What did the architect mean by this?
What did the architect mean by this?
>do it
he probably means that she needs to realise that adults are using her as a figure head to further their own goals and in doing so they're painting a target on her back for the ire and abuse of people who disagree.
Or perhaps he's just concerned that an eco-friendly diet with little red meat or fried food will be detrimental to her figure.
>"I told you not to stay on your maintenance calories for long"
>"...now it's too late"
>an eco-friendly diet with little red meat or fried food will be detrimental to her figure.
the architecht strikes again
we can keep letting him get awway with it boys
Greta is a kid diagnosed with autism.
She's practically a victim of child abuse by a weirdo political cult.
She should sue her parents.
America is a dangerous place
But its her parents that keeps promoting her
The abuse started long before the activism did
yeah parents never abuse their kids
she's no FAS, she's just a Swede. That's how they look.
>we need to do immediately make changes to combat climate change
>oh no I don't mean India, China or Africa that would be racist I just mean western countries
Posted from my iPhoneX
be careful of low calorie foods
He spotted her in a video drinking diet coke.
Lol, keep seething Fingol
Per capita is all that matters firstoid.
Also her mother is a media personality who simply happened to have a book about the climate crisis released about the same time as Greta entered the spotlight with her activism
White nationalist terrorism is pretty big here at the moment. That's what he's talking about.
Fuck yeah bro carbon neutrality is where it's at. I got a bunch of potted plants around my artist's loft.
who's greta thunberg?
She better not trouble the beef market
a victim of her mother drinking while she was pregnant
> be very careful, now
who's greta thunberg?
A cute little autistic Swede that wants to save the world. She’s become the figurehead of a movement and a media darling.
It doesnt matter how energy efficient you are, a large enough population is still going to destroy the planet. Population control is by far the most effective means of saving the environment
Jew puppet.
For a long time now I've wanted to say thet I am glad that The Architect's name is Pierce, not Piers.
>Stop eating up all that adulation... you might get fa... wait, no, carry on.
good thing whitoids aren't having kids anymore