"I'm not okay with this" from the creators of Stranger Things, starring Sophia Lillis

"I'm not okay with this" from the creators of Stranger Things, starring Sophia Lillis.

Will it be kino?

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will they make her a lesbian??

>tfw no qt ginger daughter

>ywn be a teenager again to date a tomboy ginger like Sophia

What? Are there only like ten child actors in existence right now that have to be shared between all productions? I mean the Stranger Things people are making something with Finn Wolfhard's co-stars Sophia Lillis AND the kid who played Stan?

it's pretty much ST meets It meets Breakfast club. So it's kino

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>from the creators of Stranger Things, starring Sophia Lillis.

sophia's character is basically a 15 y/o nerdy Eleven

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who cares for the other kid actors, Sophia-Finn-Millie is the kino trinity

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>The series is based on the graphic novel of the same name from Charles Forsman, who previously wrote the source material for Netflix's The End of the F***ing World.


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Given that coming out as a lesbian can be career suicide im suprised she has agreed to play a lesbian character, as it will only invite questions about her own sexuality.

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is her character lesbian?

Do you think she'll ever grow her hair out long again?

why does every female character in any coming-of-age film or series has to discover herself a dyke?


She's totally into her BFF who has a boyfriend. Its very hetronormatively offensive

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cmon man why you gotta do my like that my man damn

It's tiresome really, all I'm hoping for is for them to burn out and spit out by Hollywood. Then they snort their millions away and die of a heart attack

>listen to some spencer davis group on youtube
>scroll down
>its a barrage of zoomers
youtube comment disabler is a gift from god

Hold on, Meriadoc. I believe the man was about to utter something rational.

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Is Amy Adams gonna play her mommy?

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Amy Adams is an old stinky hag