What a strange movie, pretending that the positive qualities of Dick Chaney, a man who certainly will be spending his eternal afterlife completely submerged in the Phlegethon, somehow counterweights the tremendous transgressions he has made towards humanity.
What a strange movie, pretending that the positive qualities of Dick Chaney...
cant wait for the Mccain propaganda movie in a couple years
But it didnt do that.
In fact it pretty explicitly showed that DESPITE still being a human being capable of love and empathy he still got a fuck-ton of people killed under the excuse of "national security" and even before that he was manipulative.
>a man who certainly will be spending his eternal afterlife completely submerged in the Phlegethon
you must have missed the part where the movie blamed Iraq and ISIS on Cheney
strange, considering they made a point of it
he used the US army as his own personal mercenaries to secure oil fields in Iraq for big oil
I liked The Big Short better
that's why i said its a strange movie
McCain's prison redemption arc is undeniably pretty kino to be fair
>go to war to secure oil field for american companies
>young americans with no qualifications get a job in the military
>Lot of jobs created in the oil and military–industrial complex
>The high paid engineers who work for these companies spent their money in american shops
It's keynesian economics at it's finest and it's a good thing
thats not keynesian economics
he created ISIS
Random aside: what the fuck happened to ISIS? It's like they just disappeared.
Has their been any blair kino yet?
I love how much he triggers normies.
muh war criminal
It didn’t do that at all. The only thing that humanized him was his unwillingness to let his daughter be a talking point and even he relents on that in the penultimate scene.
they still exists as independent cells but the "nation" was defeated by regional powers assisted by coalition forces
The Deal
i saw this last night. was really weird. i would have liked it a lot more if it was consistent and didn't jump all over the place for some reason. the satire should have been more involved like the big short
also the end credits was cringe as fuck
This movie convinced me that Cheney lacks empathy not because he’s a sociopath but because he’s on the spectrum.
It also convinced me that we probably shouldn’t put people on the spectrum in positions of authority.
I hate the direction style, gives me a fucking headache
Pierce Brosnan was said to be inspired by tony when making this movie. Or the movie is based on that person.
"White Man: The Movie."
The movie was best picture. Didn't get it because Hollywood is "woke" and afraid of the "White Man's" true power.
It's impossible to make an alpha male neocon White Man look bad. He just comes off big balled and badass.
Yes I agree. It was too lighted hearted for the topic. Turned it off at the rumsfeld part
that's also true, and as I get older I realise how they get into power.
No. Obama did. Because he's a cultural Muslim Neo-Baathist.
the point of the movie was to foist blame for the Iraq war on one man, and a goy at that.
To serve that purpose they're willing to flatter him a little.
That movie was 90 percent made up facts. Felt like Adam McKay was angry at Cheney
>demand side economist who argued for government intervention as a means of offsetting depressed aggregate demand during the great depression
nigger what are you talking about
i didn't watch this because it looked boring as shit but do they really try to make cheney not look like the rotten, conniving piece of shit he is?
the same that happened with venezuela: it stopped being a trump against trump so they dropped it
>but do they really try to make cheney not look like the rotten, conniving piece of shit he is?
thats dumb and wrong
nigger you don't know what you're talking about