>The best celebrity interviewer is a dude with hot sauces
How did we end up in this timeline?
The best celebrity interviewer is a dude with hot sauces
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Hot ones is literally just one notch above American Late Night TV. It's the same thing just with a dumb gimmick.
>Dude, I love watching Hot Ones and collecting hot sauces.
Wrong again
no amount of hot sauce will make up for his blandness
walking with kevin is better
Is he a Neo-Nazi? He has the Neo-Nazi armband patch thingy and he look like one. I hope he's not monetized on YouTube.
who the fuck are you and do you even still breathe
Word. He doesn't even interact with his guests. You could pre-record the questions and a couple of canned responses and nobody would realize the host was gone.
i've never seen a non-autistic person with worse chemistry with any other person
Fucking Joe Rogan is better than this beefball and his
>I'm going to ask you a question, nod at your answer and move mechanically on to my next question
Imagine talking regularly with global superstars and still being unable to hold an actual flowing conversation
like those car karaoke talk show bits, just mindless and worn out after one episode
I think 95% of interviews are bullshit and a persona used to sell themselves
>Fucking Joe Rogan is better
You say that like Joe is bad.
This, Sean is boring as fuck whereas Joe can get people to talk about loads of personal shit.
what went wrong with our civilization?
>Man, I love putting some hot sauce on my extra rare stake and have some craft beer with it! You can tell I'm a masculine man because of my food choices!
>look into the camera here
>or here
>or here
>and do your plug
just tell them to do their spiel without making them look around like a gormless retard
Can we at least agree on the fact Charlie Rose is by far the worst interviewer?
Has there even been a good episode past the Ramsay one?
I stopped watching after that.
is that the dude from mad tv?
Joe is okay but if any of his guests go off on an interesting tangent he always cuts them off and brings it back to mma, hunting, aliens, weed, comedy, chimps and nature in order to find a way to relate to it
He's fine but gets sidetracked too easily and doesn't give guest (the whole reason anyone is listening to that specific episode) enough time to speak before he interrupts with inane shit
Better that than having nothing to say at all though
not true
Oh yeah, I catch his show every night
Wow the idea that we put a monetary value on life itself
>you ever see that video where that dude hit a moose with his car?
Rogan is a pretty good interviewer though if you just want the guest to relax and talk for ages
More like how did you end up with that conclusion? Literally NO ONE agrees with you, dont think youre right because you made a post of it idiot, theres way better interviewers out right now, You've done 0 research you fucking fool, stay in your bubble.
His autistic voice and inability to respond to anything his guests say pisses me off
joe is more informative, sean is more entertaining
but neither of them can beat the king
everyone on complex are libshits
the stern interviews are such a meme. the interview was always the worst part of his show.
>Hot Ones
All meme bullshit with guests overreacting and exaggerating how hot the sauces are. Only Da Bomb is painful, the rest are fine
>it's a wings are not hot enough for the guest so they might as well not be there episode
Different people have different levels of tolerance to spicy foods.
why was everyone back then so autistic?
All these faggots replying with soijack faces would probably sweat and cry to death over eating anything with a pinch of pepper on it lol.
stern is like some incredibly bad psychopath who is really unsubtle in his attempts to manipulate the interviewee into humiliating themselves by talking about personal shit.
you're right. eating hot spicy foods is peak masculinity.
he was good only because he was trying to fuck over the hollywood people.
>The best celebrity interviewer
>make up a gimmick to force the interview to end fast
>ask list of questions you made a week ago through polls on twitter or reddit
>add more gimmicks
>half the time is just them making silly faces
Ah yes, amazing.
Halle Berry
Except his interviews are dogshit. They need to replace him with someone who doesn't scream "millenial."
Nice dead meme. yawn
I am not good with spice, but even I've managed to do the full ten
The Last Dab is also total crap
I tried to think of some long winded question he'd ask guests, but I can't.
>The Last Dab is also total crap
taste wise or from a hotness level? both?
>finger bowls
what did he mean by this?
Both. Tastes godawful, and the fear-mongering about only having a drop is completely unwarranted since it really isn't that hot. The only genuinely painful sauce they use is Da Bomb, which (perhaps especially so because the others aren't actually that bad) is other-worldly.
Nope it's a guy with alcohol.
Not only is a he a terrible interviewer, it wouldn't matter if he was the greatest interviewer in the world because the format itself is so terrible. The premise is basically to interview someone when they're so distracted and uncomfortable that they can't think or speak properly. I can understand wanting to see celebrities eat ridiculously hot food, but trying to work an interview into to it doesn't make any sense.
He sucks.
0 Charisma and conversational skills, just reads from a script. Don't know how he got that gig.
>implying its not based craig ferguson
>Don't know how he got that gig
The popularity is from seeing celebrities in pain
Could be a sign that the scoville scale is not that useful because the Last Dab should be multiple times hotter. Also Da Bomb is just pure chemicals and hotness in a bottle, which could be also it.
I personally really like the flavor of last dab scorpian edition
Graham Norton makes every interview entertaining. What's going on with the guy on the far right?
If you enjoy food then you're like totally human and relatable
my guess is that they needed bowls instead of chairs, since their intellect were so much more smaller than mailer.
some brainlets see Nazi's everywhere they look.
We did our ten in order of scoville unit and at least four were in the wrong order despite technically being hotter on the scale
>Da Bomb is just pure chemicals and hotness in a bottle
Pretty much, it doesn't taste of anything, or if it does you can't tell because all you're aware of is the sensation of searing heat
correction, everyone's tolerance is the same as this user. He is the definition of physical average.
completely ass backwards opinion. hes like an even worse sam roberts. so uncharismatic, bad social skills. youd probably find a better show host picking literally anyone off the street. this guy belongs on a cubicle, not on youtube
who is this semen demon?
entertainment industry got too big.
fucking based
you need money to do this shit don't you?
>that guy on the right
what the fuck was his problem
>not knowing how mommy tilly is
sad tbqh