It's time to move hmmmMMMMmmm
fellow lords of crystal, am glad you all make it today (except you scientist) i just have few words to say before we begin
but most of all
It's time to move hmmmMMMMmmm
fellow lords of crystal, am glad you all make it today (except you scientist) i just have few words to say before we begin
but most of all
Other urls found in this thread:
What's that smell?
anyone else start mimicking chamberlain's whimper?
are the comics worth reading?
Has anyone here been part of the hardcore fandom for a long time? For the last 37 years all they've had were a few novels and comics and talks of a shitty CGI movie. Then this. I can't imagine what the veteran fanbase is feeling right now
plz don't attract it these are usually pretty good threads
have skeks inceladon
The weird puppet creatures in shoes like this make me feel physically ill. I can't stand them.
I thought the reason Deet doesn’t just fly everywhere is because she broke her wing at the beginning but then she flies around to spook the guards when freeing Hup
Why the fuck is this being spammed on all boards now
Is this another trannycordian raid?
based hmmmmmm poster
shut the fuck up you mentally ill retard
I really dislike The Dark Crystal, I just have to say it I’m sorry.
She had salve to put on it so I assume it was healing over time.
I Rygel XVI, Dominar to over six hundred billion people, believe the Skeksis to be truly marvelous overseers of an uncivilized backwater planet.
I commend the Skeksis for their visionary leadership and guidance over an otherwise lowly and unworthy populace.
but most importantly..
Absolutely based
I just assumed it would get exhausting over time, like if you launched into a full sprint whenever you had to go somewhere. Not to mention a bit rude when half your friends are in wheelchairs.
No user, he's not the tranny, you are
A recent research paper done at the Crystal Castle reported Gelfling women have skeksis receptors all over the surface of their pussy walls. These receptors are responsible for determining arousal levels during copulation.
>Hmmmmmmmm......Gelfling cannot resist the BSC (Big Skeksis Cock) yes? Hmmmmmmm
Drew a thing for best boi Heretic.
Skeksis are all hermaphrodites
Holy shit this show is fucked up.
Podling juice == adrenochrome
>don't mention muh jews
Typical jewish fragility
I'm watching the show and it's really depressing knowing that bad guys will win and genocide a whole race
I was genuinely shocked they had the scientist just brutally murder those slaves that revolted I thought they’d get a happy ending
some moments feel like LOTR parody, like "I have to fight along [another tribemane], it really is the end of the world" or that new crown evil sister made
gelfing males just can't help sucking skeksis cock while pounding skeksis pussy
I'm on episode 7 and yet to see moment cuter than Jen having a bath
S tier.
Chamberlain, scientist, heretic, hunter, scroll keeper
A tier
All other characters d tier
Except for feet who is negative trash tier
Only reason I come to this shitty board anymore is just to get skeksis meme pictures. Kino
That and Braddu Pittu posting
>except for deet who is negative trash tier
take it back right now
>A tier
Uhhh.. No.
>he didn't watch the movie knowing what those little shits would become
>Uhhh.. No.
That scene was hilarious.
No she literally did nothing but get gifted unearned power then couldn't even handle it. Fuck deet
Based uhhh no poster
Watching the first episode now and I still can’t get over how hilariously retarded the MMMMMMMMMMing is
Fucking kino
Watched episode 1, Holy shit this thing completely misses the point of the original. Feels like an attempt to do Game of Thrones with Gelfings. I never needed to see this.
damn. These stupid puppets are getting to me.
It's hard not to. I just watched the first episode and it's hilarious how well the Skeksis fit the JQ.
Lefties would say the same thing about them being white colonialists
The truth is, they’re FUCKING BIRDS
what point is that exactly?
Only fucking retards think this is anything remotely like Game of Thrones. Stop trying to make this meme happen.
>completely misses the point of the original
Which is absolutely a good thing.
Good point.
Been waiting since I was 7 when I first watched it. I'm slightly annoyed that some of the voices are off (Hamill as the scientist) but its fantastic to see the world of thraa come back.
Also, now that theres a new show, I get to see all these posers in the thread pretending they've been there the whole time.
>game of thrones
lol there's barely any politics in it the show is about the pageantry and mythology
i see this interests me. I am not a big dark crystal fan, I watched the first half of the movie on HBO at like 8am in 2009. But love the series and the world now
show has too much skeksis screentime ṫbh
worst post in the thread
Please die
pure bait
How is the show?
not enough. I would have had zero interest in the show with no skesis
And Louis Lertier also knew this. He said "the Skesis are too much fun" and had to still cut down on 50% of their appearances in the season to allow for other characters to shine
Specifically he wanted to show the Skesis gambling at a Podling casino and playing folk games similar to horseshoes.
Have 3 dicks
Who should voice skekUng in season 2?
I give it a 9/10
Pure soul and passion put into this no corporate cynicism or corner-cutting. Huge respect for the source material and world and none of the meta-mockery of the setting that you get in a lot of modern reboots. Very good worldbuilding and cinematography. The puppets make it all feel very special. Is mature without "lmao see how adult this is" with degenerate shit like swearing or sex or excessive violence
some of the dialog is a bit cringe, the gelfling faces are a bit restrictive in their emotions sometimes. Some like Deet are quite emotive but Seladon has definite issues. Though the Skesis and Aughra have no problem with this/
not in public
what is the synopsis
I never watched the original movie
I've been doing it since I was young boy when I watched the original. I find it hilarious.
the original voice actor Michael Kilgarrif is still alive amazingly enough, but is 82 years old and I don't know what kind of health or mental state he's in.
there's cringe autism and based autism and this is absolutely the latter
the movie is like 90 minutes just watch it
I wonder how this series will be recieved in Korea and Taiwan. Dramatic puppetry is still quite respected there.
it's 2:48am and I have to wake up at 7am, so only maybe
Interstellar bird jews trade a fat wiccan a fancy meditation chamber so she can trip out and explore the astral plane. In exchange they promise to take care of her crystal lovebaby. As soon as she agrees they use it to shoot up sweet life force heroin and live for 1000 years while generally being a bunch of bros: kicking peasants around, eating big feasts, electrocuting animals. All the good shit.
The crystal meth doesn't get them high anymore though, so they have to start cutting it with elf blood. Some elf faggots get wind of this and shake their microdicks at the bird jews. Bird jews genocide them all.
Imagine being the Mystics just sitting around in your cave and suddenly the one connected to The Collector suddenly explodes
fairly accurate and succinct
The skeksis lapping up the girl’s essence was seriously some junji ito shit.
pretty good summary of the events of the show, honestly.
This makes me sympathize with the bird jews, are they the heroes of the franchise?
they are the villains but the most likable villains around, they get up to some fucked up shit but their sheer charisma makes them bro tier
keep at it user, good work
How the hell could skekvar be killed off? The general is in the dark crystal movie.
yes they just wanted to survive
Skesis harvesting Gelflings is no different than hunting animals to survive
Yes, they are your friends.
they're likable villains for sure.
You know how everyone who isn't a shithead prefers the Empire to Rebels in Star Wars? Skesis are that. Name me ONE (1) person who seriously prefers Gelflings and mystics to Skesis with a straight face.
Muh Jooish Gay Dadz.
the General is SkekUng in the movie. It's a different guy.
SkekUng the movie general was mentioned in the TV series, he's off somewhere and the Skesis consider calling him back. They also mention he's a good fighter.
SkekUng is the general in the movie
he gets name dropped in the show as one of the skeksis not currently at the castle
The gelfling are serious hippies. The skeksis are bad guys, but them shitting on hippies is hilarious.
Henson originally wanted there to be 7 Skesis each for a sin
>Chamberlain: Wrath
>General: Pride
>Gourmand: Gluttony
>Ornamentalist: Lust
>Treasurer: Greed
>Emperor: Sloth
>Scientist: Envy
But then he added too many Skesis and didn't want to scratch them so he dropped the seven deadly sins parallel.
The only living Skesis not mentioned in the series was the Slave Master. Poor lad.
Now that the prequels have expanded so much on the extent of the Chamberlain's scheming it almost seems out of character that he would challenge SkekUngabunga to trial by stone.
>belly laughter
best part of the skesis shitting on gelflings
How many skeksis aren’t at the castle?
Politifags will color the Skeksis as any INSERT SPOOK HERE. It's to be expected.
yes a lot of people think the characters in the show are better, mostly because Henson couldn't flesh out the Skesis in the limited time of a movie.
>episode 1 voiceover says that seksis tricked one eyed grandma
>episode 7 puppet show tells us that UrSkek tricked oneyed grandma
episode 7 explanation makes more sense, but that would mean that voiceover lied to us which is weird
the credits called the intro voiceover person the myth-speaker. the gelflings don't know about the mystics so that's probably why
>I haven't seen anyone compare the Skeksis to niggers
It's fun to talk about sometimes. Art has always had allegories, and of course you're going to compare it to the real world occasionally.
When's the anime?
As of the start of Age of Resistance:
Castle Skesis
>Scroll Keeper
>Ritual Master
>SkekVar the General
Skesis CONFIRMED out doing shit
>SkekUng who will later become General
Dude they are the only good thing to watch.
It is, amongst good company. But Yea Forums is full of srs faggots who will destroy a thread for their culture war. Best to avoid peoples autism.
The Seksis in the movie have become addicted to essence and then deprived of it for decades after wiping out its source. On top of that, they have not gained any of the Dark Crystal's energy since at least the start of the TV series.
Also, remember that the Chamberlain actually outdid skekUng's first strike based on the reaction. He is no slouch.
the talk are often stupid, redundant, and mean spirited for a show about soul and apolitical passion
there's also the Skesis Slave Master who exists but is netiher in the castle or name dropped
Technically it was the same guys both times.
I don't believe this, I have a feeling it's message is about conservation. Just like the movie. Remember, the gelflings are the good guys.
Ornamentalist actually seemed to be living away at the beginning of the show. The Skeksis throw a welcome party when she shows up.
the "message" of the original insofar is very basic Tolkein style enviornmentalism, yeah. For the show there's a very mild anti-racism angle too.
Really these types of themes are not something anyone would object to and they're not shoehorned or pushed
They just need to make separate threads about.
I agree completely. It's message isn't the first thing that comes to mind. If anything, I wish the gelflings had a bit more character. Sometimes they are hard to differentiate.
I just want to see a trap video with drenchin gelflings and vapra twerking
why don't any other skesis beside the hunter use his other set of arms?
>the "message" of the original insofar is very basic Tolkein style enviornmentalism, yeah.
I don't think so. There is too much alchemy/occult stuff going on for the message to be merely environmentalism.
fat and atrophied
most of the gelflings might as well be planks, weird because Deet is so emotive
why the fuck did they have to show the scientist brutally murder those 2 slaves that just wanted to be free.
>why don't any other skesis beside the hunter use his other set of arms?
They all degraded after centuries of laziness and gluttony. It's implied most of their problems come from that and not age, because the Hunter is in great condition despite not drawing from the Crystal.
skeksis are the most relatable chars in the whole show
the other skeksis arms are stunted, they didn´t use them for centuries. they don´t do any exercise and their lives are leisure. Their bodies and looks are corrupted.
But the hunter, he is a /fit/ skeksis.
watching the making of documentary for this is worth it. Shows how much S.O.U.L. exists for this project
its no different from killing fish to eat or use as fertilizer, why wouldnt they show it?
>1hr 22 mins
The show arguably has a lot of surface-level political commentary that doesn't really map on to any particular ideology, which is what makes it a great fable:
>Sin (greed, gluttony, sloth) leads to degeneration of not just the self but the world as a whole
>People have more in common than they have differences
>Powerful evils could be destroyed easily if different groups got over their petty issues and joined together
>The smallest and weakest members of a group can still contribute through their courage and wisdom
>The ruling class holds power because they are rewarded with their position in a false hierarchy, as long as they oppress their own
and the most important Don´t Trust Aliens
Yeah, I agree, it reminds me of The Neverending Story, which is absolutely steeped in Crowley and Theosophy, to the point of namedropping, but it's not explicit. In the end, you can apply it to almost anything, even things that stand in complete opposition to occultism.
the soul and passion by the production team is why this worked as opposed to becoming another disney star wars
I'm very glad disney only owns muppets not the Jim Henson Company there any chance bros?
it's nice that skesis do sort of care about each other in their own weird way. They were all genuinely distraught about the Hunter's condition. Chamberlain sort of broke the taboo by killing another Skesis
also the bit of the emperor and general talking about their dreams and fear of death showed that they aren't just assholes 24/7 to each other
>I'm very glad disney only owns muppets not the Jim Henson Company
They also showed the Skeksis were not entirely willing to drain gelflings at first. When Mira is getting drained, one of them (the General, I think) shouts, "What have you done!?" And some of the others beg the Scientist to stop it. They all look shook. Only the Emperor is laughing, and he has been tainted by the Darkening. The Scientist is, too, but he's a special sort of twisted.
Before this show at least the company was struggling quite a bit. Muppet's Most Wanted was a box office failure and the adult muppets tv show failed. Disney has zero interest in the muppet label beyond planned shorts for disney+. They have sesame street to keep them afloat but all their other projects are pretty low budget or CGI like that fish show for very small children
I don't think disney sees them as enough of a threat or prize to take over
skesis weren't that bad when they first split apparently. And Mystics were more assholish originally too. Over time their base natures became overwhelming
Nigger, they were gobbling that life force up.
Go watch the scene again, and you'll see. Yeah, they gobbled it up, and were immediately addicted, but they still didn't like what they were seeing at first until they learned how tasty it was.
Daily reminder Chamberlain gave the Scientist the idea, and is the reason for all this shit to kick off
>doesn't snitch
>discovers how to resist draining decades before Kira did
>rescues his bro trapped in a full speed carriage
>gets spiderpusy
Based Gurjin
why did the scientist have to brutally murder those 2 slaves
canon jen penis
Gurjin the spiderfucker
Chaos is a ladder yeeeesss? hmmmMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm
>"It's not my fault everything is terrible".
What a lad.
why does it have a wiener?
Long time fan. I'm feeling pure joy, I always dreamed the series would be resurrected somehow, and for it to just suddenly reincarnate, with basically all the same magic, is amazing and hope inspiring.
Do I watch the movie first or the series first?
because he was frustrated that he is always shit on by his skekbros
I grew up on this film, fraggle rock, galaxy high, ewoks battle for endor, all that shit. The only thing I'm not in love with is the flailing cgi tongues.
There's a disgusting lack of Deet in this thread
>ywn have a scary glowing deet rescue you from jail
this is the kind of person who likes gelflings more than skeksis.
female gelfling nipples
NOW we are talking
>be Hup
>rotting away in jail contemplating your life choices that led you to this moment
>guards won't even let you sing your based folk song
>suddenly hear a banshee wail as the lights go out all around you
>guess i'll die.jpg
>you find out it was your cherished waifu the entire time
What a roller coaster of emotions
If Grace hates it, then it's 10/10
>gatekeeping a puppet show
Hup's gonna die and posthumously become a paladin in season 2 isn't he
they are all gonna die, gelfling holocaust is fixed
He played the Majula blacksmith in Dark Souls 2 apparently which is pretty neat
>contemplating anything beyond the next mud bath
Finally, a "No" to rival Isildur.
>misses the point of the original
The point of the original was for Jim Henson and Frank Oz to do a huge cool project with puppets that didn't involve Kermit or Big Bird for a change. The story is insanely simple aside from the cool design of the world itself. If Henson was still alive he'd be incredibly proud of what they achieved with the show.
>tfw he'll be buried with his spoon
Replying to this 2 hour old post to call you a nigger. This is 100% henson company and netflix doesn't have any fingers in this pie.
a) Darth Deet kills Hup
b) Hup dies from fighting Garthim
c) He shit his breeches and dies embarrassingly like the cuck he is
>when Deet opened the cell and said “uhm, hi!”
And that was when she officially became best girl
I feel like they should've just put a filter over all the show to give it a more 80s feel and have less uncanniness
>Darth Deet kills Hup
shit i see this coming
That was when I knew I loved her. The delivery on that line is perfect and cute, just like Deet herself.
Hup uses a spoon because it's dull it'll hurt more.
mine was the "they're giant bools of fiyah" the accent makes me diamonds
I felt the same way after the first episode. Keep going, it picks up through episode two and is kickin by the third and through to the end.
Hup isn't the first one to wield a spoon in battle.
>What happens if they fall?
>TFW Jim Henson poured his heart and soul into the dark crystal and it had a massive budget, At the screening to executives they all walked out in silence after the movie, the movie was a total flop.
>TFW Jim didn't live to see his masterpiece become accepted and loved.
so are podlings retarded or what?
t-take that back!! or I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!
and don't forget.. TING TING TING
FUCK JANNIES!!!!!!!!!!
Yea Forums are the podlings of Yea Forums
It actually (barely) made a profit, it would have easily done a lot better if it wasn't competing directly against ET (even though Dark Crystal is way better)
Regardless, I wish he could have lived to see Dark Crystal. Hell, I'm sure he would have loved to see Farscape even.
Can I get a side by side of the actors who play some of the main characters?
It's pretty cool that Melisandre is Deet.
you mean Missandei
Jim made the true pleb filter to top all pleb filters. And now his kids are carrying on the tradition in spite of seething #SaveTheOA faggots. God bless him and his kin.
This is magical and making me feel things. I have to think Henson would be floored if he could see this.
Finally finished it and watched the documentary. It's just.... it's so full of soul bros... I don't even know where to begin. how did they do it? how did they make the most soulful tv series ever?
Hamil is the Scientist
>D) all the mains die except Hup and he defends the surviving Gelfling as they escape down into the planet core to live with the Therma until it's safe on the surface
Is there a soundtrack release for Age of Resistance yet? I want more based Podling music.
lol. Rygel knows best.
Should I get a couple of Froud's books to help get flavor for my D&D games, lads?
The only thing that kinda took me out of the show was Rian's
>I'm not a killer!
thing, like come on, really? There's no reason he should have had any second thoughts about killing the general. Seemed like that was a "oh no we can't have our kid's show hero kill someone"
Also why the fuck didn't the attack the skesis as they were retreating I mean why would you just let them go back to the crystal that you know they're destroying.
Imagine losing a "war" when you have aerial dominance vs an enemy with no anti air.
The meek shall inherit Thra.
>yfw Season 2 timeskips until after the Gelflings have already lost the war against the Skeksis and are scattered to the wind
Not as iconic as the original score but there's still a lot of fucking fantastic tracks.
Why dont you?
Seladon just kind of sucks. I don't know if it's the writing or the voice acting or just the character in general, but it always feels like a drag whenever she's vamping around in her goth clothes screaming about nothing. The quisling Gelfling that sold out the uprising at the castle would have been a more interesting character.
you mean not enough?
Awesome, thanks.
>tfw no track of Hup's prison song
good choice. the more the better
>tfw you don't live in the timeline where Jim Henson just took some antibiotics and became head of Disney
>Seladon just kind of sucks
easily the worst character.
anyone who actually liked this pandering shit should kys
Andy Samberg's performance makes Heretic a close second. Nothing against the guy but they should have known better than to let him improvise.
are you afraid of strong woman characters user? is your penis so small?
This was pure kino. Better than the film IMO.
Man, I was showing this series off to my pal and after watching episode 7 he hit it spot on. "All those gay elf things, gelflings sucked. I was bored until the Skesis showed up and did anything. They're cool."
He's right. Gelflings are nothing but small brained dweebs. Skeks were right to drink em up.
>global matriarchy is being controlled and manipulated by a cabal of vampires gleefully devouring their subjects
>head queen literally tries to sell her own kind out for more gibs and is openly mocked for it
Seems pretty on point to me, brother incel.
None of them are that strong though? They all have weaknesses. And most of them are dead or dying by the end. It’s hardly pandering.
Just how the hell did Hunter stay so physically powerful and healthy without any essence or crystal sucking?
the voice actors didn´ t improvise much, it is explained in the documentary, the voice over was after the series was recorded and they have to perform limited to the original pupeteer voice
not like a cgi movie, that first they make the voices and after that, the cgi
I'd say he's more Envy, or Greed than wrath.
That's why Andy Samberg's stuff stuck out so badly, there were several points where he was clearly riffing while his character was off screen.
>see this shit advertised on plebflix
>it's subtitled "Age of #Resistance"
>the trailer has some shit about evil leaders and the world getting destroyed by changing climate or something
Give it to me straight, how much of this movie is thinly veiled WAHH DADDY DRUMPF BAD shit?
Absolutely 0, bro.
Are you for real? I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't really Frank Oz voicing the Heretic. Andy crushed that shit, no question.
Heretic was easily the worst skeksis performance. I didn't like the Collector much either. The rest were all great, scientist and chamberlin easily the best.
they consume the free energy of the broken crystal, corrupting the crystal, Thra and their bodies. The hunter chad was in the wild in contact with the nature, in his twisted way. Thats why the urRus are too, alive and well, living in the wild.
There's not a single trump swipe in the entire season. It's all about anti NWO faustian slave society themes. The advertising department absolutely made that implication, but it doesn't show up in the final product at all.
The only stuff for /pol/ to get mad at is that the Gelflings live in a feudal matriarchy and it pushes podling equality.
Damn, that sucks. The skesis really were immortal...
>never seen or heard of film, thinking it had something to do with labyrinth
>thinking about watching this
>see thread
>good community and memes
>read your post
you've just sold me on this. will watch later
Yeah this was obvious, but at least it wasn't as obnoxious and "in your face" as it is in other movies/series like Star Wars and such. It's propaganda done the good way.
Are you forgetting the Scroll Keeper shooting down the wood elf queen with that knife catapult contraption on his back?
How tall do you think the skesis and gelflings really are? Whenever I see these guys I think the Skesis are like 5'5 and imagine just slapping the dick out of one of them if I was around.
There's not a single Skeksis scene that is a bad scene.
Skeksis made this series. Villains done the right way, pure kino.
Deet is a podling fucking whore. Brea is the real deal. I would DIE for her.
>preferring the bitchy english major to the /out/ qt
Consider suicide retard
What kind of jew is this?
The Heretic and Collector were both cases of bad humor being inserted because people think it appeals to kids for some reason. I don't know if kids actually like that shit, but movie and tv creators have been convinced that they do for decades now.
that's the point user,I'm still baffled she lived instead of the other one that was far more intriguing & actually wounded the general
yes. And the emperor died faster than the others from old age because the darkening was degrading his body.
it´s like, even if part of you have good intentions to do things, if you fall into the 7 sins, glutonry, pride, etc you will end in a spiral of corruption, not only damaging you, others too.
But the skeksis have a worst story, they remember only the bad things of their previous lifes, imagine if you only remember the bad things, the negative things of your existence, dreaming nightmares, there is a big chance that you would never want to live that life again, be afraid of that and fall into drugs, a fast way to feel good ( the crystal energy).
All the good memories are in the urRs minds. they are kind of a tragic characters
What do you guys think essence tastes like? I imagine it'd be something akin to like 1/3 water, 1/3 lime juice, 1/3 lemon juice, and then maybe a tablespoon of sugar dissolved in.
Don't watch the news then
Salty milk and coins
>too much screentime for the only reason anyone has ever remembered the movie
hmmmMmm, I wonder who is behind this post. a faggot
its clearly purple drank
tfw you realize the heretic is literally insane because there's a bigass NAIL IN HIS HEAD
No that's the fun part.
>implying anyone under the age of 43 was excited to see a Dark Crystal product announced
I only just found about this franchise, and I'm surprised that Netflix would front the money for a show that has such a niche audience. It's the most soulful thing they've ever made, but I doubt it'll be much more of a commercial success than the original.
The original Dark Crystal was made just because Henson could. Despite the prequel being given a more generalized audience, it has a few scenes that are a bit edgier/darker than the original -- not sure why they decided to put in the scene of the Scientist beating the gruenak to death.
I actually enjoyed the Collector. She was an excuse to do something gross. The Heretic and the Wanderer are both a cool concept.
I imagine it’s like simple syrup, cream, vanilla, floral notes like rose or elder flower cause they’re hippies, and a bit of ascorbic acid.
based trapannation
Not enough screentime desu
What happens when a gelfling drinks essence? Is it the ultimate form of sacrilege?
Just to be clear, when I said "I don't know why producers think kids like this shit" I was referring specifically to the humorous characters who massively overdo their gimmick, not the entire show.
It'd probably be like drinking a smoothie made out of human meat.
Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm, I'm thinking this is based
That scene was a little much for the kids DESU SENPAI
Funny sister had criminally little screen time. Well, as Tavra at least.
They're fucking puppets m8
They carry a certain charm that gets away with childish humor, especially with the more violent details thrown in
It just occurred to me that the Director did what James Cameron has been trying and failing to do with Avatar for the last decade. He made what's the equivalent of 5 movies at the same time.
With fucking puppets.
Im 27 and grew up with the movie but aight.
That scene where seladon keeps trying to negotiate and he keeps saying no while they all crack up is awesome
Tavra and Gurjin are the best characters in the show. Skeks are overrated.
Holy shit neither the gelfs or jew birds can fight.
>neither taking advantage of their strenghts
>gelfs could guerrilla the shit out of them, skekis are larger and stronger but slow and cumbersome as shit
>skekis not using their superior resources, size and strength
>instead the skeks slowly flail around and the gelfs also flail around out in the open where they are easy targets
>That's it? Just Gurjin?
I’m 24 and watched the original as a kid. I had no idea this was coming out until about a week ago when I was browsing Netflix. Just finished about an hour ago and it was pure kino. What a great throwback, can’t wait for season 2.
How did they successfully make this bitch so fucking hateable? A fucking puppet. I want to strangle her. Why didn't they impale her in the end for what she did?
>Deet hasn't washed a day in her life.
It's just what you get with awkward puppets fighting. Or you go full ANIME and get Thunderbolt Fantasy.
There were barely any of them. Literally the only thing a gelffling can do is poke them with a sharp sword. They're fucked in any other circumstance. The body mass difference is considerable. Also the skeksis are drunk on a fine mixture of hubris and stupidity.
>be loyal as fuck bro
>never snitched on Rian
>"just" Gurjin
Don't forget Brea still has no idea that she BURNED her own mother's corpse like a heathen
Gangbang scene gave me a joyous erection.
Go read a book, you fucking idiot.
Ok, but the full anime fighthing in Thunderbolt Fantasy fucks hard.
The Hunter is a great fighter. The guy can pounce around like wild. The other Skesis are probably just too decrepit and sickly to really do much, although they did fuck over the entire castle guard.
the skeksis had a degraded body for centuries of doing nothing, if they had been fit like the Hunter, they would have been unstoppable.
The Hunter represents what they could have been if they not had fallen into their low desires.
I loved both the Gelfs and Skeks equally this time around. I get that the Skeksis are the ultimate love to hate villains and I adore them too, but the Gelflings were really likeable this time around imo. I loved following both.
Will we see other nomadic skeksis in season 2? Will the Mariner be as awesome as the Hunter?
tfw no body building skesis that just wants to be left alone and gain mass.
The Mariner literally keeps Gamera as a living ship so the chances are pretty high
I wonder if the Mariner will be /fit/ like the Hunter or if it's more like the garthim master, ie strong and active but still kind of fat and withered.
it looks like a railroad spike
Skesis get Ipad
Dark Crystal handled it well though. Aughra was already a signature character. The matriarchy isn't in your face, it's just government, and it's controlled by an Emperor. The "strong women" are either subjugated by a male-majority cabal of dabblers(skeksis) or seeking wisdom from wise old men (Aughra seeking out the Mystic + band finding the Heretic).
kram drain newman
georg dreamfasts elain, she sees him sniffing her shoes
>She sees him sniffing her shoes
Holy fuck
I don't think any will be as fit as the hunter, the one eye'd goat lady said he was "the most beautiful of you shrivled lot".
Just think the other lazy ass lords go to such great lengths to keep them selves alive when all they had to do was workout and stay active.
I do it whenever my gf says “Please.”
Hey, late (you) but shouts out to this guy. Looks cute, bro.
Probably not. The Hunter was said to be the most brutal of them - one can assume the Archer is also a significant presence among the urRu.
10x3 gelfling throws
30 tree spinflips
great scene
Me on the left
>devil trigger starts playing
The Heretic was the Conquerer
So how the fuck did he become a scatterbrained artificer? Did he previously build magical rock weapons or something?
Could this mean anything?
>Hero loses gf and father
>Heroine loses mother
>Other heroine becomes cursed with power
And we haven't even gotten to the genocide part
Not really, just means Jen hails from Stone-In-Wood.
>Thunderbolt Fantasy
I just looked this up. Is it good?
Not sure. Wouldn't be surprised if they put in hints of future plot points.
The Heretic's pendant also closely resembles the Eye of Providence.
It is tefillin
He's actually onto something, desu. That can't just be a coincidence.
I'm pretty sure the skeksis are intentionally reminiscent of the jews
go back to v
why is chamberlain so based
he just wants to be friends
The Skeksis all walk around with a staff that has an inverted pyramid at the top. The Heretic having the regular pyramid just means he sees things from the opposite perspective.
Also notice that their staves are all pointed with an orb in the center, yet the Heretic's staff is smooth with nothing being held in the center
t. Chamberlin, dyel faggot
I thought the emperor's was round, or crescent moon. No orb, but that darkening crystal
You're correct. His is special, but that's likely because he's the emperor