>anime can't be kin-
Anime can't be kin-
said no one ever
obviously it can be, now go ask /k/ if they think guns are cool.
jesus christ please stop making threads. reported.
Why did the previous thread get deleted but the Steven Universe thread is still up? How does that make sense?
Anime has won awards and nominations against live action movies and has influenced live action filmmakers.
I can respect this cartoon and most stuff by Satoshi Kon and a few other gooktoons but most are shit but I would say only Akira is kino.
>I only know a couple of entry level anime but I guess all the rest is shit
Most anime is shit prove me wrong weeb
Prove that most anime is shit and prove that I'm a weeb.
i prefer manga because less committee insects
Production committees are mostly a good idea, and manga artists also have editors.
>has influenced live action filmmakers
Whoever's been influenced by anime is a pathetic hack.
Based and Mangapilled
>Production committees are mostly a good idea
>Whoever's been influenced by anime is a pathetic hack.
Oh boy you don't want to know what Akira's influenced then
Why didn't he just apologise to his aunt?
Nothing of value in film?
The Matrix was largely based on Ghost in the Shell, and Aronofsky and Nolan were both inspired by Kon's movies.
They bring in companies from different industries, distribute the financial risk of making something, and prevent bottle necks from forming like in normal television where the networks decide everything.
sure it can
but for every kino anime today there are 10 mio moe shits
Matrix is trash. Basiclly capeshit.
>Aronofsky & Nolan
>not hacks
Damage control. You are saying this only because I just told you that anime influenced them. Anime must always be bad because the internet told you so.
Moeshit does not exist.
lol just because you consume shitty American movies and know basic bitch Hollywood film-makers.
I never said anything about consuming any movies or what filmmakers I know or do not know.
>Matrix was largely based on Ghost in the Shell
Matrix at best took one or two scenes from Ghost in the Shell.
Ghost in the Shell was more philosophical art-house movie while Matrix was you a Hollywood chosen one blockbuster action flick.
It took a lot from it, look at comparison videos on youtube. Even the Matrix rain effect was inspired by GitS.
>anime bad
Which is why he said no one ever
>anime good
Rain Effect, the main character, scenes where Keanu Reeves is freed from the Matrix, some action scene near the end was influenced by GiTs I think.
Though it's general visual aesthetic look was taken I think from another film called Dark City. Pic related.
Damn that is a good retort.
She clearly wanted them out.
>10 mio moe shits
>always ignored these anime
>decide to watch k-on because it's such a big name
>1st season was ok
>2nd season
>it clicked
>now want to watch non non biyori and umaru
anything notable the past few seasons?