CGI from 1993 is still the best of all time

>CGI from 1993 is still the best of all time
How did they do it?

Attached: jurassic park.jpg (1908x954, 210K)

>i-it's CGI
>n-no way we actually created live diosaurs and just filmed them hahaha i mean how crazy would that be

Attached: h-heh.png (754x687, 214K)

not even kidding. jurassic park 1 has better cgi than modern movies

grain. it makes cgi blend in with the rest of the movie

If you seriously think that cgi is anywhere near "best" of all time you are straight up fucking retarded.
Cancerous blind faggots.

>grain. it makes cgi blend in with the rest of the movie
This, but also they had a team of highly paid industry professionals who understood how things like texture and lighting worked.

The new movies are made by minimum-wage idiots.

t. seething zoomer

Just random moving screenshot from the 35mm film scan. had to downscale because file limits

Attached: j.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Through a smart mix of practical and computer effects

Attached: jurassic-park.jpg (1185x670, 310K)

How do you explain Zodiac or Mad Max Fury Road?

I'm older than you, mongoloid embryo.
You know nothing.


By not relying on CGI for really is that simple.

Most of the effects people hold up from Jurassic Park were not, and what was CGI has aged as poorly as anything else from that era

fury road used CGI to improve scnees, a lot has been actually filmed too

>less CGI on average = more time and budget given to improve the few scenes in the movie that do feature it
>all of the dinosaurs had some degree of their feet/bodies covered/blocked/out of view whenever they were featured in full-blown body shots, this pic is a good example of that, with Grant blocking the rex's foot while the gallimimus's interaction with the ground is blocked by an IRL tree stump
>also film grain like that other user said

On top of the other answers, shooting "rain" scenes is a huge part of it. CGI looks best when wet because models tend to give off fake looking plastic shimmers (also why Toy Story worked so incredibly well being that the characters were plastic)

Attached: tumblr_my7t1irniv1rllulfo1_500.gif (500x200, 976K)

it was dark and rainy, hides a lot of flaws. Also they couldn't just drag and drop shit or rely on plug ins. New movies have so many ways to cut corners and it shows.

Why do people still say this? JP had many scenes where the dinos were not in dark rain and still looked great

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

That’s not Avatar or Pirates if the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, my dude

He specifically posted an image of the scene in the rain, so we responded as if he was talking about the scene in the rain.

It's sad how the original film from 1993 looks better than the reboot/sequels from 2015 and 2018.

Post the "real" best cgi then, faggot

It was a different time.

Attached: Jurassic Park-2.webm (640x347, 2.69M)

I swear POTC 2 and 3 are worth watching for the Davy Jones scenes alone

That doesnt change the fact that rain scenes make CGI look better.
That is why I said "on top of the other answers".
Being able to work at 76% and still make it look awesome in the rain allows you to be at 125% for the non-rain scenes.
Vs films that have to equally share costs and time spent between all scenes.

And movement. Modern monsters move too fast. Editing also plays a role

Attached: Jurassic Park.webm (853x462, 1.03M)

It's simple. Back in 1993, CGI was still pretty shit. Movies that relied on it entirely were visibly awful. To make it work, you had to understand a great many things about shot composition, lighting, how actors react to effects, etc. - experience better filmmakers gained in the days before CGI. To these professionals, computer graphics were just one tool - a limited tool - to sell effects, to be used judiciously and sparingly and only as necessary in order to sell the illusion.

As computers have become more commonplace fewer people acquire these skills, and a vanishing minority understand practical effects and how to make them seem real, skills which are cross-applicable to making computer effects seem real. Instead they just farm out even more of the shot to make a video game cutscene, under the logic that "everything looks fake now, anyway" (Black Panther) or "if everything in the shot is fake, it'll all look real" (Attack of the Clones).

Got a link to that 35mm print?

>Mad Max Fury Road

Has no CGI besides the storm, that end crash, and some tricks to make things look faster. Color saturation is not CGI and shouldn't be brought up. It was a movie where they filmed actual objects.

I just rewatched JP after seeing it in theaters when I was 6. Wtf is up with the ending, I could have sworn the T rex breaks the ceiling glass as they flew away in the helicopter

To be fair, though, they look worse. The Rex roaring is actually probably the worst-looking scene in the films in terms of believability in modern times.

Still looks pretty good. The banner that falls down is CGI too.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, it's a well-realized effect.

no sorry

This. A small team of passionate and knowledgable individuals vs a swarm of pajeets who get paid per shot

It was shot at night, in the rain, and half the time it was a physical prop.

Only in 2, in 3 they turned him into a lackey.

Straight up wrong. There's more than that and the footage is there you stupid child molester.

Do you notice how aside from the t-rex, everything else in that scene is a real thing?
The rain water.
The lighting.
The jeeps.
The plants.
The asphalt.

It's all real.
When everything in the shot is real except for the one thing that is CG, then the CG object/character has to conform to everything else.
Most movies have CG environments and locations now so there is no longer this effort to make things look like they 'belong' together in the same dimension.

seething cgi tranny

The old masters have gotten tired and lazy, and new filmmakers are coming into the action film genre lazy.

>best of all time
>better than Davy Jones

Attached: 1489208974402.gif (320x352, 3.43M)

CGI is so good these days you don't even notice it 99% of the time.


Alot of people don't realize how many backdrops and objects are actually CGI in modern movies.

By combining it with practical effects? Much of the time the dinosaurs were real.

We live in a green-screen world.

Attached: justice league bts-2.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)