What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

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To be the emperor but not be the emperor for nostalgia

He was a rehash if sheeve. I’m glad he died with no back story. Reylo is the only good thing about the ST. I’m glad they killed Luke to. Fuck the OT.

to subvert your expectations into thinking something was going to happen in the movie

>I’m glad they killed Luke to
But user, no one is ever really gone.


Literally who

Remind you that Goldmember was a much better villain.

>What was the point of this character?
Mystery box bullshit. Even though the throne hologram in TFA was the only memorable thing from it.

Well it was to be a rehash of the emperor and, more importantly, would be the bigger threat looming behind the defeated Kylo Ren. His presence indicated that there was not only a more powerful foe, but that Kylo Ren was still in training and had not yet reached the peak of his power and thus wasn't completely invalidated by his defeat. But Rian decided it would be more surprising to just get rid of him and I guess technically he was right.


It was a shit movie, but honestly it was always going to be a shit sandwich. Just a bunch of loose threads you don't give a shit about because they're every hackneyed trick in the book (who are her parents, who is this evil CGI monster, what has luke been doing in hiding, etc.), without ever considering that instead of giving tie ins for the next movie, you're just leaving a mess someone else has to clean up.

to be easily defeated by reylo


He loved gold and wanted to kill Austin Powers.

cool does he live on through his slippers?

Literally kill yourself

>double trips
This is absolute truth

It's weird to me that people hold this shit against Rian and not JJ. It's obvious that when JJ introduced things like Rey's mysterious past or who Snoke was he had at best a vague idea of where they might go. IIRC, Rian Johnson even said that there was no reason given for why Luke was in exile on that planet, so he had to come up with one.

This is exactly like what happened with JJ's involvement on the first season of Lost; it was just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck, either because it was "cool" or served some basic plot function like creating conflict. The writers of Lost have since admitted that they had no idea what the smoke monster was supposed to be when they wrote it in -- and the smoke monster was JJ's idea.

Instead of writing himself into a corner, Rian Johnson decided to just blow everything up and start over. I'm not saying what he did was GOOD, but I get the creative impulse to not want to get stuck reverse-engineering JJ's bullshit and trying to do the hard work of cleaning up his messes and imbuing his story choices with actual meaning.

Killing him was supposed to be part of Kylo's character development, and I do think it was always planned for Kylo to kill and usurp him, but its done very flimsy and Kylo didn't really develop since he is immediately back to his bratty self a while afterwards

Here's the trick it seems no one else has figured out, the key to having a cinematic universe that works is a good executive producer that can ensure some kind of quality control and continuity between different films.
Look at solo. How is a production so bad, but manages to wrap up principal photography before anyone notices its shit?
Why would you not have a team of ghost writers who have a whole framework for a three act series laid out already, with room for the writers, directors, and cast to fill out the details and tweaks for how each installment is received.
Instead I think that they were literally thinking that they can release literally ANYTHING and people will eat it up because it has STAR WARS in the title.

based wookiepedia

A good question, for another time.

But the dickless loser who wrote this character was afraid of making an intimidating villain, this is a movie for lttle girls. So he just an old cripple white dude.He's so unimpressive that his face was modified for TLJ, you can see it in the doc, they explicitly say they tried to make him more menacing. This is what happens when you let women make movies.

I was just thinking about him last night. IMO he works kinda like a Dooku figure for this trilogy. I mean, some big baddie that looks really important but is discarded pretty quick with not too much known about him (I mean, we now know LOTS of stuff from Dooku, but it's mostly because we're a bunch of SW-adicted fags).

I'm not implying that Snoke was well developed nor managed as a character, but under that light I was able to understand him better.

I think the biggest problem with TFA was that giant "No Spoiler" campaign where people couldn't even talk about the movie without people freaking out. Because TFA was just a really shitty reboot of A New Hope, people couldn't discuss that much without spoiling it.

I agree, JJ is a fucking hack. He makes a pretty movie but it never holds up story wise and character wise. I find Rian's movie worse though because no scene was enjoyable even in the sense of a stand alone movie.

>having a cast multitude of plot threads to use
>writing yourself into a corner

>nothing in the last movie mattered, takes place literal hours after, force doesn't matter, characters dont matter.
>not writing yourself into a corner
Unless you want to say that the movie Is now free from all constraints of logic Rian fucked up the third film even more than JJ fucked the second. Also Rian DOUBLED DOWN on making Rey a Mary sue instead of explaining it away. So he literally did the same thing as JJ but worse.

Beautiful digits.

To remind you of Emperor Palpatine, on the surface.

You can't be serious.

The no spoiler thing is a marketing gimmick to force people to watch blindly on first week to avoid spoilers. They did the same thing for Endgame. There's nothing to spoil except that it's utter trash

>Snoke's slippers
>Protection Type: For Pain

Reylo would've been good if Rian the Retard didn't insist on Rey being le Hope and Kylo being le villain

we'll never know, because somebody decided to kill him off for no good reason

My feeling is that all his scenes were meant for Carrie Fisher but she was too sick to really perform them so they had Snoke basically fill in for all her lines