This is your average Nolanfag

>This is your average Nolanfag

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I enjoyed two of those films. I feel bad for people with black or brown hair though. Must be dreadful seeing that in the mirror.

I wish I had black or brown hair. Not a fan of my blonde hair.

Hi Joel.

I feel the same for those without crystal clear a10 blue eyes

Christ man blonde hair is the greatest hair color are you dumb? You are lucky to have that genetic irregularity.
Eh, I like green eyes over blue but both are preferred over all others, besides red of course.

I can relate. People say "aryan this aryan that" but in reality I've always wanted jet black hair.

It is not about Aryan shit. It is about being unique and attractive. There are a million black heads for every few blondes. Take pride in your distinction.

Does Joel wanna watch Brokeback Mountain with a fan?

Joel, we can clearly see you're the one who took the screencap: look at the picture next to "Write a comment..." Why are you doing this? Are you hoping Yea Forums will watch your films?

Thank you user, I try.

Haver sex.

Have sex.



>I look like an incredible d-bag in some of these pics
He looks exactly the same in every pic. Either he looks like a douche in every picture or none.

Joel my man just take one picture of all of the cases cover side up
What's going on big guy?

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Are nolanfags even still a thing?

Same here. These "purists" are so annoying. Most of the time they have brown hair too.

Blonde hair is for fags

Blonde hair women with black hair men is the best combination. Change my mind.

Thats you. That cog/settings looking symbol is for you to Edit it to be visible to people.

Mini Chad

>always greener

Same here

Get a proper haircut, fool.
All hair can look great no matter the color.
Unless it's bright hair dye.

He's right though.
t. blond hair guy who dyes hair black

people want what they dont have. have sex.

Bring back Joel and Avery

I am sorry for your situation.
It means less blonde haired people, so it is not good.

I've had sex, it's fucking boring compared to traveling alone. Masturbation is better in the long run.

>doesn't include best nolan film

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Who honestly believes anyone who says this?

Anyone who's had easy access to sex for at least 5 years. You however lead me to believe you haven't had a lot of sex in life.