No doubt, there is going to be some kind of incel going full elliot rodger on October 4th. Going to premiere blind could be your last day. I personally studied my local movie theater's evacuation plan, bought a body vest which i am going to wear under the sweater, also i am running 2 miles everyday to get in adequate shape and reading literature on how to act during hostage situations. How is your preparation going on?
How are you preparing for the Joker premiere?
I'll just go early in the morning since incels are neets and won't be up til 1PM
Watching it in my home free of charge
I've prepared a concealable assault rifle, a handgun, a few grenades, combat knife, and ammunition. I'll probably get stopped at the door for bringing my own snacks though.
Don't worry. I won't aim for you.
I can't wait for this movie to premiere without a single fucking hitch and then this "MUH INCEL SHOOTER" shit will stop. I swear, it's so canned and rehearsed if I were a /pol/tard I'd think the Mouse was shilling it themselves.
One ticket for the joker please
Lol if you think they won't cancel it after opening night sees half a dozen massacres across the country
>lol shootings r funnee right guise am i edgy yet
Have a beer sluggers.
Have sex stay seething sneed.
My theatre has already asked me and my boys to stand at the entrance and beat up any guy who walks in alone so our theatre is gonna be safe.
if this shit actually happens i feel like they're gonna point to this thread
No one is going to shoot up shit. OP, stop stimulating this behavior.
Imma have fun on opening eve, with my gf and her kid
Smart. Anybody that walks in without a date and in a trenchcoat is there for other reasons.
>missed out on the TIFF premiere
Feels bad. Even The Lighthouse and Parasite were sold out too. This year has been fucking crazy for new films.
By not going to the movies like I haven't for the past 15 years.
Why would lonely males shoot up a film screening that will be filled other lonely males. It would make more sense to shoot up a romcom screening.
I'm horribly depressed and suicidal so I will be going on opening night with the specific hope that some incel shoots the place up and ends my suffering.
Maybe the film might ironically lift your spirits
Either way, fantastic flick. Really made me feel like the Joker, and addressed the oppression gamers face every day
If this movie is actually for you then you won't care if you get shot while watching it. If anything it will improve your experience. Anybody worried about being attacked while watching Joker is just a poseur.
One ticket for me too
кoдoвoe имя cyпepмeн Superman
adding kevlar to my Drive jacket so I can roll in style and feel invincible
ok disneylovers
I just conceal carry to the movies. Like I do everywhere. Fucking pusscake.
>gets BTFO
>post sneed
You're literally retarded.
A soft vest won't stop even budget 5.56 ball ammo. Get a plate carrier and ceramic plates.
Or just wait for it to get on streaming services
I'm cleaning and oiling my rifle, so that everything goes smoothly on the premiere
What does /pol/ have to do with Disney? You don't have to go on /pol/ to know that Disney is known for shilling on Yea Forums and the internet year-round
curious which vest you bought, I've considered one for working a job with robbery risk, but everything seems too noticeable
im preparing by ignoring every single joker thread, because all you incel losers are going to overhype and overmeme the shit out of this movie and ruin it