Was it merely a white male power fantasy?

Was it merely a white male power fantasy?

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Isn't everything from Hollywood?

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I love it when chinks take western names so like "mallory" to pretend they're not insects
I once met a chinese who said his name was "Duncan Chang" and I burst out laughing

How does he do it?

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Braddu? but you promise you won't hurt my arm, right Braddu?

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this was a little cringe

we get it, bread poot's character was a little op but what in the actual fuck is with cinema and bashing skulls in? gross and cringepilled desu

just took it way too far like what the actual fuck?

hes badass. he would prob win against bruce because he'll shoot him

lost a lot of respect for bruce after seeing this movie

If these asians don't like whites then why do they have white people names?

there is nothing wrong with murdering hippies

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Hahaha! How dare he try to assimilate to appease racust white Americans!

No, but Bruce Lee - who had no fight record, weighed little and had no strength - is an insect's poser fantasy.

kill yourself dumbass

This is how QT wanted to make fun of the manson hippies, but yeah it was suprisingly brutal
Can't wait for the HD rip

>in a fucking pool

how many IQs does it take to put your head in the water?

master at what? bullshitting?

His philosophy is just the basis of western martial arts. No biggie.

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Where your skin can boil off like a pigs.


Of course Brad couldn't take on Bruce Lee.

Cliff Booth, however, clearly could.

Except it's not. Sure, he said one sentence that can be connected to MMA but it would have developed just fine without him. It's a lot more attributable to piece of shit Brazilians just wanting to be the best at something related to violence like everything else they do.

this whole movie is a collection of fantasies that everyone grew out of at age 17.

Do you know how much energy it takes to boil that much water?


Bruce Lee was never in a documented fight, ever. His "legendary" skill is about as credible as that secret Navy Seal who killed Osama and Hitler's clone down at the bar.

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Duncan is a cool name

>""""""""western martial arts"""""""
So just asian martial arts right.
There are no western martial arts. Even if there is no one gives a remote shit about them. Whitey can't into hand to hand combat.

No recorded fights, manlet, cowardly bugman, plays pretend in Hollywood. Most of Yea Forums could beat him up. Hell, even Yea Forums and /tg/ would win.

Fuck Chinese people

Do you know how sensitive to thermal changes wet skin is?

the idea that asians post here really bothers me

>There are no western martial arts
You can always tell when you're talking to a virgin who's world was built by manga and hentai.

duncan is a stupid name that rich WASPs give their kids and dogs

What if Bruce Lee was a negroid? Would Tarantula have been allowed to make him lose?

You're on a site that is majority dedicated to an asian culture.

>just took it way too far like what the actual fuck?
You're not used to Tarantino's work, right?

Brad didn't beat him. A fictional character fought him to a draw. Chuck Norris probably could have beaten Bruce in a real fight outside of a movie. Weirdos. Jackie chan is better anyway.

i dont watch anime, gayboy

herro fren :)

People in my cinema erutped with laugher here

Sociopath scum

This is literally a malaysian pottery forum

what are YOU doing here

I thought it was cool.

MMA is western martial arts. Which takes what works in the ring and discards the rest. Sounds like Jeet Kun Do.


I don’t know why all the bugmen are mad. The fight ended in a tie and later on Bruce is shown to be a really nice guy.

Are any of them besides Tex Watson even around to still see it?

tarantino is a nasty little nerd that fetishises blood and violence, you knew this already

the redhead is supposed to be susan atkins I guess she and manson are dead but the rest are alive

It wasn't Brad. It was his character in the movie, Cliff

>taking shit other people came up with
>muay thai & jujitsu are Western now

It only ended in a tie because Cliff was going easy on him lol. He literally let him win the 1st round

Do you study? Anything at all?

Can you fucking imagine being Asian? Lmao must be so embarrassing.

say you only need about a 5'x5'x5' area to boil (probably much smaller but just to account for rapid heat dissipation). This is 937 gallons of water which is about 3550 kg of water. If the water is at 25 C, you get around 270,000 Calories required to boil it. A gallon of gasoline has about 30,000 Calories of energy content.

manga and sword fighting

Imagine believing this nonsense

more like boxing, wrestling, and BJJ. Muay thai is a meme. But yes, according to copyright law, taking other people's material and doing something trans formative with it is considered new material.

>I make new martial art call "Sheet Koon Dough!"
>Is just wing chun and kung fu
>but you do it SUPER FAST with POWER
>how you get SPEEDPOWER?
>train every waking second for 25 years until die of hemorrhage

Okay, "Bruce". Ching chong enjoy the noodles.

Just saying most white people here do.

If Kung Fu is so good why isn't it used in MMA?

Neet coon do sounds like vale tudo then. And wait a second, vale tudo sounds like pankration.

It’s honestly cute how they think names like Anna and Maria are exotic

>Star Wars: asian roots
>Lion King: asian roots
>Most video games: asian roots
>Matrix: asian roots
Every big mainstream cultural artform or trend that wasn't inspired by Asian works in America came from the Africans.

i dont know about most but they have my contempt as well


we do, it dominates

Whites already have power. We don't need to fantasize about it.

>bruce Lee created MMA even if he didn’t

>naked Greek homos bumming each other
>"""martial art""

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If hamlet was Asian he, his dad, and his uncle would have just tentacle raped his mother together.
What a horrendously uninformed post.



The UFC had already beaten the "Asian mascurinity" myth to a pulp, Braddu Pitt was just the killing blow to decades old bullshit

I can't even watch IP man anymore knowing all those kung fu gooks could get their ass beat by any white male, all those bullshit choreography moves and sounds

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>master like bruce lee
He's a bum. Watch him hit a bag; he never even learned how to throw a punch properly during his lifetime.

>being a fan of star wars or most video games
only saw the first matrix and the only asian influence i remember is in the outdated cringe fighting. anyway couldnt i make that sane argument about europeans? why try to compete with europeans in the "cultural" influence sphere, youre not gonna win there either

theres something wrong with asian people. they know it as well as anyone else

yea and kung fu also has punches and boxing is all punches. The Chinese literally created mike tyson.

Gomenasai, my name is Bruce-sama.
I’m a 27 year old Chinese bugman (manlet for you gweilo). I draw Chuck and Suck on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Fortnite, Call of Duty series)
I train with my AR15 every day, this superior weapon can shoot clean through steel because it fires over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak American fluently, both California and the Texas dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their chivalry code, which I follow 100%
When I get my American visa, I am moving to Los Angeles to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Disney or a game designer!
I own several plaid shirts which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I fistbump my elders and seniors and speak American as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in America!

burger education

>It's another race bait thread that mods won't delete

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the ufc that uses asian move sets?

Why do they always say Brad Pitt can't take on Bruce Lee?
It's not Brad Pitt. Either name the two actors or the two characters, but pick one.

MMA is literally all boxing and grappling, show me a victor that has won using "muh kung fu praying mantris styre"

asians are the biggest westaboos
they fetishize nike sneakers, levis jeans, coca cola and mcdonalds.

what the fuck is this movie about? why is braddu bashing the woman's face in?

Have you even seen it? Jack is basically the sidekick in the movie while the Chinese guy accomplishes almost everything.

alternate history, those are the manson hippies ending up in brad pitt's house instead of tate's

That's Atkins as she is sneaking into the Tate home. Brad stops her.

Because they are so blinded by being on sheep-mode that they can't even realize something so basic and superficial. These people live and breath drama and are at the edge of their seats each day waiting for a chance to pounce onto something or someone just for that tiny and ephemeral rush of feeling like you belong.

i.e. They're NPCs, and NPCs can't reason, they can only repeat lines.

From all the shit posts and controversy I was expecting Cliff to totally fuck up Lee. I was disappointed

>muh boxing
>muh grappling
>muh """""western martial arts""""

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>never mention America
>"hurr durr you must think Hamlet's American"
Asian education
>hamlet is Asian
also Asian education

>Goes online to check MMA champions
>literally find half a page worth of asians
>clicks on the names muay thai, judo, brazilian jiu jiutsu
Lets not count brazlian jiu jiutsu but come the fuck on.

Based and Star80pilled

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He's saying Simba was a ripoff of kimba

fuck off soiboi

Imagine not being able to refute something you call non-sense.

Dude looks like a very basic Asian man. Looks nothing like Chad Lee. Only based actor to ever play Bruce was pic related.

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Goddamn what a reach

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Almost like that's the point of posting it. Jack Burton gets revered as a hero despite doing fuck all but have his bros back like a sidekick because of the western lense and white power fantasy.

>black house mma
"the gym offers classes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing and American Wrestling"
>king's mma: muay thai and BJJ
but sure let's disregard what he actually did throughout his professional career and focus on his mom taking him to karate when he was 12.
Also he has been utterly dominated by great American cock like john jones.

Did you miss the notable fighters down below?
And how those fighters use Muay Thai, jiu-jitsu, boxing and wrestling?

Nah. Carpenter intentionally made jack the bumbling sidekick. Sorry that you misinterpreted what was going on

Jesus fucking christ you dumb sumnabitch.

You're the one who sees white supremacy in his cereal

Did you notice the guy you were replying to said "muh kung fu praying mantris styre"?
Who the fuck is arguing that boxing, wrestling, and JJ are effective? The point is that the traditional movie-friendly martial arts are nothing but a sham.

I hope you have your gravestone picked out for when you die from retardation.

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what a waste of a get

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Nice numbers

What's a movie friendly martial art?

Yeah man. The movie where the white guy is intentionally made to be less competant than the Chinese guy is a white power fantasy. Congrats

>that indiana jones scene but with bruce and kurt

Bruce Lee would have gotten btfo by an average white male wrestler. Real fighting is more like wrestling or MMA. Asian martial arts are bad at preparing your for real fights. The best is Krav Maga or Systema which is basally just preparing your for real fights. Asian guys don't see that because Bruce Lee is their symbol of masculinity which I get. No hate but they're just delusional. Bruce Lee wasn't a big guy either. He was a great stuntman, which is different from a fighter. Height and raw strength is the most important for fighting.

t. Wrestling for 10 years and Systema for 7.

You have to go all in to kill the shadow people, the guy was supposed to be tripping balls you moron

Let’s be honest a boxer would kick Bruce Lee’s ass

>The best is Krav Maga or Systema
it's funny that you can see how stupid the asians are, but commit the same mistake

Err, no sweetie

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You don't know what you're talking about. Krav Maga and Systema prepares you for real life fight scenarios. It's as close as you can get to real fighting.

this guy fucks

What isn't, their reality is depressing so they make up 'badass' characters

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brad probably couldn't, but brad's character definitely could.
why are women so dumb?

What Chinamen is on the cover and movie poster?

And you're another faggot who knows nothing.

Green beret vs martial arts actor
Its a misconception that Lee was anything he was portrayed as in movies

Watch Tarantino other movies

Wow you must be fun to be around

His name should've been Duncan Dogmeat In Onions Sauce

Btw Krav MAGA and Systema are both technically Asian martial arts. Israel and Russia are Asian countries.

Who do you think posts all the nazi and blacked stuff?

>prepares you for real life fight scenarios
Only philosophically. In practice, it's just a psuedo-mystical martial art where retards get to pretend like they're becoming killing machines. Specifically systema. I mean come on dude, I would kind of get if you were caught by the krav maga sales pitch, but systema is literally the same retard-tier "if they do this..." bullshit that plagues asian martial arts. Sorry you wasted 7 years of your life my guy.

you know it real life the hippies stab tate like 40 times right?

>t. duncan
dundun. duncaroo

right so essentially, we're all in agreement that Charlie Manson did nothing wrong, right Yea Forums?

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Why don't you ask carpenter who the hero of the movie is? Better yet, Google it. He's already said that it's wang. Sorry that you didn't understand the movie.

>Whitey can't into hand to hand combat
coping bugman

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You don't know what you're talking about. In Systema you simulate real scenarios. You learn how to disarm someone with a knife or gun. You learn (fairly simple) ways of doing this and then you repeat and repeat under many different scenarios of stress in many different environments.


yes, actually. scapegoat + possible glow in the dark

I cannot believe people are this fucking stupid.
Context, retard. The audience know them as brutal murderers.

They were going after rich whites so it'all good. Punching up.

ummmmm no sweatie Manson was a white supremacist nazi


Does anyone have a webm of this scene?

>In Systema you simulate real scenarios
Again, only philosophically. In reality you have a bunch of people stuck in a room each letting each other pull these moves on themselves so you can keep deluding each other. It's literally western aikido with just as much bullshit. But feel free to show me a video where it doesn't look like a bunch of people just being silly.

How is he making such effective blows to the solar plexus?

It's napalm. You'll still burn underwater retard.

Wrestling and Boxing existed for centuries before Bruce Lee was born.

Only if it gets on you while you're above. Otherwise it floats.

QT set designed this scene this way to cause exactly this sort of audience reaction. Water beats fire yet she didn't use it. Why? To get people to discuss the scene endlessly.

How can 30 seconds fuck your face up that much?

Is this the American take on of thermodynamics?

How can a hundredth of a second turn you into a smear across the pavement?

Absolute chads

Fuck. There's been some good UFC matches, but the Japanese really knew how to throw a good cock-fight. I wonder how many guys ended up with brain damage cause the ref yellow carded them for fighting too cautiously.

Okay, I don't know enough about Systema to know if it's Bullshido or not, but when these guys are acting mock-surprised about the instructor "redirecting" punches, they don't seem to understand the guy is stepping off-line. Maybe it's all contrived, I dunno, but the theoretical mechanics should be obvious.

Do UFC fighters not practice footwork?

oh yes I forgot how Bruce Lee basically taught Gracie everything he knew

lol, my cousin got pissy at me once for pointing this out. He told me he wanted to do kung-fu and I told him it was a waste of fuckin time. Then he goes on about how bruce lee was awesome but never competed because 'it wasn't important to him' and he had to flee china cause he beat up too many mobsters or some shit. I'd bet good money the average collegiate wrestler would wrestlefuck him to death. Chael Sonnen called this fucker out and it was great

Naw. Bruce was fast, precise, and knew how to hit hard. He also sparred a lot.

Chuck Norris, who did compete at a reasonably high level, and trained extensively with Lee, said he couldn't come close to besting him.

>but the theoretical mechanics should be obvious.
That's the problem with most martial arts. They're working from a theoretical framework that doesn't necessarily work but you'll never know it because you don't do it for real and it makes sense in your head. Sure, you can dream up a scenario where you "step off line" and the guy just keeps shooting uncontrollably forward while you counter, but in really he just stumbles at worst and if he's a trained fighter he still has a perfectly good base under him and just throws more punches at your face. You know what makes the traditional bases of mma great? Cause there's nothing really fancy about boxing,thai boxing, wrestling, or even jujitsu. They're great because you actually do them. You try to box someone and punch them in the face full force and they try to dodge and punch you back full force. The shit that doesn't work gets weeded out. A rear-naked choke could have easily been bullshit even though the "theoretical mechanics" makes sense. In fact, action movies are filled with chokes that don't do shit. But two guys competing tried to choke each other and one of them went to sleep so it became a staple of JJ.

>Chael Sonnen called this fucker out and it was great
Easy to call out a man who died four years before your birth.

In the movie Jack is a little Dull but he is far from useless. In the end he had his Hero moment.

Wasn't Bruce Lee's fighting style inspired mostly by western shit like boxing? I don't know why chinkaboos hype him like he's some mystical shaolin master.

You bet your fucking ugly arse.

Bruce Lee was part European on his mother's side anyway so I don't see why there attaching themselves emotionally to him.

Because Bruce was 1/4 white from his German grandfather. He looks almost hapa, but not quite elliot rogers-brandon lee level hapa and not too chinky. That's why Asians worship him.

For example, nobody gave a shit about jacky chan until he got eye surgery.

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Brad bashing the girls head everywhere gave me a good laugh

fuck gooks

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Well 1) it isn't Brad, it's a character called Cliff; 2) it's just a fucking movie; 3) Bruce Lee wasn't some god, he could be defeated; and 4) Bruce Lee wasn't a professional fighter, he was an actor.

>implying bruce lee isn't an asian male power fantasy

>3) Bruce Lee wasn't some god, he could be defeated; and 4) Bruce Lee wasn't a professional fighter, he was an actor
Have sex.

Based Freddy

Pankration and boxing were spread East by Greeks. That's where it all stems from.

His biggest influence and most of his technique literally comes from Wing Chun kung fu.

His style had vital distinctions from western boxing. Joe Lewis talks about them in detail in this video.


you ever been exmilitary tripping balls and find invaders in your house?

At least they try to assimilate their names unlike spics, muslims, and niggers.

Race is what matters, what has always mattered, and will only ever matter.

I personally think that God is the only thing that matters.


Bruce Lee never had a single professional fight. He was just a choreographer.

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Blocks your path

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Dial 8.

White males don’t need to create power fantasies, they’ve been dominating the world for quite some time now. Meanwhile, bugmen can’t handle a fictional movie showing a fictionalized version of one of the very few modern Asians with masculinity getting BTFO. Based Quentin.

not an argument

God divided man into races for a reason. He doesn't want towers of Babel.

He was an instructor for many world martial arts champions including the great Joe Lewis, who credits Lee with making him a top fighter.

When it comes to martial arts that's the literal definition of master.