The ending sucks
The ending sucks
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so does your mom
I quite enjoyed it, desu.
sounds like a stephen king script
You're not wrong.
So that comedian guy was a pole smoker?
ending was a bit lame and spider penny wise wasnt as scary as original spider.
>all the fat shaming in this movie
IM SHOCKED SJWs haven't come after this fil,but they are super obsessed with trying to shame joker.
good sequel though not quite as creepy as the first one
>tfw youll never drive around with you old zombie buddy in an 80s Pontiac.
Richie is implicitly bi in the novel (he had a long time girlfriend, but it crashed and burned). It's never confirmed, though. The novel has a lot of moments where you might question if one or two of the guys swings both ways, or is at least Billsexual, but it's a very downplayed thing.
>i know your secret your dirty little secret
Kino song desu
The Deadlights moment with Richie was fucking great.
and fucks
>"the libs should be complaining about this"
That's like saying right-wingers will complain about a character not being whi-
oh wait never mind lol.
Movie was harsh towards faggots
>implicitly bi in the novel
Whatever made you think that?
describe it
The ending is based and is making Resetera REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over it.
Been a while, I'd have to dig out my copy. Mostly the way he reacts to a specific incident near the end of the book and his particularly close fixation on that character throughout (trying to avoid spoilers here, but I'm sure you know who I mean).
Then again it could just as easily be argued that "no, there's nothing romantic there, they just love each other like friends." And we only ever know Richie to be with a woman in the novels, so there's that too.
What happened to do that?
>trying to avoid spoilers here
don't, they clicked a fucking ending thread
What in god's name could people possibly find politically offensive about the ending?
Glorifies suicide by making it seem like the key to victory
Where can I buy a beaver hat?
They made is clear that unity was the key. That's why he did what he did, because he knew he wouldn't be brave enough to do what had to be done, thus breaking their unity.
lol thats what i said above.
Im a faggot myself, but i dont care for being offended at every little thing in a film or work of fiction like those annoying ass Antifa fucks are.
You figure theyd be after It instead of bullshiting about "Joker".
Joker is looking like it might be KINO
How can they honestly fuck something up that bad. In the book they begin to doubt their abilities becasue one member is dead and Pennywise even taunts them about it. Stan kills himself not for some profound reason not to let them down, but because of his inability to cope with the reality and what he experienced as a kid.
this movie was watered down by the studio and made to appeal to normies because they think we're fucking idiots and only care about spooky jumpscares and clowns instead of any mature thematic elements
>they think we're fucking idiots
no evidence to the contrary
shit was mad funny
He was talking all that shit and his body went limp instantly.
>he forgot to say 3
Shit was the creepiest moment in this film for me.
In the first film creepiest moment was when peenywise crawled out of the fridge.
Hate that they tries to reuse it and failed hard.
yea most people love it so i guess it worked
Basically they bully Pennywise to death. They say we have to make him small, and they do it by just calling him a stupid clown, impostor, old, etc. and he just shrivels up to a baby's size. Then they RIP out his heart and crush it.
Yeah, that sounds pretty fucking dumb.
Thought the movie as a whole sucked. Like the first one, it did the emotional subplots well but every time they had the chance to make horror kino, the scene was just goofy looking CGI monsters. Really disappointed.
>We need to give a token in order for the ritual to work
>What a coincidence! The killer clown actually gave me mine!.. What bike? We only spent like 20 minutes on it! No, clearly the boat that the CLOWN GAVE ME is what will lead to his demise
That's the problem with Fear Demons, man. Always got to be resolved by some weird bullshit. Look at Freddy:
>Part 1
Lol just going to look away from you
>Part 2
I REALLY want to bone this fugly chick
>Part 3
Splashing holy water onto his remains
>Part 4
Making him look at himself in the mirror
>Part 5
Getting a literal fetus to body him
>Part 6
Bring him into the real world and stick some dynamite in his mouth
>New Nightmare
They Hansel & Gretel'd his ass
Who actually gives a shit how that ended?
does it actually turn into a spider
Not really, it's just the clown form with multiple legs, and the hands are the praying mantis claws he had in the end of the first movie,
Pennywise-spider, yes.
I just saw IT and i thought it had entertainment factor, but stop there, Tim's Pennywise is still best.
Clown torso with mantis arms on a giant spider body.
that sounds cringe and lazy
I really hope this is the last piece of 80's noir I have to sit through. Its not bad but I think we need a new direction
>TFW Yea Forums could literally bully him to death
All I could think about was someone holding up a tablet and fucking ending this cosmic horror
They're spider legs.
we could sneedpost him to death
>Not really, it's just the clown form with multiple legs
Aye, alien fucking spider's legs, you daft cunt.
Yeah, but it doesn't turn into an actual giant spider or anything cool, it's just the legs you see glimpses of in the fight at the end of the first movie.
t. brainlet
The ritual is a trap, as demonstrated by Pennywise giving minimal resistance to them entering his base.
Besides King's cameo and all the jokes of his shit endings in books, what other references to his movies/books were there?
Turtle model on the desk during Fatty's flashback.
>no turtle
scene where he eats the gay guys heart was crazy
The entire movie was kinda shitty am I the only one?
technically it didn't work in part 1 until they brought the girl back in part 3
Ah you stupid bitch. We complain about characters not being white as it affects the enjoyment of what we pay for. I don't complain about nigs and fags being in shows made explicitly for nigs and fags compared to them who believe that they are entitled to be put in everything whether or not they pay for it.
I was immediately reminded of the end of NOES too. Then they outright reference it by having Part V playing at the theatre in one of the last flashbacks.
>you have
>no upload of it yet
Well the entire movie comes to a grinding halt so that each character can have their own 15 minute fetch quest vignette with ridiculous looking cgi monsters, the entire native ritual was unnecessary garbage and the source material was stretched thin as fuck, so no I'm definitely with you.
Leftist propaganda to further spin the supposed impacts of online bullying, which will in turn be used to curtail speech online in the coming years. Look for many more "bully him to death" endings in the films to come.
Be quiet.
there's a cam rip of it up on DN
>grinding halt
How fucking fast do you need the pace to be?
yep, he essentially a lovecraftian creature. people either go mad or kill themselves. They arent meant to kill it
They were too on the nose about Richie. Ending scene with him carving the wood again was completely unnecessary.
Just everyone going to Derry and killing it in 5 mins.
It began with Kelly Marie Trans. "Toxic fandom" will be treated as a major issue, solvable only with new laws.
You basically summarized what I feel.
The CGI was so blatant and shitty and they kept showing so much of it, wasn't even a horror movie in my opinion, much more of a adventure movie about the power of friendship and shit.
The ritual was dumb, the whole "fuck this I'm outta here man" that they stretched for waaay too long was obviously fabricated conflict to fetch that runtime
Shitty, painfully average movie.
I'd give it a 4.5/10.
>Half of the movie they literally spend remembering the events of the first movie
DEEZ NUTS nigga goteem
What my fellow Yea Forumsincels think about the blackpill they showed about women not caring about personality? Beverly projected the personality of Ben into Billy until he became a Chad.
very cool
i kinda thought the same
Yeah, that's how the book went too.
And the worse was that the teens watching the movie in my session were all like "HOLY SHIT RICHIE LOVES HIM E IS FOR EDDIE DAAAAMN MAN"
I didn't like they explained the clown origins as some alien from outer space, it kinda defeated the purpose
Beverly fucking sucked so hard and Ben is a beta cuck
Fucking hell, man
Does the complete absence of hype for this movie proves that Yea Forums is a cunny board? Knowing that Yea Forums was FULL of threads for the first one?
It's a shame these movies turned out shitty because I think Skarsgard clown was at least slightly more interesting than Tim Curry's straight-up chucklehuck clown
But everything that could be scary was severely toned down or made into very obvious CGI.
What the fuck is wrong with movie directors that think people wanna watch some old cgi hag running around
>Reference The Thing
>Use CGI
How do they defeat the Minions?
Everyone who's familiar with IT knows that the stuff with the adults is much worse than the stuff with the kids.
Also the first movie is 2 years old - the hype is quite frankly gone by this point.
>has opinion
>posts a frog
they return them to Gru
Is that ITs real name? Do they find out why some kids are not scared of him?
I miss some of the more "surreal" and creative horror from the first one. Like the book scene with Bill, or the Projector scene.
It really was just monster after monster tailor made for every character.
No, Gru is a separate character. Kids generally aren't scared of him; in fact he adopted three.
The ending, the middle, the 3 hour runtime, the entire movie sucks
>we can't do it without all of us!
>but one of us is already dead
>yeah fuck that lmao
>I'm a spooky clown!
>gonna chase these dudes but don't kill them at all!
>gotta get those tokens to kill the clown!
>sup man here that boat that made your brother die no worries man just take it lmao
>b-but the it's still alive so.......
what was the purpose
But Richie actually loves Eddie, I’m not even gay but I suspected something was going on between them even since the first movie.
So no jump scares?
My point is that they made it way too blatant to get these sweet sweet sjw dollars which have an IQ of 2 digits
This movie started going downhill into the shitter after the "each character goes on a quest and gets a scare!" I can't BELIEVE they actually got that formulaic and predictable. After that I checked out. At least the characters were interesting and well acted. Thats the only reason I give it a 6/10 over 4/10
Is this from the tie-in novel? Is Gru the new IT Minion?
we didn't read the same pos novel
or you project your inherent lesbianism into literary characters
regardless, adopt a trip so I can filter you sweatie
>>b-but the it's still alive so.......
This so much.
So much fabricated conflict.
Holy shit Pennywise fucked kids up in this movie. I actually thought Bill would save that kid in the hall of mirrors
Surprised to see how fucking fitting the actors for Richie and Eddie were. Not only were their faces spot on, but they acted their characters too. Everyone else was just there.
Pennywise is cool af
just wish he'd won and killed them all lmao
It was ok, it could've been way worse, didn't feel like almost 3 hours to me and it had some really fucking weird parts that atleast give something extra to talk about compared to the other horror movies that Hollywood shits every year.
>each character goes on a quest and gets a scare!" I can't BELIEVE they actually got that formulaic and predictable
Didn't part 1 do essentially the same thing?
The humor was a redeeming quality t b quite honestíssimo
Chapter One > TV series >>> Chapter Two
I don't even know how they did that, I was really expecting the second part to be up to the same standards as part one.
Yes, the Despicable Me movies are set in the same universe as IT. The story continues in the Minions movie coming out next year.
I dont remember but if so then thats even worse because they are just repeating the first movie over again
Pennywise must've been desperate as fuck.
Wakes up from his 27yo slumber and goes for the closest adult gay man to feast on.
Must've needed the energy before he went to become a predator to little children.
What does this say about Pennywise the Dancing Clown?
>the lumberjack cgi
>the old hag cgi
>the burning hair cgi
>the head-spider cgi
It was so overdone I couldn't enjoy it. You got scared or something?
My guess is that this movie will be forgotten in 3 hours
I liked some of the monster designs but the CGI was so godawful I couldn't enjoy it
>that baby fly
people in my theatre gasped and I loved it.
No, it wasn't scary, I actually laughed quite a bit in those scenes, felt more like a black comedy than a horror film, but otherwise I enjoyed it for what it was.
the baby fly was kinda cool, and the joke of they destroying the restaurant room when the waitress come in was funny as well.
Skarsgård did a good job hamming it up as Pennywise.
Didn’t watch it yet, did Bev end up with Ben?
Of course, he grows up to be hot, kek
No she ends up with Mike and gets BLACKED
Can't believe Pennywise died of AIDS 5 minutes into the movie...
Sophia Lillis looks nothing like Jessica Chastain and Chastain looked 50 years old in the movie. Amy Adams was a much better older Sophia, just watch Sharp Objects to see what I mean
When they all show up in Derry again and start remembering is where all of the monsters (DUDE CGI LMAO) show up and the "whoops, can't show that in a Christian manga" really kicks in; it was never going to be good, let alone as good.
then why did she kiss with bill?
She remembered their kiss they had at the end of summer in 1989.
he's also kinda hot but not AS hot
Richie is based
Don't forget the best part
>Holy shit, Pennywise made us completely forget about him! We don't remember ANYTHING about that, not even the killer clown! He must be trying to prevent us from coming back-
>Oh wait no, he wants us to come back, and even wrote "Come home" on the side of a bridge.
>Didn't even attack us when we didn't remember.
>I guess he made us forget to pad out the runtime?
If the whole movie was on par with how jarring that scene was, it would've been amazing.
yeah but thats because the book went back and forth with present and past event. the first movie only focused on their childhood so that logically the second movie should focus on their adulthood and only that
>Pennywise must've been desperate as fuck.
Pennywise feeds on fear, the more afraid you are the tastier you are to it. He normally goes for kids because they're so easy to make really afraid and as a result are rich in flavor. The gay dude had just been brutalized, was afraid of those guys beating him, then was afraid of drowning and dying, he'd be as rich in fear as any kid would be. Just like an addict to need a quick fag before he got to work.
there's a part where they all split up that is entirely jump scares
Fans and Andy wanted the original cast to appear in the sequel
Andy only had a few flashback scenes planned but due to fan demand he filmed even more flashback scenes.
But none of the kids were really afraid of him. Only the one in the hall of mirrors.
That was probably the biggest laugh of the movie
Hey faggot i want to fuck you in the ass
>But none of the kids were really afraid of him.
Of course they are, once he has them. Don't you remember movie 1 when he bit Stanley, or when he got Georgie? He doesn't insta-kill with the bites even if it looks like that. That little girl suffered before she died.
Hall of mirrors kid probably was pretty well seasoned though.
No,not into men.
Only trans women and femboys get my ass or dick
? She literally fucked ALL of them in the book
I wish she would fuck me lmao
>95% scenes where you were supposed to be scared were all about being loud as fuck
>It feeds on fear
No, you idiot.
Why does stephen put children having sex without context in his book
>they also make fun of me because of my face
>oh dear that's why women have no inherent value apart from their looks as they haven't been selected by nature to be anything other than a test set for nature while man face hardships
I wish we could have seen more of insane Bowers and Zombie Hockstetter team ups to try kill everyone, or at least more shots of them just driving around having a rollicking good time.
Yes, you moron, regardless if you mean the Book, the Series, or the two movies, ALL THREE have Pennywise states he uses fear to make humans taste better.
Give me the entire cliff notes version of this movie
Anyone else wish they had kept the Bill's wife and Bev's husband subplots in?
I always felt it really tied up the ending together well since he LOVES his wife and therefore doesn't feel bad about losing Beverly to Ben.
They kill the clown.
What about all the stupid stuff before killing the clown?
That ending seeds
It spooks them a lot
I was really hoping they'd have the Losers completely forget their memories of Derry and Pennywise like in the book. That was a kino ending.
I loved you guys so much.
But does it feed?
Pennywise eats gay guy
"I'm in a horse" black man calls every body to get their asses back
Fly-Baby in chinese restaurant
Jew kills himself
"Let's split up and find random shit from our childhood, lol"
Henry escaped nuthouse and become mostly inconsequential to the plot
Blahblahblah Sewer, blahblahblah ritual, Richie dies. Bully Pennywise to death
I enjoyed it for the most part. It wasn't scary but horror doesn't really effect me. My biggest issue by far is that it was 3hrs and somehow they only spent 10mins together actually being friends before the bullshit starts.
Also having watched the first one right before it caused me to tear up when Richie has his breakdown in the lake and they all come and hold him
Modern teenage girls are a special kind of brain dead so I'm not surprised
>"Let's split up and find random shit from our childhood, lol"
Literally the worst part of the movie but it was such a large part of the book they really had no choice. At least it gave us the nice Clubhouse scene
Eddie rather
It feeds on negative emotion, not fear. Bloodlust, hate, fear, pain, whatever.
Was it supposed to be a comedy? People couldn't stop laughing at my showing
The internet
no the jokes were an ironic statement you didn't get
They wanted to show that suicide isn't done out of cowardice I suppose
Absolutely based
But the jokes weren't funny. The big flapping tit monster got the most laughs
I cracked up at the entire leper scene
Ive seen it twice (Once normally and once in 4DX) and the crowds ate it up both times
Sorry you hate fun
Did you laugh at the first scene BE HONEST
What does Henry even do?
>the fujoshis in these IT threads desperately trying to shill their favourite fags as the highlight of the movie
You dishonest shits aren't fooling anyone.
Richie and Eddie were okay but they were nothing special, like at all.
Yes, to make them taste better. It's described as salting the meat. It doesn't need to *eat* fear, it just likes things that are afraid because they're tastier.
Stabs Eddie's cheek, cuts Mike's arm, gets axed in the head
It was cool to see his zombie friend driving the car around
I did laugh though. I'm just not sure I was laughing at the parts they wanted me to
>gets axed in the head
Eddie doesn't kill him with a perrier bottle?
I mean, thats less Henry and more Pennywise
Nup, hatchet from the library
Nothing of note. He should have been removed because he doesn't actually take any of the losers off the board
does he at least turn into a giant dryder
Yes. Half clown half spider
Yes for the last 20 minutes or so. He chases them around the area and still manages to fuck with them.
Here's how it should have ended
Bob Grey
Yep the ending really sucked especially with the Jew suicide latter and believe in yourself, be yourself motivation bullshit. I was like really wtf???
It doesn't help either that they go in them in order back to back so it's beyond predictable and any and all tension is totally sapped away by the second vignette. Also doesn't help that the first one we start with is Bev's which was already spoiled to hell and back in every single trailer so lacked any tension or suspense, and the last one was Eddie's which was probably the best one until it was ruined entirely with a stupid comedic song thrown over it. This movie's tone is a disaster, the opening attack on the couple really made me think this movie would go crazy with it's cruelty and darkness to reflect the darkness of being an adult compared to their child selves and would hold back a bit on the comedy at least a little bit but I think it was handled even worse than the first film when it came to that balance.
The problem is the book is the same way. Whenever someone references a scary part in the book its a kids section, or its the hate crime
I like the ending where Bill restores his wifes mind with his last bit of childish faith he has in his bike.
It's one of the only Stephen King endings I actually like
I didn’t like how much they glossed over Eddie’s death; I wish they had actually been around for the moment instead of leaving and coming back to him afterwards
It's actually sad and surprising how little use they had in the movie, it felt like they felt they had to just because they were in the book but it amounted to absolutely nothing. They didn't even do a good job explaining why IT took control of Bowers to try to take out the Losers because it knows they're a legitimate threat to it, even the tv miniseries handled adult Bowers better somehow. He could have every scene of his cut out of this movie and it wouldn't change a thing, it's a shame too because the scene of him escaping after stabbing Eddie was one of the scariest in the movie to me, I thought he could be an ever-present threat stalking them throughout the town but no they just kill him about five minutes later in the library. A total waste.
>even the tv miniseries handled adult Bowers better somehow.
Because in the book and the mini series he actually takes Mike out. I guess they thought not having the black dude in the final confrontation would be "problematic" or something
I really hate that they treated faithfulness as an excuse for poor screenwriting, there is a way to change the story to make it satisfying while still follow similar beats. Instead we get a relatively faithful adaptation that still has all the inherent problems of the source material and what makes it worse to me is they were aware of that fact considering the running gag throughout of 'oh yeah your book's are great but the endings always suck' I have never seen a movie just give up off the get-go and tell you they aren't going to try their best because MUH BOOK so hard. And I love the book but god damn there are a lot of ways they could have fixed this movie easily, it's way too many ideas with almost no payoff, somehow even at 3 hours long it feels rushed as hell. I almost wish they made three chapters.
This is why I’m cautious about Doctor Sleep.
The Shining works because based Kubrick knew how shit the book became as it went on.
But now poor Mike Flannigan is apparently trying to appease both King and the movie fans, so it’s just gonna be a mess
I thought Beverly's scene with her husband was ridiculous.
it was better made in the 90's movie t b honest
>no tarankino scene with the two driving up to the main characters' place with comfy music in the background
i want my £5 back
also the whole film is somehow more entertaining when you pretend it was never based on a steohen king book but rather a simon pegg parody flick that somehow managed to get enough production value to tie in with the first part. unironically closer to comedy/adventure than horror desufam
That scene with Bev walking in the rain with her wet boobs bouncing though.
Damn I did not notice that, I was busy thinking that the taxist should run her over for staying in the middle of the road kek
Damn I thought you meant young Bev for a moment and then I was let down by who you meant.
Thankfully the CGI for the head part was the only thing in the movie that looked decent
Haven't seen any of the remakes. Is Tim Curry still the superior clown?
no, he plays it too comedic. he is the only decent thing about the tv movie, but he plays pennywise as a clown, not a being of the macroverse here to feast on fear
*bullies you to death*
>wasn't even a horror movie in my opinion, much more of a adventure movie about the power of friendship and shit.
So, like the first one?
>*cancel you to death*
Yeah that sounds like a recipe for disaster, do we know at all if King had a say in the production of that or IT Chapter 2? These things always turn out the best when he's hands off, he's probably the best example of a writer who has no idea how to adapt his works to film or how transformative the process should be to get classics like Kubrick's Shining and not his made for tv one
80s shit is the only good horro shit.
All millennial created was jump scare shit liek Annabelle.
These new horror movies have no substance or suspense.
>didn't take the opportunity to call him a loser
missed one, tbqh
Why would them call him a loser when they pride themselves on being Losers themselves?
no surprises there, Stephen Kings endings always suck
That and the gay bashing were both incredibly forced and awkward.
The scene in the bleachers was tense, I didn't think they'd actually show Pennywise biting her face off like an dog with rabies
They showed us a glimpse of where pennywise human body comes from and they dont delve further into the old ladies dad who joined the circus.
One of the best moments of the film is the guy painting his face white, then clawing with is nails penywise eye markings and fucking up his eye in the process which is why hes cross eyed.
Shit was intense and creepy
His eyes went all red and shit
How do you define "natural" gaybashing?
Wasn't all of that just pennywise fucking with her?
Riami style of a scene filming a real gay man being beaten to death and caught on camera.
Not making it so over the top and cliché that it comes off as comedic more than anything. Unless they made it forced and over the top on purpose.
So the clown represents China - feeds on animals with fear (kids/doggos). The ending is then a homage to the insta-classic Pitt vs Bruce Lee. Kino
Doctor Sleep was so bad I don’t know how the movie can be good
I definitely had a hard time being able to tell if the intro and bev's husband scenes were comedic. They were pretty fucking campy
They didn't actually show gore though. It cut off as his jaw locked onto her face.
I thought it was pretty ballsy. The losers holding Penny Wise down and sexually dominating him over and over was a great homage to the gangbang scene from the book.
I was surprised they cut Bill's wife when he gets the bike back and the town's layout is set up for Bill Denbrough Beats the Devil.
That imagery was enough, they didn't need extensive gore but it would've been nice.
It is, the lady says the same shit in the book and it just turns out to be Pennywise fucking with her and making Bev drink shit.
Was it implied at the end during the credits or after that Pennywise survived?
I had to piss so bad about an hour into the movie that I bolted for the exit as soon as Mike was doing his gay narration about being losers for life or whatever as he leaves Derry for good
I like when fucking falcon punched her ass, I was the only person in the theater laughing
My favorite scene was every scene with Sophia as young Bev.
That was such a tonal shift but I loved it
Just came back from the movie, it was an awful slog, the middle part when everyone is looking for their personal items is the worst, with constant super predictable jumpscares and fake-outs. Honestly made me want to leave.
it think it was enjoyable, but I was hoping to be more spooked. I'm a pussy with spook movies, but this was not spooky in the slightest. Richie was funny as shit, and the deadlight stare thing that shut him up was the best part of the movie. too much cgi
it chucks
I do agree on this. More do my issue was the poor CGI on the creatures.
Guess King never got off his cocaine high
>first part was better
>second part wasn't as good
>the exact same shit was said about the made for TV movie
It's like fuckin' poetry
It reminded me of the Google Glass commercial. Also I loved wen Bev ran down the stairs we see this giant portrait of the husband standing over her with his hands grabbing her shoulders, with him drawn in extra thick black lines.
1. the first part of the movie is actually a decent R rated coming of age story.
2. The 2nd part of the movie tells a decent tale and actually concludes it taking a fair bit of the novel.
the Miniseries
1. The first part was watchable, in the sense of it being a somewhat souless telling of the kids story that played safe.
2. the 2nd part of the TV movie is a complete mess that is near unwatchable.
Why's he posing like this?
He's hunching over underneath bleachers to talk to a little girl.
There’s a “Here’s Johnny!” at one point
What was the deal with the Robert Grey thing in the books again?
Here Johnny
There is a cameo by the actor who played young ben with the modern ben.
Bill is writing "it" at the ending, in the office that looks a lot like the "stand by me" office.
- Bev bathroom scene references the shining
- when she excapes it clearly a reference to Carrie (1976)
The Thing reference with Stan's head.
Yeah, but the thing isn't a king reference.
The shop also had a rose in the design of the gunslinger.
This movie is great fun. Sure, it's rushed and had to squeeze things in without elaborating enough. The editing was a bit of a nightmare sometimes but overall it was a great piece of entertainment. People are taking this shit way too seriously for some reason.
Also pretty sure I saw a painting of the Bradley gang shootout very briefly
The bradley shootout mural is shown twice.
once without pennywise, and one with him in it.
Yeah that's one thing I thought was weird
The bullies say faggot in the first movie as well as this one, and there's pretty explicit violence against fags in the movie
I'm all for it, it makes sense for a kid in the 80s and some hick in a small town to act like that, and it was there in the book
But it's weird how in the first movie a gang of white kids beat up a black kid, tell him to get the fuck out of their town and dehumanize him by forcing him to eat raw meat, and they never call him a nigger
That's the first word those characters would use, it's weird that THIS is where they draw the line
It's ok to use the word faggot and beat up gays for shock value, but showing a racist saying nigger is too far?
It's a weird double standard and I don't know how to feel about it
He is an alien from outer space.
They didn't really know how to handle the stuff with Mike; in the book it's the 50s so of course the bullies are gonna go after him for his race. But in between the 80s setting and today's climate they make it so they go after him for being an "outsider" without ever mentioning race once, and it becomes this elephant in the room.
>I REALLY want to bone this fugly chick
Explain this one
Henry in the library tries to compare Mike's dead parents' burned bodies to "fried ch-" before getting brained by a hatchet. So they at least teased some racial stereotyping.
But yeah, pretty funny that Chapter One had Mike being bullied for being home-schooled
You give the recent one too much credit - its dogshit that feels longer than it runs
I was hoping they would have opted for the N-bomb so we would have the twofer with that and the gays getting the shit kicked out of them in the beginning.
Felt like they didn't even try with the CG and the monster design. Also this Pennywise is shit.
The scene of Mike screaming "Nigger" at him was kind of weird though. I get that it was meant to be him kind of venting and giving Pennywise a taste of the racism he had dealt with in the town because of his influence, but it got uncomfortable around the three minute mark.
The fortune cookie scene was unironically freakier in the miniseries
Curry brought charisma to the role.
new guys is going more for the creepy vibe but he comes off as trying too hard. it really took me out of the movie every time he was on screen (at least for the first one, didnt see the second)
>people saying it's bad because they weren't scared
I thought the first one already told us that IT wasn't about terror
I loved this and the first one because of the jokes/cast and the suspense
Eddie was the best character, his scenes felt the most Raimi-esque and were hilarious.
Was Pennywise really that bad in comparison with the part 1 one?
Are actual horror fans ever actually scared by a movie?
Funniest moment in the movie was the way he randomly screams when he bumps into the crates on his way into the pharmacy basement. Also felt really bad for him when he asks Bill not to be mad at him because he was scared.
>Funniest moment in the movie was the way he randomly screams when he bumps into the crates on his way into the pharmacy basement
Why was that scene so fucking funny? I couldn't stop laughing and neither could my theater.
I'm so confused by all the reviews from critics/social media
So far what I get is it's a good movie but a bad terror movie. I am right?
Pretty much. It's entertaining and I liked the characters, but it's not scary at all.
It's mediocre in all aspects
I thought he was fine. I think a lot of his scenes in the first one were just cooler looking, like when he first appears to Mike, but I thought he was still good as a character, especially his bantz. Biggest issue was the writing surrounding how he was beaten.
The only part with Pennywise actually being scary and intimidating was the scene with him putting on the makeup and that was only 30 seconds long or so, basically just trailer fodder.
>you look like a fucking retarded frazier crane
>your illusions look like garbage cgi
>your accent is fucking weird, why do you talk like a retarded bong trying to sound like a retarded american?
>if you eat a boy whole, that means his dick passed through your maw. that makes you fucking gay pennywise.
>do they call you pennywise because your anus is pennyshaped from all the dicking it takes?
Yeah, I think we'd have this one wrapped up pretty quickly, boys.
How many people would encourage him just for the lulz?
what happened with the little kind in the mirror house from the trailer?
died there
>Clown world
>Have sex
>The clown can't meme
that crunch when penny bites down on him and that huge spray of blood on the mirror was kino. I just wish the deaths were even more gruesome.
you mean hype up his ego and give him massive amounts of power just to see him go ape shit? yeah I could see channers doing that too.
Not that user, but get a life
>your accent is fucking weird, why do you talk like a retarded bong trying to sound like a retarded american?
Seriously, is he supposed to sound foreign or what? Is that why they got a Swedish guy to play him?
honestly, as a faggot, the whole thing with ritchie made me tear up several times, so well done
I also till just when i arrived home i realized in pic related the balloons look like a pink triangle
it was very fun, its not the shining but hey at least they were faithful to cokehead king with the weird mythos stuff for the most part
It's a fucking Eldritch space monster, why would it be fluent in English?
What? I thought it was the most LGBT friendly film I’ve seen in a long time that’s not entirely about the subject
I feel like the spider form would've been better if they had it be a visual representation of how Pennywise is just a form It chooses to take. Rather than Pennywise turning into a drider, he shuts up and it's just his/Bob Gray's corpse flopping around limply while the rest of his body Things out.
So in IT pt3, will it turn out that Pennywise had a final Minion, Poundfoolish that is the real threat? And now a new group has to defeat Poundfoolish?
Time to take this and put in on /r/moviedetails
>Also felt really bad for him when he asks Bill not to be mad at him because he was scared.
Yea that part really made me feel for his character. Can very relate to just being frozen in fear when scary shit is happening. You just lock yourself up
almost the entire movie sucked
too fucking long and not the least bit spoopy
The movie really reminded me of 90s Steven Spielberg with the big soundstages and creatures and Peter Jackson with all the big CG. Was nice seeing an adult group on screen rather than another group of dumb young adults
i disagree, counterpoint: it was scary
I watched the movie, it sucked, but the actor playing Richie was great
Recommend me some Hader kino, anons
Barry, written by Hader himself
Agree, my favorite moment in the film relating to IT.
The way he kept painting his face as he screamed was incredibly kino, almost too good for this movie,
and fucks
I dont get how penny works, I thought he was supposed to be unable to harm those unafraid of him? Thought that was the whole reason he tries to terrify victims as much as possible, and when that stopped working he used that hillbilly kid to physically kill. How does he eat Georgie or the little girl in this movie when they're not afraid?
I laughed.
I enjoyed the reference to The Thing
Not that user either, but with what? lmao
The kids in the first movie are so much better than the adults
If you didn't know it was going to be shit when you found out that it was taking place in the 80s instead of the 50s then you're an idiot.
Because that's not the case. Not being afraid means you can hurt him. It doesn't mean he can't just fucking kill you. Except for the end of this movie for some reason.
I think the confusion came because it didnt kill Bev and chose to take her instead when she wasn't scared of it.
Nah he can still kill people regularly, it's just easier and tastes better ,according to him, when they are afraid. He mainly preys after children because they are weak and easily scared
Only for some. Richie ( who continues to be based in the second movie) Bill Eds are great. The others are just there
For one second I thought I was watching Jurassic Park, or Godzilla. I mean, I expected excessive jumpscares to numb me for most of the movie, and even excessive CG to break any immersion.... but what killed it for me was when one of the dudes slided under a rock in the cave like he was some sort of action-thriller hero, and then the fucking skrillex bass when richie's looking at the deadlights through pennywise's mouth, the same bass burst they use in every damn movie nowadays...
Yeah they beat him in a childish way, but it sorta fits the story since he's a monster who usually prey on children
Underrated post.
Does anyone else find Lillis distractingly attractive? I can't focus on the movie if all I can think about is how perfectly beautiful she is.
in the book it's kinda silly too, because both ben and richie get a chance at the ritual and richie nearly wins by just rapid-fire insulting him so fast pennywise can't say shit back
>Boy gets bodyjacked by Freddy
>Girlfriend pleads with Boy to resist becoming Freddy, even though he's fully transformed
>Girl tells Boy she loves him and kisses Freddy
>Freddy explodes and Boy emerges from the corpse
Is that fucking Chuck from Better Call Saul?
A superior clown, yes. A superior monster, no. This is what people don't seem to get when comparing the two ITs.: Curry played a monster pretending to be a clown; Skarsgard played a monster pretending to be a man pretending to be a clown. Both stand full on their strengths and in the interpretations they had of Pennywise's behavior. Curry unnerved you because he turned up the Evil Clown to 11 and played it like a psychotic serial killer in makeup, which was effective because killer clowns are, despite doing inhuman things, still human and that makes it personal. Skarsgard's Pennywise consistently reminds the watcher that this thing is anything but human, the human facade is purely a facade for a ghastly predator, and as other anons have pointed out that mask slips pretty constantly because it can't keep up the act, revealing its monstrosity in its eagerness to consume. It's two exceptional performances, much like Nicholson's Joker and Ledger's Joker, that really don't deserve comparison.
That van squashed the high right out of him, that's why he can't write like he used to.
so glad everyone's ignoring that one guy itt
>"I'm in a horse"
Knew I recognised him from somewhere