaths at the outpost.
I don't understand ?
Looks like the enterprise
Stay back Gary!
Well I know that I'm not The Thing.
In the final movie, there is a moment when the power goes out, then comes back on again.
In the original script, the "blackout" sequence was going to be much longer and more involved. The implication of this scene is that "the Thing" invades more people & it's up to the survivors to figure out who's infected.
However, the sequence was filmed but it just didn't work as intended. Moviegoers often get confused with such scenes, thinking that the movie has malfunctioned with either extremely dark scenes or pitch black scenes. As a result, the sequence was dropped and the film re-worked.
Also, the sequence of deaths was reworked. Won't get into exact spoilers but two death scenes / sequences were altered to give the audience a better sense of what was occurring.
One death sequence was actually dropped towards the end because the special effects just weren't working right and so that death was merely alluded to (and to great effect).
if you're stationed in antarctica this is what they do on the first night
>pitch black screen
>stil sound
>main actor says electric shortage and everyone should stay where he is
Is it that hard?
This is true. It's a yearly tradition. Must be comfy.
This is pure nonsense!
>if it makes money that means it's REALLY good!
>Zelda from Pet Semetery
Thin Jew from the painting kinda is.
This movie is top comfy due to the snow
And a bomb-ass soundtrack.
I just read the book. The Thing is not talked about at all.
You can trust me. I am Ben Grimm the thing
Rolling like my fellow humans
Greeting fellow humans, nothing to be concerned about with me!
Don't check em
Childs TORCH IT!!
fuck kikes
page 10 save rave
well I just finished watching it
damn that was good, its been a while since I've enjoyed anything that much
Looks like we killed it off. Anyone wants his dick sucked?
Minnesota here, I've seen it in the theater on a fairly cool night, and I think I put it on around this past February when we had life-threatening cold in -30 territory. I don't plan screenings but I do get the itch when it gets bad around January or so and the snow has fallen.
Little things. The last time I watched, I appreciated a dumb detail which would be fairly obvious if one pays attention, but it just never fully registered with me. Right after they've killed the Norwegian and they're deciding what to do in the rec room, Bennings walks awkwardly over to the table, indicating that weather conditions aren't terrible and a trip would probably be okay. I'd watched this weird gait enough times to register it, but it took the last go-around to realize that it's obviously because he was just shot in the leg, duh. Since it was a grazing wound this may have been a bit of over-acting on the actor's part, but still that's obviously what it was about.
What are your initial impressions? This is fun.
Oh you. I'll take one
Good on you user for following through, glad we could keep the thread alive for you.
Based. Another conversion.
you are the thing
This is pure nonsense.
>tfw watching the Thing in the middle of winter and look out my window to see my neighbor's husky looking at me
Now if you don't mind, I'd like to not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING BOARD
it was great, i dont know if this is a strange opinion but i especially enjoyed the earlier scenes with the dog
What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO?!
You're fucked dude.
Why is Gary wearing what looks to be a navy officer’s khakis
Could Ben Grimm be assimilated? He's made of rocks not flesh
the fuck, I don't remember this scene at all
Guess it's time for a rewatch
It was common in earlier years for Antarctica expeditions to be joint civilian/military. Mac is clearly a military pilot (probably Vietnam) while most of the scientists are civilian. Gary is probably the ranking officer in charge.
All it had to do was not be autistic and sperg out when the real dogs started barking at it.
I remember when I downed my friends this movie they all laughed at the opening and thought it was going to be terrible. Luckily they came around by the end
His name is Jed. He has his own Wikipedia article, and also appeared in Jack London type stuff (same part of the world).
Carpenter was very impressed with the animal's acting ability, which he shares in a commentary track. In particular, Carpenter liked how Jed calmly walked down a corridor, pausing at spots, IGNORING THE CAMERA, before walking into a room with a curly-haired silhouette.
Untie me bro
for real though, the dog was so perfect its like the director told it what to do and it understood and executed the scenes perfectly. it definitely sells the idea that it has some sort of higher intelligence within it
Ebert is a hack
>In particular, Carpenter liked how Jed calmly walked down a corridor, pausing at spots, IGNORING THE CAMERA, before walking into a room with a curly-haired silhouette.
The dog handler actor described him as "spooky"
Based Jed
after watching it for the first time this seems pretty stupid
yea the characters dont go on long winded rants about their back stories or whatever but the way they act and the way they are presented is more than enough to establish what kind of person they all are, id say its a good thing that it was done the way its done because every moment of the movie is used wisely and there isnt any time wasted frivolously where mac talks about his family life or shit like that
I feel like who ever wrote simply didn't appreciate subtlety, and wanted everything spoon fed to them.
He was a fucking retard, a lot of good movies he seemed to just sleep through or something and then just shat out a "review" in 15 minutes.
How could there be a buddy system when by the time they learn of what is hunting them we already dont know who may be infected. Also for his comment on stereotypes, Kurts character fits all 3, a psycho drunk hero, so hes off bat wrong there, and he just started talking about the movie.
Also i noticed all the reviews form the time that called it shit say the same things.
They call it too violent, even if it wasnt even by the time it came out, call the original a much better movie and this one an inferior copy, even though they have very little in common other than being based on same book and the original being shit and finally those reviewers shit on the actors calling them wooden and non expressive, mostly since they were used to every movie being overacted to hell and back. One guy literally said its shit since there werent enough jokes.
Then again looking at politically driven reviews of today published critics sucked dick back then and suck now.
Got woken up from his nap
This is bullshit, Mac!
The alien is immunized against all dangers; one may shoot it with bullets, torch it with fire, or freeze it in the cold, it reconstitutes itself from all of it. But call it a "Thing" and you will be astonished at how it reacts, how angered it is, how it suddenly shrieks back: "I've been found out."
I worked in Antarctica for a few years. Every winter we watch The Thing and The Shining.
Up until the early 70s the USAP was a Navy run operation. Most of the people well into the 2000s were old timers who originally started with Operation Deep Freeze.
Why yes look at them
it's early on when they fly to the norwegian camp on their helicopter and see how they tried to stop the thing
Thingamajig just wants to fucking consoom, fuck off uniform.
You can go back anytime, Gen Z faggot
*flamethrower jams*
Watch the original The Thing From Another World first
I agree. The opening showing the thing land on earth is unnecessary.
No repeating numbers here
People just weren't ready for that kind of stuff, and Star Wars and E.T. made everyone think that aliens were mostly good guys
Canon fate of Mac and Childs is that Childs dies of hypothermia and Mac lives and escapes
>anything that happens outside of the movie
Just calm down MacReady
Go away reddit.
I wonder if The Thing was actually a biological weapon that got loose on the flying saucer
It's easily the best of the apocalypse trilogy because the setting makes it relatively timeless. I watched it again recently and it doesn't have the 80's cheesiness of Prince of Darkness or In the Mouth of Madness.
for the most part you can watch it and believe it's happening now.
I'm not one of those things I swear to god!
It was a sentient being
Not as dumb as you just proved yourself to be.
What they lack in intelligence, they make up for in SOUL.
that story isn't canon however the Thing is definitely sentient
There is a book, I forgot the name, but it covers The Thing from the thing's perspective.
Basically, it's a space traveler. And all life on it's home planet, and all life it has discovered in it's long travels, share a singular consciousness. Life just naturally comes together and works together, everywhere. Like a Banyan tree.
Then it gets to earth, and sees everything divided. Everything is alone. And out of compassion, it begins to assimilate life away from that loneliness.
try reading the thread shitlord
>breath meme
no you dumb fucking nigger, now stop repeating this red herring proven wrong bullshit
>reading a thread on Yea Forums
Good lord, no. I'm not that mentally ill.
I shall use this for later
One of my all time favorites.
>the thing-5.webm
Post everything you got.
You can trust me Mac.
I swear im me i cant be whatever this fucking thing is.
>the thing is a horror masterpiece
Thought l saw Blair. l went out after him... and got lost in the storm.
The shitty video game is not canon.
>Post everything you got.
No. Despite your trips. No.
ain't no thang
>not watching The Thing during a cold night while also slowly freezing your ass off
You stupid bitch. Go watch it already.
desu I'm a "thing" but until now it didn't occur to me to use my advanced intellect as an interstellar traveler to attempt to communicate with you. Hi, sorry about all the killings but I was quite sure you were going to definitely take me back to some lab to be studied and I really didn't even mean to land here in the first place so I'd rather be on my way if that's alright with all of you.
The nuThing could have been good, probably not great but still good
Childs is human confirmed.
It's too hot here to get into the mood my man
You'd be pissed off too if you woke up from being trapped in ice with a bunch of nords staring at you
Nah, carpenter confirmed you aren't supposed to know and there's no way to know, which is what makes the ending so good. I think thematically it would have been the best outcome if mcready was the thing and childs was human though, if only because the audience got coziest with macready
>it would have been the best outcome if mcready was the thing and childs was human though, if only because the audience got coziest with macready
We as the audience stayed with MacReady the whole time so how could he be the Thing?
I do wonder how the movie would have been if execs hadn't smeared CG over all the practical effects at the last minute, but the movie would still be a downgrade in just about every category.
Literally any single minute that macready isn't on screen. The same way the others were turned to the thing.
I have a question about the thing:
- Is there always one infected, one thing at all time or the thing infecte people and they are independant from the main being ?
the scene where the dog walks into a room with an unidentified person
>but how could X be infected if they weren't the one in the room
all it takes is for a single cell to get in their system
people have argued that when macready shares a bottle with someone he's doing it to infect them
each cell is a separate entity with a survival instinct
that's why the blood test works, the blood they try to burn preserves its own life, even though doing so ensures much more thing cells will die, and infecting more people with them will be more difficult
This is both asked and answered during the blood test scene.
So in theory it could and does take over multiple at a time if one infected person infect another the thing doesn't leave the host, it spreads, but I think for the sake of the movie and being able to personify The Thing they keep it to one at a time.
There was an entire 45 minute(in movie) period we didn't see him.
they don't though
multiple people could and probably are infected over the course of the movie
you don't even know for sure that someone's uninfected just because they killed another Thing, because as we already established they will prioritize their own individual survival over the survival of others
>all it takes is for a single cell to get in their system
This is not canon and is complete fanfic garbage. If that were true, the dog thing could have simply waited for each of them to pet it and completed its takeover. Rather, we only see violent assimilation in the movie.
One thing that's always bothered me, and I never see it brought up, during the blood test, they show Palmer's blood slinking off, and it's never brought up. The implications are huge, that one little bit of cells could infect anyone.
I meant assimilate not infect.
This is true and I agree. I'm simply stating that when The Thing makes an appearance it's only as one thing at a time because it better characterizes the thing as a monster movie instead of turning it into a zombie/infection story
>Be a Thing
>Exhale once
>Everyone else in the room is now a Thing
It evidently doesn't work that way.
I know those digits I got were pretty suspicious, but guys I'm feeling a lot better, I'd like to come back to the thread now.
I wanna work there.
>Be a dog-Thing
Like I said, I meant assimilate, but it could wait and hitch a ride on the rescue crew, then start assimilating small animals and work its way up.
I mean, as has been established, each of its cells are independent, and fully capable of functioning on there own.
There's no reason it couldn't assimilate others with any small amount of cells, given enough time, unless there's something that's been left unexplained.
*schlopping intensifies*
>unless there's something that's been left unexplained
Which is the entire point. If it were that easy, there would be no movie. While the information the movie gives indicates that that's how it operates, that clearly isn't how it operates.
Or maybe it's just more difficult than a simple breath, or requires more lengthy contact/higher concentration of cells than a pat on the head would provide
>omg doggo, dont hurt the doggo, the doggo better not die, i watch babies die but don't hurt a doogo durr durr
i like dogs but i would kill one just to spite people like you. you make me sick. i hope you get mauled by a pit bull
all clean
go back
Great story but non-cannon. It's just fan fic from some marine biologist.
They say single cell but I headcannoned it to mean blood on blood or fluid on fluid which seems to work so you can't faggot an answer like LOL JUST PET THE DOGGO. I also headcannoned that there's a certain arbitrary amount of time that passes that the thing can stay normal looking before the genetic makeup of the being it's in gets like worn down and he has to Thing out, hence why The thing isn't ever normal and human looking when it gets violent
>That's gay and you're retarded
Thanks I know
It's okay user, I'm also gay and retarded.
That's nice user, you got a link to your fan fic blog?
>>That's gay and you're retarded
>Thanks I know
Thanks for saving us the time
>hence why The thing isn't ever normal and human looking when it gets violent
i always just thought that it's most powerful move is it's ability to lash out and take things over, so there would not be a point to just stay in like the form of a man and punch a guy.
i'm cool, you can trust me
I imagine white blood cells could probably handle a few invading Thing cells. They wouldn't be able to perfectly mimic the invaded body's cells fast enough to avoid getting attacked and destroyed by antibodies. That's why the Thing seemed intent on ripping its victims open and maximizing fluid contact.
>the scene where the dog walks into a room with an unidentified person
That was clearly either Norris or Palmer, the hair is closest to them. I will also note that that the silhouette was played by a cast member, not either one's actor.
I always thought it was Clark, but then he came up clean during the test.
It was clearly meant to be Palmer but the director intentionally used a crew member who did not resemble any of the actors
The thing was clever enough to figure that Clark was the most likely to be suspected after it was exposed given his role of dog handler.
>The thing was clever enough to figure that Clark was the most likely to be suspected after it was exposed given his role of dog handler.
Or it had no higher thought and did not have a chance to infect Clark. We don't know based on the movie, so stop putting your dumpass headcanon into it
*punching noises*
desu carpenter could be great(er) but it seems like the thing only stands out because he was forced to work on it excessively and he just didn't put that much effort into his other films.
Shut up retard.
This sounds fucking based. Ive never seen it but Im gonna wait till winter to watch it now. Hopefully my gf hasn't seen it so we can cuddle too. And I know she won't ruin it because she actually manages to pay attention.
Why didn't it shoot noodles at them like when it was in the middle of the dogs?
This is the shitty type of feedback you get from people who try to critique movies. They all think you should basically have an outline of everything that will happen in the movie be summarized by a character in the first three minutes of the movie.
And don’t get me started about how they cream themselves over ever foreign film shot in black and white
Too freezing outside and probably exhausted from having just absorbed a guy.
We're all human here.
det er ikke en hund, det er en ting!
Just watched 'The Thing' for the first time because of this thread
the simple answer is no one thought about biology that deeply when writing it. you can however presume there is a minimal infection threshold (as in a number of cells) as with any invasive organism, that beneath which white blood cells would be able to prevent infection
I am dubs, you can trust me
Stupid dummy the Flood has already consumed this world
Like many others I'm confused by the lack of consistency in the story. The infection rate is displayed as being extremely fast if it reached human civilization, yet it is contained in a single being at all times?
What if they disagree with each other?
That's the point. No one knows shit and it adds to the paranoia.
We know. What's your fucking point?
What do you mean by "contained in a single being"?
Trips of Doom noticed, also the prequel could have had effects on par with the original if it wasn't for the idiots in charge that literally looked at an explicitly unfinished cut of the movie and ordered everything to be redone in CG..
please Mr Plissken its getting cold
t. clark
Nice 007 digits.
I hope you enjoyed it, user
I think we got all the things, guys! Nice job!
Fire up those molotovs, lads. The post below this one is a dirty fucking thing.
Share your thoughts
Fire doesn't hurt us
Video game canon is that Childs froze to death and MacReady wasn't assimilated, getting away from the military after helping destroy the alien.
Comic book canon is that they both managed to escape the antarctic, but Childs became assimilated while blowing up a submarine with the Thing on it. MacReady survived and went to hunt all its remnants down. Bonus is that it also addresses that Nauls wasn't assimilated when the ship was blown up.
Canceled Sci-Fi Channel show canon is that they both froze to death in the Antarctic as humans.
>Canceled Sci-Fi Channel show canon
>Video game canon
Sorry, the canceled Sci-Fi show and the showrunner's suggested premise for the continuity.
It does actually. At first glance it looks like something Dean Corll would have owned.
They all just had to eat their goddamn Quaker Oats.
>Why is this movie being shilled everywhere these days
Well user, suggest us your collection of “good” horror movies that you consider masterpieces.
Pretty cool but way too hard
They were going to have IT turn into Freddy Krueger in the first movie, but thought it'd overshadow/distract.
It doesn't really make sense why they'd scrap it, though. It'd be a good modernization of The Crawling Eye's use.
This is why I come to this board
There should be more commentaries like the thing has, with main character and director talking about what's going on in the moment and how they made the movie and shit.
underrated comment
best movie ever made
Don't worry
Clark was proven not to be a thing, dog guy best guy.
It was definitely intelligent, it destroyed the blood bags so it couldn't be tested, the thing was smart.
Very comfy.
I get really really sad when I remember that poor pupper who got sprayed with acid and melted alive during that scene.