This movie is kino and no amount of contrarianism and marvelfaging will change that. Also don’t @ this thread if you’re just going to shitpost. Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you do.
This movie is kino and no amount of contrarianism and marvelfaging will change that...
Its good but ,y complaint would be that every scene goes on longer than it needs to.
>3h 27m
For a movie made in the early 50’s and during Japan’s recovery i’d say it’s still impressive and holds up to this day.
Dude, it's a good movie. It's not a movie that hypes you up or makes you feel great. Why do you feel the need to say KINO KINO BING BANG WAHOOO
thats what i thought at first but its so good it goes by quick
also the story is basically a bugs life
Star Wars did it better.
>Also don’t @ this thread if you’re just going to shitpost
but that's the only way you're gonna get more than 10 replies
Any movie with Toshiro Mifune is kino as fuck
Japs are the true inheritors of Spartan laconicism
guy on the right looks like japanese tony kornheiser
Later movies like Ran are more watchable
Honestly i thought it was very middle of the road when you watch it today. I love the spectacle and the effort that was put in but it's essentially a summer flick put together by kurosawa imo. It's not a bad flick and id still say its worth the watch to anyone interested in film and stuff but i probabky not just any normie casual. If I'm going to rewatch any movie by kurosawa ikiru is gonna be high at the top and this would probably be low. Also, I personally think Throne of Blood is his best barely beating Ran.
Mate you are on the wrong site if you actually like film.
No watch some capeshit and complain about niggers.
>its worth the watch to anyone interested in film and stuff but i probabky not just any normie casual
>implying there's anything wrong with that
Can I add this was a bunch of pretentious wannabbbies who wanted to be the WINNirar
Wait what the fuck? It was 3.5 hours? I watched it and it felt exactly like a normal film.
Based schizo
are you schizo?
Definitely nothing wrong with that, it's just a stipulation worth pointing out
NO I killed two pakis noted here hence in self defence , up on strangeways . 30 yrs ..
But listen hom relese an if you want to send thos senpai at me , others BOTH /FORGIVE ME
I dying soon ..
Why are chanbara films so good and rewatchable while westerns are goofball children's movies?
Im out here .. /tv sorry
Go /pol ..
its very quoteable
that's wrong though, dumbass. you realize the irony in saying that samurai films were heavily influenced by westerns during the development of the genre, right?
saying that when* samurai films were heavily influenced by westerns during the development of the genre
Is this a bot?
well retard?
Just watched it last night.
Not sure how I feel about it - it's okay considering it was made 70 years ago, but felt too much like a kids movie. ?/10