Meadow loses her virginity to a black

>Meadow loses her virginity to a black
>AJ loses his virginity to a black

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italians arent white so im not sure what the issue is

Was it ever explained how Paulie lost his ears?

haha that's so stupid

does anyone have a link to the AJ scene, so I can make fun of it in the comments

He gives his bike to a bunch of thugs outside her apartment so they go away and stop playing music and then she fucks him

>fat Meadow

whats the point of finishing the series now


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They look white to me in that pic though...

I fucking hate niggers.

so are jews but they arent white either

But then she turns into cold to him probably because she realizes AJ is still a kid mentally

If you follow that logic then the ONLY whites are Anglo-Saxons and certain Scotts. Not Krauts, not Poles, nothing.

now you are starting to figure it out

Everyone in northern europe is white. The more south and east you go, its all brown people. Italians, Spanish, Arabs

it was a class thing had less to do with aj and more with the groups they're from racially and socioeconomically

>ONLY whites are Anglo-Saxons
Now you're getting it

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wrote , and it was rubbish but got ~Taken up .

This was Pilot , NO write an do this . But , he knew Bad guy an senpai , already told . this hollywood

>And Tony is constantly disappointed with his kids
solid writing


White is 90%+ Anglo-Saxon admixture


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>italians arent white so im not sure what the issue is
you burned the ziti!

>blacks having sex with blacks
I'm not sure what the problem is

Word to the wise. Remember Rhodesia.

So the "white race" is compromised of a bunch of bucket-shitters WE WUZING about Romans, Greeks and all the Meds? Well, that's dissapointing...

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Van Helsing, let's go.

dude this is like the 3rd thread i’ve seen today and i gotta day I hate you for typing nonsense poorly like a retard but I respect your persistence

It would be unrealistic showing crackers having sex since they're all incels. Even at the time.

we're the american master race bus

Noah should have punched his lights out

It's even funnier once you notice the number of times Tony and Carmella act like Italian-Americans are an oppressed minority.

Aj fucked at least 2 hot blonde girls before her dumb fuck

Mead lost her virginity to a spic
AJ lost his virginity to a white
pay closer attention

It's called "Cultural Marxism", from the Frankfurt School. It's intended purpose is to destroy family and nation based Western civilization by demonizing normalcy, and normalizing degeneracy. Those who support it are unwittingly supporting their own enslavement and eventual extermination.

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